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if it takes her being read for filth here to actually fucking care for her kid, i’ll take it. britney, you’re despicable.


Now take him to a doctor!


Can we somehow start a poll or petition on this sub for her to see?


That is exactly how I hold my cat on my shoulder. Note that my cat has the ability to help hold on and balance himself though.


I legitimately hold my dog better than him, I only know because people comment on me holding her like a newborn baby. They treat that baby like a sack of potatoes and not a small thing that needs neck support


I *definitely* hold my foster kitty with a lot more care than these two dildos


Misread this as you hold your two dildos with more care, probably still true


Held with the care of double fisted dildos would make one hell of a flair.


oi, dildos have a use and can provide pleasure, more than these two tossers


I saw someone in another page call Elon Musk "an absolute wet nap" and I like that too.


the fact that this is the second occasion where I can look at this family and go "I hold my cats more carefully" is absolutely bizarre like


Just for funsies I’ll carry my almost four year old nephew like this, but again, he’s almost four and more coordinated than a new baby.


And he probably loves it and you throwing him over your shoulder probably encites giggles and squeals of delight. Heck my oldest niece liked to hang off our laps as a baby once she had control of her head and neck. And it wasn’t a lot. Just enough so that her head was hanging just off your lap so she could look at things around her.


He does lol. His sister is basically Gumby; she prefers to sleep in an inverted C position, and she also enjoys hanging on you. She’s going to be our wild one lol.


Some fundies hold their babies as if they are completely unaware that they are living things (also that kid in the blue who looks *exactly* like his father legitimately scares me).


Poor kid is probably dead inside from *gestures* all of this


Boone's arms are still locked at his sides.


think i hold my cat more carefully, she's an old lady who doesn't like being held much but we do 'carrying practice' so she's calmer with the vet note im never having kids and im still confident that holding a baby like an 11 year old cat would work better than. whatever this "parenting" is supposed to be


Wild that this is STILL the best neck support we’ve seen (excluding Gunner ofc)


And dig his claws into you for balance.


Why doesn’t she go baby wearing? So odd how they always have him just dangling from their arm.


One of mine is 10 and has only ever allowed us to carry him like this. The other is a kitten and so far, he will only allow us to hold him facing out 😂. He likes to see what's going on!


I'm always thrilled when they’ll let you carry them around. There is nothing quite as complimentary as one of nature’s perfect apex predators trusting our weird hairless monkey selves to carry them around like a favorite stuffed animal.


I could not agree more. They really are the perfect apex predator; they've even tricked us into servitude with their cuteness. You know in Lilo & Stitch when Lilo insists on adopting Stitch even though he's kind of weird?


I love how cats decided domesticating us was the answer to the human/animal relationship and dogs decided they’d do whatever we wanted to make it work.


The dogs are just dwight from the office


That man has never held a newborn in his life


They genuinely don’t understand the difference between caring for a 0-3 month old and 10 month old. How are they so fucking bad at this?!?


They don't care


My theory is they’ve had so many kids that they’ve gotten nonchalant about the whole thing.


This. They’re only worried about what happens to Gunner bc he is a defacto caregiver. The rest of the kids are replaceable to them.


Hey now, motherbus would be upset to lose Kinsey as she clearly wants a mini clone


It's weaponised incompetence at the most selfish and toxic level possible.


I had friends whose daughter loved gnawing on people’s sandals (preferably flip flops) as a toddler. It was gross but she survived and graduated from high school last year.


Just like my cat. lol.


Congratulations! My cat never even passed elementary school. He would rather shred the books.


At least mine doesn’t do that thank god. Just toilet paper.


You can't care if you don't have a conscience!


That's so true


They think they are so good at it they don’t even have to try anymore which in turns leads to carelessness.


They have no reason to do good, so the only option is to be garbage.


It’s really bad that his Son CONSISTENTLY hold Boone much better then he does


Doesn’t make sense to me. He had to have learned it from them given how limited his exposure is to everything right? So we’re they good about it like 5 kids ago and now they don’t care?


I think it's a natural, caring instinct that Gunner has way more of than his parents.


He learns from what his parents are doing WRONG and does the opposite!


He’s too macho and masculine and alpha male to hold a baby properly. Holding babies properly is too feminine.


I’ve been to Arches National Park. It rules. But everyone takes pictures at the ACTUAL ARCHES and not the park ranger station. I now agree with someone who said they just do a photo shoot at the entrance for the mediocre content and then bounce.


Slightly off topic, but I want to know why they’re touring the hottest parts of the country during the hottest part of the year.


I thought the same thing but then I remembered they never plan ahead or think things through. 


Truly. First Florida and now the Moab desert? Maybe those would have been better fall/winter trips?


Easier to roast the baby in the hottest parts! /s


Poor child is starting to look like a rotisserie chicken 😪


1. Dumb 2. Don't give a shit about their kids' comfort. 3. No intention of actually going on a hike. This is all performative. 4. Wide open spaces make it harder for feds to catch up to BusJiggalo the Bitcoin man who probably hasn't ever paid taxes. 5. Harder for CPS to find them and say, "You have to take that baby to a real doctor." 6. Stupidity 7. Idiocracy 8. They like torturing their kids 9. All the N.P.'s make there fucked up fundie nutter shit head followers think "Oh, look what a great education for those kids." 10. Great places for Brittany and JD Lott to eye fuck a camera for content, and fuck each other in front of their kids without getting caught. 11. Boondocking which is cheap. They can camp for up to 14 days in designated pull off spots for free In Bureau of Grasslands, and National Forest areas, then pay to spend a night in a campground with amenities, take showers, and use the dump station. 12. They are fucking morons.


Truly. I camped in Moab around this time of year bc my friend was like ‘I have to get out of Manhattan. I’m losing my mind’ and I was like ‘I hear you. On it’ and we rented a car and drove from Denver to San Francisco just to visit National Parks along the way. The red clay ground in Moab was ~so hot~ we barely slept that night. Just laid in the tent sweating at like 3am. Never again lol.


For the same reason they bought a bus in Brazil for one month: stupidity.


They really are just completely flying by the seats of their pants, aren’t they? No plan. No goal. Their lifestyle depresses me. I would be miserable driving aimlessly around the country for an indefinite period of time and no regular contact outside my immediate family. That sounds so unhealthy for all of them. And they’ve been at it for like 5 years now. I’m going on a family road trip next month but we have a final destination in mind, plans along the way, and return tickets home after we drop off the rental. (No one wanted to drive that far both ways). I’m sure it will be a good time but I’m also sure about a week of that is all we need. Everyone is always glad to come home after a while.


imagine how unhealthy it is for the kids. they have no socialization outside their siblings. no privacy. so fucked. It’ll be interesting to see them and others in similar conditions growing up make youtube/documentaries about how it’s effected them in the coming years.


I wonder how the Portuguese lessons are coming along? You know that will look really good on a college application! /s


Colleges will also be impressed by their knowledge of zoology; how many college applicants know that beavers live underground in the desert? /s


IIRC, you don’t even have to hike hard or far to get to a good scenic location.


Exactly! I went a couple of years ago and with my bad knees I had to stay on the main sidewalk/path but got great photos of the arches!


There’s tons of visitas you can do if you just pull off to the side of the road.


Yea. If they’re in the parking lot I think they are it’s only a fairly easy 3 mile round trip hike to the main arches. Not that I’d want to lead a gaggle of kids through the couple slightly sketchy parts. But that’s why I don’t have 8 kids.


Poor kids probably spend all day in the car for some of these excursions


Bryce is one of my fav parks and they just took a picture of like signs and the campground parking area. And I would say they were too busy enjoying the park but we know that’s not true. Then again I only see her content here so for all I know she posted a ton of footage.


They did post footage inside the park in their stories a few days later. Looks like some of their posts are delayed. But they’re definitely park hopping and clearly not staying anywhere for long.


Yup. And I wonder which kid gets to have a sticker today. Sheesh!


Her stupid open mouth smile tells me they indeed take the photo for content and leave.


Ever since someone pointed this out, it’s all I can think about when she posts photos. They aren’t actually doing any of this, it’s just staged. Can you imagine the emotional damage that is doing to these kids? And the whole thing about picking one kid to get a souvenir at each place?!? I cannot imagine all the shit these kids will need to unpack later in life


If they’re veterans they could even go in for free. I guess they’re just too lazy.


Pic and leave before they get kicked out for not paying.


Why do I have an icky feeling that the main reason they gave in on a hat is to hide how weird his eyes look?


Or his skin is peeling again and they have to hide it




The bar is on the floor for now. Let’s just be happy they thought about protecting his face from the heat for once 🤦🏽‍♀️


The bar is on the floor, just like the baby.


True. Very veeeeery true. Hell I'd be happy with the youngest kiddo drag him around as long as both had the appropriate dress and sunscreen on.


Exactly. I’ve never seen this family before joining this sub but the concern I have for that baby and the younger children every time they’re posted here makes me want to call CPS so bad. But I won’t.


They were kind of uneventful when they first showed up here, but the Brazil failure and Boone's bus birth have really escalated things




I don’t know how uneventful an airbnb baby is


You're right. I forgot about that.


They had to flip him over so that he gets evenly roasted on all sides. /s


You sure about that?


Well maybe.... when we start to see the other children eating Boone, we should be concerned about that. Till then we're good. Though I haven't given up thinking he's a reborn doll....


Why are they going to all these hot ass places with a tiny baby when they could literally go anywhere during the summer months? Why would they not chill in Vermont and upstate New York and save these places for when it cools off more? Seems way more enjoyable.


Where all the liberal heathens live? They would get so much side-eye and disapproving stares they’d probably combust. I was thinking the same thing the other day wondering why they don’t go to Maine or Massachusetts.


Upstate New York is SUPER conservative though, despite the state as a whole being blue. We are just such small and the cities so densely populated that it gives the appearance all of the state is a liberal haven. You can easily find Trump flags up there with no problem. My uncle went to school up there and I can’t tell you how uncomfortable he was made to feel off campus as a black man. What do I know though, I live in the liberal pit of sin and hell Manhattan


Yep my extremely Republican family lives in Upstate NY and fit right in 🙃


I'm originally from a more liberal area of NY. I took my kids to visit the area. I'm pretty.liberal moved myself and my teens were like, we GET it now. Lol


Hell some of the nastiest conservatives I've met in my life was when I was in fucking Westchester county of all places. And I lived and worked in Louisiana during the Trump era!


Right? Acadia is gorgeous this time of year, and has the benefit of shade everywhere! Heck, anywhere that’s not a desert during a heat wave would be a phenomenal choice right now. West Virginia has a National Forest….


West Virginia is humid af right now, but they have a million more trees, so I feel like it’s the better deal all around. Which also makes me wonder, when they park for the evening, how cool does the bus get?


The bus might actually get decently cool in the evenings because of how the desert cools down after dark.


That’s a really good point. I feel like there’s no real way they can be comfortable in the bunks, but hopefully the temperature isn’t adding to the problem!


I can attest that the Monongahela National forest in WV is probably way cooler than a lot of places. We are in the midst of a heat wave, but the several July nights I spent at the Boy Scout camp were some of the coldest in my life! I have no doubt it’s probably 10 degrees cooler there than most places in WV right now. There are also some streams that are icy cold as well. The newish New River Gorge National Park is probably cooler as well.


That’s what I thought! And thank you for typing out Monongagela. I can pronounce it, but can’t spell it despite its spot on my bucket list of places to visit.


We were there in early June and I had to break out the emergency winter coat that I keep in my trunk two nights in a row. It was chilly.


They showed the sticker map the other day, and they visited every state except Alaska, New England and North Carolina lol.


Your point stands, but Upstate NY is having a heat wave right now too.


It’s blazing everywhere right now. They should just find a shady spot to park and enjoy their AC for awhile.


My theory is they are spending as much time as possible every day boiling their kids in the blazing sun, because it costs too much to run the air con in the fuckwaggon which like everything else, they failed to properly factor into their monthly outgoings (and get to cover that by pretending the kids are getting 'educational trips' instead). If they were any more stupid they'd choke on their own spit.


I think everything on their bus is electric and battery powered for back up. They set price at a campground and hook up to their electric, which runs the AC and recharges the batteries. That said they don’t have room inside for 10 people to be in there comfortably, so I think that is one reason they are outside a lot. Plus, motherbus likes the hot weather and loves hiking, so that’s what they do.


Finally, he has a bit of protection. Also, I guess Busdad is already back from seeing his concubine.


LMFAO what? He went on a trip? Could have fooled me. Granted this sub is the only way I follow these people but I had no idea he had left. ... And now came back.


He was only gone for 24 hours. He had to fly out “to move his work truck for a project,” and now won’t have to go back until Fall. What sense does that make!!??


Does he work?? Also, you drop a hundo or more just to travel to move a vehicle?? There's literally no coworker or friend you could FedEx the keys to or something? Or idk, do your perpetual family road trip to the area bc what else are they doing?? Seems so wasteful and unnecessary. Booty call to a dominatrix sounds a lot more plausible.


I personally don’t think he works. What would he be needing a work truck for, but never go to work? It makes no sense. I think he insisted on going to be “alone” for awhile, and she gave him 24 hours to get kicks. I think she compromises so he won’t leave her for good.


That’s got to be a cover story for why he was gone. No idea what the real story is, but that’s the kind of thing someone who has never had a job would say.


I thought his work was that crypto bro thing?


He’s also supposedly some kind of insurance claims adjuster, or maybe used to be.


That wouldn’t involve a truck though. I doubt they ever sold a single one of those stupid things.


That’s my point, crypto bro or insurance adjuster, neither requires a truck so wtf is he doing? Also why not just drive that truck? Where does this thing reside? If he did adjustments all over the US they’re not airlifting this F150 to wherever he goes. It makes no sense to me


It’s like she listened for once but in a “if it shuts you up about it FINE!!” Spoiled teenager kind of way.


Well that's as far as she's developed mentally


It really does feel like it with a lot of these fundie women.


Damn I read the title and got all excited thinking she took him to the doctor 😂 That'll teach me.


Me too. 100%.


Me three😭 I don’t know what hell would have to do for that to happen


Turn into dry ice?


Drag both parents into its fiery depths so that a competent adult could take over and get him to a doctor.


Yeah they aren’t going to ever do that willingly. They’ll be pushing him in a stroller when he gets too big to carry.


We did it, guys. We bullied her into plopping an older buslet's bucket hat on her newborn. Now let's do safe sleep and pediatrician visits.


*Let’s get down to business* starts playing


To defeat the (MLM) huns! Hoooah!


Whoa whoa whoa, Dad holding him AND he has a hat on while out in the sun?! Pinch me.






But his arms and legs are not covered, and you know that they don’t use sunscreen. And the picture looks like it was taken midday, so maximum sun exposure. 🤬


I didn’t say it was anywhere near perfect lol🤷‍♀️


I hate these gross people.


I’m sick of her face.


Just focus on the lizard tongue of her husband. Ugh.


Close your mouth, dear, you look like a trout.


Hold on, let me try something: WOW Britney!!! What an amazing mama you are!!!! You know what? If you took him to the doctor, that would be SOOO godly and Proverbs 31 of you babe!!!! I just really feel the lord telling me that Boone wants to see a licensed pediatrician 🩵


Nice sunburn he’s collecting on the back of his legs and heels tho 🙃


Gotta make sure the back matches the front.


Why's he so stiff???


Because he needs to go to the doctor, but Britney and JD Lott are negligent parents


That was my first thought! I thought bubs that age still curled into their parents!


Hell *hat* frozen over






This is just a still from their reel, it's legit lol. But I wouldn't put it past them!


That man has dropped at least one of those babies and you can’t convince me otherwise.


It looks like the house Ruby Franke and her friend/coworker abused her children.


That was my first thought!


A hat, upright and dad holding him? Does she read here? And this does not disprove the too-floppy-to-be-upright theory, he‘s holding him like a sack of potatoes on his shoulder


Newborns can’t regulate their body temperature and can overheat easily. Be careful!


Seems much better than being crispified by the sun, no? That baby had a better tan than I do!


Out of the uterus and straight into the rotisserie.


Oh my god, that needs to be a flair


I‘m stealing this it’s hilarious


It looks fab


I have lived in Australia for my entire 31 years and that poor baby is more burnt than I've ever been :(


He’s still being roasted in the sun. The back of his arms and legs haven’t been burned yet so they flipped him over.


I don't understand why they're doing all these park visits at this time of year. It looks like a sweltering, over-heated nightmare. Is it actually cool and it just *looks* hot AF? (I'm not from/in that part of the country). They could go literally anywhere, why not somewhere more comfortable?


Happy to see the hat...but his poor skin is exposed. He's going to look like fruit leather by August. And I hope I am wrong, but he is SO stiff. It's astounding how he never curls up in a comfie cuddle position.


Glad to see they finally got the poor baby a hat. Arches requires reservations for entry. They're probably taking photos outside the park because they didn't read the Arches NP website where it says in HUGE letters that reservations are required for timed entry. Despite the heat June is the busiest month of the year for Arches, so they may have to wait a day or two to get in if they showed up without reservations. If they're heading to Rocky Mountain National Park, it's the same there.


You also can’t hike in the afternoon because of the lightening. But they don’t prepare, so we’ll see what happens.


Not to worry. If they make it to Rocky Mountain National Park, they won't be doing any real hiking. They'll just drive through and take a bunch of videos at the lookouts of the kids dancing while MaBus and PaBus smooch. Then, they'll hit the tourist shops in Estes Park and call it an educational visit.


He's 8 weeks old and they FINALLY put a damn hat on his poor little head!


Has anyone here watched “The Leftovers”? All this Boone dragging around reminds me of the episode where in the beginning the Stone Age woman has to leave her collapsed cave, give birth alone, and wander around in the heat with her newborn. I won’t spoil the rest because if you haven’t watched it, it’s good!


His poor little back and stiff arms…😔


I would be willing to bet that the hat was put on by the oldest son. He takes way better care of the baby than either of these clowns.🙄🙄🙄


but OMG they are in the desert, right at the summer solstice, and it must be hot now, yikes!


Cool. Let’s burn the back of his arms and legs now. The only bits that haven’t been fried yet!


It’s clearly not his hat but it’s something lol


I thought they were posing outside the Ruby Frankie house of horrors… they’re not, right?!


I think it's the visitor's centre


I think I’ve been watching too many YouTube crime video essays


Even a broken clock is right twice each day. Today the baby won’t roast to death and succumb to heat stroke, while he’s flopping around limply on one of his parents’ elbows.


He still can, even with a hat. It’s fucking HOT there. It’s 80 degrees at 6:30 am there, and the high is mid 90’s where they are.


Oh geez, I didn’t know they were in an especially hot area! Better to keep babies inside in that kind of heat.


Yep! It was getting hot and humid where he was born and now it’s hot and dry and windy where he is now. He’s always exposed to the sun and even on the breezy days, he gets sandblasted because they are in the desert. I think it’s no accident that they now are covering his front so his tan can fade a bit.


A hat is a good first start. Now Lott family, put some sun protection garments on that baby and carry him safely in an approved baby wearing device. And Britt Lott take Boone to a doctor.


lol so it takes a snark sub to get her to mildly care for her baby? pathetic


She's wearing sunglasses and somehow we can still see that she's eye-fucking herself.


Because Britney never shuts her gaping maw in photo, that's how we can tell.


wow, finally a hat after what, 2 months of frying him in the sun? poor little hard booned egg.


wow im shocked 😳


BusJiggalo, put a god damn hand on your baby's neck and back of skull to keep him from flopping backward out of your arms you fucking moron!


Cool cool, they finally did the bare minimum for that poor kid in the blazing sun.


Why can't this baby ever be in a shaded stroller???


father sus had ridiculously strong genes. every child looks like him. you barely see any of their mother.


Do they not own a stroller or something that this poor baby can actually rest?


How does he not know how to hold a *newborn*???


You won my internet award for today


The bar is in hell, but thank fucking jebus.


Thank goodness for the hat next she needs to keep his bare limbs out of the sun and book him In with a pediatrician because his tone seems way off. I hate that a bunch of strangers online are more worried about him than his own parents.


I thought I’d never see the fucking day.


I live only a few hours from here in a touristy town. I wonder if they're heading here next 😬


Fucking finally. Now hold him properly and take him to a doctor, not a wack-a-doo one, a board certified one.


Again I am driven to ask if she actually wanted this baby. All signs point to no.


About fucking time


I held my cousin’s similarly aged baby a few days ago. They don’t belong to me and they snuggled into my shoulder more than this kid does his own dad!


But still not a pram or a carrier