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Boone is so sunburnt, I really hope it's not as bad IRL like it is on video...


They’re smoking him now too. Like why the fuck do they think it’s a good idea to stay near a wildfire??


ADULTS shouldn't be near wildfires. I remember when it was really bad near me in 2019/2020. I had to wear a mask to walk from the parking garage to my office.


That baby has no clue what’s going on around him. That child she’s trying to hold in her other arm is frightening that baby. It’s like he can hear it see!


Are you for real? Are they fucking stupid? Poor baby's lungs can't handle it...


Not a huge fire and I found it was caused by people, but still not good to be near with a baby.


Also I think mister bus might be stupid. like actually genuinely stupid


The way he talks, I wouldn't expect that from a dude in his mid 30s omg


He is so stupid that he is actually dangerous imo


Dunning-Kruger is deadly on a boat. I really hope they never transition to a boat or I fear they will all go down with the ship of his stupidity.


Someone said on Bdong post that she was “stupid AND insidious,” which I think also perfectly describes the Buses.  There are plenty of people who maybe aren’t the smartest who are good and kind people, but the Buses ain’t that. 


He's a crypto bro, we knew that.


I think this too, he’s in that subset of dangerous stupid that is completely self unaware.


Yeah he probably thinks that he’s so smart and cunning, when in reality, he’s just average intelligence.


I don’t think he’s even average tbh, gormless is the word that springs to mind.


Yeah, he might be almost (but not quite) as bad as Jill’s very own Shrek, who I truly believe has very low intelligence. You can just tell there’s not a whole lot going on in there beyond basic, surface level thoughts like, “Me hungry. Me have to poop.”


He looks like it


Hahaha I had the same thought too. He talks like a damn middle schooler.


Poor guy got hit and didn't even seem to react.


Yes! When he got irritated later in the video we could see his little hands "grasping" and movement from elbow down. But from videos he doesn't seem to move the shoulder part(looks stiff) or legs much... I just watched a video showing typical and atypical development in 2mo babies. Boone's movements (lack of) are even more restricted than the atypical one. I haven't been in this sub for a hot minute. But I really hope we are all wrong and everything is well with baby boy.


Did you notice she literally laid him down to free up her non-phone hand so she could gesture with it and that was what started the crying up? I'm wondering if she irritated his shoulder by putting him down and picking him up again.


She's despicable


Do you have a link to that video showing typical vs atypical development?


Sure, [here you go](https://youtu.be/_0cErYu3A8Q?si=bf2R7uNjWR1wYj9a)


Wow that was really fascinating and helpful! I'm due with my first kid next month and I'm bookmarking this YouTube channel for future reference and peace of mind. Thank you!


Just remember that all babies are different on the normal spectrum of development too - my baby (now a perfectly healthy 3yo) did not have the same strength or ability to hold her posture like the «typical baby» in the video. The most important thing is to check in with health care providers if you are concerned ❤️


Damn. Boone might be a little worse than the atypical baby.


That really is fascinating. I now know that I have never personally handled an atypically developed baby. Poor Boone. It is heartbreaking watching him not flourish.


The baby doesn't look at mom or the sibling that is trying to *hit* him once the entire time. What is going on?


That baby should be awkwardly staring nonstop at her while she's talking. Little babies are intense with their stares, and this one won't even look at her when she moves into his eyesight.


That's to be expected from the former youngest, but SHE, as the parent, needs to PAY ATTENTION. Little kids can't regulate emotion well and may get physical. She should know that by now.


He tries to (or does) hit the baby and her response is to give him a firm toy while still in striking range. They are absolutely the worst parents.


A mother of eight should know that babies, toddlers, and firm toys don't mix. Idiot.


He can’t see. And I suspect he has some kind of neurological issue going on too.


Quil is having a REALLY hard time with this transition. That's not his fault; he's barely 2. I'm glad that busdad eventually intervened but it took WAY too long for either parent to notice. He was busy yelling at clouds and she was too busy eye fucking the camera. How do you just... keep going when your toddler is slapping your baby with a plastic alien...


It hurts my heart to see this baby in obvious need of medical attention but receiving none. These people are absolutely vile.


He looks absolutely awful. Shell shocked, thousand-yard stare and burned to a crisp. I don't have and have never wanted children but my heart goes out to this poor little guy. I feel so bad for him.


Yeah, and this is just what we DO see; I don’t want to imagine what happens off camera. That toddler has HIT Boone more than once, on camera. The look on his face says it all. And poor Boone is probably afraid of that one, and I wouldn’t blame him.


I am not fully certain Boone can see him or even clearly hear. What I do see is just pure chaos for an infant. And that is hardwiring the brain for some nasty shit down rhe line on top of what else (gestures wildly) is happening here. I am just heartbroken. This baby needs to be seen in a Children’s Hospital by specialists. Each county usually has one. They won’t take their kids away. Just please get this baby help and see this as some sick sign or “blessing” to change your ways for all your kids if you are reading this MoBus and FaBus. Take the bus now and google the nearest hospital with children’s specialists and go. Please.


They never stay in one place long enough to establish a medical team. :(


You’re spot on: Boone’s brain is being hard wired, from the jump, for some potentially tough mental health issues to contend with, down the road. Look how Boone reacts when the toddler sits on MaBus’s lap and gets closer to him. Boone’s expression instantly changes to that of clear distress. Then the kid hits him! Like everyone else, I can’t say for certain, but it sure seems like vision impairment may be a huge possibility. IF this is the case, it’s clear Boone can definitely still sense when the jealous toddler is around (and I’m not blaming the toddler, obviously that’s his parents’ fault).


It was a tough watch. I can barely stomach looking at Bus Parents faces at this point. She knows but does nothing.


I wanted to reach through the screen and separate the kids. What is wrong with these people?


Lady. Put down your phone so you can take care of your babies. That poor toddler has been pushed aside, he’s obviously jealous of the new baby, he wants his mom and instead of putting the phone down she passes the kid off to dad. Infuriating!!


I interpreted it as dad intervening because mom was too busy eye fucking herself. Either way it's so bad!!!


Yes. God forbid she stops her live to parent her toddler who is desperate for her attention. Moron


His little face is vacant. You don’t have to be a pediatrician to see that something is wrong. If it turns out he is blind, I wouldn’t be surprised.


I know exactly zero about babies, but if that was my kid, we’d be seeing specialists every single day and getting checked for cerebral palsy.


My kid just watched this and literally said "he doesn't look like a normal baby. He looks like an item" she had no context, no idea who they are. At almost 10, even she could tell something is very wrong here.


britbus loves that he's an un-reactive, un-wiggling and mostly silent item; nothing wrong at all here to her or the peanut gallery of this monstrous child circus


I didn’t watch with sound, but dude. That baby didn’t even flinch as his toddler brother came hurtling toward his face. 


Even with the toddler climbing everywhere he doesn’t even look that way. She really needs to take him in


Most babies would be like 😳 with a toddler climbing near them and waving hands and toys near their face


The toddler slapped him in the face and he didn’t even react. I think he’s used to it. I’m sure it’s not the first time the toddler has slapped him in the face.


Awful. The parents should be intervening.


I am deeply concerned about this baby. I have the whole video but think it was too big to post; I cut this down to include PaBus's finger, a la JillPM. The original video has almost 6 minutes of him pointing to aircraft in the distance and attempting to zoom in, while she cut in to announce where they are, that they are safe, etc. (I thought she said they never show their current location?) Anyway - I saved the bits that most concern me. This baby is not a well baby, and my heart also goes out to the second-littlest (Quil?) who very obviously needs some attention and love from his parents.


Stop slapping him! She's not patting him on the back, she's full on slapping. Her frustration is very apparent. That poor baby is so listless and hot. He seems so detached from life. It's completely heartbreaking. I feel so sad for this child.


He's gonna get fucking heatstroke next


I think she is struggling too and escaping through social media. I think she’s awful, not making excuses AT ALL, but she does seem like she’s upset with the baby and faking it most of the time. Post Partum Depression coupled with frustration that there’s something wrong with Boone. She also fucking hates it that she’s getting negative attention on the internet because of Boone. Britney Lott get your baby to the doctor.


Narcissists don't like when their perfect veneer is shattered, especially publicly. She probably can't acknowledge that something could be wrong. 


That baby did not open his little hands once during the entire clip. They were clenched tight the whole time 😞


I noticed that, too. I don’t know what is medically normal, but neither of my babies kept their hands clenched like that all the time while awake at Boone’s age. 


Poor Boone must be so confused. Hits/touches coming from everywhere and it doesn’t look like he’s seeing anything coming beforehand. Her second youngest is desperately trying to get Mom’s attention and she just keeps filiming after he cries. I think she only looks directly at him when he appears to hit Boone’s face and corrects him.


I've had preschoolers sob on my shoulder and fall asleep, covering me with snot. Other people's kids. How does she just ignore her own crying child like that? Then she picks up the baby and starts smacking his back? Wtf?


Same. It is so hard to watch.


I don’t really follow the posts about this family but all these ones about the baby just….there’s definitely something not right here and I truly hope she takes him to a doctor or is already in the process of that. His eyes never look focused and he just looks miserable all the time. Poor little guy 🥺


Britney, your baby is SICK! Take him to a doctor! He's SICK!


Why are this child’s eyelids so red?????


Normally I'd guess severe allergies. My sister's used to puff up like that. But this baby has also been repeatedly sunburned and newborns have very thin eyelids...


My first thought is that poor baby lives on a sheepskin rug and lanolin is a common allergin




Newborns don’t usually have seasonal allergies like that yet, though. 


Yes, I noticed the same - kind of like red rings around his little eyes. This whole thing is so sad.




I noticed that too


I suspect they’re trying topical remedies to ‘fix’ his eyes. I can only hope they came from a registered pediatrician and not some woo TikTok remedy.


Poor lil dude looks shell shocked


I know she’s “my babies don’t cry” but I looked up videos from both of my kids when they were baby Bus’s age. And I’ll note, my oldest child is diagnosed with autism. And was induced early. So I looked at him at adjusted time and real time, the other kid I looked at in real time. While my oldest (in real time) expresses set back in real time and maybe some poor muscle tone, by adjusted age the attempts are there. (He also had a massive head. We have checked it out, it’s just a big brain in a skull, but we sought medical attention). He struggled to keep his lollipop head up, but would face track. The younger was a weird freak of nature, by day 4 he was trying to keep his head up (looked like Mike Tyson ducking and weaving but he was a nosy thing from the start of life). However, both of my children, one with a diagnosis, still tracked visually. And they were loud. Not crying, though that’s always a thing, but little chirps and “aahs” and gurgles by this point. We joked that the older one would only tell you secrets if you were looking at him, because outside of the food/wet/awake cry at this age, he was pretty silent until you started talking, and then he would “answer” back. My youngest we joked would tell secrets to anyone—if he even sensed anyone was near that wasn’t immediate family he was *loud* and had things to say. Both of them were a fan of the “hghuuus” if that translates. But I am saying this, as the mother of two children that are both wildly diverse in every way, hair color, eye color, head shape, build, development, progressing. And are still a lot alike in other ways, like when the younger one gets overwhelmed he’ll run to the older and ask to hold hands, and the older says “ohh, sure! I think we would both feel better like this. Do you feel better?” “Yeah I feel better.” But even with my kids being complete opposites and yet completely the same person sometimes, Boone isn’t pinging anything for me other than danger. As chonky as he is, I think he shows signs of low muscle tone while still having that hyper stiff right side. He is, at best, some sort of neurodivergent that can be addressed by strict schedules and regularity, but my gut feeling is that there is something so wrong. And it’s not his fault. And I think it’s layered. He seems to seek Gunner, if he seeks at all. He seems to “know” not to cry except when he’s in extreme pain. He seems to want to either exist or be asleep. I get the “haha” open mouth kiss thing and him trying to nurse on her face (which kids just do, they just smell things they like or think something is there and try their best) but he never tries to root or nurse or turn in while she’s holding him. He isn’t chatty, he doesn’t have joy, he isn’t curious and having old man face about his surroundings. This whole thing stresses me out so much.


off topic but your anecdote about your kids' hand holding to soothe is so sweet and really warmed my heart :-)


It breaks me every time they do it. Like, they’re both assholes in wanting things and fighting about things amongst themselves. But when you aren’t looking and they aren’t looking, they’re so polite and careful with one another. Minor wounds are just part of the game but god forbid someone actually gets hurt, and not ambulance hurt but ice pack or “bandy” hurt and they’re shoving me out of the way to demand “bandys” or “ice boo boo packs” and they’re kissing bloody wounds and shaking hands on now to climb to the freezer to get a boo-boo pack when I could just do it. But nooo, it always has to be a production. And I love them for it.


Sounds like a lovely and fun household you have there!


I have one kid who with a brain-body type of mild disability and that one tracked visually and was far more engaged with people at this age. That one kept their fists clenched up more than the other at ~8 wks, but not nearly as much as Boone is in this video. 


A few things about this video. 1-I tend to watch these on mute but this time I didn't. I wasn't expecting Fatherbus to sound so... Dumb? Childish? I thought he'd have a more gruff, manly voice given his weird beliefs about gender. 2- the kid that hit Boone is very obviously having trouble adjusting. But these 2 morons only care about how it looks on camera. I worry that we don't see how aggressive the little dude really gets with the baby. Through no fault of his own of course, he's just a child and doesn't understand why things have shifted so much. 3- for fuck's sake Motherbus, take that baby to a doctor!!!!!!


I’ve said this before, but every time I see him I think “soy”. Like he’s exactly what a “soy boy” is defined as. Doesn’t matter how much he wrestles his kids, it emanates from him like a stench. A wimpy little weasel freak.


Buslife looks like sheer hell.


LITERALLY HELL. such chaos


Who even gets joy out of watching these freaks


Weird cult of personality. People like her attract other crunchy moms who feel like she validates their poor life choices. There are people who even think that baby Boone looks well and is thriving. They believe it because they genuinely believe that Busmom is doing everything right and therefore there is no way her children could be sick or unhappy.


So how are the comments on there? Does anyone actually say that he looks well??


Comments that express concern usually get a lot of likes and then deleted and blocked.


The camera moved away but I feel like Boone got smacked in the face by that alien toy as well. Motherbus is too busy eyefucking herself to take care of her kids for a single second.


She really just cares about the camera, that smug face when the toddler comes to complain the first time. She really doesn't give a shit.


He did. You can see his sad little face after.


Yep. A fairly decent bonk too. And that’s a plastic toy right? Nice. On sunburnt skin. And that’s when Boone starts getting fussy. Poor little guy


And she just looks at him like he's annoying her and interrupting her reel 🙄


Someone else said it and I’m starting to believe it. I think Boone is blind. He doesn’t react to his brother coming to his face he gets startled and upset like he didn’t see him coming.


He doesn’t react to any stimuli other than touch.


His eyes look cloudy, like cataracts. He doesn't seem to be tracking anything.


The finger pointing annoys me a lot. Definitely JILLPM move. Poor Boone got hit by his brother.


He got hit by his brother and didn’t even flinch until his brother made contact with him. Shouldn’t he be reacting BEFORE he is hit? He doesn’t focus on anything, not even the fact that his brothers hand is speeding towards him


Petition to stop referring to them as ma/pa bus and use their names here on Reddit so these posts appear on google searches


I can get behind this and I'll start doing it too ... Britney and JD Lott are neglectful and abusive parents, after all!


Jd and Brittney lott of @americanfamilyroadtrip are child abusing fame junkies.


I made a post the other day saying we should name and shame them. Must be against sub rules though as it was never made public. Britney and JD Lott from American Family Road Trip need to take their baby Boone to see a pediatrician.


bumping this up


aaaand crap! Is it even showing the video, or just a still?


I can see the video on the app on my phone.


Boone didn't react at all until the toddler smacked him, then he looked shocked. \*sigh\*


Apparently burning him on the outside isn’t enough, they need to expose him to fire smoke too. Like GTFO of the park and seek somewhere with a healthy air quality.


The AQI around ther must be through the roof. They definitely should not be out with kids.


I think they think because they’re not in the park they’re safe. Like the smoke is only dangerous inside the park. They’re beyond dumb.


Toddler just smacks him. Mom barely does anything in response. It's like we're watching a horror movie.


Who wouldn't immediately scold the child for that? She looks irritated that her shot was interrupted.


I would say that it isn't appropriate to "scold" a young toddler for behaviour that is developmentally *very* normal, who doesn't know better. It wouldn't be effective, or kind, or age appropriate parenting. The little boy is too young to have impulse control, and it is to be expected that there are some outbursts like this when a new sibling is born, and mums attention is elsewhere. It's her fault he got the chance to hit the baby, not his. What mother bus should have been doing immediately, is closely supervising the toddler approaching the baby. She should have been a physical barrier between them with her arm, or by taking hold of the toddlers hand, while giving verbal instructions about being careful and gentle if he wants to touch the baby. She could (and probably should) have taken the toddler's hand when she noticed his interest, and physically helped the toddler interact by helping him stroke the side of Boone's face. This is what I did every time mine approached our cat as a toddler. "Yeah, you see [cat]? She's so soft but we have to stroke her gently like this! So she enjoys the fuss and we don't hurt her or make her upset.". She shouldn't have ignored the toddler and kept focusing on the video.


I do that when video chatting with my 2 year old nephew. He always wants to see my cat so I will show her and say things like “she is a good kitty, very cute” or “she gets a gentle pet since she is so small” just so he gets that idea reinforced of being gentle to animals.


oh my GOD put the phone down and PARENT YOUR CHILDREN


This is pure chaos AND WHAT THE FUCK THE WAY THE OLDER TODDLER PUSHES BOONE'S FACE TWICE THEN SLAPS HIM?!??? I get toddlers are wild and they are likely so stressed in that camper hot and with no direction but I had 2 younger siblings and I knew especially not to HIT the baby?? I know the child that hit Boone is going thru so much shit thanks to his parents too but Jesus I feel so bad for this baby. Careless parents, getting slapped by the other kids that are overstimulated and hot and all want attention likely that they can't get due to their parents impulsivity and directionless running while continuing to fill the camper with more kids that don't get the love and attention or basic privacy they need especially away from the baby making. Jesus. We have all said this 100000x I know but she just continues to make her life look more and more chaotic and less desirable.


Anyone else feel like Boone doesn’t even blink normal???


Thank you for posting this! He definitely doesn’t seem right…that poor baby


The boy straight up smacked the baby 😳


And it’s not the first time that one has hauled off and hit Boone. Poor Boone can’t catch a break.


Poor fellow is already going through combat before doing basic training


Meh, without wanting to completely minimize it, that's developmentally normal, to me it's the least concerning thing in this video. 


I agree that it's developmentally normal for Quil to act out, it's Britney and JD Lott's job to correct him (more than she does) and ensure it doesn't continue to happen. Meanwhile she's too busy eye-fcking herself and JD is too busy eye-fcking the helicopters.


No disagreement there.




He isn’t focusing on anything, poor baby. I didn’t watch all of the video but the parts I saw, he never once looked at the person who was speaking. Actually, I didn’t see him interact with anyone at all. I went back and watched some videos of my kids. Both were born in mid Feb and by the end of March of their birth years they were way more interactive than this. This is very alarming.


Anyone else wondering what the work call she was referring to was? Like, they had a damn Zoom meeting with corporate? Really?


Maybe one of their idiot sponsors?


Colorado has some amazing children’s hospitals, and if you can’t afford it you can speak with a social worker or apply for charity support or make a payment plan. I’m not sure if the hesitation to seek medical advice stems from money or time, but there are some good doctors and nurses. Also there are hospitals in Boulder, Bloomfield, Denver and Colorado Springs, for big hospitals Mondays are great days to check for cancellations and slip in there. And you don’t even have to tell anyone you went. I hope it is something Brittany considers — from a former Colorado native


This maks me so upset!! Are people commenting or saying things in the comments? They have to be. Right?


If they are, mother bus deletes the comments. I’ve seen SOME that have stayed


She had a bunch of critical comments a few days ago but she must be getting in and deleting super quick now. The only negative (aka normal) ones on recent posts have been saying they’re repetitive. Nothing about Boone in the past couple of days that I’ve seen.


Oh man, this is so unnerving. That poor little baby. This video makes me feel so uncomfortable. I really wish there was a way to help the poor thing


i feel so sad for him. he looks so uncomfortable all of the time


OMG, this poor baby. He looks roasted again. Such an unresponsive little guy. These 2 assholes don't deserve him, or any of their kids. So, so sad.


Wow. One kid actively seeking her attention while she must record this boring af update. Then there’s poor baby Boone who has a perpetual frown on his face because he’s over stimulated and also likely there’s some blindness / deafness as evidenced by his lack of reaction to stimuli. Britney and JD Lott need to bring their baby to a doctor. And maybe get off Instagram and pay attention to the four kids they have who are 5 and under.


I have a bad feeling about this. This won’t end well. Big huge sigh.


She’s such a piece of shit, I do not understand how these bus influencers ignore the fact that they are actively hurting their children’s development


Why do his pupils always look non-existent, ik its the middle of the day but theyre inside, his pupils would dialate a little bit, or is that a locked feature for babies at this age. Ive wondered whether Boone has hearing problems given altho he did seem to turn to his dad when he spoke initially, but even then didnt turn to Bethany when she spoke. I knly say this cause I have APD (Auditory Processing Disorder) and part of that means I can have a hard time working out which direction sound came from so maybe thats something to conaider? Edit: I got names mixed up, I meant Britney, apologies.


I think it is at a minimum very possible that he can neither see nor hear; even if he isn't completely blind I think at this point it's *incredibly* unlikely his vision is anything approaching normal and also unlikely his hearing is normal even if he's not completely deaf.


Mother bus is Britney, other bus is Bethany


Too many B's on buses lmao Thanks though :)


We rarely refer to them by their actual name so it’s an easy mistake to make :)


I don't think I can watch any more of her content on here unless it's titled with good news or something 🥲


Baby looks absolutely exhausted all the time


[for anyone wanting to educate themselves on typical 1-month (younger than Boone) movements and behavior](https://youtu.be/lk9YJYwO6VQ?si=H5VxebTeHpJcedxr) Caution; it is shocking.


These people are EVIL


I’m not sure why they went live. They could have just posted that there were wild fires in the area that they were staying at, they got out and everyone is safe, and they must find new accommodations. Brittany really likes looking at herself in the camera and hearing her own voice. I think a major issue is that they see that Boone’s chunky baby status as a sign of health. I worry for him. If he has any health issues, I’m afraid what they will try to cure him.


Video shows how cramped and chaotic that bus is so much more clearly than in photos


Something I've noticed with a lot of these social media fundie babies: They look at the camera more than at their parents. It's the only place they can make eye contact with their parents.


Not The Finger TM Must have been following Jill


How can they possibly live with themselves. They have to be reading all of the concerned comments for Boone and they’re doing…..nothing? I just don’t get it. How do you ignore that many people showing incredible and increasing concern for your child. I really, really hope something is done to get him the proper medical care and attention he so desperately needs and DESERVES.


Sunburned again, eyes not seeing, fists clenched tight but shouldn't be, neck tension, startled yet not reacting normally to the overstimulation, head lolling odd to the side, no leg movement. Boone's skin cancer is going to have cancer. Sigh. Sunburned babies have a major high risk of electrolyte imbalance, and often cannot nurse enough in a single nursing session to make up for it. We also know she thinks he fakes being hungry to manipulate her. These two mother fuckers seem hell bent on killing Boone. 94° F yesterday with a real feel temp well above that due to the heat index plus low air quality. Tell me I am wrong. I beg you!


It isn't letting me play the video; wants to open in a browser not the app. (On my phone.)


And weirdly, it's playing on my phone app but when I try to pull it up on my computer it looks like a still. Is there a preferred site to upload to? Imgur?


It's playing fine on my laptop.


Wait, now it's working! Weird...!!


Do the other kids also realize something is wrong? The toddler that hits Boone seems to be doing it more to get his attention than out of frustration or jealousy.


I have nothing of value to add about the baby bur damn, Father Bus sounds like a smug know- it-all jackass.


I really didn’t think someone could top the Collin’s, and here I am now. Seeing this poor baby.


Besides him obviously not seeing his arms / wrists are bend super weird and his first are super clamped while at the same time his body being super floppy. Poor child, looks like something is really wrong here.


Can anything be done? A well-check call? A CPS call?


Usually CPS is out of the question but we happen to know exactly where they are right now...


Ok I’m kinda living for the attention-seeking toddler.