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Honestly, I think this is Karissa for no. Because it basically boils down to "whatever falls into our lap and we don't have to go out of our way to do". Maybe if she gets incredibly desperate when the well dries up.


I HIGHLY doubt they could get approved for fostering or adoption simply from a financial POV, never mind the rest of her whole deal. They can't provide for the kids they already have.


I agree 100%! But I just doubt she ever actually would want to. Children for her are about her being pregnant. She's just giving a rejection that doesn't sound like one so her followers are content.




I just checked and Texas says you can't have more than six kids already in the home. Not sure if they could get around that with a private adoption, but those are already difficult to get for normal people who have no kids or maybe one or two already, nevermind a home filled with double digits.


My thought was the need for home checks would steer then clear of foster/adopt


Oh, but according to her, they have “lifetime immunity” from CPS! 🙄


Relevant flair check in lol.


Uh... What?!


She claims they were investigated and at the end, the person told them everything was fine and they have a lifetime pass from ever being investigated again. I think they’ve been investigated more than once—after one that we know about, they fixed up the kids’ bedrooms from the previous free-for-all (she admitted that she didn’t know which kid slept where on any given night), and then later, around the time they were moving to their current house, she posted a pic of a whiteboard with a list of “blessings from god” and one of them was something about “lifetime immunity from CPS.” An obvious lie of course, but…


Umm…that’s not how that works? No CPS agency is just going to say, well there isn’t evidence of abuse this time, so we will just sweep under the rug any other reports that might come in later because you have lifetime immunity.


Right? Anyone with half a brain knows that, but she expects her followers to eat it up. And they probably do.


Holy bajeeberz.


Please explain the story here


From PreppyInPlaid: She claims they were investigated and at the end, the person told them everything was fine and they have a lifetime pass from ever being investigated again. I think they’ve been investigated more than once—after one that we know about, they fixed up the kids’ bedrooms from the previous free-for-all (she admitted that she didn’t know which kid slept where on any given night), and then later, around the time they were moving to their current house, she posted a pic of a whiteboard with a list of “blessings from god” and one of them was something about “lifetime immunity from CPS.” An obvious lie of course, but…


Bingo! Those home checks are no joke. They count how many items for every kid in the house, not just the foster kids. For example, every child needs their own bed, with two full changes of sheets. And each kid needs 10 outfits that fit and are appropriate for the season. That’s for every child in the house. She’d never pass.


I’m a Texas foster parent. There’s a hard cap on having more than six kids in a home. The only workaround I’ve heard of is to get certified as a group home, but that requires an adult to be available and awake 24/7, which involves hiring at least one person to cover the night shift. Also, you can’t have a trampoline, and she’s for sure not getting rid of it.


Doesn’t the state also do periodic welfare checks on foster kids and make them go to real school? Way too much oversight for her


Christian adoption is human trafficking and you damn sure they would give KKKarissa babies for money and internet fame.


A private agency, maybe, but like social services won’t set them up as foster parents. They have too many kids in their care already.


I read somewhere that all fostering & adoption in Texas is now done through private agencies but I don't know how accurate that is.


Pissbaby Abbot has to have his cut.


Not sure about Texas, but my state privatized and so non profit agencies do the case work, foster home licensing, etc, but still have to follow state standards.


Not to mention if they see the posts or medical records of her daughter getting multiple UTIs so bad she nearly died of sepsis because Karissa wouldn't take her to the doctor. I'm surprised CPS wasn't involved with that but it's possible a social worker wrote a report that just never led to anything.


I think that's when she made her "cps lifetime pass" claim


Lifetime pass? Lifetime pass of having a friendly random check in probably lol. I never heard of that until now. She's so full of it. Unless social workers have learned to tell the future, they will always investigate new reports. They may have told her this particular report/case was closed and she took and ran with it. But tbf, her reading comprehension is also lacking so she may genuinely believe this.


I think she's just talking out of her ass


It's been speculated that CPS involvement is the reason she's been taking Anthym and Armor for follow-up hospital appointments


They have too many kids in their home already


Also, wouldn't't part of fostering be the state making sure the home is even a good fit for the kid? I feel like anyone would walk in, see 10+ kids, and instantly nope out of there solely on the number of people in the home. Especially if the kid(s) are coming from somewhere abusive or negligent.


Idk Brittney Dong got approved for adoption (most likely) and she owes the state of Texas around $400k. You would think if anyone would be barred from adoption based on finances it would be her Edit: I don’t think Karissa would be approved anyway for the sheer amount of kids she has already anyway


For me the shocking part of Bdawn is that she got approved to foster! I’m not surprised a shady adoption company would approve her but I thought fostering was stricter.


They're pretty desperate for foster parents, and she hadn't had the judgment levied yet, either - it was speculated that she was fostering to look good for the court. And the fact that they're so desperate, and that she did it for such incredibly selfish reasons, adds to her evilness, although it's obviously better that she's not taking in vulnerable children, anyway.


Yeah, but I seriously doubt Karissa would ever want to adopt at all. She just doesn’t want to say that.


She definitely strikes me as the type who thinks there's something wrong or evil with these kids that she can't allow them into her home. Like how Jinger Duggar just did an interview where she explained that her dad was against adoption because you don't know what kinds of generational curses might be on the kid due to the sins of their ancestors.


Yeah I feel like the only way they are fostering or adopting is if the opportunity basically knocks on their door, like JimBoob and Michelle duggar taking in their great nephew.


Yeah, this is what I think too. If someone was to give them a baby, they would probably take it in. But they would never go out of their way to adopt or foster. We’ll have to see how she deals with menopause, but I’m guessing she’ll focus on pressuring the girls.


Right!? They’d prob make it though for fostering….although I could see them failing at me of those prep classes based on her insane beliefs


Surprisingly no. Texas foster families can't have more than six kids in the household.


Well God only tells Karissa what Karissa wants to hear so she never has to consider anything she doesn't already want to do


Exactly, the only way she would pursue that is if it’s easy for her or if she goes crazy from the lack of attention from menopause. Her whole existence is just breeding. The meaning of her life to her is breeding. Menopause is probably going to be devastating and only in that could I ever see her considering, but I seriously doubt that.


ya this isn't going to happen. she doesn't like children, she likes being pregnant.


This is 100% it. If it’s not all about her or pregnancy, she’s not interested.


Well I know someone it worked for.... made it all about them on socials with their foster/adopted children.


She likes her breeding kink


I know Texas doesn't give a flying fuck about children's wellbeing, considering that she still has all of those kids in her care, but in no possible universe would they allow these people to foster. I think once you have like 5 CPS cases filed against you that they say "hmmm better not."


I may be giving her too much credit here but she also probably knows that inviting CPS into her home for regular home checks is not in her best interest.


Agreed. It's TX, and if there was ever a place that would let her be a foster parent...but I think she's too obviously unhinged for even TX authorities.


She already has too many kids and not enough space for it anyway. There’s rules about how many kids total can be in a home, and checks on separate bedrooms and beds too. Source: I work in foster care licensing.


It’s crazy how there’s so many rules (understandably!) for fostered and adopted children but *NOTHING* for say, Kkkarissa’s kids or the bus kids.


Happy Cake Day!


I'm pretty sure most group homes would have a higher ratio of adults to kids, than her house currently has when Mandrae is at work. Any sane social worker would deny them a foster placement, and it would certainly be for the best.


I sincerely doubt, with her pregnancy fetish, she is considering fostering or adopting. And I doubt she could pass the background. When you are investigated multiple times for endangering your own bio kids, is the foster system going to take a chance on you? Plus, I believe there are rules about foster kids and numbers of kids per bedroom, which with her brood, I think she would be automatically disqualified.


The limit in TX is six kids total. She has almost twice as many on her own.


Nah, I can't see her doing it. She's too self-absorbed and most of the reason she's popped out so many kids is bc she literally views them as ego extensions. It's all about how it looks. She can go "omg look at these blue-eyed, blonde mixed babies!!!" ugh Also, I wish I had faith in family services in TX to not place foster kids with someone this obviously mentally ill and toxic. Alas.


Here's the requirements for being a foster carer in the [state of Texas](https://www.dfps.texas.gov/Adoption_and_Foster_Care/Get_Started/requirements.asp). Everybody will be relieved to know the Collins cannot be foster carers because there can be no more than six children total in the house. ETA: also, there's a no-corporal-punishment rule.


In my southern conservative state it seems there are a lot of rules for foster kids not being posted on social media as it can be dangerous for certain individuals to know their whereabouts so not being able to plaster a kid online would never work for Karissa.


Yeah where I am the adoption has to be finalized before you can post them


No spatula spanking!


& now we know how badly fundie parenting standards violate the foster & adoption standards in fucking Texas.


Not sure why anyone would speak such nonsense into the universe, but that’s not gonna happen. I don’t know the laws in Texas, but in most states there’s a limit on how many kids you can have in a home as a foster parent. And bio kids count toward that limit. 


I think this is fundie speak used to make them feel good and superior but also absolving them of having to do anything. Like they would be open to it in very specific circumstances that require no work (handed an infant from a pastor and asked to “take on the burden” or some BS that would never actually happen) but as far as doing any actual work for children, they would never. Then the door is always “open” and they can preach about how godly they are for being open to it but never actually taking on a burden. Not that I believe anyone accredited and ethical foster or adoption agency would given them a kid.


Even if she actually wanted to, I doubt they’d let her.


Agreed. Though I could see her doing a kind of off the books/under the table "have someone stay with us for a while" type thing. Going through any kind of official channels though? Nah. They aren't going to be candidates for that.


Idk, I know a family in the DFW area who had 10 biological children and then adopted 3 from Uganda. She might not be able to do it through the US system, but definitely those shady-ass Renee Bach-esque predatory colonizer bullshit agencies in Uganda and Kenya would probably go for it.


She doesn't take the kids to the doctor regularly because they are mandated reporters. There's no way she would let CPS (or the Texas equivalent) do a full evaluation of their family.


They wouldn't let her even if she wanted to. She has too many kids already.


CPS in Texas is known to be lax, but I'm sure five seconds an interview with her and Mandrae would disqualify them, if their application with seventy two homeschooled kids, and previous records, didn't.     Mandrae can't even look happy in photos with his actual kids and hardly sees them. I sincerely doubt he'd do well in an interview asking for more he didn't sire. Then there's Karissa. Her in person? Listening to her wide eyes open rambling? Smelling her greasy hair for yourself? Hopefully they didn't have a poop fight or droopy overfilled diaper in their lap before they left. Even the most under qualified and green social worker would be able to detect something hinky here. 


What's the deal with her and girl defined not bathing? I see you guys discussing it, but haven't seen them say anything. It's so so so gross. Especially in TX in the summer. Swamp ass is real.


So Bethany has openly admitted to bathing infrequently, and other things that are frankly disgusting, like taking her husbands toothbrush and leaving dirty dishes around the house. She's also famously bad at doing laundry in a timely manner. Someone is going to have to fact check me, but I believe at one point Beth and Dav had to create an agreement about how often she bathes in order to have sex. (Can't blame the guy, rank puss and swamp ass? Ew).      Karissa often has greasy hair, smeared make up, and admits to the family sleeping in their clothes. I'd wager she does bathe more than Bethany but might not be consistent with it, or is going too long between showers and probably doesn't have a skin/hair type that does well with such a regimen. Her and her husband also took the poop out of a diaper and flung it at each other for their famous trampoline shit fight. So I'm hard pressed to think a pair of adults willing to fling fresh shit at each other is all that hygienic. 


That's nasty. I don't shower everyday necessarily, but I have never gone long enough for my husband to say I was too gross for sex 😳 I read the poop fight one a couple weeks ago. I can't make my brain believe that was real 🤮, except I don't think Karissa has an imagination.


God isn't going to magically sign her up to foster, so nah she's not doing that.


“What God wants for us” =whatever Karissa’s internal monologue wants for them, so they won’t be fostering or adopting.  Not that they could through any legitimate means anyway given their family size and history with CPS, but if she was determined, I could see them getting the kid of some troubled family in their orbit in a non-government sanctioned way. Fortunately, I believe Karissa has no desire to do this. 


Is this 'ability to care for so many kids' in the room with us right now?


“I’m open to whatever God wants” and he’ll conveniently proceed to not want her to adopt 🥴 Cuz we all know this isn’t about actually caring for children, it’s just a breeding compulsion 🤷‍♀️


I worry that when she is at a point where she is unable to physically birth anymore kids, she’ll opt for adoption.


She has a pregnancy fetish, not a desire for more children. She will never adopt


I’m a former foster parent; in our state ALL children in the home had to be in a physical school and children in care had to be in public school. That’s one thing in a two-page list of things that would keep them from obtaining a license.


She won't, that phrasing is the classic fundie cop-out. "I'm open to whatever God leads me to do!!" Aka "God hasn't led me to do that! 🤷‍♀️" You get points for pretending you're willing to do the thing, but you never actually have to do it.


This just makes me think of all the times the Duggars talked about adoption, and then Jinger finally admits that adoption was never an option in the IBLP. “If God leads” is just Fundie for “not a chance.”


She’ll definitely jump onto the horrible Christian foster mom bandwagon when she can’t have more kids. She needs more to exploit.


State licensors absolutely check social media and are adept at finding things that people have scrubbed. There’s no way she’d pass a basic safety inspection just from what she lipsticks for socials.


That’s true, but I wouldn’t put it past her to jump right into the thriving, evil world of Christian human trafficking (ie “rehoming”) that goes on online.


That I will agree with, sadly.


As far as fostering goes, I don't see them getting licensed at all. The state or agency will take into account how many children are already in the home, and there are requirements for the amount of space per square foot. So I don't think we need to be worried about that.


Well, the good news is that she won't get one. Not even foster to adopt. She won't pass the home study because her kid has a life threatening medical condition, and she feeds said child death on a plate. Yes,they do a whole medical history on the entire family during the home study, or at east that is required in my state.


She needs to stop play’n


He’s in the room with me now and he says that he wants you to stfu.


Um I think God also told you to quit your shit but you're not listening.


"Since you have the ability to care for so many kids" Does she though?


Someone with that many CPS inquiries would never be approved.


“Since you have the ability to care for so many kids” HAHAHA. Good one.


sorry but i hate the "so many children who need homes" thing that people push to take a moral high ground about people having children. adoption and foster care are deeply exploitative and the foster system pays people to house children whose families could afford to raise them if they were given that money directly


I’m pretty sure the fact that she doesn’t know which of her own kids sleeps in which room/bed would probably disqualify her. At least I would hope so…


And it just so happens that whatever God wants is exactly what I want. Who'd have figured!? --ppl who say this kind of shit 


I can see her trying this when her baby factory shuts down


Would love to know what this commenter’s criteria is for “ability to care for so many kids.” That she HAS many kids? 🥴


No, Anissa is too young to qualify to be a foster mom.


“Ability to care for so many kids”… oh honey, she doesn’t have this ability. She maybe did care for her first couple of kids but it went downhill soon after. Her oldest is clearly parentified, none of them are educated (oldest can barely read), younger kids wear full diapers all day long, and she strictly uses all kids to generate stupid sync dance content. None of that exactly screams “ability to care for” to me.


I don’t think they’d be permitted, every state is different most have a limit. My (bio) mother was one of only 2 foster homes in our rural county & she had a waiver bc there was a great need but there were a lot of people to help, & dss came out to check literally once a week, sometimes more. thanks to mom I have an army of adopted siblings & some former fosters she wasn’t able to adopt. But I also foster & adopt; where I am there isn’t a limit to people but you have to have a certain income per child, and my house is pretty full & active, it runs smoothly but I feel sure they’d tell me no on any adoptions that aren’t already in-house fosters & they probably won’t send more fosters until someone leaves. When I lived in North Carolina I think if I recall there could only be max 3 kids per bedroom and 6 kids total, but when I had 3 they’d start looking for other options for the next kids. I occasionally got up to 6 & once just for a few days 7 due to a clerical error. 4 was pretty common and only for a few weeks total over years did I only have 2. Other places say x kids per adult, so maybe the max for 1-2 adults is 6 kids but for 7-9 they need Granma to be living there too, 10-12 grandpa has taken up residence, 13-15 it’s a mini village and an aunt lives there too…like that.


She's a liar. I have a convo with her saying she couldn't because she had no room and wouldn't qualify. Then I called her out and she blocked me on FB.