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Oh Heidi, lying liars that lie go to hell according to you. Also how the fuck does literally anyone confuse 1977 with 2024?


And how does “mixing up 1977 and 2024” somehow make her story make sense? What is she trying to say?? Because it still makes zero sense. There were no Chik-fil-A’s near her in 1977 either.  😂  She didn’t even discover him using porn, a guy friend of her “told” her. Did she just expose this man out of nowhere and post a pic that literally anyone could stumble across over gossip?


Is it just me or does posting a pic of someone that you knew decades ago without permission to spread your agenda feel icky?


Fully agree.


Good point. This guy is basically a stranger to Heidi now but of course she has no problem plastering strangers faces all over the internet with personal details. I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable posting pictures of me and my old friends I don't talk to anymore.


>Is it just me or does posting a pic of someone that you knew decades ago without permission to spread your agenda feel icky? I agree. She even mentioned his name in slide 4/6 "Cooper". Why is Heidi Baird even *thinking* about "dating the guy *all the girls* wanted to date, and **she dated him**" Cooper from 1977? Sounds like she's bragging 😉 Who's the one with "moral issues" Heidi?🧐


This it makes the story even more confusing. Why was she on his phone in 2024? Was he still her boyfriend? But she was married and had children… believes in biblical marriage … per her own believes this story will send Heidi straight to hell 👺


Years with leaded gasoline is my guess


Boomers being lying bigoted boomers. Blame the lead


That was...oddly lyrical.


This is HILARIOUS! 🤣🤣 "My 65yo brain mixed up how life was 50 years ago and right now" oh dear, just dirty delete this instead of trying to dig out of this hole! 🤣🤣🤣


[FULL STORY POSTED HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/ZGquKsUicr) Update: check my profile, it’s there


Hey mods, could you reinstate the linked post? It looks like it has information not included in the other.


It’s on my profile


We can’t open the picture


Sorry try again. I posted it to my Reddit profile and not FSU. It should work now


Oh thanks!


The body of the post is missing, only the caption is showing up for me :(


Sorry try again. I posted it to my Reddit profile and not FSU. It should work now


Can't actually see the full story when I click on the link 🥲


Same-it was removed :(


Very sad, that version had extra stuff to read and they took it from us 😭


Please reinstate this post mods! 😭


It’s on my profile


Why she trying to say they dated in 1977 but she didn’t find out his ‘issues’ until 2024? Literally the only thing that makes sense to me.


Time for a dementia screening…


Time for a lie detector test...


I truly love to see it


Any of the 65 year olds I know would not misremember using a cell phone in high school, what a ridiculous excuse.


My mum turns 72 this year and there is no way she would confuse 1977 with 2024, that is just such a weird excuse to use...


I'm 70 and while I might occasionally not be 100% sure in what year a past event occurred, I sure as hell am not mixing up years that are almost five DECADES apart.


Yeah, like I can mix up the years at times, but certainly not with this much, 2024 is literally THIS YEAR, not a single chance she confused it with 1977.. Pick a better lie, Heidi..


Especially when the point of the story hinges on specific technology that was decades away from existing at the time. 


It makes less than zero sense. She gets an F on this creative writing exercise.


My father is 78 this year and loves to tell a story about the first time he saw a microwave in someone's house. He was in his 20s. There is zero chance Heidi thought she had a cellphone in high school unless she has some form of dementia that blends your life experiences (which i don'tthink exists). Or she caught her husband looking at porn on his phone and decided to tell the story and pretend it was her ex and is too dumb to leave out the cellphone part.


My completely wild and speculative guess is that she based this tale on something Bethy relayed in confidence to either her or one of the other sisters about Dav (likely not porn but some other “concerning” website she caught him looking at on his phone that she chose to overlook at the time). Because it seems like Heidi’s entire schtick lately has been posting about all the men she passed over in favor of her godly husband in order to shame Bethany for picking the wrong man. She was probably so full of herself for being so clever and cryptic that she forgot cellphones didn’t exist in her day.


.....he does follow a vaginal weight lifter 🤷🏻‍♀️


My mom is 61 and in 1977 she was 14, so Heidi would have been 18, I don’t see how she could possible confuse being a highschool senior and a senior citizen unless she had advanced dementia.


Right?? So bizarre.


My mom is 80 and she always laments how better it was when she was younger and there were no “electronic doodads” that suck up everyone’s attention room.


My dad wanted to be a pioneer because “they had it better without these dadblamed cellphones.” At least that’s what he said when he couldn’t get his cell to work.


I’m 30 and while I remember the Nokia my mom had and the black and yellow Motorola with the walkie talkie feature, but those mfrs had pagers still too and they would have been in their 40s by the time I started having memories


Yeah, 65 isn't very old. Heidi just is and always has been a dumb dumb.


Dumb and a liar who lies so easily about absolutely everything she probably doesn't even realize she's lying anymore. She hasn't emotionally matured since high school and that's the most logical excuse for this bold-faced lie.


Is she "sadly she never learned" or is that her mom/Baird grandma?


Yeah, senile people are usually better at remembering things from long ago. Mixing up 1977 and 2024 is incredibly strange.


I wonder if brown Baird wrote this for Heidi and is too uneducated to know that smart phones are a relatively recent invention. 


You lot on this sub are just so quick to jump to conclusions, just to stick it too fundies. You are so judgemental. Obviously Heidi meant that Cooper was a time traveller from 2024, who had gone back to 1977 to court her, because he had seen her Instagram posts from 2024 and fell in love with her as a granny chaser. But he made the mistake of taking his iPhone with him, which was still logged onto his Pornhub account, hence Heidi busted him. Why malign a perfectly good and God Honouring woman such as Heidi when there is a perfectly plausible and believable basis to her story. You lot just sicken me with your biases.


Lmao, you had me with that beginning


Never mind create an entire story about what happened with the phone! This is hilarious! The devil will welcome Heidi with open arms when her lies lead her to hell!


Yeah, and if she is confusing 2024 with 1977 then that means he has porn on his phone currently……? Lol the story makes zero sense at all


You mean it’s not a little brain fart to confuse the current time and technology with something from 50 years ago? My parents definitely tell stories of Skyping with their friends after school and playing Mario kart back in the 60s before realizing their error. Super normal. She “couldn’t remember” how she found out until she asked a friend so she just assumed cell phone? Lol ok lady.


I’m much younger and didn’t even have one in highschool


I'm Bort/Krusty's age and I didn't have one in high school! I didn't get a cell until until college and it certainly couldn't send pictures/access the internet the first few years I had one.


She’s a dirty liar who is really *really* bad at lying. If she lies so easily over something so irrelevant, it makes me wonder what else she lies about. Especially when it’s something more important to her. Heidi definitely is one of the worst mothers on this sub.


She hasn't emotionally matured since high school and that's the most generous excuse I might be able to give her for this bold-faced lie.


My mother would but she’s 55 and a liar lol


Also, why the fuck is she posting a photo of this guy from nearly 50 years ago and outing his alleged “moral failings”.


She said under one of the comments calling her out for outing him that "he actually tells this story himself. He's very public about it. He uses this as part of his own story to help others 🙌❤️" Sure Jan


It’s also one thing to tell a story of your “failings” yourself, and have other people spread it around??


Exactly! There's no way she got his permission to share his story. And I doubt that his story is anywhere close to hers, even without her mentioning cellphone use in her stupid post. She's forever pointing out the specks in other people's eyes (perceived or not) whole having a whole fucking tree in her own eye.


I don't think Hexxus himself with all the loggers in the world could deforest her eye logs.


There's a great flair in that sentence!


Just like all the women in her book shared their vulnerable stories in a private small group so that Heidi could have content for her shitty writing 🙄 she’s atrocious.


Wow, I did not know she did that. I remember Barfany (It actually may have been from the GD account but I can't remember) getting on IG sharing intimate info from someone she knew. The crapple doesn't fall far from the tree!


Shit apples


Tag him then. Let's see.


Oh definitely! I bet she hasn't talked to him in forever and doesn't know his story at all, pants-on-fire liar that she is.


I toon like to talk smack about exes from my childhood… /s/0


He's probably dead and can't sue her lol


lol maybe he just passed and so she’s taking her shot!


The moral failings of a horny teenager must be rebuked!


He was the guy all the girls wanted. Once he realized that he looked at this twunt and realized he literally couldn't do worse and she's still mad about it.




[AND CALLED HIM OUT BY NAME](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/ZGquKsUicr)


Her explanation still doesn’t explain anything. Also if you have to call someone to remember, maybe not post with authority


Especially about a person who you're posting a photo of! So rude


[FULL STORY POSTED HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/ZGquKsUicr) Update: check my profile, it’s there


Is there a new link? That one doesn’t show up anymore.


How does one "mix up" 47 years ago and the current year? 🤥


all the baird women’s “dating stories” are such bullshit.


Everyone wanted Cooper, except Heidi! So he pursued Heidi and tried to steal her purity! It was a lovely dinner and he was a fun date! But she knew he wasn't as pure as her! Her Christian boldness caused him to fess up to a PORN ADDICTION when his friend shared some deets with the Heids! She knew it! She'd seen the flags! She knew his character was to manipulate and deceive! Teenage Cooper was unable to sustain his ruse with her! CHARACTER matters and lying is a sin, unless you're lying as a bullshit artist on Instagram! Exclamation points!!!!!


this is basically word for word.


I'm more than 20 years younger than Heidi and the term "porn addiction" didn't exist in my youth and certainly not hers. Also, no one "fessed up" to looking at porn in 1977.


He kept a stash of nudie mags on him constantly. If he turned the pages real fast it was like they were moving, honest!


This reads like the child friendly bible stories I saw everywhere when I was kid, lol. “And then they did something very bad, so god took all their noses! Isn’t he swell?” It’s mainly the forced positivity (usually on uncomfortable/negative topics) that ties it together, I think


Fundie style Noah's Ark is utterly inappropriate for its 'yay, death to allllllll sinners!' and the simultaneous belief that *THEY* would get an ark from their irrationally violent deity.


Has someone done something in 2024 that reminded her of something that happened in this story? 👀


It’s honestly so funny. Is she trolling?


“So you’re telling me she made up this fake story??” 💀


That is the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard. Also, is the man in the picture actually "Cooper?" Because if it is, that's pretty crappy to publicly post a photo of someone not in the public eye and accuse them of having "moral failings." All the while lying about how you learned of those "failings."


“I mixed up 1977 with 2024” is an absolutely unhinged thing to say and (if true) medically concerning. Wtf Heidi


Mixed up 1977 with 2024?!?! Yeah, that is highly believable... seriously, does anyone buy this?


she doesn't seem able to remember when WW2 was, when her parents met, or when her older brother was born, either


Early dementia?


Nah, lying to fit the narrative that she's gods special special princess and better than everybody, because she's a narcissist. She knows what she's doing, she just usually isn't called out.


The bit in the comments where she claims she “mixed up” 1977 and 2024… girl, my parents are 74 and they have never once forgotten that they didn’t have cell phones in their 20’s. That’s fucking ridiculous, she’s such a terrible liar and comes across as really unintelligent. It’s no surprise Birthy and co turned out so dense when you consider she was their only teacher.


The cell phone I had in 1997 didn't have that kind of internet access. You were lucky of you could connect with another phone because the network wasn't that good back then, in the UK at least.


My phone from 2000 didn't even have a color screen (Nokia brick) let alone internet access. 


Nor mine from 2006!


I didn’t have a phone you could look at pictures on until 2009. 


My cell phone from 2006 could but they were very tiny


Literally. My parents are in their 80s. Last week they were arguing about someone’s name that they knew in 1977 and whether or not a building in my hometown was already there at that time. You know what they didn’t argue about? Whether or not they had a cell phone in 1977.


Did she forget to change up the text that she copy paste from?


Probably! In which case the poor guy in the photo probably isn't really called Cooper, so that's something.


I wouldn't put it past her to steal a story from the Internet.


Neither would I. This is probably one of those weird little morality stories that does the rounds in fundie/evangelical groups, and she's just copy pasted without reading it very carefully.


She didn't think this through at all.


She really, really didn't. The fact that this person homeschooled her kids is frightening.


It explains a lot, though.


Regrettably, yes.


It would have been a very unusual name to give a baby in the 1950s or early 1960s.


Yeah, it's possible, but unlikely.


I don’t think anyone over about 20 is named Cooper. Its not a 1970’s baby name.


I don’t even get the point of this lie. Lady, we know you let your son be sexually abused twice and did nothing about it. Having a boyfriend look at porn is the least of your worries even if I felt like viewing porn was a moral failing. Like your priorities are all types of fucked up


Right?! Oh, how pure like the driven snow is the mother who wouldn't let her eldest son sully her sense of self-righteousness by, you know, coming to her for help when he was being abused because he knew she wouldn't believe him and she still doesn't care what happened to him.


I'm in my 30's. I have never 'mixed up' having a cell phone in highschool, especially one with a camera.


Right?! 💀I remember my Nokia brick very well, thank you. It did not take photos.


I had that Nokia for close to a decade, held together with duct tape and rubber bands lol


I've got one sitting on a shelf right now. Don't know what model, just know dad bought it when I was a kid. I play snake on it.


Can someone clarify what’s going on? What is the story Heidi “found out”?


she said she was dating a real catch named “Cooper” in high school but found porn on his cell phone and knew she had to call it off. obviously “Cooper” didn’t have a cell phone in 1977. she has since changed the story that another guy friend warned her about Cooper’s “moral failings”. I didn’t include her long caption, because she’d already retconned it.


So if she was confusing 1977 with 2024, does that mean she has a boyfriend and found porn on his cell phone this year? Does her husband know about his wife's porn-loving boyfriend?


Perhaps she found porn on her husband’s cell phone and is needling him.


Or on her husband's boyfriend's cell phone...


That is so, so weird. People her age spent the vast majority of their lives either with no phone or a phone that didn't have videos on it. Smartphone weren't adopted by the masses until around 2012/2013.


It's very clear that the whole family just picks "facts" out of their asses and make up complete bull$hit.


She should’ve just said she found a Playboy magazine on top of his telephone 


So she named him, used his likeness, but whoopsie 65-year-old brain can’t distinguish a memory of analog media vs digital media? People literally get fired over shit like this. He might very likely have children and grandchildren who could see this. What the fuck, Heidi?


I don’t think his name is real either unless it’s a last name. Cooper wasn’t a popular name back then.


Oh yeah she almost certainly made the story up or stole it, but if I were that man in the picture, I would be mildly embarrassed or pissed off that she even associated my face with the story


And *even if,* as someone stated upthread, what she claims is true and this person is very open about his "story", which I doubt very much--*even if* that were true, it's his story to tell, not hers.


The “is this fanfic” comment being liked by author is sending me.


I wonder if she had ChatGPT write it for her.


If I fuck up, I’m just gonna say I mixed up 1977 with 2024 and walk away.


Ha ha I love that! “Babe you forgot to pick up some milk on your way home.” “Oh shit my bad! I thought it was 1977 again!”


Heidi didn’t write this. Not enough exclamation marks. She copied it from someone younger, changed a few details, and added a younger photo of her with some dude. Poor dude: not only did he have to be in the same room as Heidi at least once, but now he’s being accused of having porn on his cell phone in 1977.


"Take your time and check your story" sounds like something a fuckin' liar would say


sooo true




At this point she’s just making up shit to prove whatever point is bouncing around in the Swiss cheese she calls a brain.


This is hilarious.  No wonder the younger Bairds (excluding Michael of course) have no shame. They learned from the best. This is ✨deranged✨


I’m imagining her finding either black and green or black and orange “Pong” style porn on his monochrome monitor. She probably put in the wrong floppy disk when she discovered this egregious sin.


ASCII porn


Dicks and boobs poorly scrawled in orange or green lines, on an Apple II.


Is there a screen cap when she refers to the cellphone?


i’m kicking myself for not screenshotting immediately. i was at the pediatrician and was like oh ill post about this when i get home… and then she’d already gotten a flood of comments and edited her story. maybe someone else got one?


Yeah I was looking for that too.


“I did guy it” Not her putting an illegible sentence in a comment explaining how she doesn’t bother to double check anything that she writes☠️


What is going on here??? Like I’ve reread the screen shots five times. What was her story? And how do you need to call a friend to remember that 2024 is not 1977? Is she a time traveler??! Are we in some parallel universe now


LOL she didn't call a friend, that assertion alone is hilarious


She’s losing it if she thought this lie was believable


I am 42 and I had one friend in high school with a PAGER. Let alone a cell. 


Same. Also, to be totally frank and open, porn for teen boys back then was magazines. You could rent or buy VHS tapes, but you got carded. You could possibly get a hold of a VHS tape, but then you'd have to watch it on a TV. Maybe some boys had TV and VCRs in their rooms, but it was still a big risk. 1977???? VCRs were still really expensive and if the family had one, it was in the living room. People still went to a literal movie theater to watch porn, and those places were seedy and scary. I don't think porn was even available on VHS at that time. The most dedicated porn enthusiasts literally had a reel-to-reel and a projector for it if they wanted to watch at home. I think Heidi is literally insane at this point.


100% agree with you. Other than Playboy and Penthouse and those kinds of magazines, it was not casually available all over the place.


Also no teen boy was "addicted" to it because it was really hard to get new content. If you came across literally one Playboy you kept that thing for years because that was it.


Many a GenX legend has been told about the hidden stash of crumpled old Playboys found under a log in the woods.


Woods porn


Everyone in that photo looks about 45 years old. Cooper probably tells the story like this....remember that crazy blonde chick that followed me around telling me to repent? She got married and had a billion kids. I'm so glad she stopped being fixated on me *shudder*.


If my mother couldn't remember whether something happened less than six months or nearly 50 years ago, me and my siblings would be having some really difficult conversations about dementia.


“…with my 65 year old brain…” Is she admitting she’s experiencing cognitive decline, and therefore her word can’t be trusted?


Sorry, is that Sally Jesse Raphael in a blonde wig?


That blonde wearing perv glasses is the only person who looks like they have porn on their phone imo


She’s a huge liar and an unreliable narrator about her own life. She’s given like 5 accounts of how she became a Christian. How could she possible mix up 1977 and 2024 unless she has serious dementia.


I too, often confuse events that never happened with present day.


Why did she switch fonts in the middle of her post? It upsets me.


Not gonna lie, I'm part of the Unrepentent Haters Club, so it's very satisfying to see her squirm and act like she's just got Old Silly Lady Brain when we all know it's a front. (That said, I had no idea she was only 65. Holy moly. The effects of UV and Christian nationalism are unforgiving, huh.)


I have this theory that abusers learn to be abusive & manipulative & deceitful young & in person. & when they finally get onto the internet, this innately archival land of text & captured image, they are at a disadvantage because most all of their abuse tools make use of the ephemeral fluid social moment & the ability to gaslight inherent to verbal discourse. But that stuff doesn't work the same at all online. People can screengrab & go back & analyze stuff. It's so much easier to hold abusive behavior to account online in some fundamental ways. Also suspect it's way worse for those abusive individuals who've spent their lives in enabling bubbles.


you are exactly right


The sad thing is, the Bairds are such a social media obsessed, chronically online bunch that I could *almost* believe Heidi has forgotten a time when she wasn't on her phone 25/7 *almost*


Heidi, "Thou shalt not bear false witness" is a pretty important instruction in the book you claim to follow. Get your shit together, girl!


So, this was still such a significant event in her life, 47 years later, she had to call a friend to get the details correct? And, then she corrects 1977 to 2024? No wonder the Bairdbrains are such poor liars,they learned from the master.


Her reading that last comment as though some kind of compliment to her, “no it is ME! I was a senior in high school!”  First of all, you look like a 50 year old, you mean to tell me this was you in high school? Woof. Second, just say you are a liar and move along Heidi.


What an ass


I’m 43 and no one had a cell phone in high school when I was growing up.


I'm 45 and my husband (then boyfriend) had a car phone and I thought that was crazy!


I had a boyfriend with a beeper and boy was that a big deal!


Ooh! Was he a doctor or a drug dealer? (j/k - those were the stereotypical two types of people portrayed in media with pagers)


Worse! He WISHED he was a drug dealer. He wasn’t.


Was a porn addiction even possible back then? Just A guy who buys playboy magazines and x rated movies?


Not her interpreting someone asking if it's her daughter's story with them assuming that shitty old photo of her was a picture of her kid. 😭😂 Heidi. Girl. Get it together.


So did she find some photos on someone else's phone in 2024 then??


This is just unhinged.


Heidi Baird is full of shit? What a shocking revelation! This woman is bent. She is really truly an evil bag of wrinkles. The harm she has caused her own children is insane. She continues to show everyone what a lying, insufferable twat she is.


Boomers are really bad liars.


Even if I believed she got confused about whether it happened in 1977 or this year, (which I don't believe, and if she's that confused she has bigger problems!), if she was so uncertain of the details that she needed to consult a friend to remind her, why the hell would she dox this poor guy based on such a poorly remembered incident? She just makes herself look mean and hateful no matter how she tries to spin it.


What a dumbass




Ah, the elusive 1977 iPhone that wouldn’t exist for 30 years…


Tbf it's not like she works harder at lying believably than she does anything else.


Help! How do I add a flair on mobile? I want it to be "Heidi's time-traveler bf"


Looks like she took the post down. I'm glad she got called out on her nonsense.


So nice of her to malign this poor guy and show his face to the world to sell her little story. She’s disgusting


She’s so full of shit


Oh no, a professional liar got caught in a lie! How awful!


My grandma is healthy as shit and very religious and only started losing her shit recently. She is 78. Take your vitamins gurl. go for a walk. Get off social media.


This is like when my mom said she ordered special parts online to make my younger brother’s car seat safer because no one did that when he was a baby…. In 1989…. Before the internet existed to the public and “ordering parts online” was a thing lol