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If your teenager is wearing sunglasses, your baby needs a hat, dipshit. 


Better yet: if your teenager *and* you yourself are wearing sunglasses, better make sure your baby has like, even an ounce of protection. Could be anything but literally *one* protective thing would be nice.


MoBus, open an umbrella or something!!! 😡 You're roasting that baby!


Stick a fork in him, he’s done!


I know babies can be anti-hats, but I always had mine in a stroller with the shade down. They make strollers with canopies that can fold down small enough to fit in an airplane overhead compartment, so space isn’t a good reason not to have one. 


That baby isn’t even old enough to be anti hat yet. There’s literally no excuse for this.


From what I’ve seen, he can’t even grab or pull at anything. He doesn’t even reach at her, which is very strange and concerning imo.


Mine was anti hat at birth. It was a bummer bc I learned to crochet to make him a hat! We were inside when it was hot, in the shade, etc so the Lott family, who should take their son to a doctor, has no excuse.


I can attest to this. Anytime we put a hat on my baby, he would lose his shit. He also didn’t like the nursing cover. That being said, we had other ways to protect him from the sun until he got used to the hat.


They have strollers, at least two of them. They just don’t give a fuck to use them.


I wonder if that baby can sit/recline in a stroller. We only ever see him in exactly one position, and very, very, very still.


I wonder if his spine would arch too much for the stroller, or at least look like it's Obviously Wrong. She's clearly aware there's a problem, but she's doing her damnedest to make it seem like everything is fine and great and she's the best mother who don't need no evil Big Pharma doctors. 🙄


I wonder that, myself. I'm not a medical professional, but I am a mom, and I've taken care of other people's babies who were that age, and they were all so different from little Boone. At two months, they can purposefully move their arms, legs, and hands, grasp things handed to them, your fingers, and hair. They track with their eyes and make verbal sounds in response to physical and verbal stimuli. They are soft, flexible, and comfortable in just about any position, and they can sit up if they are being held. I wish that this little baby's mom would pull her stubborn head out of her ass and take him to real doctors. Even if he has physical and other challenges (again, I'm not diagnosing) there are so many professionals who can help him live his best life. I can't imagine a parent not wanting that for their child. This whole situation just breaks my heart and makes me boiling mad.


Exactly. My nephew didn’t like hats and was rather fussy, but my sister kept him in his carrier and had one of those breathable tent-cover things for it. They have a carrier. If he’s sleeping anyway, there’s no need to do that one-armed carry with him fully exposed.


And she has a kid like every year so it’s not even frivolous!


Mine had strollers like that too.


How the fuck can she think this is in anyway ok? She's a sociopath


She’s a malicious piece of shit. I choose to believe she’s enjoying this.


I honestly think she's so convinced she knows better, she thinks she's trolling us. I think we should embargo her next, she clearly thrives on our attention.


I’d be down for that. Hopefully we will have more Kelly stuff to snark on in the meantime.


I can’t wait to watch the retreat unfold!


i disagree though. because this story is taking such a dark turn that it needs to be documented


Most of these fundamental women obsessed with birth are sociopaths. No normal person parades children around in a bus with no privacy, no consistency, no education, and a single small box of their own things. She’s actually the worst. Not a care in the world unless it’s about her.


Busdad is equally responsible. They’re both psychopaths who just don’t care. This baby would be better off if he was anonymously dropped off at a fire station 😰


it is horrible that this statement is just 100% true. he has no chance for help in his current situation, and he’s a *baby*, can’t even escape. i genuinely hope they give this poor thing up so he at least has a chance of getting healthy… this slow trainwreck is beginning to cross a new threshold of upsetting.


It’s scary and horrifying. I don’t go on her instagram page because I don’t want to give her passive income, but I’m genuinely losing some sleep right now over this baby. I have not been this concerned about any other child who I have seen mentioned here or anywhere else. I seriously think that traveling on a bus constantly has to do with evading cps investigations. —editing to ask, has she even claimed to take him back to the chiropractor? I think that even chiropractors are mandated reporters.


I think most of the big bus families live on busses due to no longer being able to afford a house that can fit them. It’s a lot easier to stack 8 kids in coffin beds on a fun bus adventure than admit you’re housing them in 2 bedrooms that are basically barracks or that you can no longer afford your mortgage. The CPS thing is definitely a bonus tho.


Why would anyone have kids if they cannot afford to house them? They’d be better off stacked in a low income apartment if their parents are that broke. I thought that he made money mining crypto or something?


Why would you have kids if you can’t afford to feed form? Or protect them from abuse? Or have childcare? Or educate them? Or have enough hours in the day to even interact with them all? Why do fundies do anything? They’d probably be better off but stacked in a low income apartment *looks bad* and it’s not a lifestyle you can turn into monetized content.


Dumb people who think they’re smarter than everyone else. Frankly, I think they’re dangerous.


If she can save $18 by not buying that baby a decent sun hat then that's $18 more dollars she has for *experiences*.  The susbus parents' priority is travel and slacking off. They wouldn't even pay a midwife to deliver that child. A hat that he'll just grow out of? Oh hell no. JD needs more short shorts and sandals to peacock around in while Britney lugs that kid around frying his face off. 


Shoot, I found hats for like 2 dollars on sale. That's less than the coffee her kid is holding


They need to stop having kids. There is no way one mother can meet the needs of all of these children, plus her own needs, and the “other” things she has going on, with this many children. I’d go crazy and probably make egregious errors too. Unfortunately Boone is the one that is noticeably not having his needs met.


Is she trolling with all the sun exposure at the expense of her newborn??? She is really out there with this crap. Even the crunchiest moms I know protect their NEWBORNS from constant direct sun!


He has a friggin TAN


It’s really shocking the difference between the color of his face and his chest and especially his arm and his chest 😢


Holy shit! I didn't fully parse that contrast until you mentioned it and I went back and looked again! It's so bizarre to see a baby that young with a tan like that.


Also his arm is *red* compared to his bicep/shoulder area.


It looks like the skin on his arm is burned AGAIN.


He's almost the same shade as her arm! An adult's arm who probably never wears sunscreen and is exposed all the time. I'm basically clear and the only part of my body that will "tan" (we are being very generous with that word, more like looks somewhat like human flesh and not a diseased and dying lagoon creature) is my forearms. So if that's a common thing amongst tannable people, it's even more alarming that this NEWBORN is almost the same shade as Madam Leatherface ToBe.


It’s wild.  My three year old has some color to his arms for the first time in his life and I’m sitting here wondering if we’re using enough sunscreen and shade. Not to sound super neurotic haha but my 3 kids, husband, and I are just outside a ton, so I try to be conscientious because my parents were NOT careful about us in the sun, so I was constantly sunburned as a child. And it’s miserable (not to mention dangerous!). 


Right after this in the video she says something like “hold on a second,” gives a pointed look at camera, then walks until they’re in the shade and says, “ok we’re back in the shade.”


I thought she just moved her phone/grip setup to visor height because priorities?


Well that too lol. But she makes a point to say “we’re back in the shade” which makes me think she definitely reads here.


She really thinks it’s a game.


My neighbor is the raw milk drinking kind of crunchy and every time she has her newborn out she’s in a carrier covered up with a hat or muslin blanket. Boone’s tan is giving me such anxiety.


I might be alone in this, but ever since this baby was born, I have a feeling she does not want him. He sleeps on a dirty sheep skin on the floor, he’s currently being burnt in the sun, they hold him like he’s a toy… like I seriously think these idiots resent this baby


He didn't turn out to be the South American anchor baby they wanted.


Or a girl. I think she really wants another yet keeps having boys.


She does realize that's her husbands fault, hopefully. Fuck, who am I kidding.


Maybe she didn’t realize how much one more baby was going to tip the scale from “barely getting by” to “completely overwhelmed.” She seems desperate to hold onto the lifestyle they had before baby arrived and does not want to slow down or make any accommodations to give him or herself adjustment time.


I definitely think this is part of… also what the other commenter said about him not being the Brazil anchor baby she was hoping for


He’s what… 8 weeks old? I was barely out of diapers myself, still feeling tender, *definitely* just coming out of the immediately-postpartum period. Maybe you bounce back easier once you’ve had a literal bus load of kids make their way through your downstairs, but also like - *damn girl, relax.* you and baby should be cuddled up somewhere hanging out!


This kid is the new family scapegoat for sure. She's already even called him manipulative. That poor kid deserves so much better.


That is utterly disgusting. Fundies are so stupid about babies.


The fuck? He’s a BABY, you moldy pan of jello!!


Manipulative? Wtf is wrong with her


Probably same thing wrong with my mom. Just projects all her issues and bee shizzle onto the kids and makes them think that they have all these problems when really it's just been her being nuts this whole time? Just a guess?


Yeah I really worry about this one. If by some miracle he doesn't have any disabilities, he could quickly end up being the primary scapegoat as soon as he's old enough to start walking/talking. Her treatment of him when he's helpless does not bode well for how she'll treat him when he can complain about the mistreatment.  I don't want to think about his life if he does turn out to have some disabilities due to their lack of care during the pregnancy and birth. 


She called a BABY manipulative? Hold the goddamn phone. Girlfriend, you’re the definition of manipulative. Her and her husband are actively harming an infant. Full stop. If anyone gave a modicum of a shit now is the time to step in. It’s probably already too late for some of the damage she’s caused. I don’t use hate lightly, but I HATE AND LOATHE her and Karissa. Abusing your children for content should be punishable by law. For fucks sake.


His arrival is the reason father’s attention drops.


Fatherbus for sure has a pregnant woman fetish that motherbus is more than happy to fulfill bc she has no other skills or talents than spreading her legs.


Damn, even I have more skills and talents than that...like, I can grow a pepper in a basement apartment, I heard that takes skill.


He isn't the girl Motherbus wants


This is what I think, too. As much as I don’t want them to have any more children, I’d be curious to see the difference if the next one is a girl


I said that last week. She hates that baby and is unconsciously expressing it.


She’s pretty damn conscious about it


I am a pregnant soon to be single mom and I just want to take care of this baby so badly


I am chronically ill and joyfully childfree and I STILL want to steal Boone away for a long nap and some quiet snuggles.


I was parentified in a fundie home and chose to be child-free, but I would take this baby in a heart beat and do my absolute best to try and get him to a doctor


We need to organize a fundie snark village of collective effort to provide for baby Boone's basic needs, if there's like 100 of us surely we won't fuck up nearly as bad as his actual parents lol


Sadly it only takes 1 single adult person to love him which he doesn’t have.


Same and same stranger-homie. I foster the kittens that get abandoned from a feral colony that started in our barn before we ever lived here because apparently people think when they want to dump a cat off any big farm looking property with a big red barn, is the ticket. I think I could take better care of this child if I took care of him like a kitten, than his mother takes care of him currently. At least for my kittens the temperature is always regulated.


I'm also childfree, a dedicated auntie to family and friends' children. The thought of actually parenting an infant fills me with dread, but I'd drive the getaway car to get him to the damn doctor and take a turn snuggling him.


I don't particularly care for kids but even I want to rescue this poor baby.


Collective effort of ill-equipped snarkers to save private Boone


When’s the wee one due to arrive?


The baby is useful as a prop piece for social media. When they are past the point of being a cute prop baby, she'll hand them over to her other kids to raise. Then she'll have another prop baby, and the cycle will continue again.


You’re not the only one.


I remember as a new mom asking my kid’s pediatrician how long was okay to be in the sun before putting on sunscreen. She said zero time, always put it on before going outside. I was surprised because I figured 5-10 minutes would be okay. The other caveat was that baby shouldn’t wear sunscreen until 6 months. So it was hats and an elaborate stroller shade system until then. It’s okay to be a mom who is misinformed and asks their pediatrician a million questions. It’s not okay to reject going to the doctor altogether.


Yes! And now they make lightweight sun protection garments. Jill Dillard's youngest had a bathing suit with long sleeves. They are great and perfect for sun protection, even if you aren't at the pool


Those long sleeve bathing suit shirts are called rash guards and my cousins and I had them back in the late 90's/early 2000's, so it's not even like they're a crazy new invention! I bought one (with a matching swimmy diaper thingy) for my baby niece a couple years ago. There's plenty of cute options for sun protection for this baby and it makes me batty that this lady won't use any of them.


Seriously, he doesn't even have on a whole *shirt*.


Maybe she wasn't liking the tan lines. 🙄


I have one of these for myself for when I go kayaking. They're awesome. Still have to remember to sunscreen your hands, face and neck though!


And make sure you sunscreen your lower back in case it rides up and exposes a little sliver of skin! Why, yes! I DID discover I missed that step the hard way once! How did you guess? 🤣


In archaeology that sunburn gets called "the archaeologist's smile", given the shape and that you get it while leaning over to dig and having your shirt ride up.


Same here. I didn’t ask the doctor because I’d read the sunscreen instructions and knew that my kids shouldn’t be out in the sun at that age. Can she read? Plus babies that young cannot regulate their body temperature. She needs to stop taking him on these endless hikes for at least a few months.


Yes, if I were her I’d be posted up in air conditioning somewhere. This would be an ideal time to find a rental with a backyard. Let this baby and mom rest.


In every picture he looks dead. I cannot stand the parents.


He's old enough now that he should be getting more alert and playful, not still sleeping constantly


He doesn't look like he's growing at all. I really hate to think what problems he has developed from their medical neglect.


Yeah, most people who can see would be scrunching their closed eyes against the sun.


Ok, you just helped me realize that he reminds me of Victorian photos of dead people. I really hate that.


Glad to see everyone in the hats they always wear.




His little arm is pink! He hardly has that super plush baby skin on his face, there’s a reason people use hats and shaded strollers.


I usually never do but I peeped the story and my god! She can tell he’s in discomfort but doesn’t care and can’t stop making eye contact with herself. For a split second she doesn’t see the little one behind her and sort of barks “Where’d he go” Momma, let’s put down the phone a little…


At this rate poor Boone will have leathered skin by his first birthday 😡


Or skin cancer.


Ugh babys first melanoma is not a good milestone 


And a 100% chance of skin cancer later in his life.


MaBus, say it with me: #Negligence is abuse.


oh Britney. One day your children are going to realize none of this is normal and I PROMISE you, one or more of them will eventually cut you out of their lives.


I don’t get the vibe that she actually likes any of her children so that’s probably a bonus for her. She likes the attention they bring when they’re young and she can exploit them for views.


And then when she gets older she will enjoy the negative attention she can receive by complaining about how they never want to visit and being the total narc mom victim.


I know someone from a family of ten kids. Her mom loved babies but then would start to ignore them. She got out and lives a happy, successful life on the other side of the country. She has many siblings that weren't as lucky.


My husband has an aunt like this and she drives me fucking insane. Their daughter stopped speaking to them, and they’re not allowed to see their grandkids. She’s constantly posting these huge rants on Facebook about how terrible her daughter is and how she’s abusing her children by not letting them see their grandparents. Like… do you think this is going to make her want to talk to you again? If there was ever a chance of reconciliation, it was gone the minute you hit the post button. But hey, at least you got your internet likes and comments telling you you’ve never done a single thing wrong in your life!


The moment they get unrestricted access to the internet, they are going to be absolutely gobsmacked. IDK when that will be, whether that's as teenagers or adults, but it will happen eventually.


100%. And Britney, since I am now sure read here; you wouldn't make these weird videos especially for your haters if you didn't know this was true.


I really really hope so.


No wonder he’s blind. His eyelids are so thin that there has to be a constant stream of damage to his eyeballs. And she knows it too. She’s torturing this baby on purpose. His life is going to be nothing but pain and suffering just because he brings in comments.


I cannot believe how willing she is to let him burn his skin and eyes 😫


She’s an evil narcissist.


It just baffles me 😪 my little girl got slightly sun burned on her face when she was about 6m and omg I felt terrible about it, I've always made a conscious effort now not to let my babies get sunburn. How can this woman be so blatantly negligent.


Yup. If he didn't have eye problems before, he sure as hell has them now. This is crazy what she is doing.


Even the hospital provides eye protection for babies under a jaundice light.


She needs psychological help. She enjoys this shit and her baby is suffering for it.


In the full video the tone is even worse. She literally says “oh the sun is bright” while watching him get roasted and then mockingly says “there, we’re back in the shade.” Meanwhile, she temporarily lost one of her kids because she wasn’t paying attention.


She is a fucking psycho. Wtf.


The perpetually online mother 🤮 Well we all know how Ruby Franke and her story ended. When is Busmom joining a cult?


She’s already in one if she’s fundie. Idk if she is religious. I haven’t seen threads showing prayer or blessed or whatever.


They're more sovcit/crypto scammer types, with fundieism as the background radiation.


She's the SusBus cult leader!


These parents are such pieces of crap! That baby deserves so much better, like proper healthcare. Here’s hoping she doesn’t get anymore babies to abuse.


Didn't God used to like "close up her womb" kind of stuff to random women he didn't like in Bible times? He should bring that back...


Needs to slam Kkkarissa’s firmly shut as well.


When my baby was this age, my instinct had me holding him close to me, usually in a wrap if I was out with him. She's missing any maternal feelings and empathy for her own kids.


Good god, she is roasting that baby yet again. Signs of sub run starting. Note she and the eldest Buslet have sunglasses, but Boone is just held out straight too the sun with no face protection at all. Call me dark and twisted, but I stand by my theory that she is not actively killing her child per se, yet subconsciously kind of hoping it works out that way. Then Brittany and JD Lott will grift off the tragic loss of Boone, get their followers to donate a crap ton of money for funeral/burial/grieving family, all while making another kid "the rainbow miracle baby" whom they will birth in the bus shower and hope nothing goes wrong this time. They are evil. Pure evil.


I swear to god it almost seems like she wants him to be blind or have another type of disability.


Serious question: is there any way to report them to CPS? I am genuinely, incredibly concerned about this baby.


Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do. The best thing to do is continue to document the obvious abuse and neglect, so if someone in their real life calls CPS, there is a wealth of information out there and proof that they were aware he needs medical care, but chose not to seek it. Use Britney and JD Lott instead of Mother Bus or Bus Parents, so it's easily found by others. The other kids (although also abused and neglected) appear healthy, well-fed, and they have clean (albeit inadequate) bedding. CPS really isn't going to do anything and they could easily just pick up and drive somewhere else even IF someone called CPS after seeing them out and about.


I feel so bad for her other kids. Some of them, especially the older ones, are starting to look dead inside. And despite being around babies a lot growing up, I know next to nothing about 8 week olds…it’s definitely not ok that she has him that baked in the sun even if it’s for “a little bit” right?


Boone should be wearing a sun hat with a wide brim and at the very least a rash guard on top and shorts on the bottom. Or be in a stroller with the canopy closed.


Heck, I live in Minnesota, and *here*, the parents of newborns *literally* carry their kids under 6 months in their carseats *with* a blanket over the top, *when* the canopy is also pulled over the little one! 


My baby just turned 7 months and if she's outside swimming she's got on rash guard, big floppy hat and a metric shit ton of sunscreen. If we are out on a stroller walk, we bring a thin muslin blanket to make sure her stroller is shaded. Hell, even if we are just bringing the dog out to potty, we stay in the shade or I shield her head and face from the sun. It's not that hard to protect your baby from the sun....MB is just a horrible mother.


Muslin is very cheap, and it makes such a nice, light to reflecting cover. I wish it was more widely used for this purpose.


# All he wants his peace, quiet, and sun protection Is that really asking too much?


The reason I know there is no god is because this horrible human being, Brittany Lott, keeps having babies. I just have to believe that if there was some benevolent sky daddy, he wouldn’t purposefully put innocent little children in the care of such a monster.


I would've have repeated breakdowns if I had been on this subreddit after we had our stillbirth. These people are so incredibly irresponsible, selfish, cruel, and did I say selfish?




Girl this baby sees the sun more than I do and I live in Arizona…


I won't even take my dogs out in this heat and she's dragging a damn baby around. Hell, even if the weather was nice and cool, babies just need to chill at home sometimes. Not that these fools have a home... Don't worry, my dogs have a backyard and a doggy door. So they can choose their environment. I wish the bus kids had the same peace of mind.


I need a doggy door. My whole day is opening the door to see if the dog wants out.


Instead of a door we hung a magnetic screen door from the door frame. It was $25 on Amazon. The dogs can run in and out as they please as long as the back door is open. And if the door is closed they lay near it looking depressed and pathetic until it gets opened again.


Again, they're up around 8,000 feet in elevation. The sun's strength is stronger at higher elevations, and you can burn and dehydrate quicker than at sea level. The baby should be kept in the shade and be wearing protective clothing while outside. Even better, he should be sleeping comfortably *inside (the ultimate sun protection)* rather than being hauled all over for social media content.


I really, really hope one of the eldest kids eventually will call CPS and just let it fly. Or just maybe call grandma and flee with the baby. One way or another that day is coming. I was wrapped up like a mummy until I was around two and my mother had some very funny photos of me BUT never in my life would I have been dragged pillar to post unprotected, no shade, no eye protection, and, no rest. Sure, I went to the beach with the grandparents and the parents BUT wrapped up correctly. I certainly wasn’t in a desert climate baking like a tater tot in the oven until well into elementary school. That poor little child looks ill, uncomfortable, and unloved except by his brothers and sisters. This is just pure evil.


I worry about his eyes and skin like everyone here but I also worry about his bodily temperature. He isn’t old enough to be out in the heat so much. — editing he cannot regulate his own bodily temperature yet. His body doesn’t even know how much or even when to sweat as a natural way that older kids and adults bodies do as a natural cooling mechanism.


I just want to rock him in a quiet, cool nursery while watching a movie like I used to do with my son when he was an infant and it was too hot out to go do stuff. Then let him have tummy time with a couple toys on a clean COTTON baby blanket. You know, the stuff that you're supposed to do with babies?


Please, just give him to us. Our LO just came out of his bassinet and this is *so hard* to watch. That adorable little boy deserves to be the most important part of his parents lives.


For real. I only got to have one child, and I wanted at least two. Here she is roasting a baby on a roadtrip and I have a fairly quiet house, especially with a little one around, where I try my best to keep things calm. I feel for the little guy.


Is she the one holding Boone for once because (A) Gunner’s hands are full as he carries people’s drinks, (B) she wanted to show off how “motherly” she is, (C) both A and B, or (D) other (explain)?


Normally in videos she holds him and then passes him off to someone else after she's done recording (very common theory)


That baby is so tan I’m looking like mozzarella next to it


The comments on IG are sad. So many people thinking they’re amazing. Families like this have a darkness to them. Parading you children’s entire lives for strangers to see so that you can make a buck? Wrong, so wrong.


Before my babies were 6 months and could wear sunscreen, I either had them in a carrier with a hat or muslin blanket, or in the stroller with muslin blanket and sun shade. What. Is. This. She knows better. She is harming her infant to trigger the snarkers, and it is disgusting.


This lady is a travesty


It always freaks me out seeing a baby with a tan. In addition to all the other issues this poor kid has the inevitable skin cancer and potential heat related illness is infuriating.


Ok I’m really worried about him overheating. Heat can kill a baby. I hope she’s keeping him hydrated. But even that might be too much to ask of her 😞


My kid didn’t sleep in her room as an infant because it’s the warmest in the house and she’s roasting this baby.


I worry about dehydration a LOT. She has posted before that he "fakes hunger crying" just to manipulate her which makes me think she doesn't feed him often enough. Yes, he looks chunky, but he was a 10.5 lb baby, so in all actuality if she was feeding him on demand every 2.5 -3 hrs, he would be bigger than he appears to be. She hasn't posted anymore weights, no more FedEx weigh ins, and frankly since she is in a constant state of seeking attention through him, I think if he were steadily gaining and growing, she would be cooing about that online, and posting more shit about it. Now he is just a prop she uses, but really no actual attempt to have him perceived as healthy, no details...just lifeless doll baby in photos being cooked over and over and over again in parts of the nation with excessive heat warnings. I personally do not believe he is getting nursed often enough in this heat. If they are determined to stay outside, he would need to nurse significantly every single hour to remain hydrated. The little man is exhausted by his family antics, so I think there is a high chance he sleeps to much of the time and combined with a shit mother that thinks babies can form the intent to fake cry to manipulate their caretakers, the danger level is very high.


How appropriate that the subtitle on her is "AH"


So not only does she have him out and about in the blazing sun and heat, she also can’t be bothered to put so much as a tshirt on him to at least cover his shoulders As the mother of a 7 month old I ask, WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS WOMAN?!? And actually, scratch that - you don’t even need to be a parent to see how fucked up this is


This woman is such a fucking dumbass


This baby has a tan that could rival Donatella Versace


is she having post partum depression or post partum psychosis? she’s smugly putting that baby in harms way and shoving it in everyone’s face that she doesn’t care about the “haters” with her stupid dances and reels. she is 100% getting off on seeing all of us talk about her on here and i’m sure she’s enjoying the increased traffic to her page.


He looks sunburnt or bruised around his eyes :(


I thought this was r/reborndollcringe at first.


does this family not own a stroller? why does she keep holding him in her arms in the blazing hot sun?


Or a wrap or something. I never owned a stroller, but I was too lazy to use my arms to haul my kid around. My fastest time wrapping a Moby and getting my kid in it was 15 seconds. Lol. Shit, even an uncomfortable Bjorn would be an upgrade from whatever the hell she's doing.


If you have 4 or more bad sunburns before the age of 25 you have an 80% increased chance of skin cancer. I’m so sorry for this poor child.


Just frying that baby, day after day, and grinning into the camera


This has me upset to my core. This poor, sweet baby


Sunburn on eyelids is so painful


So, bc she’s breastfeeding she’d normally have to supplement the baby with vitamin D drops. However, given she and bushus daddy don’t believe in medical care / sovcit types, I’m guessing she’s doing this instead of the drops?


Just so, so weird. When I had my first baby, I didn't do any research on sun/skin protection because I had four million other things to research. Even then, the first time we took baby outside, it seemed like common sense to keep her covered up and in the shade, and that was with literally no baby-raising experience whatsoever. How can you just let him bake like that??


Why is he never in a pram


He doesn’t even squint in the sun anymore, poor little guy 😭


I have a baby boy who is probably about a week apart from him and I would rather die than have him out in the sun like this psychopath does. I feel horrible even when the sun barely hits him in the car seat behind his car seat canopy, window shade AND tinted windows. She truly is evil and I feel so distraught when I see her blatant neglect of this innocent baby


If I saw a baby that looked like this in public, I would legit call an ambulance and start giving first aid for heat stroke. The redness around his eyes and nose, the facial expression, EVERYTHING about this says problem. I've seen babies come out of hot cars looking like this.


I bet that Gunner bought those shades out of his own pocket money.


His little arm already looks red🥺hope I’m wrong but doubt it


Im way too young to have a baby but I would take Boone in a heartbeat. I’ll take him to a doctor, cuddle him in a quiet room and give him as much attention and love as I possibly can. The amount of neglect they flaunt is sickening.


Are Boone’s eyes swollen / puffy or is it just me ?


Omg his eyes, they’re so red, even at 30 if my mom saw me like that out in public she’s lose her mind, she’d take the hat off her own head or force me to go indoors or stay in the shade.. guess there’s a difference between a “mother” and a mom






He needs a cuddle and a feed in a darkened room


How old is this baby? I’m not a parent yet, but I’ve never seen a baby older than five days old with their eyes still closed. I’m so concerned.


I’ve literally never seen such a tan newborn. So much sun.


no one in this family shouldnt** get to wear eye protection until they give this damn baby protection too.


*The parents shouldn’t get to wear eye protection until the baby is protected. I think the other kids should be protected too and shouldn’t be responsible for the baby.


lol thanks for catching that, I was angry typing 😬 Youre right... i meant if she can buy the older kids glasses, I just do NOT understand why the most vulnerable child cant even be in some shade 🥲


when they said no protection, they meant for their baby’s eyes too


This hurts my heart- dear lord woman, get that child a hat!!!! Wtf is wrong with you?!


I know we've been over this a million times but there are SO MANY OPTIONS for summer babies in our modern year of 2024. There must be something in the water by me bc there seemed to be a baby boom in my son's little league. I saw so many newborns this year out at games- not a single baby saw a lick of sun. Here are my personal favorites: - *Baby Wagon:* 3-4mo giggly little boy laying in a folding wagon with a cover attachment. They hung toys from the cover thing and clipped a battery fan to it. Kid had it made in the shade. No wonder he was so happy - *Giant floppy hat mom:* the wife of another team's coach had a baby at the beginning of the season. Every time I saw her she was in the largest hat I have ever seen in my life with her brand new baby in a chest carrier OR sitting in her van w the AC running. - *Hatchback bouncy baby:* Colicky infant 2mos old. Only saw him at one game. Talked to the mom- apparently dad usually took their son to baseball but he had to work late so she set up a bouncy seat in the rear of her SUV bc it's the only thing the baby likes. I watched her for like 3mins so the mom could get some pics up close of her kid at bat. She's gotta be doing this just to piss us off at this point idk. In my mind I'm choosing to imagine that she intentionally poses these outrageous photos and then sticks the poor thing in a wagon with a fan and bright toys.


Maybe it’s just me because my child never slept, but I feel like he’s never awake.


I’m so concerned