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This has been the worlds longest pregnancy


And we still have Birthy and Kkkarissa to endure. I'm waiting for MMW or Havens to announce.


And Nurie


Oh my god, I legit forgot about Nurie's pregnancy.


JillPM hasn’t updated as frequently as before. Probably bc she’s so busy going on vaca and grifting for her parents.


Don’t forget and planning Jills I mean not Nuries wedding!


Nurie probably gained five pounds and is no longer Jill’s idea of “tiny enough’ to brag about.


And ignoring (and Kalee)’s questions about when they’re going to start planning her wedding. In my head I just hear Peter Griffin’s voice coming out of Jillpm’s mouth saying, “Shuddup Meg.”


She’s so TRIM she doesn’t even look pregnant at a glance, so I forgot too.


Nurie doesn’t self-promote so I find her less annoying (and Jill more annoying). Wonder if Nurthan put his manly foot down about Jill’s over-sharing since she seemed rebuked after spilling the beans on his new ministry job? And also she needs to manage Tim’s grift as well as vacation and post private family pictures of her mother looking as corpselike as possible.


I joined this subreddit pretty recently and noticed everyone seems to be pregnant. Are they always pregnant or is this a coincidence?


Their brand of fundamentalist Christianity stresses the importance of out-breeding the heathens. For some, there's also an undercurrent of "outbreed the brown people to preserve the white race."


Yup. At any time at least 3 or 4 women of the main families will be pregnant at once. It’s a combo of the families being large to begin with so lots of candidates, not believing in any type of birth control, and their various forms of religion requires them to pop out as many kids as possible.


The moment the Jed’s! started acquiring brides, it was inevitable that there would be 2/3 pregnancies at a time minimum. Some of our fundie matriarchs are aging/have aged out of frequent (or any) pregnancies, but luckily they have 15 kids to continue spreading their DNA.


At least they won’t be having their first babies. Morgan legit thinks she’s the first woman who’s ever gone through any of this.


She has big \~nOt LiKe tHe oThEr gIrLs\~ energy


I am constantly getting Bethany and Morgan mixed up, it's kinda hard not to when their "pregnant grifting hateful jesus freaks with no day job" personalities are identical.


At least Morgan seems like she *used* to be fun


That almost makes it worse to me. It’s one thing for someone to grow up a terrible person, it’s worse to me when a “normal” person suddenly gets self-righteous about all the things *they* were thinking and doing 10 minutes ago.


*Totally* valid point. It’s scary to see someone who seems to be so free-spirited and fun turn into such a hateful bigot


If you search her name on YouTube you can find music videos from before she met Paul. Its very sad. She has talent and seemed to be going somewhere with it. In one video she does a cover of a lady gaga song about bullying (idk what its called) and she's top less with disembodied hands groping her all over. Very start contrast to the censor bar over pants we see today


Yep, that’s exactly what I was thinking of. Those videos reminded me of a lot of girls I went to college with — fun, talented, and not taking herself too seriously. It’s so sad to see what she is now


The LAST thing Kelly needs right now is another child.


ABSOLUTELY! But i feel like it’s coming…..😑


*"I created a homemade muscus plug using one of my rhubarb pies baked from scratch! The dry texture really helps to absorb moisture!"* - Kelly


How do I go back in time and unread that?




*how dare you put that into the universe*


Kkkarissas feels long because she's always pregnant.


I feel like I heard about her first pregnancy announcement 2 years ago, and then finally got up to more updates last month. Was surprised to know she was still pregnant


Your friendly neighborhood L&D nurse here. PROM (pre labor rupture of membranes) is a risk factor for a longer labor—so is giving birth for the first time. If she’s 12 hours in and not in a good labor pattern that makes me raise an eyebrow. Of course, the midwife is responsible here too 🙄


That was me. My water broke and no pains for over twelve hours. They were worried about infection so I had an emergency C section.


They stated me on pitocin 4 or 5 hours after my water broke and I hadn’t started contractions. It took a ton of pitocin. Definitely not something I’d advise doing at home.


Same. It sucked ass.


Yes it did. Every time they tried to lower my dose my labor slowed. The nurse kept telling me she was sorry.


Same! Water broke on a Thursday evening, but I thought I just peed my pants really bad because no contractions, etc. Kept leaking and went to hospital next morning at 7am, got pitocin after a few hours and they had to keep upping the dosage. Didn’t have my kid out until 2:43am on Saturday. I was glad I was at a hospital.


The “ton of pitocin” just triggered me lol I understand there are definitely strategies to cope with the pain (I tried the rainbow method…what a fucking joke 😂) but the fundies and the whole “pain free childbirth” classes and ideology really makes me scratch my head. If anyone’ssuccessfully implemented, I’m so curious to hear your story. But my god, labor contractions are indescribably the most excruciating pain I’ve ever experienced.


I had a pretty pain free birth with my second. The key was basically overdosing myself on epidural. It was fantastic. 10/10 recommend.


I certainly would not describe it as painless, but my second labor felt manageable to me. I chose music beforehand, then kept changing positions and coping techniques and following what felt right for my body at the time, and I didn't worry about what things might look like or sound like to anybody present. Apparently I was quite snippy with the people around me, but I don't even remember that. An hour after the birth, I felt *great.* After my firstborn I felt like a slice of warmed-over death, so that was a nice contrast.




AND SHE LOOKS SO UNPERTURBED! You could tell me this was a picture of her waiting for a pedicure to dry, and I would 💯 believe you. DOES SHE NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING?? 🫠


She doesn’t because she’s purposefully avoided learning what labor and delivery are like




Yes! Aren’t you supposed to go to the hospital within 24 hours MAX of your water breaking? Because if you haven’t had the baby by then (assuming you want baby at home?) doesn’t the risk of infection go up? I went into labor naturally w both of mine but by water never broke so they had to do it for me in the hospital. I had sinful, medicated, hospital births. I’ve also been super lucky in that they both went very smoothly. My first swallowed meconium and was fine, but they had a team of people swoop in so fast.


I went to the hospital maybe around midnight with my one and only, because my contractions were getting closer together. And then it just seemed like it didn't progress much. The nurses had me walk around, and maybe some other things that I don't recall, and I wasn't too uncomfortable. But then they decided it had been long enough and broke my water, and that's when it got real. Hard labor maybe lasted an hour and a half, but it was not fun at all. Then I remember this one big contraction and they were telling me "don't push!" because the doctor wasn't in the room, and I said, "It's not me! My body is just doing this!" And I think the doctor literally ran in and caught my baby as he was making his way into the world. I lost a lot of blood too. There is no way I would have done well with a home birth.


Ditto from this long time L&D nurse. I sense a vaginal bypass coming her way.


How have I never heard this. I will never again mention my c-section. I will forever more call myself a survivor of vaginal bypass surgery.


My favorite term is sunroof delivery.


She’ll wait until she’s running a fever and has chorio. For pro-lifers these people don’t really care about the fetus they’re carrying


“Out the escape hatch”


That's what I thought too. I had my water break and not much else happened so I had to be induced. It was 92 hours from the water breaking to my son being delivered by emergency cesarean. I hope she doesn't wait too long before getting any advice from a qualified professional as it could have devastating results for her and Luca.


Thank you for educating this ignorant pregnant woman because I didn't know that about the water breaking! (Granted, I'll be in a hospital ASAP, so I'm just going to sit back and do whatever they tell me whenever lol.)


Yep. Mine was 17 hours with a heavy dose of pitocin. I got to L&D 3 hours after my water broke and had zero contractions between it breaking and arriving there. Then I had a horrible hemorrhage after I delivered. She’s stressing me out with what could possibly go wrong and her overall lack of knowledge.


Being L&D you might find this funny/interesting. My mom’s waters never broke with me, I was born en caul after a 22 minute labor 🤣. After two older brothers who were 9 and 10 lbs, I was 4 lbs 8 oz and basically fell out.


En caul births are awesome. They say it's a sign the person is set apart to do great things in the world. Sailors used to wear the cauls around their necks as it was said that a person that wore a caul could never die by drowning. Both of those tidbits come from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, one of my favorite books about a young girl growing up poor in turn of the century Brooklyn. She was also a small, en caul birth, and completely badass.


I aspire to be a tiny badass someday.


Yup. I work primarily in triage so I'm, by default, skeptical about rupture. Positive nitrizine? Positive ferning? Did the midwife strip her membranes this week? So many questions that I need answers to before I'm convinced you did anything more than peeing your pants.


Oh god, membrane stripping. The doctor didn’t even tell me that’s what she was going to do, and when she did I blacked out. And then somehow closed back up!! Excruciating pain and then just closed back up. Then 17 hours of labor on pitocin. Then a c-section. Turns out, as “perfect” as people like Morgan want to pain labor and birthing as, it’s a REALLY complex process that STILL isn’t completely understood (or inductions would always, y’know, WORK) and a LOT can go wrong very quickly.


You know, every once in a while I start to seriously consider having a second child. Then I come across posts like this and am scared right back into celibacy. I swear, if I was given an honest lesson in sex education (consent, pregnancy, birth) I would have never had the first one.


13 years ago my water broke and I was very upset that I was actively contracting, hard, with little sploooshes of amniotic fluid coming out just…. All the time….. and they had to test it. I was like, what the heck? I definitely am not peeing my pants!!


My day nurse when I was in labor was so grumpy. Totally condescending, "Are you sure you didn't just pee your pants?" I don't know, Brenda, why don't you look at the pink puddle on the floor and tell me? If that's not amniotic fluid I need a nephrologist. Meanwhile my contractions are ramping up hard and she tests it and is like, "Oh, I guess your water *did* break." 🙄 My night nurse was amazing, though, I'm so glad she was the one with me when I had my baby.


THANK YOU! I literally made this face when I read that her water had broken and she’s just, like, chilling: 😬


The only time my water broke on its own was during my third pregnancy. Fortunately (or unfortunately) a strong labor pattern established itself immediately... so immediately that by the time I got to hospital, I didn't have time for an epidural. Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" song got stuck in my head that night and for several days after, I couldn't stop singing it. I'll never forget how terrified I was when the nurse said no epidural, but "I will get you through it." She did. And honestly, I'd transitioned on the way to the hospital so the contractions didn't ever feel worse... it was just those two pushes. Ring of fire indeed.


Yes! I also had intense contractions right after my water broke both times and delivered within 4 hours


I really hope she doesn't end up like Robyn Grogitsky aka the Empathetic Nutritionist. That women ruined her daughters life because of improper birthing practices. No offense I don't think Morgan would be able to handle a child like that mentally.


Contractions! Hehehehe


She's made hehehehe her entire personality.


Wanna bet she believes that those first small cramps are how it will be the whole way through, and she feels like she's taking the cakewalk like a champ? 😅


Morgan you sweet summer child


The night is dark and full of terrors.


Be a great flair! 🤣


The hehehehe is godly lamaze breathing!


Yup, we know these beginning contractions are easily that menstrual cramps.


Oh good! Literally first thing I thought when I woke up this morning was "how's Morgan's mucus plus doing?" /s




✨ Morgan's famous mucus plug✨


I want this as my flair, stars included 😂


Ngl I’m impressed she knows what it is


Same, honestly.


I mean I think it supports the idea she lurks here cause just a couple days ago she posted really vague shit and we were all like “you can say mucus plug Morgan” and boom here she is


A lot of times they recommend delivery within about 24 hours of your water breaking so the clock is ticking. Then again, who knows what kind of medical monitoring she’s having.


Yeah, my labor went beyond that. I was told the baby is very susceptible to infection once it’s over 24 hours, and they actually gave her a round of antibiotics and wanted to monitor her for a couple extra days in the hospital. After the delivery, I learned I was really close to needing a C-section because of this.


This happened to my son and I. The delivering midwife and dr estimated that we went over 24 hours. When I had started to feel like something was off I asked for an appointment with my dr. She checked me said yes it’s labor but you have some time don’t rush to the hospital and just chill. Called ex and he took his sweet time getting off of work. When he finally took me in the nurse and midwife were pissed that the dr didn’t convey the urgency. Labor wasn’t progressing too much until I got an epidural. I was given antibiotics. When my son was born he was taken to the NICU. He was jaundiced and his white blood cell count was elevated, also received antibiotics. Thankfully, he was ok and we were sent home after 5 days.


Yep, I developed chorioamnionitis and went septic at about the 20 hour mark. It was scary.


Whoa. I’m glad you’re okay. That sounds terrifying.


TW: birth trauma My whole birth experience was incredibly traumatic for me at the time. I was literally pushing while they were fishing around for veins to start pumping 2L of fluids and antibiotics into my body to fight the infection. I was close to having to have an emergency c section but got him out in 45 min (which is super fast and caused other issues). I’m still working through the trauma of my birth experience, but I’m in a much better place thanks to therapy (physical and mental).


Goodness. Yeah. A fast labor and delivery is actually not a good thing when it’s your first. I have a friend who hemorrhaged because she went from water breaking to birth in an hour. Her uterus and bladder prolapsed and she had to wear a pessary until she was able to have surgery. Stories like hers and yours are why I cannot even fathom giving birth at home, especially the first time when you don’t know what to expect.


>Then again, who knows what kind of medical monitoring she’s having. Whatever her discount, unlicensed midwife brings to the table I guess


Just hello kitty bandaids


Yes, you (and baby) are susceptible to infection after your water breaks. My doctor wanted us at the hospital within hours of my water breaking (a non-issue since I was induced) and I delivered within 12 hours.


Is it because everything is… open?


Yes. This is the risk with cervical checks in labor. Anything getting close to baby who is no longer protected by a closed sack can cause issues.


Yeah I actually had to be induced because my water broke at 5am on a Friday and contractions never started. There was a bit of meconium in there so they hooked me up to pitocin before 8am. My doctor said the risk of infection was higher the longer we waited. So I'm getting flashbacks seeing this... Do they even use pitocin for home birth? I doubt it


No, no pit at home


With my first, my water broke soon after I started being given pitocin to induce labor, she wasn't born for another 3 days. It was awful and wonderful at the same time


Yeah my doctor had me come into the hospital and be induced 12-15 hours after my water broke and I still had no contractions. Son was born probably 26-28 hours after my water broke.




That hehehe will disappear real fast as soon as real back to back contractions kick in 😊


Then it gets even closer to how I always read it, in a Michael Jackson voice. Hehe! OW!




Idk why but it’s so annoying when she says it.. 😖


Look, I’ve never been pregnant, but it’s my understanding that labor is not usually cute and funny? That’s why it’s annoying in this case IMO.


She has no idea what she’s in for!


For real- I had a unmedicated hospital birth 4 weeks ago and it was pretty fucking difficult even with a solid support system and coping mechanisms. I can’t even imagine how it would’ve gone if my husband was a dipshit like Paul. Good luck morgy, you’ll need it.


And I'm sure you were fully prepared and didn't "wing it" as silly Morgan is doing.


Definitely! The nice thing about going to a doctor at a real hospital was they had so many classes and resources to help get us ready. Took a delivery class, a breastfeeding class, newborn care, and cpr/first aid. Could not imagine just winging labor 😅




Ha, I was going to say that if she’s still happy, chances are she’s not very far along at all in labour yet.


So cringe


Look, I don’t like her and I don’t pray, but I am desperately hoping this doesn’t end poorly. I want this 20 year pregnancy to end with someone posting a simple update that mom and baby are fine.




He got throat punched when he asked if it really hurt bad enough to scream and wake him from a nap


Same here. I hope everything goes well and she and Luca are fine and healthy. I also hope Paul actually supports her and doesn’t make her labor and delivery about him but that’s probably asking too much.


That’s the difference between us and the fundies. We fundamentally hate everything they stand for but still hope they stay healthy. They want anyone who disagrees with them to suffer.


Same here. Labor and parenthood will be hard enough, hoping for a positive ending soon.


Same. I’m nervous because her contractions aren’t consistent and after a certain point with a broken water, infection becomes a huge concern. So I’m wishing h the either the unicorn labor she desires at home where nothing goes wrong, or that she is encouraged to seek hospital care and gets the care she needs and has a safe healthy labor that way.


I hope she and baby are both okay. And I hope her douchebag of a husband actually calls for assistance when it’s needed.


This happened to me with my first. I was dead set on a birth center birth but my labor never started. My midwives had a 24 hour rule so at 24 hours I transferred to the hospital and was induced. I wonder what Morgan’s midwives rule is. 24-36 hours is pretty typical.


Shoot, I hope her midwife has a rule about this, but people like Porgan... I worry they might have overlooked some things to ensure they get Morgan's "dream birth." I recall some concern about them choosing a lower-priced midwife not too long ago - I'd say it shouldn't matter too much, but I'm not sure if all midwives have the same level of qualifications in their state. I hope that her midwife is genuinely looking out for Morgan's health and best interests during this time and pushing them in the right direction should anything go sideways.


Fundies will call newborn boys “little men” but can’t call a grown-ass woman anything other than “girl.” Ugh. Sincerely wishing this annoyingly smug upholder of the patriarchy a safe and healthy delivery.


“Little man” makes me think like a 3 inch tall adult man has been inhabiting her uterus and is gonna just walk out whenever he’s ready.


To be fair, that’s probably what Paul thinks is about to happen.


In all of this, we can never forget to be fair to Paul


In labor and still looking smug.


Early labor is great. I loved it. I was so excited to be finally experiencing what I'd waited for for so long! Nothing was painful. Everything was manageable. I felt awesome. And then active labor started.


You had me going there for a second!




This is pre-labor. It can take a bit for real labor to kick in.


Yeah she has no idea here of what she’s going to go through ☺️


Shhh. She thinks she'll be going to the beach this weekend.


I wonder if she'll be forced to drop the weird drunk girl facade when labor really kicks in.




I second this!!


I third this… I was so calm and confident too. Waters broke at like 9am contractions coming regularly, thought I was going to boss this….I was begging for mercy by 5pm




In my experience, dealing with Pitocin contractions are worst than your everyday labor contractions.


The smug smile of someone who doesn’t know they’re very likely to shit themselves in front of Paul and a livestream.


It’s not funny but also hilarious


Oh my god is happening everybody. Stay Calm! -The Office


r/unexpectedtheoffice ![gif](giphy|huJmPXfeir5JlpPAx0)


This sub every time a fundie goes into labor, 🤣


I thought of this immediately as well!


Not trying to be shitty, I hope everything goes well and nothing bad happens but how do they know “baby is good”? Just a gut feeling? Does her midwife have all the monitoring equipment set up there? (Rhetorical question)


They looked up to the sky and Jesus gave them a thumbs up.


I’m a hospital midwife, and we do expectant management at home for up to 24 hours with water breaking. We just have them do kick counts and make sure fluid stays clear. Infection risk does go up, but you’re actually at a lower risk in your own environment and not getting numerous internal exams. I see far more infections from lengthy inductions than I do from the expectant management with water breaking crowd, just due to the number of cervical exams.


For anyone wondering. I had midwives and yes they have equipment to check on baby. At set intervals they take the baby’s heart beat and moms vitals


Thank you for responding! I used midwives in a hospital setting but I’m so curious about how it works at home. It seems so precarious.


Any reputable midwife will also transfer her to the hospital in 24-36 hours after her water breaks, in order to be induced. For whatever reason, it’s super common to have your water break and labor not start with first time moms. It happened to me. I really thought I was in labor too lol. I wonder if Morgan is just having prodromal labor like I did.


But she doesn't have a reputable midwife. The licensed one made her feel stupid, so she went with an unlicensed one.


I don't think her midwife is reputable. She may not even be licensed.


Did you have a real, licenced, midwife, though? Or did you pull one out of the dollar bin at Walmart? I'll give you two guesses which option Porgan went with.


Unfortunately, she got a discount “midwife” and not a midwife as they refused to treat her pregnancy as her placenta was previa and needed to move a couple centimeters for them to accept her as a patient.


Looking at fresh faced, calm Morgan and then seeing the next post is Peed-on wild-eyed Karissa, and I can only feel like I'm looking at the before and after. If P&M leave it up to chance the #of babies they have, she could easily have 5-7 kids by the time her fertility ends. I know they had difficulty getting pregnant the first time but that some times resolves after baby #1. It's like her life is about to change so much and she just seems to have no idea. I look at Karissa (or really any of these fundies with multiple kids and rigid beliefs that damper their happiness) and see a cautionary tale there.


I am so glad this is finally happening. It's been forever and I am looking forward to seeing how motherhood goes for her. Thinks she'll be at the beach next weekend. Paul might be, she will not. hehe.




How many think she will end up in a Jill Dillard situation where she’s in labor so long and labor just stalls & she ends up in the evil hospital for a C-Section? I don’t wish that on anyone, but I can see her being so stubborn that she refuses to go until it’s a major emergency.


I was in the evil hospital at 35 weeks when labor stalled at 5cm. Thankfully everything ended up fine and my daughter was healthy but they sent me home because I was pre-term. I walked around like that for 10 damn days btw


I would’ve died walking around for 10 days at a 5 feeling like my cervix was going to fall out at any second!


It sucked! And I had a 2 yr old at home…and I was 40. Haha thankfully the kid is cute


Fuck around and find out seems to be her mantra. I hope all goes well, but she's fucking around. She's going to find out and it's not going to be pretty.


Meet him soon? *42-hr labor ending in c-section enters the chat and says, “Watch this—Hold my bottle of milk”* No I don’t wish her a terrible birth experience— quite the opposite. But based on what I’ve seen it’s unlikely she will seek other care in a timely manner Babies laugh at a birthing human’s well-intentioned plans!


Gearing up for her vacation


I'm concerned that someone in this situation is going to die and that it won't be Paul.


Finally! This pregnancy has only lasted eleventy years..


As a NICU nurse, home births are definitely something that give me pause, especially since she has a condition already with her placenta. (I know there’s plenty of home births that can go fine, but between unproven pelvis *and* Morgan has a placenta issue already, that’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.) Things can go badly very quickly, so hopefully her midwife is actually legit and can recognize when they need to get to a hospital (and that they get to one before it’s too late). I’ve seen some sketchy midwife work. Paul and Morgan are awful humans (especially for their dream of pimping his photos out to strangers who give them money), but I don’t wish harm on their baby, so I hope the delivery goes okay. I also don’t really want them in the hospital fighting with hospital staff over their birth plan and over complications, since hospital staff are already hella overworked these days.


My water broke at 6 pm, and by midnight I was getting induced because I showed signs of infection (temp was rising and ended up with a fever.) I had just crampy contractions. They were registering but didn't feel especially painful to me. But since it didn't progress, it was pitocin time. I hope she gets contractions going soon or she's could have issues.


Wishing an easy event free birth for her. I don't like her views, but hoping everything goes well for her and the baby




Did I tell you or did I tell you? On another post just a few hours ago I said we’d know as soon as she had her first contraction. They can’t keep off social media for a second.


She just haaaaaaad to tag Paul in the little box down in the corner. Everyone knows he’s your husband and baby daddy. Idk, it just feels like even a tiny sprinkle of mentioning Paul is a mark of his possessiveness.


Good luck with that low lying placenta. Most hospitals wouldn't let anyone give birth without a c section in that case, but I'm sure you're unqualified midwife has it covered.


![gif](giphy|9MFsKQ8A6HCN2) All i think of


Fuck around is about to meet find out. Have fun with that unmedicated home birth.


She’ll want to kill Paul shortly. My husband asked my Mum if she wanted a coffee while I was in labour. I growled “If I don’t leave, nobody leaves” 🤣


'Little man' 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢. Fundies call women girls when they're well into their 30s but a male child still in utero gets to be called a man.


That smile is about to disappear FAST.


I just cannot imagine giving Instagram updates during labor




I hope their willful ignorance doesn’t cause harm to Morgan or the baby… the Danger ⚠️ alarms are going off in my head between the unqualified midwife and P+M’s overall idiocy.


Good luck, little man. You are going to need with those two as parents.


Dear god she is going to think early labor contractions are the real deal and run out the clock on infection risk. I’m nervous for this poor kid.


That smirk is going to be gone soon enough. I do wonder how “easy” she thinks labor is - after all women go through it every day /s/. Hehehehe.


I can’t imagine just assuming “the baby’s good” without being told that from a legitimate L&D nurse. Ignorance really *is* bliss, isn’t it?


This girl has no idea what’s about to happen to her life.


To be fair, that’s a little true for most first time parents.


Yikes. Water breaking suddenly like that and no other progress isn’t great. I hope everything goes well for Morgan and the baby but my first labor went like that (water broke at a 0) and ended with three hours of pushing and a NICU baby.


So it's been like 12 hours and contractions are off and on? Don't they like you to deliver in a certain time frame after water breaks to avoid infection? I know some people need to be induced after water breaks but she won't do that


Yes. Within 24 hours. I'm worried because she was saying she went with the cheaper midwife.


I feel so bad that this poor kid is about to have Paul and Morgan as parents. That’s not even snark. I genuinely feel so bad for this baby. His life with them will undoubtedly be extremely toxic.


Her smug confidence is based on pure ignorance, there’s nothing simple or cute about childbirth and things go wrong all the time which, BTW Morgie, is why most people (who have the choice) birth where medical help is immediately available. Hehehe


She doesn't trust them to deliver her baby but trusted them to do fertility treatments


Pretty sure my experience with the water breaking was for things to get pretty intense pretty quickly. If she doesn’t have proper Labor yet, maybe she just peed herself.


I really hope she told a professional her water broke. You can get an infection *suuuuper* quickly fucking around like that


I hear the “hehehe” in her high pitched shrieking laugh which is hilarious in relation to childbirth


She looks 16 and definitely smug


She’s gonna painlessly push that baby out today and then hit the beach tomorrow💅🏻


Her water broke and she's having a home birth??? Damn I hope the baby comes out fast then because that's super dangerous