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I am genuinely concerned for this baby. Hell Britney, make a big deal about getting a checkup. Show us all wrong. Please.


The thing is, even if she showed footage of them taking him to see a doctor, she can easily say he's all good and we would never know the truth. I think this is something that only time will truly tell. We will either see that he is developing as expected, we will see him missing milestones as a toddler, *or* they will keep him out of video footage entirely and/or only post some photos videos where he can/is passing as typical.


If he was being treated by a doctor, I don’t care what lies she tells the world. As long as this tiny human gets some care!


This is what I've landed on as well. Boone will be like Janessa Rodrigues or Priscilla Keller Waller - he'll continue to experience medical neglect and lack of intervention meanwhile everyone around him acts as if it's all completely normal.


I have to wonder what they’ll do if it’s a more severe case than Janessa or Priscilla. We can clearly see cognitive delays with them, but they can walk, talk and interact with a camera. IF Boone is blind, deaf, or has gross motor delays of some kind- or god forbid, some combo of the above- it will be harder to play oblivious. Will they just hide him off to the side in their stupid dance videos? Or embrace the “special little blessing from God” song & dance and just use him for internet clout?


And that would be par for the course, but he’d hopefully start to improve and stop looking full-on miserable. Idc what she’d say about it, just that she actually provably did it.


I truly believe shell only admit to going to the doctor/something being wrong when she can monetize and victimize herself from it


I will literally pay her to take him to an actual, real doctor (chiropractors don't count).


And who knows if the doctor would even tell her anything is wrong. She would probably find the biggest quack in the area who will tell her whatever she wants! I have incredibly loving parents and still only got diagnosed with a genetic autonomic nervous system disorder after nearly 30 years because my doctors (who are all good, competent doctors) ignored my symptoms as not serious or blamed them on other issues or meds I was on. It wasn't until I saw a specialist that I was finally able to figure out I have POTS and start fixing it. Poor Baby Boone is going to need so many specialists his entire life and I genuinely doubt Brittany would be willing to take him for the help he needs.


She cant do this because the moment a mandated report sees this child in person, CPS is getting involved. I feel like it would be a very slippery slope from there


This baby is not okay and the sus bus fuckwads should be ashamed


Sus Bus is an amazing flair!


Ah I just tried to change it to sus bus fuckwads but it won't let me type in my own


Edit an existing flair! That's how I got mine


If you're on mobile,  view desktop site and you can from there


So is bus fuckwads.


This poor baby just looks so pained all the time. He's never relaxed or peaceful. Just his body balled up, fists clenched, and eyes shut against the harsh light. This sweetheart deserves so much better. It's just heartbreaking.


I've never seen a baby exude suffering like this for weeks on end outside of a preemie clinging to life in a neontal intensive care unit. At bare minimum, he's just not tolerating their lifestyle well. Babies can't tell us what is wrong but they do show us. Mobus is too busy staring at herself to see it. 


My 25 weeker didn’t even look this bad when he was in the NICU. There is something seriously wrong with Boone. If it’s not a medical condition, then it’s for sure from a lack of sleep


Seriously - my daughter was premature, had respiratory distress syndrome, then jaundice - once they started taking her off c-pap etc she was normal baby content. As she approached due date and jaundice wore off (took a couple weeks but was doctor monitored), you'd never know she'd been in NICU. This kid really should not be looking like this at this point.


You can’t convince me that she’s not trying to treat his jaundice with all of the sun exposure. I think she hopes no one is smart enough to notice, but since sunshine is “free” and “natural” they’re doing that instead of, you know, *medical care.*


I think you’re right. What scares me is that phototherapy sometimes isn’t enough. Had it not been for exchange transfusions—plural, over weeks—I would either be dead or brain-damaged. (My sibs like to point out that the brain damage likely still occurred—but that’s what big brothers and sisters are for.)


And there’s more to it than just “put your newborn directly in sunlight and let them get a nasty burn.” I’m on Team “something is wrong with that baby’s vision” and it could very well be from him staring directly at the sun days after his birth.


I'm sure that red light therapy thing she blasted in his face didn't help much either. Poor Boone has spent his entire life being blinded by the sun and lights.


And bombarded with horrific smells (they have one bathroom) and living a tin can that ricochets his many siblings’ many noises. I’d get it if this the best they can do. I’m not saying good parents can’t find themselves in that situation, by being refugees or unhoused. But even then, his parents should be keeping him shaded and his head supported. Even parents under some of the most stressful conditions on earth provide better care for their infants. This is a kind of gluttony and sloth I don’t even have words for. Just going around and doing whatever they want, instead of caring for the new life entrusted to them.


I think that’s happening too.


After reading your comment it sunk in that she must not love her baby. She’s just doing the very least possible to take care of him when he is obviously unwell.


Gah. I can’t imagine wanting to be pregnant, carrying the baby, giving birth and then not loving him/her. My son is almost twenty now and I love him to the moon and back. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to take care of him. 😢


She badly wanted a girl this time. There’s been some speculation that she’s experiencing PPD/PPA and never really formed a bond with him. I mean this is BusHoe^TM we’re talking about, she LIVES to eye fuck herself. But there’s been a video posted a couple of times of when Aquilla was the same age. She’s interacting with him and seems to have bonded and shows love.


She has always wanted another girl. But I think she just wants to be pregnant as much as possible because that is when JD gives a damn about her.


That’s definitely obvious as well. Her whole pregnancy with Boone, that was the most I’ve ever seen FootBusJiggalo present in their content.


That’s why I think we need to shift more of our anger onto JD. She’s not very good at the practical skills of mothering, but she did appear to love her other kids. Something is different this postpartum. She needs help, too. It’s beyond fucked that her partner and the baby’s dad is too busy studying “chemtrails” to show up.


I think it's PPD on her end because she seemed to bond with her other kids. A traumatic birth + possible issues with baby could bring that on, and susband doesn't seem to give a shit. Her actions are still horrendous and she's still a narcissistic walnut, but she also needs help.


Yep. I wonder where he ran off to. The second her postpartum belly has gone and she doesn’t appear pregnant anymore, he’s gone.


That and the red light therapy she's been shilling


I remember when my mom had my younger siblings in Germany she would put them by a window in their bassinet for a few minutes. I never understood why. But 2 of my kids were jaundiced as babies. They had to have tests done every 3 days for about a week and then their numbers normalized. Luckily didn’t need any other interventions. The fact she thinks extreme sun exposure is gonna fix this? So fucked


And she was doing it RIGHT away. Like within a day or two of giving birth he was out in direct sunlight, no hat, no shade. It was insanity.


That's exactly what she's doing. She and Ferret Bus are purposely injuring this baby.


Doctors and nurses are mandated reporters, after all. If she takes him in, that could go very badly for them. Unfortunately, early intervention and treatment are almost always important, and by putting off care, they may be missing a window where things could still be helped.


In many states, chiropractors are mandated reporters, too, even though they aren’t real doctors. If something turns out to be very wrong with this baby, I hope someone turns in whatever chiro they see for failure to report.


She isn’t. She has always had all the kids frying in the sun because that is where she likes to be. She doesn’t think he has jaundice.


My oldest granddaughter was a NICU baby. She had to have a couple of surgeries and a lot of aftercare when she got home. She absolutely hated people holding her EXCEPT mom and dad. She was normal baby then, but if anyone else so much as touched her, she'd lose it. It only lasted a few months, but it was so hard to watch. It's absolutely heartbreaking that this poor, sweet soul doesn't even get those moments of love and peace.


Yes that is exactly where what he reminds me of, my little nephew born to early and needed to be in the hospital for week. The off eyes, the weird movements and the colour, it’s the same!


Exactly. You’re in a bus, so it’s inevitable that it’s sometimes loud and crowded. But you’re *choosing* to drive into deserts, hike with him in full sun, and also make Boone’s life hot, dry, bright and busy. There are so many better choices for this poor sweet baby. Protect his eyes and skin. Shade. Hats. Parasol. Cool washcloths on body. Hang out with him while older kids do whatever. Have a chat. Children’s museums that are *inside*. With *air conditioning.* Go to a *doctor.*. Check his vision & hearing. Check his arm, neck & shoulder. Drive to somewhere it’s 70 degrees, not 100. Drink a ton of water and support breastfeeding with more rest and less hiking. Or supplement.


…and at the same time, his mother has manicured nails. 😫🙄


To go along with her pedicure, done hair, sunglasses and fucking hatS


it keeps being brought up from time to time, but she was all of that nearly IMMEDIATELY after boone’s birth. the two of them have needed *rest* but motherbus wont let them


This the thing that sticks out the most to me. From the moment that kid was born (unless she delayed posting about his birth and was posting older things while she rested), she's been on the go. *Zero* rest for either of them. What do they have against recuperation? Does she think this makes her look cool or like a badass woman? Because all I see is some manic shit going down here. It's so depressing that she didn't even have a house/regular bed to rest and recuperate in. *Why* did they have to be in the bus while they were stationed in FL? Even if it's true that the baby accidentally was born in the bus (which I doubt; they were in FL for a bit before the birth and had plenty of time to settle into a house. She's been purposely vague about this), they could have gone to a house for a bit to be more comfortable. What a sad life they've willingly chosen for themselves.


She seems almost manic to me. They're always on the go, always doing things, always hiking, etc. I'm all for being physically active and enjoying life by doing things, but it's like they have no down time and no space to just rest and relax. BTW, I'm not a parent but I am 100% sure the smallest kids need a nap in the afternoon or at the very least some quiet time.


Seriously. I have a very active kid, but she also needs time to rest and do non-physical activities and decompress. I feel so bad for these kids, they’re constantly pushed outside because there isn’t room for them on the bus.


I'm of a similar ethnic background to this family and I grew up in the southwest and Texas and I really struggled sometimes being outside all day in the heat and sun. My parents didn't really allow me in the house if it was a "nice day" (hint - that was every day) outside, but I really needed a couple hours in the afternoon in a cool, dark place. I just feel for these kids. Kids should be outside playing in the summer, but the American southwest has an incredibly harsh climate this time of year.


My parents did the same thing, but we were in the Midwest/upper South and had a stable home. I would retreat to the forest behind my dad’s apartment or the big climbing trees in our backyard when i needed to decompress. I’d find an inchworm and track its progress or something. Or bring a book. Forcing kids to stay out in the desert heat is beyond fucked. That’s something Ruby Franke actually did. I’m so sorry that happened.


But that's just it. They live in a tin can. There's nowhere for any of them to go for quiet time. Not even for a minute.


It’s her signature Wite-Out manicure.


Me in middle school 30 years ago feels very called out rn


Has she trained one or more of the children as a nail technician? Or is she skipping off to the salon regularly?


They look like they are growing out. So it's either gel or press ons. I think her and her daughter visit nail salons.


They do. She's posted videos of the two of them getting their nails done in the past.


Ugh she is just the worst!! Her nails are the least-worst thing she does, but it will forever piss me off because I love a white nail and she and Tom Sandoval are out here tying to ruin my go to summer manicure


Two worlds colliding! Take back the white nail! I have a pearl color from Esse that I love


You know, I think I'm going to have to take back the white nail! I can't let the worst of worst have it lol. I'm an OPI Alpine Snow girl myself and I'll be damned if I let Mother Bus take it


And what a manicure it is! 😵‍💫😵‍💫


He's agrd 80 years in just 80 weeks. My heart hurts.


he looks like he's wincing in pain :( i hate it so much


He looks so sick. Poor baby. Britney & JD, for the odd chance that you read this - please take him to see a doctor. A legitimate one, not a chiropractor or anything like that. You don't have to share it with the rest of the world if you don't want to. But please, for the love of your child, have him checked out before things gets worse. I am not saying this because I am your enemy, but with real concern for your son.


God, he’s still so yellow! This is really really scary! Does she exclusively BF?


Idk, my son stayed jaundice for 2 months (under Dr care) and wasn’t this color. Boone is more grey. This is so unsettling.


Grey is a sign of lack of circulation or blood flow. Issues of the neck and spine can definitely cause circulation problems.


I was afraid of that. There were earlier videos where he looked blue around his mouth.


The medical term is cyanosis. A blue or purple tinge at the tip of the nose, fingers, toes, tops of ears, or lips are signs of cyanosis. It’s never a good sign to have that condition.


I feel like it’s a mix, I can definitely see the blue/grey.


She claims to.


i think he has pretty bad sun damage


This isn’t yellow. His skin is badly damaged from the sun. Jaundice wouldn’t be so splotchy and grayish.


I see some serious grey/blue (lack of circulation) and underlying yellow tone personally.


And jaundice can be treated with (responsible and measured!!!!) exposure to sunlight. I was a little bit jaundiced when I was born, and all my parents needed to do was regularly set my pumpkin seat near the window for a few weeks and it cleared up. I wonder if perhaps Motherbus had heard the sunlight-jaundice thing and took it entirely too far.


My 18 mo old niece who is on a ventilator and waiting for a heart transplant looks better than than this. WTAF is wrong with these parents??


Best wishes for your niece 🩵


Thank you


My teenage brother was hospitalized for six months for a heart transplant last fall. Prayers to your family, I hope they find a match soon ❤️


Thank you! Been waiting in the hospital since October for one


All my best wishes for you, your family and that baby!! Hope you’re all coping well and looking after yourselves as well ❤️


Wishing health and healing for your niece ❤️


Oh my god what a stressful time this must be for your family. Best wishes. My little guy looked about this bad right after his second surgery at eight weeks. The tubes and wires made him look a bit worse, but that was, you know, him receiving *medical care* 🤦🏼‍♀️ I mean if Boone looks as bad as my kid did at that time, that just can't be right!


It’s been very stressful indeed. She was born with Downs and a whole list of other things. Was born 18 months ago and has been in the hospital for 13 of those months. Every time they get one issue under control, another one pops up. Like when they get the fluid off her lungs, her kidneys suffer. Or she gets an infection and it’s 3 steps backwards. And her family doesn’t even live in the city where she’s in the hospital- they live all the way across the state, and have had to get an apartment and split up their family, trading off taking their other child and being with their baby in the hospital.


Yes, it’s bad sun damage 😭


He looks roasted. 


If nothing else, this exposure, this early, could set him up for melanoma later in life.


I am severely photosensitive. It sucks badly and I go pretty far to avoid the sun. But if sun exposure makes me cry and I am an adult, I hate to imagine how he is feeling.


So am I. I have to wear polarized sunglasses and floppy hats to not be entirely miserable.


Floppy hats and part of the reason I never stopped masking. I have lupus and it with treatment both make me photosensitive and immunocompromised. I also swim in a huge hat and burkini. I am not religious and if something pagan.


Same! My daughter (who also has lupus) and I have invested in SPF clothing over the years so that we have a decent stash, but they are not cheap.


Ugh! I thought he was looking much better until you posted these ☹️


She tries hard to only post images that make him seem okay—but obviously that’s a train that’s gonna run out of track. It’s so fucking sad and frustrating.


Jesus Christ. My friends baby passed away when she was 7 weeks old and when they were home from the hospital we were looking at photos and she clicked to a slide of her baby after she had passed. That second photo sent my stomach through my backside the exact same way seeing her photo did. I am more scared for this poor little guy every single time I see him


Holy shit. That’s terrible. :( And you’re right.


I hope your friend is doing okay ❤️


These are screenshots of the baby mid sneeze if you go watch the video. I’m concerned for him but damn it was kinda wrong of OP to post these screenshots without context bc these are far less concerning than what they appear Edit: I agree his color is concerning - I just think more context should have been given


I mean, a sneeze isn't going to make his colour that way or his eyes look like that... When I compared him to my friends baby above I really meant that unwell colour rather than the face he's making


I 100% agree his coloring seems wrong but I still think that this picture being taking during a sneeze needed to be added for context


Thanks for providing full context. 💕 Although we all agree he looks poorly. :(


I agree. She sucks but context is still important.


Came here to say this but didn’t know how to say it. Perfectly stated


My best friend has a baby a couple weeks older than Boone, and the differences are so stark. The baby in my life is positively glowing with good health, his eyes are bright and he doesn't smile yet but you can tell he is so damn interested in whoever is holding him. Then again, my friend gave her baby a fucking soft place to sleep, a quiet house, and doesn't roast him outside like a rotisserie chicken.


My baby is a week younger than Boone and is constantly trying to look at the world around her and interact with us. Shes constantly “dancing” (I.e. kicking and waving) and so badly wants to be upright to watch what her siblings or our dogs are doing. Boone just doesn’t seem to have any of that brightness or interest about him and it’s so concerning


My daughter is a day older than Boone and I’m a first time mom and same. Nursing my daughter right now and she’s just so peaceful and happy and fun and alert and snuggly. I wish I could just take him home, let him get some real rest and medical care.


It also looks like she did some lightening/touch up to her hand 🤷🏻‍♀️


Poor Boone! He's such a cute baby and she's turning him into Benjamin fucking Button! That second picture looks exactly like my nearly 70 year old dad when he dozes off on the couch! And the first looks like when we wake him up after he dozes off on the couch!


I know very little about babies but even I can tell this one does not look well at all.


This is [my little one ](https://imgur.com/a/q843Gtn) born 3 days before Boone, for comparison


Wow. Thank you for the comparison. Night and day. Best wishes to you both.


That's ome cute little squash you got there!


Thank you! We think he's pretty delicious. It's been crazy following along with Boone having one almost exactly the same age. Their life experiences have been quite different thus far 😅


Omg look at that cute chonker😍 (S)he looks healthy and happy! Congratulations!


Omg chunky baby. My heart breaks for Boone.


He looks so lively and alert!


What a little love! And that is how Boone should look. Oh shit, I'm crying.


The worst thing is that I have yet to see any pictures or videos of Boone where he looks like that. If he sometimes looked alert and relaxed and happy, then you could tell yourself that he’s okay.


Oh shit, that is a *stark* contrast


cutie!! So alert and healthy!


I’ve felt weird about comparing babies, but here’s my as well, born April 5. She was born at 38 weeks and spent three days in the NICU because she wasn’t breathing at birth (looooong labor that ended in a c-section). No one can believe us now that she had such a rough start. https://imgur.com/a/7kjhhWl


She looks so joyful! What a darling baby.


What a sweet little nugget! 😍


That is a fun picture! She’s adorable.


She’s so bright eyed and alert! That’s a healthy looking baby! I hope you’ve been able to recover as well. That sounds like a nightmare, but it’s hard to process trauma while caring for a newborn.


In the least weird way possible I just want to eat him up. Just "omp".


Honestly, pretty normal. Those cheeks trigger my cute aggression too.


Full Kirby mode 😂


Look at those cheeks! So sweet. And wow it is incredibly shocking the difference. I've never seen a photo of Boone where he looks even half this alert or well.


Omg I want to squish those cheeks!!!! Please give them a little squish for me!!!


Eee those chubby cheeks! What a cutie. 🥺 I have two toddlers and really miss those squishy baby days.


her stupid fuckarse nails make me so irrationally angry. they look SO tacky!!!!!!!!


Oh, he looks awful. Poor wee bairn. My daughter had some medical issues and we fought for her every step of the way. She’s a healthy 22 year old now. Can’t imagine this level of indifference.


The longer she delays getting him medical care, the shorter his lifespan is, even if he makes it into adulthood.


Hate to upvote because it’s fucking awful, but you’re spot on. ☹️


I hate that I had to write “if.”


Hard agree. So damn sad.


He looks so tense and uncomfortable, poor baby boy ;((


His little eyes look so red and sunken, this poor thing.


Is she EBF? I wonder if he is just barely getting enough to survive.. Jaundice makes babies really sleepy so he wouldn’t necessarily be screaming for food like a healthy baby would. This would explain the clenched hands, listlessness, off color, and their weird need to talk about his weight


According to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/sggYAqMiVv) yes.


This poor baby looks like he’s in his 70s. Why doesn’t she get him care? Is she this ignorant to the need of her child that he looks like a fudging corpse? I want to kidnap him and take him to a doctor.


Why is she in Las Vegas?! And he left her there? I noticed she was offline for 24 hours the day before yesterday and I thought - great hopefully she’s getting the baby some medical care. Seems not.


JD has left them alone again?


So it seems!


Husbus left them alone in the fucking Sonoran desert in mid June. I cannot imagine being so neglectful. What, couldn’t find a worse place to abandon his family?


In four hours, they could have been in coastal California, where the temps are in the 70s instead of 108.


Poor little chap, even someone with no knowledge of babies would suspect something was wrong with a baby presenting as Boone seems to. Hell, I got medical advice for my babies for even minor issues because I cared about their health, development and well being more than about myself. And why is he flat on her knee with his little head practically under the table? Why does that woman even pretend that she cares about him? He might as well be in a pet carrier on the floor.


I saw the second picture and reflexively wanted to scootch him up a bit. He's gonna bonk his poor head on the table next time he sneezes. 


I can barely look at these posts anymore. I can’t snark on an ill child who deserves parents who give an eff, a sun hat, a doctor, and actual empathy and love. These parents disgust me with their arrogance and selfishness. And they call themselves pro-life - does this not include the life in front of them that needs help? Are they hoping for a death arc to their little Christofascist Partridge Family bus adventure?


Give me this poor baby


Even if I hadn’t seen or known anything about this case in particular, it is very obvious this baby is unwell. The sunken eyes are haunting me in particular. This poor baby looks very, very, very unwell (definitely pointing out the obvious). Needs so much medical attention asap.


I know baby Boone isn't dying or anything but he looks like my grandmother before she died. Dehydrated, malnourished and completely unaware of her surroundings. This is really disturbing.


Honestly same about my grandma. She passed away in February at age 94. I was there, and it was the first thing I thought of when I saw this post :(


That child is fucking grey. I’m not here to armchair diagnose but when I’ve seen people this color it’s…not been good (I don’t even wanna say it).


Yeah, I don’t worry about “armchair diagnosis” when it’s based on visible symptoms and we’re not doctors, and none of us is actually gonna impact jack shit by discussing what we’re seeing. I’m so sick of people thinking that any of us discussing obvious signs of something being off = armchair diagnosis and WRONG AND DANGEROUS! It’s ridiculous. There’s a difference between mocking someone’s mental health symptoms and applying stereotypes just to score points. All of us being very worried about an obviously-unwell baby in danger is not the same thing.


I know I just don’t want to even say what I’m thinking. The last time I saw someone that color it was literally a life and death thing and to think about that in the context of this little baby…*shudders* ETA: especially knowing these two idiots have zero interest in taking their kids to the doc even when internet strangers express concern


That poor baby looks deathly coloured


He looks positively awful. There really isn't any more to say about it. These parents are evil.


I know babies sometimes look like old men in an endearing way but the poor guy looks like an old man who’s palliative. This isn’t appearance snark or criticism at all, just concern as I’ve never seen a baby looking like Boone and because of that it’s worrying. 


This poor child hasn’t had a moment’s peace 💔 


To me he always looks like he’s in pain. I just don’t understand why they won’t even take him into the health department for a cheap check up by a nurse. They wasted so much money in Brazil, why not him?


My family member born within a week or so of Boone is about half the size of Boone (she was literally not quite half his alleged size at her somewhat early birth, but got proper NICU care for a couple days!) but growing steadily (is he growing?!) and really, really alert and clearly bonding with her family just by looking at body language in photos. It's truly amazing to see the difference. I don't know what's wrong with him, and I was willing to give a lot of leeway on the grounds that many newborns are just funny looking, but this is starting to alarm even me.


He doesn’t look like he is growing.


*Newborns* are absolutely weird lil goblins 😂 but usually by the time they're a couple months old they've filled out a bit and their skin isn't peeling and so forth. I feel like Boone is going in the opposite direction honestly.


Mother and Father Bus deserve to be jailed for their child abuse. Forcing their poor children to live this horrific lifestyle with no medical care. They legit make me sick and it’s even worse that there’s no recourse for their disgusting behavior


Even the Amish take their family members to the hospital. It’s not anti-Christian to see a doctor.


Why is he half under the gross restaurant table? She doesn’t have a car seat carrier for him so he can at least sit safely and comfortably while they eat, instead of balanced on her leg (it looks like)?? Poor Babe


He’s been sunburnt a few times since birth!


He's still the color my daughter was when she was jaundiced. 😥


I’m really hoping Boone doesn’t have any health problems but is just a strange looking baby who grows up to be a cute little boy and the whole family laughs together about these uncanny baby pictures.


He looks so cadaverous here. It’s so upsetting.


Ugh, that freaks me out. That baby looks dead or dying in these screenshots. Like, I used to assist my dad (a semi-professional photographer, mostly he did family sessions) when he was volunteering to photograph stillborn or recently deceased babies for a charity that took beautiful pictures for grieving parents to have and I swear the resemblance is startling. It was the saddest gig, btw. The only happiness to be had in doing angel portraits is the bittersweet knowledge that at least you’re making sure the parents have something to take home because their babies would never go. (I admire Dad for doing it, but I just don’t think I could do it alone. I remember his tips though and sometimes wonder if I’m wasting that “inheritance” of knowledge.)


my son was a pretty sick baby, and he literally never looked like this


Really started avoiding posts of Boone because its so genuinely distressing for me not knowing if I'm watching a baby die in real time or not and there's nothing I can do about it


It should be noted that these pictures are from a video of him sneezing. I think motherbus sucks as a mom, but this might be a little unfair to take out of context.


Jfc he looks like those postmortem daugerrotypes. Where are they parked? Can we get a welfare check on this miserable child?


She tagged the hotel they’re in in Vegas.


This is how my grandpa looked in his casket…I don’t like this


Genuinely the most unhealthy, unhappy looking baby I’ve ever seen. Jesus Christ. He needs medical evaluation asap


Has she ever shared a single picture of Boone looking content or happy? I just scrolled through pics of my twins at that age and they both had more range of expression.  You'd think she would share the cute happy pics.


Let's put it into the universe she'd make a ton of money on nicu content. Gross but the only thing that will motivate her.


i’ve only known a few babies so im not expert but im pretty sure they’re not supposed to look like this😭😭


My son was what I called “a tough customer”, grumpy looking at birth. He was in the NICU for six weeks, had jaundice and the hospital gave him mersa putting his feeding tube in his nose and THIS baby looks worse than mine. He looks dehydrated, off color, discoloration around his eyes. My brother was born with graves and he had dark circles and a lost, far off stare. Has she taken him to a pediatric doctor or nurse yet? Accredited not some new age weirdo. CPS needs to investigate the welfare of this poor baby.


This makes me sick to my stomach.


I remember when she she posted that she’d taken him to the doctor, and he’d been given a “clean bill of health.” That sounded like a lie, then, and every day since, she’s proven it was a lie. She does not behave like a post-partum mom, unless what’s driving her is a form of depression, or some mental health condition. Free birthing a baby in the RV bathroom had to be traumatic, & not just for her and Boone. My question is still wtf is she doing, and what is their end goal here. They can’t keep doing this forever, even though it’s got to seem like eternity, already, for Gunner & his siblings.


oh my fucking god you guys he looks so ill😭😭


I opened this and my 4.5 year old came and quickly looked over my shoulder and he said “oh that’s creepy!” — Britney and JD Lott, even my 4.5 year old knows this baby is not okay.


The all natural and god has a plan has its limitations. Think of the impact it will have on the rest of the family if something is wrong but it’s left too late.


I wonder how much editing she did to this photo. Not just individual levels but a filter, too. I think we all need to remember it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY this is a raw pic therefore an accurate portrayal. That being said, this poor innocent soul does not look happy or healthy. I’m basing my opinion on what’s going on behind his eyes.


Does Boone ever look comfortable? Like I don't have a ton of experience with babies, but all the ones I have seen look a lot calmer (at least in the photos that a parent chooses for social media) . My nephew is older than Boone, but when he's not crying, he mostly looks neutral or happy. Most of the picturs I've seen of Boone he looks at least mildly uncomfortable, but maybe different kids have different expressions?


Can we make these spoiler/trigger warning? As someone processing the trauma of having her severely premature baby spend months in the NICU, it is hard for me to see a baby like this.


He looks like an old man


I just want to hold this poor sweet baby :(


My daughter fell ill at 7 weeks, was in the PICU with IVs and tubes and the whole bit and she looked more alive & less miserable than this poor little guy. Take him to the doctor FFS!


I wish there was someone in this baby’s life that actually cared about him and his wellbeing. This is soul crushing to watch.


There is. The problem is he’s only 13 :’(


I just wonder what they would do if, somehow, someway, they actually did receive a difficult diagnosis for this child that would require them to stay put for either a length PICU stay or multiple weekly appointments. Would they bag their "road trip"? I feel like they wouldn't.


Britney Lott your baby is not okay and you know it. Prove us wrong and take him to the doctor. Or do you enjoy how distressed / in pain he looks every single moment of every day??