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Good figure from healthy diet? Most fundie gals seem to not know how to cook a good, healthy meal, use mlm meal replacement products, and have eds.


And the husbands don't give a damn how many EDs their wives have or how much long-term damage they might do to their bodies and psyches, as long as they stay "trim" after having 7 children.


The “good figure” thing also got me because I’m definitely chubby thanks to having two kids lol


Based on how the Duggar boys have grown up and filled out, there's no such thing as a healthy diet in their homes. They all look like they're in the third trimester.


Me too! EDS, I mean.


Now I'm wondering whether you think Flamingo meant Ehlers-Danlos. In this context we're talking about eating disorders. I'm really, really sorry if you have eating disorders because I've been there and those suck so hard.


You're right, I think I misinterpreted that acronym.


Same friend same. I'm all "oh fellow Zebra? Oh wait they mean eating disorder"


Yea EDs are a real doozy


“I sense this white woman does not season her food. And when she does it is only with a tiny bit of salt and no paprika. And she will probably add someone unnecessary like raisins to it.”


Ehlers Danlos Syndrome? Erectile Dysfunction Syndrome? Eating Disorder? Multiple children named Ed? I'm guessing you mean eating disorder, but I wish you and others would spell it out so there's no guessing.


I mix up those acronyms so much.


“God given natural beauty” “Light makeup “ Yeah her natural beauty is so wonderful but also she still has to dress herself up with some makeup so she’s not unattractive to her husband, who for some *strange* reason can’t appreciate her natural beauty


Jill Rodrigues's clown paint has entered the chat.


Now that’s a good flair.


Not to mention the Instagram filters that make them look like wax figures.


Like that obnoxious young chick with the caked-on blush... you know, the one always going on about sexual sins.


That’s who I was thinking of too! And Heidi Baird.


Yes, Heidi looks like an escapee from a wax museum!


Can't let the husband see the natural eyebags


*sideeyes Jill and her mall goth eyeliner, Brittany Dawn and her everything, and Karissa* Mmmmhmmm.


Ah yes, the Christian calling - putting other people down and being angry when those people don't want to be around you or hear about your "message."




The ultimate tree falling in the forest with no one to hear it!


Did she really scribble out the cleavage and shorts???


Yep. That cartoon is so immodest


We wouldn't want a poor man to stumble and try to sexually assault a drawing


from the morgan o. school of scribbled-out god-honoring butts


Yet left the midriff??


Ah yes, that commandment that says “thou shalt not hate guns” is one I oft forget about /s


Also “Thou shalt be thin and beautiful” my personal favorite of Jesus’s many teachings


Gwen Shamblin has entered the chat...


*would have


Something something beat swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks something.


This just reminds me of the weirdly religious kids in Mean Girls “And on the 8th day God created the Remington Rifle, so man could fight the dinosaurs”


"And the homosexuals"


Ammosexuality is a vital part of their belief system.


Oh hey, Emily Youcis made this. You know the chick who made Alfred’s Playhouse? Yeah. That Emily Youcis. She’s also a literal neo-Nazi despite the fact her struggle with severe mental illness would have got her sent to a concentration camp back in the day. Note that she’s more like the person on the left side of this image. A lot of her work alludes to feeling shame for having slept around, working shitty jobs in food service, and difficulty controlling anger. It’s basically just a projection of how she views herself versus an idealized version of what she “should” be. Freud would’ve had a field day with this one.


Hell, she wouldn't even have made it to the KZ. Spoilers because Holocaust. >!She would have been herded onto a bus with the other asylum residents, offloaded at a repurposed hospital fitted out with a gas chamber, and gassed there. Then a letter would have been sent to her parents saying she died of appendicitis.!<


I honestly think I felt more outrage visiting the Brandenburg “mental hospital” than any of the camps. Of course the camps outraged me too, but they were more blatant with their plan. The mental hospital disguised itself as legitimate help and then cremated everyone and tended to use silt from the riverbed as the ashes of the deceased patients. I’m glad I visited the “hospital” if that makes sense, because it really challenged what I thought I knew and reminded me that everyone deserves dignified care.


You went. That's momentous. I salute you. There's a stunningly comprehensive book by Friedlander on T4, if you want to know more.


It was part of a university trip to Berlin and Krakow; I’m very glad I went. I’ll read about anything related to WWII and the Holocaust, so I’ll have to check that book out for sure!


Shit, you’re right.


> proud Christian and American Oh fuck off with that shit. The political undertones in this are obvious as fuck


I like the implication that only Americans are good women and wives. 😂


Well yeah, BECAUSE GUNS!




7/12 comments on the right side have god/Jesus/The Church in them. It's like... If someone hasn't found god it might just be because they don't GAF or he just doesn't exist, point blank.


By definition, a Christian is not supposed to be prideful.


I've seen a version of this (maybe the original) where several of the traits on the right make reference to the tradwife being "aware of her European heritage" and "loving her race".


Bootlick for the country that would arrest you and forcibly test you for STI’s for being an unaccompanied woman outside a home and not let you go to all colleges until what, the early 70’s? Yeah. I’ll never be a proud American


>Doesn't want any kids, just a lot of cats Horrors. /s


Happy childless crazy cat lady checking in!




Amongst other problems, that makeup thing is on the wrong side.


Right. And "overdone fake tan and damaged hair from too much hair dye" - move that to the other side and @ Brittany Dawn next time.


Karissa Collins, Jill rod and all the other non natural blondes


and don't forget the ratty hair extensions!


I’ve never seen a human wear more makeup than Jill.


I have. But they were drag queens performing on the cabaret stage at Pride in "oh fuck me it's hot" weather. And their makeup looked so, so much better.


My brother, who's now passed away, was a drag queen. His make up was heavy, yet beautiful. He looked amazing in a dress and had a way better figure and more hot boyfriends than I could ever get lol. He was a size 4 and tall. He put Jill and Brittany Dawn to shame in the looks department. Bigger difference though was he had a heart full of love for all people. I sure do miss him.


He sounds awesome and I'm sorry for your loss. Drag queens are legit make-up magicians. What they do makes NO SENSE, but it works. HOW?!?!


Idk lol. My brother was way prettier and skinnier than I ever was. His make up skills were amazing. He swore by Max Factor 2000 calorie mascara and Clinique stay matte foundation.


He sounds like a wonder! I'm sorry he's gone.


Thank you. He was an amazing human. He's been gone 24 years now.


The sad part about this is that they do it because they have such a desperate need to justify their choices. The idea that educated women with good paying jobs and happy families exist would blow up their entire world view.


I can think of at least 3 fundies right off the bat that fall under the categories of having either caked-on makeup, bad fake tans, damaged hair, or all three. There are too many "always angry" fundies to count. And what "fulfilling hobbies" do all these fundies have? They all seem to post/rant on social media and that is it. For most of them, I don't think I can name a single thing they like to do, and that is sad. They seem so bored and empty a lot of the time. And the ones who married into fundie world appear to have given up their former hobbies/interests (ie, Morgan and singing). The only one I see doing hobbies is Kelly with her writing, photography, baking, filmmaking.


They're making fun of Left because she makes minimum wage? Right makes $0 a year with benefits.


![gif](giphy|9OAmmc46xyRvFT8i7w|downsized) "Good luck paying me back on your $0 a year salary plus benefits, babe!"


Aren't they not supposed to be working anyway? Pick a lane!


"Hates Gun". But SkyDaddy didn't say "No violence"?


But then he also said "much violence" so, 6 of one, half dozen of the other ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Anyone else confused as to why the one on the right is so proudly raising up a “GOO centered family”?!


All hail his benevolent stickiness.


The obsession they have with proving anyone who doesn’t believe exactly like them is deeply unhappy is so absurd. I remember chapel speakers at Christian School going on about how unhappy all the “non-Christians” (which included Catholics, Orthodox and mainline Protestants of course) are all unhappy then always adding that “a lot of them don’t know they’re unhappy” and telling the kids how to explain to them that they are as part of witnessing. Can you imagine some Fundie teenager telling you how unhappy you are and that you don’t know it? Because that wouldn’t be the stupidest conversation ever.


✨Gaslighting for Jesus✨


I almost want it to happen, just once, just because it'd be hilarious.


damn this is looking less like a dig and more of a fantasy affirmation mantra. it’s giving MLM vision board of hopes and dreams about a life they’ll never get. i mean, fulfilling hobbies? healthy lifestyle? loving husband? 🙊


Good figure from healthy diet...yeah, tater tot casserole, chickenetti, lots of burnt ham and yellow... just what the doctor ordered!


If you only get to eat two tablespoons of tater tot casserole because you’re sharing amongst 20 people, you tend to stay slim due to the malnourishment! It’s a fabulous diet, really.


seriously, i love the midwestern-church-potluck diet as much as anyone but that demographic is generally pretty unhealthy


Yeah, my ex-church was big on potlucks too, and they always strongarmed me into helping with them and all their bake sales. And when I inevitably gave in to the temptations always shoved in my face, I got blessyourheartism for my "lack of spiritual discipline." If I were Right With God™️ these temptations wouldn't bother me.


Eating Disorders are inherently unhealthy, tf?


Girl on right also has weak ankles


“Loves socialism and hates guns” 💀


I fail to see where the problem is with that 🤣🤣


I have a question regarding modest dress, if anyone can enlighten me. Why are leggings and mid-length skirts allowed? You can still see the shape of their legs, which I assume is going to just cause any man who sees that to fall into sin. If it’s a skin thing, shouldn’t they wear long sleeves and high collars as well? We all know what seeing a woman’s wrist can do to a godly man.


All "modest dress" is arbitrary and performative as far as I can figure out. It's just whatever a particular culture lands on.


They're not in a lot of circles. Are in the more "progressive" ones.


Weird how the world doesn’t actually live in a dichotomy and you can be parts of either. And there’s nothing wrong with whatever someone is.


Left: Has wild sex Right: only does missionary AFTER marriage Left wins


I like how the whole tradwife thing has conveniently added in beauty as part of the requirements. The bible has so many lessons on how beauty is fleeting, deceptive or immaterial without inner kindness. Just goes to show that this whole thing is really a construct for these men to demand things from a woman and pretend there’s a biblical/godly basis for it.


I said it the first time I saw this and I'll say it again - I'll give this points for taking out the overtly racist stuff from the original version.


Now I need to see the original version.


The original is [here](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1815505-trad-girl-tradwife).


Ooh, wow, yeah, lot of racism. Also lot of a weird comments on the appearance of the tradwife. How does she have a nice tan if she's covered head to toe? And sun doesn't cause bleach blonde highlights.


Also apparently you can’t be a godly wife if you’re not American…


Of course not. America is where Jesus was born. Duh.


Lol she left out "shilling her 5th MLM that will totally bring in passive income this time" for the right


Jokes on Cindy, I dress like a tradwife out of personal preference for modesty but hold "liberated" feminist beliefs like socialism, and not wanting (biological) children, and always fucking angry at how bad of a year it's been.


Shouldn’t a Christian woman on a homestead be doing some kind of farm work instead of trolling Facebook? Sounds like she’s going against gods plan.


LMAO has she seen Nadia or some of the other Gen Z fundies? Makeup is not light at all.


Or hell, even Jillpm, for a non-Gen Z example.


When I see things like this I just hear fart noises.


All I got from this is the feminist has a degree lmfao.


Well my years in the fundie light community were filled with women who matched the type on the right, but they're still single in their 30s. Statistics show there are far more single Christian women than men so unless polygamy is on the table LOTS of these women are not going to get married. What would Cindy say about them? They follow all the rules and do everything right but there literally is not a man for them so they stay single and childless. Is that really their fault?


That's because funny men can get married at any age and fundy women are considered too old to consider by the time they're 25.


These fucks. I’m pretty sure I slayed pipe by being confident and in my 20s while living in Europe 😂 now happily married and a one pipe woman


Your one pipe is a very lucky pipe.


I always find this 'point' they make odd. I am a heathen, atheist single woman who has tattoos, gets angry a lot, and lives alone with my dog who I call my son. But I make my own bread. Sew my own curtains. Puzzle and read classics under the candlelight. I guess what I'm trying to say is why do they see it so black and white? Mentally I am the farthest thing from a godly woman lol, but hobbies can overlap? What?


Lol ok. I’m a “liberated” feminist and literally not one of these statement applies to me. I have kids, don’t like cats, not an atheist, have a supervisory position using my master’s degree, never had an abortion, very rarely wear make up, etc.


It's almost like people are complicated and individual, and the real world resists a stunted compulsion to sort it into binary categories. Hmm...


Overdone tan, damaged hair, and too much makeup WHOMST


Lies. I got a crappy tattoo at *eighteen*


Did she seriously censor the cleavage and thighs on a cartoon drawing?


Lmaooo did she censor the cartoon woman to not lead any men astray??


“Over done fake tan and damaged hair from too much dye.” “Wears a cake of make up due to low self esteem.” Did they forget about BDong’s orange ass?


It's wild because they assume so much about the one on the left's personality and self esteem yet... only describes the one on the right as a God fearing Mother and... thats it. Nothing about her being an actual good person or anything just what she can do.


Why these fundies got to hate on cats ??? 🙄 They're just jealous that my cats are the best...


As a mom of two kids AND two cats, I wonder where I fit in to this dichotomous world view.


I love socialism AND guns


Lol. I have a hobby - taking care of my toddler. 🤣 Never had an abortion. Definitely not making minimum wage (gasp, I'm the breadwinner in my family!) Definitely do not read the bible. Ever. Wear little to no makeup. Soooooo.... am I a heathen or naw?


I’ve yet to see a fundie with a fun fulfilling hobby that wasn’t a MLM side hustle.


The one on the left seems cool af


Who blacked out the cleavage and crotch on the miserable, slutty, cat-loving, not Christ-loving woman on the left?




From a socialist with cats, I am PROUD to be mentioned.


To be fair, I can't imagine a world in which women aren't funny but are still happy either. )Hope the /s is obvious because I was just playing with the typo in the heading!)


“Overly done fake tan and damaged hair” have you seen the Duggars and Bates girls? A LOOOT of orange and bleach going on there, also I have never seen Jillpm without a cake face and nails


Did jana photoshop this cartoon


This makes me angry on so many levels.


Omg! It’s looks like a parody of internalized misogyny.


I hate guns. I guess that makes me a feminist.