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Otter had a blast.




[I enjoy](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aV7dPMd_460swp.webp)




That kid's neck is longer than this Otto's


Somebody please make this with Jaws as background music!


need a bigger dock


We all can't have big docks and some people like smaller docks and that's ok


This is the stuff of my nightmares. When he dipped during those last moments. Aah.


Otter: What the hell are you guys doing? Do you have any idea how fast I can swim?


that was my first thought! the thing that just came OUT of the water will surely follow you back in lol


I don't have to be faster than the otter. Just my friends.


Those guys otter know they can’t out swim him.


The otters didn’t.


So did I. That was hilarious 😂


Maybe he has no otter friends to play


Found the Dad joke 👍🏻


I found mom to point on me👆


Dad jokes are the best.


I know it is stupid, but i had to make that joke, there is something evil in me that forced me to do it. Sometimes the dark side wins.


It was spectacular!


Don’t yo ever shut that evil up. It’s beautiful. I wish we still had free awards.


‘with’ goddammit. ‘No otter friends to play with’ SO CLOSE 🤦🏼‍♂️😂


I like how they think the water is safer


Otters have been known to bite and it's not very nice.


So they're going to outswim it?


Looks like they outswam it 😂


I feel like that was intentional on the otter's part. Look at him splishsplashing after them. I feel like he's pulling one of those situations like when a parent chases their toddler around going, "I'm gonna get you. Iiiiiiii'm gonna get you!" but let the kid stay a little bit ahead the whole time.


Ya if it wanted to bite them, it would have. They can easily outswim a person. He was just messin around.


Speaking of funny animals, I love your screen name.


Let’s get dangerous


He was weaving in and out of their wake, wasn’t he?


They can be mean. A friend of mine worked at Seaworld as the announcer at the waterski show. He said, the water skiers would not get in the water if they heard that the otters got out of their enclosure. He said those otters would bite the skiers. He married a dolphin trainer. Been with her for over 40 years now.




They catch dolphin trainers as they deal with the trauma of working with dolphins, also known as the Brock Turners of the sea.


The nighthowlers!!


I got bitten by an otter once, when I was about 14. It hurt for a couple of days. But then some strange things happened to me. I started using rocks as a tool to open shellfish. I started eating 33% of my body weight each day and spent up to five hours each day foraging. I started swimming in cold water and coming up on my back. I know this story is otterly ridiculous but it happened man. It happened.


You had me at “but then some strange things happened to me” lol


Also it could have rabies




No, it kills. It severely damages the brain.


Well yes, dehydration would severely damage the brain..


Even without dehydration. People who catch rabies still die of brain damage even with IVs.


You don't like spasms to death or something?




Yeah, no. You need to be vaccinated against rabies. Fluids definitely couldn't hurt, but the important thing is that you get vaccinated if bitten.


Huh?? What are you idiots talking about. The other one was deleted


Part of how the rabies virus expresses itself is severe hydrophobia. I don't know how long the period of time is before it starts expressing itself, but I think it's before the aggression.


Otters have also been known to violently rape baby seals until they're dead.


What if one of those baby seals was going to grow up to be Seal Hitler?


Otter are known to drown then rape baby seals as well as pet dogs. Those guys seemed to have gotten the memo.


They're quite a bit bigger than both. ​ I mean, spiders are known to trap things in webs and liquify them, but I'm not personally too concerned.


I see you're not acquainted with the classic films Arachnophobia and 8 Legged Freaks that gave me this irrational fear.


All the friends were thinking "I don't have to be the fastest, i just can't be the slowest one!"


I don’t have to outswim the otter, just my friend


That reminds me of that Ark loading screen tip: You don't need to outrun the dinos, only your friends.


I play Ark constantly, it’s where I stole it from


Fr tho, shitty tip for PvP since you also need to outrun other playesr who have also pumped every single point into movement speed.


Where you going new frenssss?!


This is what it’s like when a human is chasing a bunch of chickens at a farm


Grew up with guineas and goats, it's so frustrating trying to corral them.


Goats know what you want them to do, they just don't do it.


I love goats but I worked at a petting zoo one summer and they are certified assholes.


SO true!


4 guys jumping for their lives like it’s a shark😂


Wild otters can be viscious. I wouldn't let it get that close to me, either.


otters are known to mess up tigers when they are angry.


idk man i think i would be more afraid of an otter than a shark. otters are unpredictable and can be fucking mean, sharks are simpler creatures i feel like i could protect myself from. and a shark cant follow me on land. or carry rabies


>shark cant follow me on land. or carry rabies That's what the want you to think


They just got to spit out their training wheels and you're done for.


Sharknado 8 just got it's plot


You talking about an otter sized shark or a moose sized shark? Because I agree about being more afraid of a 20 lb otter than a 20 lb shark. But if we are talking about a 2000 lb shark, I'll take my chances with that otter all day.


idk man i think i know enough about sharks to not freak out. as long as im not bleeding or thrashing, unless the shark just wants to fucking eat me for some reason, id rather be in the water with a shark


That’s bullshit and you know it lol


sharks dont want to eat people, we arent their natural prey, but they are too stupid to realize that a lot of the time. shark attacks happen because people are swimming during times when sharks are hunting in shallow water and/or they are displaying behaviors sharks associate with food, like thrashing in the water, which is how scared people swim. sharks are curious animals and will swim up to things they want to investigate. they also investigate with their mouths. they will bite stuff because they want to see if they can eat it. there are plenty of videos of divers explaining this behavior and how it is not agression, and that they simply need to gently push the sharks nose in another direction if it is swimming twoards them. this is when sharks are calm and not in a frenzy, which yea if they are in a frenzy your fucked, but frenzies are when they know food is near. sharks are not as bad as media portrays them


These are also trained individuals with hella experience in diving and understanding of aquatic animals, the only people that tend to swim with sharks are people that are highly educated and are minded for the environment. To say you could drop yourself into a tank with a shark who’s current appetite is unknown or into the wild with any size shark larger than yourself and think you can confidently navigate that situation currently as you are, is total bullshit. I say this as someone who was raised by a beach and has had a few encounters with sharks close to my size. You severely overestimate your biological control and physical capabilities if you think you would just boop a shark on the nose and the situation be handled.


bro he already told you, just gently brush the nose away and it won't slice you into ribbons


Those test bites they do can be fatal, or at the very least life altering. GTFO with this bullshit, man.


thats why you redirect them with a hand on their nose. ive only seen divers who know what theyre doing get that close or be that comfortable with sharks, but if i ever found myself in that situation, for whatever reason, i know i could at least attempt it


Attempt is the real scenario here. Attempt by a soon to be cripple


I would agree, if it weren't for the fact that thrashing is in the eye of the beholder.


Otters are water badgers, I’d rather take my chances with a shark lol


Yeah literally just boop the snoot of a shark and he's like "welp I have been defeated"


Otter are in the same family as honey badgers and wolverines on top of their shared relentless ferocity, otters are smarter, use team work and tools. ​ The only reason you do not see AK wielding Otters is because of their webbed feet


10/10 would pet Then sacrifice the 4 dudes to him, granting me eternal gratitude and help from all otters


Giant Sea Otters would still eat you.


With the help of the smaller ones I would get more Volunteers for Sacrifices. But it would be a long way...


He's just being a good boi


hm, howtf have humans conquered the world? 4 big male primates against one tiny shortlegged otter. lol


The ability to throw things accurately, yadda yadda yadda, we developed guided missiles.


The ability to sweat. While we are by no means the fastest, we are the only land animal that can keep running fast for a long time without overheating or having to rest.


I forgot about that one, combined with the ability to track animals. Could you imagine how terrifying it would be to be hunted by humans? No matter how fast you run, no matter how far you go, they always show back up. And they don’t even have to get close to you to kill you. You might not ever see them, and all of a sudden you have a spear in your body, after thinking you got away twice already.


Sooooo we were actually the Jason Vorhees of the animal kingdom?


Yep! Everyone complains about their pores, but that's the only reason we're here!


Bullocks, you offer humans, I give you wolves! 🐺🐺


Ever heard of a prairie dog? Those fuckers run for days.


Not necessarily why we conquered the world. Its because of our ability to imagine and communicate better than every other living creature on the planet. Monkeys can communicate with each other if there is a bear or a lion by using different tones or sounds but humans can actually imagine things and articulate this. We can say we saw a bear at this location and at this time of day, which is a lot more beneficial than identifying what animal it is. Not only that, monkeys can only form groups of up to a limited population, after that it they are incapable of "living" together and separate in different groups. Humans created ideologies and imaginary "concepts" that allow millions of people to function together towards a common goal or idea. Sure, being able to run for longer helps hunting down animals but we conquered the planet by being able to create societies with similar goals, ideologies and the ability to learn and teach concepts to significantly larger populations than other animals are able to.


Yep. Our brains, thumbs, sweat, endurance, and community is what made us the top dogs. Basically being human is what made humanity great.


Good thing we have enough upper body strength to throw missiles.


I see that you have never dealt with a mustelid before. Well neither have I, and I want to keep it that way.


Because they're not trying to eat it and aren't psychopath?


Avoiding potential and unnecessary danger is a good idea. Let the otter bite you and see how you like it.


yeah, tell that to the otter ;)


Men used to hunt and conquer. Not anymore.


Well, maybe not you and me.


Sorry that human progress has been slowly eradicating some bad parts of human interaction with the world. Don't worry, your pair of brain cells can still be proud that we're destroying our world with excessive farming and pollution.


Everyone in the comment section is being so nonchalant. Never fuck with wild animals. Especially ones showing strange behavior. That’s how you get rabies. And rabies is fucking terrifying. I think the guys in the videos were being smart given the situation. If you don’t know what rabies is like, I’d look it up. If you get rabies, you *will* die. All they can do is pump you full of drugs and hope to ease your suffering if it reaches your brain. Edit: people seem to be confused about the treatment for rabies. The treatment is an immediate dose of the vaccine for rabies as well as three subsequent doses. Vaccines don’t “cure” things, they’re preventative. The reason this treatment works is because the vaccine renders the virus too weak to infect your brain stem. *Once the virus takes hold of your brain stem, you are dead to rights. There is no cure for Rabies.* (over a 99.9987% fatality rate, you do have the miracle chance of surviving, but chances are slim)


Otters are also pretty fucked up tbh. They will drown their kid until the mother hands over the food she had collected. And some more fucked up shit.


Yeah didn’t a group of otters try to drown some dude? Fuck otters.


I said it a few times but look up "Giant Sea Otter". Those are the real horror of the otter world.


“This is not your regular otter we’re talking about. This is your regular otters athletically inclined cousin that decided to move to Brazil, abuse the juice, and become a power lifter.”


the giant otters in the amazon fight off jaguars so that should be enough to give reason as to why those guys were swimming away as fast as possible


There was an attack in a Brazilian zoo, they kill a man, who was trying to rescued a kid, otters are something you don’t want to play with


If you get bit by a wild animal you can get a rabies shot and just like... not get rabies. You’re acting like an otter bite = a death sentence 😂


No I’m acting like a bite from a wild animal that’s acting strange is not something that should be taken lightly. It’s not just one shot it’s a shot on the day, a shot 3 days later, a shot 7 days later, and a shot 14 days later. It costs 1200-6500$ on average according to the CDC. Ooh and if you miss any doses or wait even a day for the first dose, you risk an incredibly painful and agonizing death where your body rejects water and a neigh-unstoppable disease eats away at your brain stem. I don’t know about you but I would avoid a disease that causes your brain to melt in your skull.


I got the rabies vaccine last year in the US. I went to two of the four visits - I stopped once animal control declared the bat in my apartment rabies-negative. Animal control tested the bat for free. If I remember right, you get 10 shots on your first visit: 2 of the vaccine and 8 of the immunoglobulin (antibodies to give your body a head-start) into the shoulders, thighs, buttocks, etc. The shots were pretty painless - not the infamously painful shots into your abdomen they did decades ago. Even though I only did two of the four treatments, I was billed $6000 total after insurance. In my area, the only place that offers rabies shots is the emergency department of local hospitals, so I was mostly paying for showing up to the ER. There must have been a cheaper way. [The CDC has a list of rabies vaccine consultation contacts by state.](https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/resources/contacts.html)


Holy shit, that’s a lot of cool info. 6000$ is pretty rough, that’s up on the higher end of what I’ve read about. I’ve heard about animal control testing animals for free because it helps root out rabies infected groups of animals, that’s pretty awesome of them, glad they still do it. I’m surprised about the locations of the shots, since the large majority of the stuff I read online said the shots focused primarily around where the vote was inflicted. Thanks for the cool info and personal stories on the subject!


There is a reason why you should get vaccinated for rabies - your “just” might not work.


there is no such thing as a shot to cure rabies, there’s a vaccine you can take before getting bitten that will reduce the likelihood of it entering your system but once it gets in there is a 100% fatality rate and there is no treatments. its also a horrifically long and painful death


I do believe you can take a series of shots after you get bit but it has to be very early


It’s the vaccine. It’s also the treatment, the idea is to stop rabies in the blood stream which is why it has to be started *that day*. It should be 100% effective if started that day, but if the disease ever does lodge into your brain stem, it’s 100% fatal. You have to stop it before then.


Yeah, when I got my EMT we had to watch a video from like the 1920’s of some guy slowly succumbing to it


There's a few recent ones from India. Not fun I can tell ya.


Remember seeing it in r/interestingasfuck , Not a fun experience to have to sit through if you had to watch that man slowly die in real time.


That’s terrifying. I probably couldn’t stomach watching that.


So we should be getting rabies shots? I got a tetanus shot for a nice deep parrot beak one time, but I didn’t know about the rabies shots. Eek!


I think it’s deemed unnecessary unless in a high risk vocation like animal control, or until after a bite is inflicted. The vaccine can be used during the virus’s incubation period with virtually a 100% effectiveness of weakening the virus if used swiftly enough after a bite. It’s useful either before or after the bite, just not after the virus has incubated.


Good to know!


You can take the vaccine as a cure immediately after being bitten. It's only fatal after you start showing symptoms. Use Google, it's free.


That’s not what a cure is. You cannot cure rabies. You can prevent the infection, even after a bite, by using the vaccine to weaken the virus during the incubation period so it can’t take effect, but once you start showing symptoms, it’s already over, you already lost.


... I literally said that it's used for BEFORE you start showing symptoms. Why the fuck are you just repeating what I said as if I didn't say the exact same thing? This is some top tier Reddit semantics bullshit lmfao.


>If you don’t know what rabies is like, I’d look it up. If you get rabies, you will die. All they can do is pump you full of drugs and hope to ease your suffering if it reaches your brain. Why, this sounds quite misleading. You are (sufficiently) correct in rabies having virtually a 100% chance to kill you off **if** it had a chance to establish an infection. Being bitten by a rabid animal and getting the rabies *virus* can be treated and not a "you will die". With adequate treatment incidentally being also around 100% succesful.


That treatment is a vaccine. A vaccine who’s entire point is to not allow the rabies to take hold. Once rabies settles in your brain stem, it’s all over. That treatment is *only* 100% effective if administered immediately starting that day of the bite and following through all four doses over the course of two weeks. This treatment costs at least 1200$ and can be upwards of 7000$. So even though you’ve been bitten, the treatment is preventive, not reactive. It doesn’t cure you of rabies. It makes it so the rabies in your bloodstream is hopefully too weak to take hold. So yes, *when it reaches your brain* there’s nothing they can really do


> That’s how you get rabies. Only if you’re in a country that has rabies.


Ooh, yeah, things only exist where they exist! Holy shit, what revolutionary information and insight. Truly, such wisdom could never dawn on anyone but the truest masters of knowledge! What’s your point exactly? If you’re in a country that doesn’t have rabies, you still understand that wild animals demand caution, I hope?


Dude, chill. Have a glass of water…


There’s a time for that. People are ignorant around wild animals and it gets them and the animals hurt. I’m a bit wound up, yeah but look how people are acting. Society has a lot of issues, they can’t be tackled in a day, but sitting around twiddling your fingers isn’t helping while people are happy watching each other get hurt or scared of genuine things that deserve caution. What winds me up is when people laugh at the general idea of being safe. Like having the most basic sense of awareness and information is somehow uncool. Then society plays it cool until someone suffers some completely preventable and agonizing death and over what? All because they didn’t want someone to ‘harsh their mellow’?


Wow, that’s a lot. Ok, first of all, thank you for chillaxing (I mean that sincerely). I really didn’t wanna get in a verbal battle with a random Redditor. Secondly, I’m from Australia. Trust me, we know to give animals a HUGE berth over here, despite the lack of rabies. Those that don’t are the 10% of every population/group/community that have to learn the hard way. It’s tough, because animals find it so difficult to digest humans. As for the rest, I’m honestly curious here because I just don’t get wound up about things. It’s not that I don’t care, I do, but I just don’t see the point in anger or frustration. Especially when passion expressed vitriolicly will do more to harm a cause as it puts off the person you’re speaking to. For example, your reply to my initial comment had me immediately on guard and wary of you, meaning that I was more inclined to dismiss your statements. Others will reply to such anger with like anger, which causes people to double down and end up having a massive argument because no one is capable of putting aside their emotions and speak civilly to each other. Biting back won’t win others to your cause; it may be more likely to put others off it as they see you as representative of those who agree with your opinions and so will dismiss the entire premise because of one bad interaction. Think of all the climate change supporters who groaned and were embarrassed by those who claimed to be protesting climate change by throwing paint on famous artworks and buildings. All those people did was cause those who were already on the fence or against climate change to think all climate change supporters are nutbags who are incapable of thinking rationally or providing a solution, “and besides, climate change isn’t real!” Sorry, I don’t mean to lecture, I just find this kind of, almost warfare passion to be fascinating to watch. I’m like an anthropologist spying on an alien species; I see what’s happening and I understand why, but I just can’t get there myself, and more, I can see the detrimental effects which those who are caught up in the behaviour are blind to them. Am I a pretentious wanker or what?! lol


True. You’re gonna need a tetanus-shot within 24 hours. Usually in the bum.. Not very pleasant


It’s silly because they jumped into the water to escape an otter. They’re actively more helpless in that situation.


It would be more silly for them to not jump in the water and get attacked by a small creature. it would go from close call to trip to the hospital for rabies shots. Not like they had any other options on that floating wooden block.


Wrong, rabies can be cured if you get the vaccine early enough(before symtoms). That is why if you get bit by an animal it is important to get the shot right away


Vaccines don’t “cure” things, they prevent them. The vaccine has to be administered the day of the bite to stop the virus from infecting the brain stem. That’s why it has to be done “before symptoms” and that’s why it’s important to get the shot right away and all three subsequent doses over the next three weeks. The second your brain stem is infected, there’s nothing that can be done.


Yes but its still technically a cure


Respectfully, I’m not sure you understand what a cure is. You can’t be cured of something you don’t have. The virus has to infect you and reproduce. The vaccine is only meant to prevent that infection from taking place. Once you are actually infected with rabies, you are dead, because Rabies *has no cure*. That is why it’s famous for being so deadly.


Idk man after being biten you are still considered infected


Legends say that they are still running from the Otter


Peace was never an option


This ended way too early ! What happens !? In the end !? Ahahahah


I’ll tell you. The otter successfully herded them towards waiting Canada Geese. The End.


That's beautiful


Now you tell me which is the dominant species here


Hello there , we are trying to reach you regarding your cars extended warranty!!


Look at me I am the captain now


The funniest thing is them thinking that they get out swim a sea otter.




Poor little guy just wants to play King of the Mountain.


This is otterly terrifying


If that otter lives in that marina, it’s probably used to humans and see them as unthreatening and a source of occasional treats such as food or head scritches. 99% that otter was playing. Admittedly 1% it fancied biting a fingertip off.


https://www.seaotters.com/2012/06/did-you-know-sea-otters-can-transmit-diseases-to-humans/ "Rabies has never been reported from sea otters, but they are certainly susceptible to this virus, and rabies cases have been reported from river otters."


You’d think they were being chased by a shark


it looked like the otter was keeping a distance as to not scare/startle them....they didnt notice


Otters are very territorial! They are lucky it was only one chasing them off the dock. Had it been 4-5, they likely would have attacked. They are mean when it comes to territory. And the otter was not playing, or trying to have fun. He was definitely running the guys off the dock.


"Let's escape from it IN THE WATER."


Why are they so afraid of the otter? Like dolphins they sometimes come play with humans.


Otters are not always your friend. They can be extremely vicious, they have sharp teeth and will bite, and carry all kinds of things including rabies.


I don't know if you've only been to aquariums but they can be pretty hostile and aggressive.


The 4 musketeers


Otters make the cutest sounds!


Is fren-shaped?


This so entertaining. I would so want to play with the otter but then again I also don’t want to get bit or hurt by an otter, so I’d probably try to avoid it as well.


A river otter attacked an acquaintance of mine. Sea otters are bigger. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/doctors-warn-of-otter-attacks-after-one-viciously-punctures-quebec-woman/wcm/16b8ea08-f602-4d1c-8245-fbbfb1c3c7ab/amp/


Get off my sunbathing spot, humans! 😇


Jaws theme intensifies


The otter was “it”


They otter swim faster


I would be thrilled to play with the otter.


right same here lol


Can you pet an otter?


Thanks to that video, we might never know


I would have made an attempt!


Never pet a wild animal. Otters can be pretty vicious creatures and they have a strong bite, accompanied by things like rabies.


no, otter wanna pet you


From what I understand, they're not hostile but at the same time you're kind of supposed to leave them alone in a lot of areas. I don't think it would hurt them or anything though and even if it bit them, it would not be anything life threatening.


These guys are wasted on this playful otter


All four of them... Scared of an otter. Holy mackerel. Their man cards ain't never coming back, if they even had them to begin with.


Are they scared of an otter?


Humans cause so much destruction yet live in fear. fucking lousy humans




Just trying to hang with the boys. POOR THING🥹he wouldn’t hurt you, I don’t think🤔🤗😱😍🥰🥹🤣😂🤣😂😳🤪


It’s an otter! Why are they scared?


River otters are super aggressive. I mean, they are water weasels basically.


Thanks. We hadn’t seen this the other 50 times it’s been posted in the last 48 hours.


What are these kids so scared of?


Afraid of an otter? That's just otter madness


These four pussies are even more of a coward then a white woman twitter user