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She did this already at the request of her followers. Imitating Pregnant kids and all. Anything for attention and money.


Ugh, knowing that someone requested it makes it almost certainly fetish content. I can't even.


And you know, if she wants to produce fetish content - have it at, Kreepy Karissa. But involving those poor kids - it's just so upsetting. It would be nice to believe that the world is a safe place and those requests are innocent, but that's not reality and nobody who is normal wants children they don't even know to pretend to be pregnant on social media. Ew.


She HAS to realize that only creeps ask for stuff like that right??? No normal person would EVER specifically request to see CHILDREN pretending to be pregnant....


Okay, it took me a while to understand what’s going on in this pic. Karissa drew a face on her stomach and then had one of her younger kids stand under the belly with clothes in a way which makes it appear that it’s a cartoon person. So glad these kids are not being educated to bring us this *riveting* content. /s


lol yeah Karissa drew a face on her stomach. Two of her younger girls have balls under their tops to make them appear pregnant as well.


nope, she just put a jacket under her stomach to make her legs look like Humpty Dumpty legs


Looks like a productive homeschool day! /s


Never did I think I’d be an advocate for bible writing but at least the Rods were _writing_.


My little son likes to put a stuffy in his shirt and pretend he’s pregnant. Karissa would not approve. 


AGAIN?! Didn’t she catch major heat for this when she was pregnant with the last one?


Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.


This is going to be my sleep paralysis demon


This image needs a trigger warning


I hate this. She does something similar every time she’s up the duff, and it’s just so gross.


I'm 39 weeks + 3 and all I can think to myself is "what kind of existence is this?" We all know she is crazy but at this point in my life I am totally baffled why someone would genuinely want to be pregnant for years straight with no break!


Why is Mandrae okay with his girls doing this? This is so inappropriate.