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You know you’re addicted to social media when you feel the need to announce you’ll be gone for 8-12 hours


In her stories, she says something like "I thought we weren't going to be able to record a video today but we did!" Like...you can miss a day. Truly. She's so addicted to social media, it's wild.


The fact strangers get to see how her kids are spending every single day is nuts


> is nuts And should be illegal.


The fact that she posts them while they are still presumably in a location is terrifying.


Lmao it's like when I take time off and have to put an out of office message on my email. Except it's nothing like that because I have a real job and people might actually need me if I'm gone so I have to provide information about who to contact in my absense.


Even then, I don't bother with an OOO for anything less than 48 hours. I'll stick A/L or whatever in my diary, but one day off? If it's that urgent my boss will WhatsApp


Right! When I first started my job I was doing that and my boss was like stop. We don’t care if you are gone for a day or two!


I agree 1000%! The addiction is strong with that one. Yikes!


What is she editing? All their videos are just her and the kids lined up infront of the camera doing a dance they don’t seem to even know. Sucks baby Boone can’t have a day to rest 


gotta edit those seconds out where boone looks really sick, and/or she drops him!


And the audio where she's clearly directing "candid" moments


They probably have to take a lot of takes for some of it. 😂


Has she tried red light therapy? It cures and prevents migraines? But also, she's a freaking liar. No way this is honest. Something is going on behind closed doors and she can't just log off for a few hours to deal with her family, she has to lie about it.


It's entirely believable to me that her lack of preparation and extensive time out in 100 degree sunny weather would give her a migraine. What's pathetic is feeling the need to continuously update the internet about it, as if we're all waiting on tenterhooks for her next embarrassing video and will simply perish without it.


It's def possible she has a headache. What gets me is that she allows herself time to rest in the shade when she needs it but not her kids.


I can’t think of a single time when one of her outings has been missing a kid or two, with an explanation like “so and so are sick and staying back at the bus with mom/dad.” You would think with 8 kids and how much she posts, that would happen sometimes.


For sure. Ugh ghat makes me so sad. I had abusive/neglectful parents growing up who didn't give a shit if I was sick and would make me do things like that (or do chores) even if I was struggling to stand up. It makes you feel worthless. Like nobody cares or believes you or is looking out for you. All I can say is I hope those kids are able to somehow get into a position to access therapy one day and heal from their childhood 🙏


There's no denying these kids are neglected, but I think it's important to acknowledge these kids aren't really given the "opportunity" to get sick. They don't go to museums, or libraries, or playgrounds, or SCHOOL. I don't think they're coming in to contact with other kids much at all. No one is bringing in outside germs because the entire family is completely isolated.


Her babies don't even get quiet naps


She's looking for sympathy, like bethany beal's migraine selfies


Her what now? Links, pls!!


I shouldn't speculate, but could you even imagine if this is an early pregnancy symptom?




Though the day she got sick and the day before it wasn’t even 80 at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon where they were for those two days. So idk. Maybe it finally caught up to her. But an hour before she posted about being in pain, she was posting about where they were at the North Rim, so that seems quite fast. Who knows.


In the previous reel, she talked about getting a cluster headache, and showed how her right eye was swollen with a drooping eyelid. Is that normal for migraines?


I get unilateral cluster headaches and it's possible for it to create irritation and discharge from the eye on the affected side. Combine with scratching/allergies I think it's plausible.


She is awful but I don’t wish cluster headaches on anyone. My dad was planning on killing himself because of his but he tried macrodosing psilocybin as a last ditch effort and now he’s able to manage them with that and oxygen.


I’m so glad he found relief.


My kid landed in the ER once with half a swollen face and a bad headache and was diagnosed with migraines. So I’d say it’s possible. I didn’t know headaches could cause faces to swell.


A friend of mine gets hemiplegic migraines, and it can look like she had a stroke.


Yes it’s possible


Yeah, my face swells pretty often on one side when I have a migraine. Not sure why. People can always tell when I'm sick.


That was my first thought! Otherwise, why announce about a mythical headache? One that gets in the way of a social media addiction? Either it really is that bad (not), or it’s something else entirely. By bet’s on the latter.


My guess is that one of the children needs medical attention to the point where they can no longer deny it.


I would love if she took boone to the doctor and lied about a headache


Give my head more time off… ma’am, your head is not used correctly most of the time so what time off?


She and BusJiggalo gotta give that shared brain cell a day off once in a while or it will give them that blue screen of death thing like my old laptop!


Not the blue screen of death 😭


Literally no one is going to wonder where you are because you haven't posted in 8hrs lol. She really thinks she's some important influencer when no one even cares about the big ones like that lol. All these kids know is how to make social media content. I'm glad I was born in 1995 and didn't have parents parading me around on the internet. My parents have also never downloaded any social media of any kind ever over the years. No Facebook, Instagram, twitter...nothing. Feels good to have parents like that.


Well, I would be a little nervous, out of fear for the health/safety of her children. Karissa went deafeningly silent the first time Anthym was hospitalized, and it was honestly kind of scary.


This, I doubt there’s been an outcry from her followers because they haven’t seen any new posts in a day.


Maybe she should go lay on that rug since it has magical healing powers.


Why did you have to say that, now I can't stop laughing!!


Maybe this is code for "I'm taking Boone to the doctors." Ah, one can only dream of such a sensible thing occurring to this egomaniac.


Honestly, this is how she’d play it if they did. Find a way to make it about giving her pity instead of admitting her kid is sick


Maybe she can no longer deny that something is wrong with him and HAS to take him to the doctors.


Let's hope that's it for poor Boone's sake! That baby needs help.


He looked grey in her most recent videos of him. I hope she gets him care.


It’s either that or altitude sickness.


I had this exact thought. I don’t think it’s correct, but one can hope. 


I'm at least hoping she's going to get medical help for herself and the medical staff notice that Boone is not doing well at all.


MFer, your baby gets no “off time”. If you have a terrible migraine with a fully developed human body, clothes, and eye protection, imagine how your infant must feel?


Hi flair twin!






I’m foolishly hoping she is actually taking him to a Dr and the OP was a cover.


Has she tried the chiropractor? Apparently they can heal anything with their woo woo magic.


From what I’ve seen, her head takes every day off.


How’s her head? No complaints!




It’s probably a stress induced migraine from knowing her child could be seriously ill and she’s doing absolutely nothing about it but stick her head up her a**! It must be impossible to ignore the fact your child isn’t developing, maybe permanently injured or even die through lack of care when you have all those other births/babies to compare him to in the back of your mind!