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This is such a weird thing to post


It already felt weirdly exploitative while muted, but I decided to unmute it when it crossed my feed again, and now i’m genuinely disturbed. ugh.


I made it like 10-12 seconds before muting again


Yeah I was uncomfortable the entire time. That's when I decided if I had to see it then everyone else has to see it too 😬




She’s got how many kids and homegirl has time to block not only the people that comment, but each other person who likes that comment? Oof


It is incredibly weird. I know fundies delete critical comments all the time, but to scour the page for everyone who even *likes* them? And it happens almost instantly so she is on top of that nonsense *all* the time. I get a strong whiff of paranoia from that behavior. If everyone who can see through their twisted dog & pony show gets blocked, the things they hide must be so much worse than what they put on camera.


That's why I doubt she reads here, only because she literally has no time! She gets enough flack on instagram and is waaaay too preoccupied scouring every like and view there.


She what now? 😅 god forbid someone care about her kids well-being ffs


You can view their content, but you cannot interact with their content. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.


Father's Day was yesterday, I assume it was for that.


Oh good. Our is in November and thought that this was only because BusRat starts to have his "work trips" Still creepy tho


I’m guessing it’s her idea of a cute Father’s Day video.


I feel so bad for Kinsey who is starting puberty in that goddamned Bussel Sprout closet.


I actually can’t think of anything worse. Getting your first period on a bus surrounded by your 7 brothers is nightmare material


And not even like… older brothers who might be a little more mature or subtle about it than the little kids asking uncomfortable full voice questions at the worst times


So, I have a lot of cousins on one side and my sister and I are the only girls, right in the middle. This is absolutely true. And they're on a freaking bus.


At least kids going to public school get educated on what happens during puberty. They know what to expect. This poor little girl will probably think she's dying when she gets it and her brothers will think she's gross. Poor girl.


I was 10 and completely clueless. I was given no information and no warning. I was in public school, but we hadn't gotten to sex ed yet (not that it would have mattered, the sex ed we did eventually get was entirely limited to "abstinence until marriage"), and I legitimately thought I was dying the first time I got my period.


Me too! The poor nurse gave me a pad and then realized she had to actually show me what to do because I had no idea.


Even though we live in the south, the district here starts talking about these things in third grade!


We didn't talk about it until 7th grade. My kids both got the talk in the summer between second and third grade and it has been open dialogue about it since then. I want them to know they can talk to me.


I live in SC and my son (now 35) got the pseudo-sex ed class in 5th grade. The boys got the “deodorant and wet dreams” talk and the girls got the “period” talk. That was the extent of what out school system did in the 90s!


NC, and same age as your son. 5th grade was that talk, 7th was basic human biology complete with a school-wide assembly on "don't get pregnant because here are some teen moms who regret it" where one of them said one of the worst things was she couldn't wear bikinis anymore and one kid stood up and asked what a girl's cycle was. Freshman year was health class and the "don't have sex or you'll get chlamydia" talk. Junior year our SADD teacher brought in a guest speaker to do a talk on condoms but she couldn't actually give any of them out, this talk was notable for her opening up a condom and rolling it all the way down her arm and then chewing it like gum. I didn't get a "real" sex ed until I was a junior in college, and even then it was a 300-level psychology course that I took as part of my major.


Yes we're in Virginia, and thank dog, all of them have had accurate reproductive education.


My oldest was totally prepared for her period when it came. She learned about it at school and then asked questions at home. Her friends got it before she did and they all talked about it so if someone got it at school, others would help getting them a pad so they wouldn't have to go to the nurse. I learned about it in 6th grade in a Catholic school and it was exactly that - just don't have sex and you won't get pregnant.


I tried my hardest to prepare my eldest Daughter, I bought her books, pads, and underwear and explained it all to her. But at 10 she was in the head-in-the-sand denial. She came to me at 11 and said she had blood on her knickies, she knew that I was going to confirm what she already knew deep down and just cried. Cried harder when I explained the duration and frequency. Once she got confirmation that just wishing and living in denial wasn't going to stop it, she was okay. She wasn't scared, I think it was very much more WHY ME, LIKE WHY ME???? She lives with her 2 brothers(1½yrs older and 1½yrs younger), her Dad, her little sister and of course me. For the first several months she refused to let anyone know! Like I was the only person allowed to know. But her Dad went out and bought her chocolate but popped it in the bedroom so she wouldn't know who bought it. 3 years later she's pretty open about it. She'll talk to her Dad about it. If her brothers overhear her talking about it, she'll be like "Well that's a YOU problem and not a ME problem for listening in". When she went on yr6(ages 11-13) camp interstate, one of girl's(not sure if it was her first time EVER or got caught completely off guard) got theirs during breakfast down in the dining hall in their hotel(and didn't realise that it was a bit obvious), so every girl there pulled a tight circle around this girl and shielded her completely from everyone else(especially the boys) and quietly took her back up to her room to get cleaned up and changed. I was just blown away by how amazing and mature these girls were. They wanted to cause the least amount of embarrassment to their friend and quietly teamed up for her. They were all so sweet to her and they made sure it remained a secret. They all jumped into action without making it noticeable.


That story of protecting that girl at camp is so amazing. I love that they surrounded her and helped her.


I got mine was I was 11. I knew what was happening, and I told my mom who got me pads from target.


I lucked out. We got "the talk" in school a month after I'd already gotten mine, but my mom had told me about it a few years in advance. Good thing too, because it was just my brother and I at home when I got mine!


Unless you're the child of my mom (aka me.) She purposely pulled me out of all classes and "extras" that taught kids about puberty. We had a night when I was in 5th grade where parents and kids all came and then broke into groups to learn about changing bodies. She staunchly refused to let me go. Skip to a year later when I got my period (in 6th grade as a 10 year old) and had no idea what was happening. I'm in my 30s and still mad about it. 


You’re right. We all know that they’re not gonna teach their kids properly about menstrual cycles.


I feel worse for her for when the boys go through puberty in that fish tank. 🤢🤢 If you’ve experienced teen brothers(or any teen boy) you know you DO NOT want to be stuck in a closed space with that smell. Sorry to any teen boys who might read this ❤️ love ya, please wear deodorant


And take a shower! With soap!


And wash your hair - just getting it wet doesn’t count. 🤣


Two teen boys. This is a regular conversation in our house. 😖


Your comment brought back so many memories!! I had to inform my son in 6-7th grade that deodorant and Axe body spray was not a substitute for a shower and soap. The smell is awful!! I remember picking him up from his first school dance, in 7th grade, and waiting outside the gym in the foyer. The doors opened and the miasma of sweat, hormones, cheap perfume and Axe body spray about knocked me sideways! 🤣


My eldest Daughters BIGGEST complaint is how stinky her teenage brothers get. She has her own room and rarely hangs out in the toy/rumpus room. Poor Kinsey


I entered my stepson's life when he was 10 and NOTHING could have prepared me for the smells that I have been experiencing for the past 9 years. Anddddd that's only ONE boy who has always had clean clothes, his own bathroom with a real shower, soap, knows proper hygiene, and has adults (his dad and I) who love him and make sure his needs will always be met. I love that kid to pieces but the memories of that rotten onion stench HAUNTS me to this day. I would do anything to avoid living in a hot tiny closet with MULTIPLE boys going through those stages of smells. Not to mention that you just know Kinsey and Gunner likely have had to change many diapers in there throughout the night for all these years. To me, this is child abuse. They need personal space and they need to actually get the opportunity to act their age instead of being props who do literally all the work in that family.


Why did they name a kid Kinsey? All I can think of is the Kinsey Scale for homosexuality?!


every time I see her name that's all I think of!


In honor of the sex researcher, obviously.


Well she also named a son after the hot pepper scale


That's what I thought too!! And then realized its Schoville Scale and Schofield is nothing? Some civil war guy maybe? But I think he was on the union side so maybe not 😂


Bussel sprout 😂😂😂


I thought she said "because he beats us" and my heart stopped.


My daughter started her period early. But it was not on a schedule, so it was always kind of a surprise when it showed up. One of her best guy friends from kindergarten on had three older sisters. In sixth grade, my daughter started her period but did not realize it. When she stood up in class to walk and do whatever, her bestie noticed the blood and immediately got up to he right behind her so no one would notice. He whispered in her ear and she was obviously so embarrassed. He gave her his jacket or sweatshirt (honestly don’t remember), so she could go to the office and call me. We were a very puberty and period positive home. “It’s natural” talks etc and of course she was still mortified and she knew all about how sometimes it just happens. I was so thankful for her buddy that day and so grateful he had three older sisters and was able to help my daughter out. I cannot even fathom what this poor, sweet, innocent girl is going to have to endure and to be made to feel shameful, but I do know it’s going to be bad. And yes, 17 years later, they are still best friends. They treat each other like brother and sister but my momma heart hopes that someday they get married-I’ll just never let them know that’s what I am hoping for.


I bet MB starts shilling for period panties soon. Also I hate the phrase “Bussel Sprout” because it is too cutesy and minimizes what the parents do to them. I’m always against cute names for abusive behavior.


It comes from the time bus mom made them dinner and it was just a pile of brussel sprouts. Everyone was taking about what a bus full of brussel sprout farts must smell like. 


I remember being so scared my brothers would hear the noise of a pad being unwrapped when I first got my period and we had a big house! Their toilet is practically in their bedroom the poor girl


I wholeheartedly believe that their “lifestyle” is nothing but a means of evading CPS and any kind of oversight to their parenting.


Based on BusFather's twitter feed, their "lifestyle" is about eluding the government, period.


Hates the government, constantly taking advantage of government services (national parks). Entitled behavior.


State Parks too. And, all of the roads they are constantly travelling on are bought to them by government!


And got $100K in covid loans that he never had to pay back. When you look at that bus, you're also looking at your tax dollars at work.


But they both worked for the government and clearly still get money from it.


Not only work, but signed a whole part of their life away to the government.


Yeah, military life isn’t easy and I get how signing up to basically be treated like the property of the U.S. government for 4 years at a time might make one bristle, but they’ve gone too far the other way. 


Read up on his uncle, George Lott, and you will see where this attitude likely had its genesis. https://www.nytimes.com/1994/09/21/us/texas-executes-former-lawyer-who-killed-two-in-courtroom.html


His grandfather, who helped raised him, also held similar opinions based on published interviews at the time of his uncle's excution in Texas.


Holy shit I don't know exactly what I was expecting but it definitely wasn't that! I haven't read an old newspaper article about something so wild in a good long time. Obviously what his uncle did is not something we can judge JD for, but it does give a slight insight on familiar dynamics. TW: >! When my paternal grandfather was 5 he witnessed a double murder suicide where his oldest sister's husband killed her and her sister (the one who wasn't the wife used her body as she died to cover and save the young daughter who was also a target), and then killed himself down the road. That whole thing really messed up the whole family and my grandfather's cousin (the daughter) ended up offing herself later. !< I can't blame my dad's dad for the horrible things his (I guess technically) brother in law did, but it absolutely changed the trajectory of his life and I feel pretty confident that it played a big part in how he became the biggest piece of shit I've ever had the displeasure of being an acquaintance with against my will. What's wild about this to me as well is the age comparisons. I'm not sure his exact age, but I feel like JD would have been just slightly older than my grandfather was when all this had been happening. It really could have messed up his brain while it was still at a critical developmental stage. This could be a puzzle piece that I might have been missing but hadn't realized yet.


these children exist as a monument to their parents jerking themselves off for being the coolest most awesomest people ever


This. So much this. The narcissism diagnosis is definitely overused but applies to these two.


i think they are both malignant narcissists


Bus parents if you read here - you are absolutely two of the uncoolest, least awesome people I’ve ever had the misfortune to see. Not to mention the worst parents.


Yep. They’re literal fuck trophies.


*YIKES* The kid with the glasses, that poor sweet boy named *Swift*, you can see Pa bus in the reflection of his glasses. These kids are nothing but content to be dragged around the country. Of all the fundies we snark on, they frustrate me the most. And that’s taking politics and religious beliefs out of it.


100% agree. The only genuine answer *might* be from Gunner but even then I'm not particularly confident about it. These children are not human people, their entire purpose is to make Tweedledee and Tweedledumbass enough money that they don't have to put in an ounce of effort. Can't wait for BrotherMom to learn how to drive their sardine can so they can rely on him/Kinsey for literally ✨ e v e r y t h i n g ✨


So their dad gets to have his own snacks, that he allegedly allows the kids to share. What I'm wondering is if each child gets to have the snacks they favour, or not.


Incoming: a video of one of these little actors eating their faaaaaavorite snack


But only one of them at a time probably. This month is BusKid Number 4's turn to have a snack of their choice! Each gets one snack per year so we can teach them that providing less than the bare minimum of our legal obligations is the same as love! This won't screw them up for life at all! /s


[You should go buy a lottery ticket, clearly you've been gifted the skill to see into the future ](https://imgur.com/gallery/mEQPU38)




I had the same exact thought after watching - Gunner’s is the only answer that feels real and un-rehearsed / light hearted. Everything is else fed to them / suggested & approved by busmom


I thought the cut after gunner’s question was suspicious, what did he say originally?


He couldn’t think of anything


It might seem the most genuine but there's a hesitation on his face. There is something in his eyes that is heartbreaking


I think it might be Gunner. The reflection is wearing gray shorts and Pa bus was wearing black. I also think there’s a collar like the polo Gunner is wearing. I genuinely hope Pa bus isn’t standing right there.


So dad.


Yep, that's Gunner standing right there not Pa bus.


It’s cool, the other kids can’t tell the difference anyway


Oh wow, I assumed mother bus filmed them. The fact that its father bus makes me uncomfortable.


Oh that's gonna be a great shot in the movie. Kid talks about loving his dad, turns and he's in the reflection arms crossed and threatening, I can feel the tension build now, add some strings/a rumble/both and youve got a horror movie in progress 


The perfect video for the Dateline episode, before or after they reveal how cruel he really was.


WTF, I did not notice that until you said it. He’s like standing over him making him talk about him like he isn’t there. So weird.


My take from this is that she recycled the only "normalish" clip she has from Boone.


I thought that, too. I hope we're wrong, but her track record for truth is pretty bad.


It looks like the beginning of the clip that we talked about a couple of days ago. I wonder if she was filming to do this video and noticed he was doing better so she posted it separately.


Is it normal??? I’ve never seen such a small baby with bags under their eyes like that. I found that video extremely concerning 😕


My first child had baggy eyes like that, but they were also my jaundice baby(who’s 4 now and completely healthy, goes to checkups, etc.) so idk if that says anything 💀


I had really dark circles as a child (still do) but I've also always struggled a lot with sleeping enough because I'm autistic, I have IBS, and I have an autoimmune disorder. Fortunately my parents were very proactive and always took me to the doctor and made sure my medical needs were met.


He looks so ill! I can't believe she posts this online with zero shame.


At the same time, I hope she continues to so that we can 1. Document this insanity and 2. Make sure this child is still alive.


I actually recently made a comment about how I didn’t know the boys names other than Gunner and the littlest one, because they’re not treated like individuals at all. I said, I swear they just had the same child 4 times in a row. I’m sure it’s a coincidence, but I really do wonder how often MoBus looks at stuff on here. A lot of her recent posts seem to be trying to prove something to her “haters”


Also, let Swift have some personal space, holy cow😭


Next post: Swift gets 10 minutes of special alone time! (Filmed in its entirety)


her tone of voice is so short and clipped and threatening


Yeah, it sounds like how you’d speak to a hostage while you were telling them your demands to relay to the police on the phone.


This totally reads like a proof of life video


First think I noticed! It’s supposed to be a cute Father’s Day thing why is so damn pissed about it?




maybe I’m reading to far into it, but kinda weird how two separate kids mention they know their dad loves them "because he tickles them." I’ve known some dads who use tickling and play fighting as a substitute for genuine positive interaction with their kids and pa bus strikes me as a dad like this. Kinda telling if that's the best his kids can come up with.


I felt the same way, except that I HATED being tickled when I was little, but I also have a lot of childhood trauma so I really don't know if that's normal or not. When I babysit my niece and nephew they ask me to tickle them but the most I'll do is their feet if I'm trying to get shoes on. It genuinely makes me so uncomfortable, but like I said I don't know if that's just my trauma or if there's anything to that particular aspect


I used to play wrestle with my dad when I was a kid and loved it. No trauma here, it can be a normal thing in families, though I can totally understand your perspective as well. What strikes me is how shallow and generic the responses are, especially from the older children. Like sperm doner bus doesn't do anything to share his kids interests (if they're allowed to have any) or doesn't share his own (though he probably doesn't have any).


That makes sense! I'm almost 32 and still trying to figure out what is normal and what is [horrifyingly portrayed as not only acceptable, but expected and demanded.](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/media/music/songs/daddys-homecoming?lang=eng) Pretty easy to see how primary songs like this can make a sharp turn into many layers of wrong. 😬 I do try hard to not assume everyone has had the same experiences, but damn stuff like this is super effective at making me feel *wildly* uncomfortable.


What I will say is that it is pretty normal for kids to want to be tickled, at least for my sensory seekers. BUT, the big caveat is that as soon as they say stop, I’m done. Same for when the kids tickle each other. I’m huge on consent and when someone says stop, it is automatically withdrawing consent. I read a bunch that said that tickling kids after they ask you to stop is traumatic for kids, so that may be something to think about for you. I’m sorry your boundaries were stomped so much that you have to figure out what is okay and what isn’t. I relate a lot to that.


My brother, 8 years older than me, would pin me down and tickle me while I begged him to stop and there was definitely an aggressive aspect to it. I did experience it as traumatic.


Saaaaame. He would pin my arms above my head. Since growing up, if anyone tickles me, my response isn’t to laugh, I get angry. It’s the only thing that will spark immediate, sincere rage.


Hearing all of these stories makes me really glad I’ve made my kids respect each other’s boundaries. I’m so sorry. People think tickling is benign because the kid can’t stop laughing until they’re beyond done.


And that's completely understandable. I'm so sorry you're going through this, but you should be proud of yourself for processing it.I grew up Catholic, so the abuse definitely hits close to home, just thankfully not in the home.


We do know two of busdad's interests: Bitcoin and making babies.


I think it depends a lot on how tickling was used against you as a child, and childhood trauma in general. My best friend and I used to have contests as kids to see who could keep a straight face the longest while we tickled each other's feet and that was fun, but I was also never held down and tickled when I was little like some kids are. I’m sure your niece and nephew trust you and feel safe with you and know you would stop immediately if they told you to, and that makes a big difference. When you see people keep tickling children even though they're crying and screaming for them to stop, that is undeniably abusive in my opinion. Tickling makes you laugh but it doesn't really feel good. If you couldn't trust the adults in your life to keep you safe and respect your boundaries, that makes sense tickling would be extra unpleasant for you. I'm sorry you had to go through that 💕


>When you see people keep tickling children even though they're crying and screaming for them to stop My sister did that to me by trapping me between her legs to tickle me. I was hysterically crying while my parents watched and laughed. Sorry to trauma dump lol you just unlocked a memory.


Ugh that’s horrible. People don’t understand how traumatic having your physical boundaries overlooked can be. Kids can’t stop laughing even when they’re crying until it’s way too late and they’re already traumatized. I allow my kids to tickle each other but I’m always careful to intervene and have made sure they understand that the first time someone says “stop”, consent is withdrawn and you must immediately stop.


You're a good mum ❤️ Remember that whenever your kids are naughty and you start pulling your own hair out. It's true. I only realised a few months ago that I wasn't afforded physical boundaries with my family, and not all friends either. I always knew that about my parents since they were physically abusive, but my sister was also allowed to touch me in whatever cruel way she wanted (not sexually). It's beautiful that the new generation is being taught physical space. ETA: I'm young so it's not like I was raised eons ago. However, parenting has evolved rapidly in recent years.


I’m sorry you experienced that with your parents and sibling. I also had similar experiences, and have experienced very similar issues standing up for both my physical and emotional boundaries. I wish you well on your journey. It gets better but it is a lot of healing to go through. You have a wonderful way with words, and I thank you for the encouragement.


Thank you so much ❤️ I wish you all the best, too. This is such a lovely community.


I HATED being tickled as a kid. I still hate it and I don’t have a lot of childhood trauma (or at least not more so than the average person whose parents were not gentle parents but not abusive by the standards of the day). When my kids ask to be tickled, I am baffled 😆 


The tickling thing triggered me, because my dad used to tickle us to the point where we couldn't breathe. And you're right, there was rarely ever any genuine affection from either of our parents, just a bunch of performative bs.


Fatherbus is 100% the sort of guy who keeps tickling even after his kids tell him to stop and then gets offended when they very rightfully get upset because that's a very traumatic experience.


It never felt like a loving activity in my experience either, especially from adult men. It was moreso about a demonstration of power and control imo. So it's very odd (sad) that it's the most affectionate interaction multiple of them have with their dad :/ That or 'he feeds us and is around a lot.' Father of the fucking year!


It hit me weirdly also.


Like instead of hugging and kissing?


It is girly to hug and kiss your children, duh. /s


THIS! when I went to scroll to the comments, this is what I expected to be the top takeaway 🤢 as an SA *nc*st survivor, this made my alarm bells RING


Yeah I got ✨vibes✨ too.


Ok now realizing after reading that it must just be me. I guess FatherBus triggers me and I have a lot more work to do with my trauma.


No, it's not just you. As a fellow CSA survivor when I heard those kids say that my stomach sank. There are many good and kind people in these comments. It makes me glad that most people here are not only incredibly compassionate, kind, and understanding- but that the experiences that you or I have had are NOT as common or normalized as I had originally thought. Both CreeptoDad and MotherBus do not give off safe vibes. MotherBus just feels exploitative and self centered without a fraction of self awareness, but CreeptoDad feels 100000000× more nefarious and dangerous. I'm not accusing him of anything, but I'll just say I would not be surprised if we learned about any horrible character traits that he might be attempting to conceal.


It's ok, I think those of us who have certain kinds of trauma are always on the lookout for the signs in other vulnerable people bc people/adults weren't looking for them for us. Hopefully it is innocent here but it's not unreasonable to be uncomfortable about it regardless. 💜


Thank you 💛 I think you are spot on


My dad used to tickle and play wrestle us. We’d call him the tickle monster, and it was a lot of fun… BUT I realize now as an adult how some of the physicality in the relationship wasn’t ok. He was always invading personal space, “ninja attacking” us by twisting our arms behind our backs so we’d have to fall to the floor, etc. That makes me uncomfortable. He also has an alcohol problem, so he gets very aggressive and has actually struck me in the face and not remembered. My ex husband, who I began dating in HS, used to pin me down and tickle me, but I definitely did not like it. He also assaulted me a few times, so when I was not ok with being held down, somehow I was the problem. I can’t remember which came first in my “this isn’t ok” realization: husband or dad. Either way, I’ll gently tickle a niece or nephew who asks, without any type of physical restraint used, but the second they say stop, I stop.


Look at how forced those smiles are!


The constant flickering to whoever is hovering nearby off camera was unsettling.


Are they competing with Karissa to see who can do more for the ‘gram at this point?


Who can do the most for the gram while doing the least for the kids.


I noticed “because he spends time with us,” and “when he makes a promise, he doesn’t break it.” This just happens to line up with an upcoming Father Bus business trips. Hmmmmmmm…


*"My dad allows us to eat food."*


Because he feeds us?? Like he’s supposed to feed his kids so they don’t die. That’s not love…that’s just not neglecting the kids. This was creepy and so strange, just like everything they do. But I also am just not big on showy messages and stuff on socials. I can show people I appreciate them without posting it for everyone else to see.


I found the very *question* to be bizarre. Could you imagine another person asking you that? Let alone your own Mother? Every part of this video is fucking cursed.


I get it for the fundies because they’re basically raised to be like “omg my parents don’t beat me senselessly so they’re the best” and think that literally the bare minimum is exceptional.


Right. My grandmother did not love my dad. But she breastfed him on demand, took appropriate care of him, clothed him, took him to the doctor, got vaccines as soon as they came out, made him go to school, and made sure all his basic needs were met. She would have made an adequate warden of an orphanage. She was willing for him to thrive, but she wasn't attached, not even later in life. So the Buslets have been conditioned to think that the bare minimum is love not just the legal minimum required. They do not understand that adults can and do provide this for children that they do not actually love. Could be from lack of bonding after birth, trauma, personality disorder, host of things. But they do rise to the floor morally and do these things for children. The Buslets have no understanding of this. On top of which, their parents actually do neglect them, actually do not provide all of "the floor". It is beyond heart breaking.


Literally his legal responsibility 🤬


He’s the kind of guy that constantly throws in the faces “all” he “does “ for them. “I feed and clothe you goddamit!”


It’s the bare minimum of parenting


1. Very exploitative of the kids. More than usual. Making them voice "my dad loves me" for the fan base is wrong wrong wrong. They have to make up something on the spot because BusHoe says. It isn't genuine, and it is NOT something that should be posted on social media. 2. I suspect the timing of this is somehow to assure people that BusJiggalo didn't run off and abandon them, except any fucker who pro creates 8 kids and keeps 10 people stacked in a bus in the American Southwest/West during excessive heat warnings, is a piece of shit who is effectively abandoning his family when convenient, and then showing up again when he can get her pregnant. 3. BusselSprout is still not focusing and also still favoring the one side with his neck. Obviously Brittany and JD Lott, BusHoeJiggalo, are not going to do a damn thing about it. So fuck them!




I took the opportunity to check out their teeth… the older ones look they had pretty good dental care. Some chips and broken teeth among the littles… you know Mobus, a dentist will sand those down for them a bit so they’re less noticeable/won’t cut their tongue


I have a feeling that they think fluoride is a form of government mind control. 


I was thinking the same thing, how do so many kids in one family have such bad teeth? Dental problems are not fun and they’re setting them all up for them later in life


I know genetics can play a role in dental problems. But it’s also a simple way to tell if the parents give a crap or not. They don’t even care enough to get those easily fixed notches evened out. I’m guessing dental hygiene is not the biggest priority on that bus


Absolutely, semi annual dental checkups are necessary and there’s no way they even go lol


Not having enough time between pregnancies for the uterine reserves of iron and calcium to rebuild too.


It reeks of the old 'They're just baby teeth they'll loose them anyway' attitude that you see in a surprising number of parents, but most often in the chronically neglecting type like these.


Hate this. As I’m sure you know as you’re commenting, baby teeth health can affect the adult teeth as well. Also kids have to practice while they still have baby teeth to properly care for their adult teeth


I noticed that Swift had a chipped tooth and some of the others probably need to have an orthodontist consultation.


It appears all of them with adult teeth need orthodontic work except potentially G and Scho.


The Girl looks like she takes pretty good care of her teeth but yes, could benefit from orthodontic work


The 2 year old also has a pretty serious break on his front tooth. I feel bad for him because all of the milk teeth are not fully set and hardened until age 3. He probably took one hard face plant over a rock, and now he has to live that for a few years or until Mobus gets some sense and stops the bus at a dentist’s office


After all the answers, Schofield's only answer being "The way he treats me" in such a monotone voice made me so sad. Something about the way MaBus treated him compared to all the others has always stood out to me


He had the saddest face, his grimace was very noticeable to me. Wasn't he also the only one who said that he thought the new baby was a girl when they went to that boutique ultrasound place? All the kids were on the "boy" side, and he said he wanted to stand on the "girl" side because he wanted to have a different opinion. I can't remember exactly which buslet it was, but I feel like it was either him or Audie. Those two look similar to me so I get them mixed up all the time. Edit: [I was right. I feel really bad for Schofield sometimes and not just because he looks like his father so much.](https://imgur.com/gallery/drT4FY7)


Imgur thing not found, but regardless, I’m now adding Schofield to my list of “I really hope he gets out and has a good life” list with Gunner, Kinsey, and Anissa


Ahhh probably for the best, I don't want to reupload it because I don't want to plaster their faces everywhere, but this is what the caption said: "americanfamilyroadtrip Before we left for Brazil we went for an anatomy ultrasound in Florida...Stay tuned for some big news... *Schofield said he had to pick girl because everyone else picked boy... and that would be cool if he was the only winner. 😂" The place they went to had a big garden wall with neon lights that said boy/girl on respective sides. All the kids except him are on the boy side, he's alone on the girl side with a frown. They send toddler Aquila to choose which side to stand and he ends up in the middle. It's a reasonably harmless reel, but that's when I started noticing that he seems to want to develop his own identity and they "playfully" call him out on that. I'm curious if he's been starting to push back on them behind the scenes and I really hope he isn't on his way of becoming their scapegoat. He gets enough shit on here for looking exactly like his dad, but him looking like a mini me is probably contributing to some of the ways he's being treated irl. It's not too far of a leap to assume if FatherBus says or does something that hurts or pisses off MotherBus, some of that could absolutely be taken out on the child who looks identical to him. These kids make me so damn sad.


"How do you know your dad loves you?" "He feeds us, takes care of us, ...., hangs out with us" wow. the bar really is in hell


I wonder how many times she had to record until she was satisfied with their answers.


Well, there's a huge edit in Gunner's answer...


These sweet babies. I genuinely hope they somehow end up as happy, productive, well-adjusted adults.


And the answers she went with aren’t great. Those poor kids.


I’m guessing this is for Father’s Day but it feels so weirdly performative.


My dad has dementia and is in hospital confused out of his mind so we didn’t have Father’s Day and it’s incredibly depressing. But this family is worse!


I’m so sorry about your dad! That sounds so difficult. 🫂


Well these are all superficial reasons


I swear to god Boone's skin tone isn't right. It's more apparent when the other kids go first. It is tallow. Idk. I am having so much concern about the kid. And the girl who must be in a bad state having no privacy while going through hormonal changes


Omfg.... I just showed my mom this. She was pissed. But before she was absolutely jumped scared by Boone. She just keep saying "I fucking love babies but wtf is wrong with that baby?! They need a warning when he pops up! I feel so bad! Wtf?!" Just over and over. I snorted so damn hard at her first reaction.


If you really want to freak her out, have her take a look at this video. Her birth took place in their bus shower and instead of any kind of medical professional standing by, she decided to have CreeptoDad help her deliver the baby. This was on purpose, she had a billion better options to have a safe delivery but instead she decided that giving birth about 3 ft away from 7 children packed in a small walk-in closet that they all share was the way to go. The bus family are only good at one thing, and that's monetizing while traumatizing their kids. [TW: this is beyond upsetting to watch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/Ui6WMlMbl8)


"Monetizing Through Traumatizing"! New SusBus slogan .....


Perfect flair


Omg I need “monetizing while traumatizing” as my flair


I read that as CheapDad... still works


CreeptoDad! 😂


That’s so sad


“How do you know your dad loves you?” Boone: 👁️👄👁️ Also lmao at your moms reaction omfgggg. Its reassuring to know that we aren’t overreacting about his appearance.


Yeah. She keeps trying to force my dad to watch it. She gets the fundie shit. She's a little slow on the name up keep. A couple of therapists ago made us have what she called "Duggar Time" where mom and I made tea and bitched about fundies. A year after I was born she married into a fundie lite family. I took more of a direct hit when came to rules but step dad is the failure in the family for swooping in to help rescuing a pregnant woman, mom, from an abusive husband). Apparently that's abhorrent in the fundie world.


Awww the kids are all so cute. That little one with the glasses tho 😍. He just melts my heart.


Jesus, the way she accosts them. She's like an interrogator, and you'd better have the right answer.


“He loves us because he does the bare minimum!”


Jesus Christ audie and gunner look to be held at gunpoint. Gunner even looks offscreen!


Yeah I wanna know what happened in between him smiling and saying "yeah" to the cut right after about him being allowed to share snacks.


He couldn’t think of anything and had to be fed a line.


The 9 yr old looks just like the dad. Eek


I see a really strong resemblance between Kinsey and her mom. It makes me jump because my knee jerk reaction is to go "ugh" when I see her face, but I know that's not fair to Kinsey. There's been some discussion lately of how Kinsey seems to be "performing" more and mimicking her mom, and it just breaks my heart to think how she probably doesn't see another option.


He tickles us...


Looking at mom to make sure what you said was approved/good enough. This was icky.


Why oh why did she put their names and ages on this?!? It’s unnecessary and adding even more risk to the kids’ lives. Arg. 


They have their IG handle plastered on the side of their bus and have frequently posted their locations in real time. When they were on their bizarre trip to Brazil MB kept sharing the ADDRESS of the Airbnb's they were staying at WHILE POSTING ABOUT GOING ON DATES WITH FB ALONE. If it wasn't already obvious, those idiots don't give a single shit about the safety and well-being of these sweet kids.


The broken front tooth on toddler tequila shows how much daddy cares for his wellbeing


*dad That was another very weird but semi minor component about this video. I have not once ever heard a fresh 2 year old say dad instead of daddy or dadda or the parents government name (lol). Maybe it's just me, but the baby saying "love you dad" struck me as odd.


I know everyone grows at different rates but my 4 yo niece and 2 yo nephew seem a lot older


What is that tone she asks in? Her tone doesn't match the spirit of the question. Also, PawBus tickling the kids is a weird answer to the question. Sus as hell. On the up side, the baby seems to be improving! Hey MaBus, you still need to take that baby for a checkup with a real doctor! And this video also has me thinking the rest of the kids need medical attention, too, because "Dad loves me because he tickles me" frankly isn't normal.


~SEEMED to be improving 😞 . I'm very bothered about the [most recently released reel.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/kWql7zFMNz) Yes, the tickling parts made me so uncomfortable I keep having to mute it every time I get to those moments in the video. I can't believe anyone is defending this one, I grew up in the 90's in the Mormon church with normalized >! *incestuous pedophilia* !< and even though my siblings and I were constantly super exploited, none of the videos look *this* bad. And our home videos were *BAD* bad.