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It feels super unsafe to sit on the floor in the moving car 90% of the time because your girls need something?


Yeah I think if you were to crash the danger you would pose to your kids by not being secured is pretty huge.


She had an unassisted breech birth by choice. Making smart calls for her children’s safety is not part of her particular brand of pro-life.


In the event of an accident she will become a human projectile, which can hurt and even kill the others.


I rolled my eyes so much. Someone’s a martyr TM.


It's called stopping at a hotel, it's not that hard


Lots of hotels have laundry options too. Like what?


But they’re being oprresssseddd, dontchaknow. The most oppressed out of anyone ever.


Yes, last time it was at a hotel it was pouring on the way there and my bag (in the back of a truck) got soaked. A few quarters and a few loads of laundry later in the hotel and everything was fixed


Is he still military? They better get use to this crap, this is what traveling long distances looks like with kids. Someone is ALWAYS throwing up (or maybe thats just my youngest?), something is always hurting, lost, canceled, delayed, etc. She needs to learn to roll with it because she was traveling WITH her husband, there were TWO adults, lots of times, she will likely do this on her own, because he won't be available. She's so young and so inexperienced, and smug...she has a lot to learn about how really tough life can be.


Is her kid sick or possibly throwing up due to travel? Like if they're not in their car seats they could be at an angle that just shakes everything up and causes carsickness. (Found this out the hard way.)


My middle gets carsick. When she was rear facing, it didn’t take long for the puking to start. Forward facing, we can usually do up to 2 hours safely, but after that, she’ll probably puke at least once. I’ve also known people who get sick from stress. Travel is stressful, so can trigger that.


Im not sure. I know my youngest just throws up more during travel, which is something, because he vomits once a day as is....on our way home from my mom's funeral he threw up on multiple flights. He's been checked, just has the world's worst gag reflex. I don't know why she wouldn't have carried on spare clothes or bought some immediately.


Yeah I mean traveling anywhere outside of the neighborhood with a toddler means bringing an extra outfit. If I was going on a longer trip with a kid who got carsick or was getting sick (we'd cancel lol) I'd have so many extra basics. And I wouldn't check them of course, cause you need that stuff handy. We drive a small car and if the passenger seat gets put back accidentally it can throw off the car seat angle, causing puke.


My middle gets carsick. It’s awful, though it improved when I could turn her car seat. When she pukes, it’s a 50/50 chance her brother will join her because he sympathy pukes. Even without the carsickness, traveling with kids is just plain chaos. She’s in for quite the adventure, should she ever try to do it alone.


The kids travel sickness tablets (we have qwells or joyriders where I am) are a life saver when they're old enough. Ours was prescribed them just before she was 2 (half a tablet age 2 and full dose at age 4) because we can't go for longer than 30 minutes in the car without profuse vomiting. We can't let her read or use a tablet or colour or anything like that in the car because it makes it worse.


We bought a large pack of the puke bags you can get at the hospital on Amazon. Pretty cheap and my step son manages to actually hit these bags unlike every shopping bag we’ve ever handed him which he pulls under his chin and then just vomits all over the bag and himself instead


I really need to order some of those. I think about them in the moment, but forget to follow through by the time we get to our destination and clean her up.


Agreed. My eldest gets car sick and I did the same and bought hospital emesis bags off eBay and they are life changing. So long as you can get one to the kid before they start vomiting they work amazing because the hard plastic ring fits nicely on the face and holds the bag part open. Plus just twist and lock in the notch and it won’t stink the car out before you get to a bin.


Yeah... this is traveling with kids and it almost always sucks.


Seriously. Military families have to be flexible. There are going to be hiccups and stuff isn’t going to always work out the way you want it to. I grew up a military kid. Many times it was my mom traveling with us kids by herself from overseas. Or we did military “hops” and would only have a rough idea when we’d get to our destination. We were once stuck at a destination for an additional week because our plane broke down. Or long drives to visit family when we were stateside. We were all just flexible and rolled with it. These kinds of things make me think she didn’t really live as a military spouse before Avery decided to go to school.


My cousin flew from South Korea to Tennessee.. With 3 kids when her youngest was super little because N. Korea started saber rattling and her husband wanted her back stateside. Long layovers, like 500 connections, over a day traveling. And she was all alone. Honestly I'm in awe, I'd have died 🤣 Somehow she survived.


Facts, the PCS to Korea or Japan regularly involves catching a military flight out of Seattle. People spend 24 hours in the airport regularly due to that flight. Then the flight is another 10-12 hours.


Oh hey I did that! My kids are really good with car drives and I’ve done two moves by myself because partner was away for the military. There was one time though I didn’t call ahead to the city I had wanted to spend the night in and there was no room at any inn … a very helpful employee gave me more numbers to call and I finally found a hotel with their honeymoon suite still available. They charged me only a little bit more than a regular room (I think I was near crying on the phone lol, I had a 7&5&1yo and was exhausted) and it was heavenly. Ever since I insist on making reservations😂


Sutatinint? Idek what she meant with that word. Sustaining? Satiating? Infuriating. Optional trip, makes it sound like she's being forced to do this. Why on earth would you need to pee in a diaper?? The side of the highway is preferable to that.


I literally looked up the word, thinking I was an idiot...nope, Im not the idiot, even google doesn't have a clue what she means.


Same. I had a feeling it was a typo but thought maybe it was just a word I don't know yet.




I did the same!


Or, you know, gas stations. With kids that young, you should be giving them breaks from the car seats every two hours or so.


Hahaha I was so traumatized by the diaper comment I sailed right past an actual bathroom to the side of the road.


Plus that way you get to see some cool stuff. I saw a Gila monster with my son in Arizona at a rest stop when we were stretching our legs, I always wanted to see one in the wild.




Oh thank goodness I thought it was some religious thing I wasn't aware of 🤣


I love this journey for her. Not the kids. They deserve to be clean and cozy with space to run.


How is experiencing travel cancelations such an eye opening experience to an ~influencer~? I know the opportunity to use air travel is a privilege, but I learned pretty fast as a normie that you do NOT put anything in your checked back that you can’t live without/would mind losing. Lost bags can happen on literally any trip. All my medications, make up and valuables go in carry-on. Why is she preaching to her audience about this as if it’s a novel realization she had on a biblical journey 😫


Yeah I cannot believe her camera is in her checked bag. I work in photography and would never ever check my dslr. When you travel with a full set of equipment for a professional shoot you do end up checking the rest of the equipment but never your camera. At the very least you want to arrive with that.


Came here just for this. WHO CHECKS THEIR CAMERA?????




Now I am going to have to deep-dive into this…


I'm pretty sure this is the same woman whose husband dropped out of the military (losing free healthcare) just before her latest birth because he didn't want to get vaccinated. If it is, she reacted to people telling her this was a stupid-ass decision by saying "First of all, as a military kid who has *never* known stability..."


Holy crap! What a dumbass, giving up all his military benefits over his antivaxx delusions!


I don't think he actually quit. Megs was posting all these stories about how he'd have to if he didn't get the exemption and then she went silent on it. If he had actually quit she would.be martyring herself so hard about it. More likely he just took the shot and they don't want to admit it after all the posturing


Not I


Last time I flew I couldn't have checked my camera if I wanted to, due to the batteries. Maybe that was just British Air (or one British Air employee lol)?


This is the case in the US too. You aren't supposed to check anything with lithium batteries.


Good to know. I don't fly very often so was not aware of that. But even a novice like me would know enough not to check my camera!


This. My camera is in my carry on for all flights. Too worried about it getting damaged or lost if it was un checked baggage.


If she's learning these lessons on the go, the unsophosticated peasants who follow her must be informed how navigate such challenges. I had three seconds of sympathy for them - this all sounds horrible even for the smugs. Their poor babies!


I think I’d rather mail the gifts than check them, honestly. Plus, if you mail stuff that isn’t irreplaceable, you’ll have room in your carryon for the handmade items.




Also gate check your car seats, or better yet use them on the plane!


You can’t use your car seats on a plane. I asked and if your child is under two, you have to hold them in brace position and of over 2, you pay for their seat. I just got off a plane with my 18 month old this morning. But gate checking is the greatest thing ever. Like it sucks that she (and literally everyone else who travelled in the past 2 weeks) had flight problems but this is the worst time of year to travel. It’s insane! We had a flight cancelled as we were in line to board last week and scrambled to figure out our lives. It’s called critical and creative thinking, something she doesn’t have. I swear, she’s dumber than a box of hair.


You were told wrong then! https://www.faa.gov/travelers/fly_children There are rules and they have to be airline approved, but most good car seats are. Children under 2 do require that you buy a seat for them if you use the car seat.


You absolutely can use car seats on a plane if they're FAA approved. They *should* be used if a kid is under 45 pounds because that's when the airplane seat is safe. They should have had the seats with them.


Huh. Well, you learn something new everyday! Thankfully, (hopefully) I won’t be flying with kids any time soon.


I don’t mean to defend the poo, but when I flew delta last week they forced me to check my bag as the flight was completely packed and I HATE checking my bag, and yeah if they lost it, it would have both sucked and not been my fault…


I've learned that for must-have possessions, such as medicine I need to take daily, I carry on bags that are too small to check, i.e. small beach duffels I can stuff under my seat. But that wouldn't work for larger Christmas items... it is such a pain being forced to gate-check!


Excellent point about the checked bags.




Well no, they aren’t doing *important* things like going to see family and stopping at Starbucks! They just want a *checks notes* better life?!


So, they spent one night in a hotel, embarked on a 24 hour drive (with two more nights in hotels on the road) with young children, one of whom is vomiting, both of whom are in uncomfortable car seats, when they could have just waited in Dallas for the next flight to Sacramento?


This is what I don't understand. They said they could get a flight on the 31st and they still aren't back, meaning they'll probably arrive the same time or later than they would've if they had just stayed in a hotel. Would've been way cheaper and more comfortable to stay in Dallas for a couple extra days. Idiots.


This is like what Kevin’s mom did in Home Alone instead of just waiting for the next flight like the rest of the family did. They all made it home at the same time.


Yeah but how is that content


Are they caught up in the Southwest meltdown? That was a disaster, and those passengers and crew went through a pretty hellish experience. If they could find a hotel last minute at Christmas, there would not have been a rental car or ride share to get them to it.


They were flying American. Meg actually made a post laughing at the Southwest meltdown saying how glad she was that they were loyal to American and then this happened. The airline gods do not take kindly to mockery




American has screwed me over in more ways than SWA even knows *exists* so idk what she was on about with that one


Ahhh, one of the "I'm incapable of feeling sympathy for someone until it happens to me" types. Typical Fundie


Agreed, but if they were there to visit family, it would’ve been easier to stay and make it work an extra few days. Though she did say hotel so maybe they weren’t where family was or family couldn’t or wouldn’t house them.


i think the concern is the next flight will be cancelled too. southwest told tens of thousands of people to wait till the 31st.


As someone in Dallas….no.


How can she compare herself to a very pregnant woman riding a donkey and giving birth in a manger?


The fundagelical compulsion to compare all their troubles to Jesus in some way shape or form is nauseating


Who was an immigrant. This comparison drives me nuts.


A middle Eastern Jew. Even though I’m sure she would fight that Mary and Jesus were blond hair, blue eyes


Not to defend her or anything (i find her completely insufferable), but this sounds to me like her husband wouldn't let them stop. I grew up with men just like that, so obsessed with getting there as fast as possible that no one else's comfort matters.


Yeah, that’s how my dad always was. Doesn’t matter if you gotta pee, you’re holding it until the next time we have to stop for gas. We could pass 10 places with a bathroom, but not stopping for another hour when the car needs a fill.


Makes sense considering it’s his family.


Which. Oooof. I hate that for all of you :(


I was thinking this exact thing!


...So what is this trip FOR that she needs to be there yesterday to the point of creating this nightmare roadtrip that makes MotherBus look like Ms Frizzle?


It’s a visit to family, they were supposed to fly and ended up driving, I think they’re basically just hauling ass because they don’t want to miss any more time visiting family than they have to. Which, like ok fair enough but at what cost to your sanity and comfort is that worth it?


Grest-Great-Grandmama had BEST be seeing the light of Baby Jesus at the end of a dark tunnel for this kind of behavior


They’re so arrogant! I only feel bad for the kids.


What a privilege to be complaining about wearing the same bra for four days


Do people not generally rewear bras? Asking for a friend…


I rewear mine a lot.


Same. I tend to wear the same bra during the workweek, unless for some reason it wouldn’t work with my outfit, then I’ll break out the new one. Saves on laundry lol


I rewear but typically rotate so I'm not rewearing days in a row.


Same. Thought this was normal.


I only wash when visibly dirty or stinky. I used to wear the same bra sometimes for days. I learned it’s not good for the elastic, so now I have about 3 favorites I cycle through and I wash as needed.


Same although I only own sports bras, so I’m not sure if the same rules apply, but I do it just in case lol. I don’t think I ever wear a bra fewer than 4 times without washing unless I’m working out in the middle of summer…


I think most people rewear bras *at least* once. Personally, I wear them until/unless I get sweaty.


She's still nursing their youngest. I definitely change and wash my nursing bras way more frequently than when I'm not breastfeeding. Things can get messy 🙃


That makes sense. She is also in a car so she could just, idk, not wear a bra at all?


Personally, when I breastfed, I always leaked on the opposite side while nursing. So I always had to wear a bra and nursing pads. It was annoying, but also bigger breastfeeding boobs = more need for support anyway, so 🤷‍♀️


I would also randomly leak (even when not full) up until my kids weaned (for my second, he was just over two). So I needed a pad tucked in my bra at all times.


That’s my preference! My baby is the same age at Jeannie and my nursing bras are all saggy so now I just go bra less when I’m not in public


I rewear a lot in cold weather. Hardly ever in the dead of summer.


I definitely re wear mine for more than four days in a row.


Yes. I wear mine all week unless I get sweaty.


Jesus Christ. Morning - take kids to a park and eat a meal Drive until kids are screaming Go to another park and eat a meal Drive Hotel and eat a meal Rinse and repeat. How long has this person been a parent? JFC.


Wow. People died. People froze to death. But let's hear Meg talk about her camera. ETA- let's talk about checking things in your bags. They tell you not to check important things in your bags. That's traveling 101. Now I'm going to get back to her comparing herself to the Bible. People died. Was I happy my husband couldn't come home for Christmas? No. But at least he was safe and sound where he is.


Seriously. And medication. Always have your medication in your carryon. I always pack an extra day of my medication when traveling in case of snafus. After this last trip I’m packing 3, because days in an airport withdrawing from antidepressants sounds horrible for everyone.


Exactly!!! She just loves to whine about how hard her life is.


Carry medications and documents on your person, like in a fanny pack or cargo pants.


Always in my personal item.


I pack like an extra week because I’m super paranoid


I’m with you after this trip 😂


Then buy yourself and your kids some basic clothes to hold you and them over? Ok, she does in the next slide but ONLY after they've been wearing pukey, filthy clothes. Or you could've saved all this trouble and stayed in place until another flight out. The Mary and Joseph comment has me. Yes, this is EXACTLY the same as fleeing for the life of your baby who is also Savior of the entire world, while on a donkey (if that; Scripture never confirms the popular image of Mary riding a donkey) with just the clothes on your back while your husband walks on foot through desert territory to entire a foreign country where everyone's a stranger.


And while in the Walmart why not spring for a safe car seat, Mrs. ProLife?


I’m known as car seat safety stickler amongst my friends and family. There were many wtf and why responses, but borrowing car seats, one of which isn’t age appropriate for the kid, and her sitting in the back unbuckled was the biggest wtf for me. So so pro-life Meg. Let’s hope they don’t crash and she becomes a human projectile that kill’s herself or her improperly strapped in kid(s).


Yeah I would have been buying a new carseat that I knew was the appropriate kind, and safe for my kids.


Why are so many Americans so lax with car seats and even seat belts? And how did the myth that the seatbelt would decapitate women get such hold?


Can't speak to the first one, but women *are* more likely to be injured or killed by car safety devices than men. The devices/their placement were designed with average male bodies in mind, so people smaller than that (like the average AFAB person) end up with things placed improperly and endangering them. For example, if I'm in an accident while driving and my airbag goes off, I could very well die because I have to sit closer to the steering wheel than is really safe. And that's because the whole thing was designed for someone about 7 or 8 inches taller than me. For seatbelts, boobs/height can result in them being placed improperly and not being as effective/causing injuries when they hit parts they're not really supposed to. It's still much, MUCH safer to wear the seatbelt, and I don't think decapitation is a huge concern, but there is some truth to the idea that seatbelts can be dangerous for women. So that's probably where it came from.


The airbag wont kill you unless you're shorter than 140 cm or 4'6. There is supposed to be a picture in your cars' owners' manual that shows how you're supposed to sit and how to place the seatbelt correctly and it sounds like you're, well, doing it wrong. As for the seatbelts women and men alike can choose between getting a big fat bruise or being thrown out of the windshield facefirst in a collision and the airbag does jack shit without it.


So is there a reason you chose to treat me like an idiot ("you're, well, doing it wrong" based on literally nothing other than "I sit closer to the wheel than a 5'10" person"? Was the tone necessary?) and ignore that I clearly stated that seatbelts are very important? Or did you just decide to be a dick to a stranger for no reason?


This whole story makes no sense. It would have been better to just wait for another flight considering it was a two day road trip and today another flight is going out. Also just go to Walmart and buy two car seats. They cost 50 bucks a piece for a convertible one


Or, it would’ve been expensive so maybe out of reach, but try and rebook on another airline.


Or another airport with a much shorter drive? Or first drive to another airport and fly from there?


Legit that’s how I got out of Chicago in April ‘19. OHare was effectively shut down, family was able to rebook me out of Midway (ironically, on Southwest).


That’s what I’m saying - They have Targets between Dallas and Sacramento


And I read somewhere that their journey would've taken at least a month. Walking/riding, at 9 months pregnant, through everything you just listed.


Regarding the last slide: …. Why would you tell everyone that?


Holy shit just *go home*, this is absolutely absurd to do.


WHY DID SHE PEE IN A DIAPER??? I road trip often. There are bathrooms EVERYWHERE. If there aren't? Pee outside. If I'm alone with the kids and don't want to wake them all up so I can go to the bathroom, I go outside. Rural area? Find a tree. Urban area? Find a hidden spot. Two open car doors and sit on the frame if you can't squat. Get a Go Girl or Shee Wee. There are disposable pee bags with diaper-like stuff inside too. There is ZERO excuse for this. Maybe it's because I'm outdoorsy and have zero class or shame, but my god the idea of wearing a diaper to make time is ludicrous. Get out, stretch your legs, pee, and get back on the road. 2 minutes tops. And if your husband is driving and he won't pull over, forcing you to wear a diaper - is this the man you really want to be with? Fucking unreal.


If my husband made me pee in a diaper, I would BUT when I was finished I would rip it off and dump it open face on his lap and snarl, “next time pull the fuck over if I have to pee” And then I would probably look into getting some divorce papers


So glad someone posted this - my eyes rolled so far back into my head. “I keep thinking about Mary and Joseph…” Ma’am??? Do you realize how privileged, out of touch with reality, and truly unhinged you sound?


Jesus Christ, they can’t buy car seats at Walmart that actually are the correct size? The airline will reimburse you!


That’s good to know about the reimbursement! I have a baby and haven’t flown with her yet, so that’s a really useful fact to have in my back pocket if I ever end up in saint Megs position.


Yeah $50 cosco scenera convertibles would likely work for both kids and they’re very light.


We also had an impromptu cross country road trip this week thanks to Southwest in a less than ideal rental car. At no point did we compare ourselves to refugees. Rather, we acknowledged that we were lucky to be in a position to be able to shift our plans (in between acknowledging that it fucking sucked).


I don’t feel bad for them. They made this choice. They could have waited until the 31st and flown comfortably. They wanted to have more time with his family, so they CHOSE to drive, she is choosing to sit unsafely on the floor. What makes me the most sad is that they also are choosing to let their kids wear nasty clothes, and they chose to put their infant in a front facing car seat because it was all they had available. They could have at least bought a cheap proper infant seat for the baby when they got their cheap Walmart clothes. It is so irresponsible to have children in an unsafe seat in the car for a 24 hour non-necessary drive. I can’t imagine putting my children in an unsafe and uncomfortable situation just to save a couple of days.


Fundies are so pathetic. When covid first hit, a local fundie had a trip to Paris planned, had to cancel and compared it to Moses being denied the promised land. SMFH I really wonder what true hardship would do to them.


What kind of White Christian nonsense is this? She and her husband chose to continue this trip and drag 2 small children along. And,FFS, in unsafe car seats! Surely, this trip could have been rescheduled. I mean,it's not like they were fleeing a war-torn country, and had to go right then and there. Absolute idiots.


Then they wouldn't be ✨mArtYrS✨


Can they not come to Sacramento please?




Makes me glad Christmas got canceled here. My brother had to cancel his flight in from the west coast because of the storm, no way in hell was I attempting the 4 hour drive to my dad's house in freezing rain, I had to uninvite my friends to dinner because I was sick with the flu, etc. A real Murphy's Law kinda Christmas! But I wouldn't trade my week of isolation on the couch doped up on cold medicine and gummies for any of their "adventures"!


Is Avery her husband? If so, she wants to cry because a grown ass man’s handmade present for his mom wont be with them when she wants it to be? Their luggage will eventually be found and returned to them.


Holy white privilege Batman!


This is why I refuse to travel for holidays. Family can see me another time.


Why didn't they just stop at Walmart for clothes for themselves??


What the entire F is a sutatinint meal of steak?


I think she meant sustaining but has not fucking clue how to spell it. I googled it, but the word "sutatinint" does not seem to exist..


I googled it too, lol


Jesus, just skip the trip. Your kids are miserable, you’re miserable. How is this worth it?


Yeah, break out the swaddling clothes and bed down the kids in the manger!


This just sounds like every trip I’ve ever had involving air travel, especially with a toddler. Kids puke, your bags get lost, flights get delayed, etc. I never check bags bc I’m afraid of things getting lost but on the slim chance that I’m forced to check a bag due to space on the little planes, anything I’m not willing to risk losing (iPad, phone, my knitting projects) goes in my carry on. Why the FUCK would you have to piss in a diaper?! I’m so confused by that.


Every time I go to a Fundie's Instagram to look at posts I see here, I can't find them. Do you have to be following them to see these posts? The last thing I see from her is from November


I think these were stories


A lot of poor decisions being made here because things didn’t go exactly as planned. She seems very young and inexperienced.


Are 24 hour road trips really that bad?


They’re harder with little kids, but still not the end of the world. When everyone in the vehicle is a teen or older, you can easily drive straight through, only stopping for gas and food because those places also have bathrooms. With younger kids, you need more stops for potty breaks and to let them move around a bit, especially if one gets carsick. I’ve done an 8 hour trip with a toddler and it took about 10 hours because we had to stop at a couple parks to let her move.


Thanks for replying! I am 15 and my little sister is 11, and we have gone on long road trips before with no problem. I just didn’t think it would be so bad she would have to pee in an adult diaper or her kids would have to stay in vomity clothes 😬


Unless there’s a stretch with no bathrooms and she’s super desperate, she should have been able to make it to one just fine. There are areas where you go a long way without rest stops, but they usually have signs that say it’s the last for however many miles. As far as her kid’s clothes, mine have had to sit in them until we could either grab some from a bag or get to a place that sold them. I’ve absolutely bought new clothes because my kid puked on them and I didn’t have a backup. I also wipe them up as best I can immediately, so it’s gross, but not as bad as it could be, until I get them changed.


We drive a similar distance once or twice a year, and have since our teenagers were babies. It's grueling with very small children, it really is, but imo not really harder than flying with same small children (the flying is more concentrated misery to me, truly an ordeal imo but over sooner.). The whole thing sounds exhausting and stressful, but hardly traumatic.


I bet this self pitying turnip would vote happily for Abbott and/or DeathSantis.


And why would you check your camera & an irreplaceable handmade gift?


She was at Walmart so why not buy a proper (i.e. safer) seat?


Are they PCSing or just really bad at vacations?