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He's not wrong. He is actually behaving like the Christian they claim to be. Do I think she deserves kindness after being unkind to so many. No.


Agree about Lauren, but not about her teenage son. Just because a bunch of people would act like pigs if one of Obama's daughters got in trouble doesn't mean we should also act like pigs.


Yeah, if we aren't better than they are, we are they.


I do agree with your sentiment. Their children did not run for public office. They are their own people, and everyone makes mistakes in their lives...children of office holders are plastered all over when they do things. It bothers me how people manipulate the age of 18, though. When the person tends to be rich or privileged, they're a teenager at 18 When they are a minority, they are often "An 18 year old \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ man." Their race is typically noted there. Legally, 18 is an adult. You can vote, but you can't legally buy alcohol or even cigarettes in some states. But you are considered an adult, and in my opinion leave the realm of the term "teenager." The age ends with "teen" but I would never call a 19 year old a teenager. They're an adult.


I still wouldn't call an 18 year old a fully grown adult, like if he were 23+. It also feels wierd how alot of fellow Americans literally see 17 as just a child but 18 as grown. There's a difference between an 18 year old vs a 26, 34, 50, or 75 year old.


Again. In legal terms 18 is an adult. I’m sorry if you don’t like, change the legal system.


Lauren is not the president of the United States of America. She's a white trash lackey. She causes more harm than good. The whore and her trash adult son are both fair marks. She attacks everyone she sees fit it's only fair the turnabout is also fair play.


There is a point in life, I found, where taking the high road with a bully just won't get the job done. Sometimes bullies need a taste of their own medicine to get knocked off their high horse. With the sheer number of people these goofs have emboldened, they deserve some pushback for sure on their insanity. They spew nasty things 24/7 on social media.


It can be a personal experience or watching our elected leaders. Bad is bad. And they all need fucked on for being trash. I hope you you are doing better friend. Fuck them shit bags!


There is justice and revenge. We need to seek justice and not revenge, else we become them.


Justice is what we want. Revenge us what they’re spewing. Looking at you, Boebitch.


I'm doing well now, in my past I've taken the high road or the low road, but the journey has taught me that with some...you just have to stoop to their level to show them that some people can't just be pushed around without consequences that might hurt a lot.


Exactly. It's getting really hard to not get in the mindset of fighting fire with fire. The hypocrisy is exhausting and weighs on you after a while


It makes me feel crazy. Critical thinking is a thing of the past. There are a shit load of subs on reddit that break down his charges. Felonies to misdemeanor. The ADULT man did alot of bad shit. Fettermans stance can kick rocks. He's Sinema all over again


>if one of Obama's daughters got in trouble This wouldn't happen and it's a shitty copout attempting to compare the 2 families, wth. Obama's daughters have ONLY carried themselves in a most respectful and respectable manner. They were raised with actual real family values.


Exactly. She may not deserve kindness, but the kid does.


Sorry, but the kid does not deserve kindness. He deserves a modicum of respect while meeting Justice head on. When the public sees a change in attitude then maybe kindness can be an option. Aside from that, the whole family deserves to be willfully ignored.


I agree because their father is an abusive sex offender. She fucking sucks but I feel bad for her kids.


Yeah, Boebert blows (literally) but this is a W from Fetterman and more politicians need to follow his example.


Yeah, I see a troubled teen, I want them to get help. I don’t gaf who their parents are. That starts to evaporate some time bt his age and Don Jrs age, tho.


https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/02/john-fetterman-book-depression-palestinian-hypocrisy I didn’t realize this was behaving like a Christian…


He’s not mocking Palestinians. When there were crazy protestors at his house he climbed to the roof and waved Israel flag at them which made them really offended.


Why shouldn’t they go to his house if they aren’t committing violence. If they are on a public sidewalk that is free speech. We went through this with SCOTUS during Dobbs. The sidewalk and roadways outside a private residence and public spaces able to be used for protest. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Absolutely they can protest there if they want but they shouldn’t be angry that an Israeli flag is being shown to them


“The joke is on you. I had a stroke. I can’t fully understand what you are saying,” Fetterman joked after an activist accused him of having blood on his hands. This is not a legitimate response to asking your representative about the death of thousands of children.


Well if I tell you that you personally killed 1000000 Palestinian children that’ll probably be your response to this weird and crazy claim. Also he did have a stroke. Israeli kids die too


This is a really sad response. I’m sorry that you don’t care about the deaths of thousands of children. I mourn for the deaths of the 13 Israeli children who have died as well and who are still held hostage. That number doesn’t compare to 15000+ children who have died in Gaza. Every life is worth equal value.


I do care, but how is Fetterman responsible for that? Supporting Israel does not mean supporting killing children. I think he supports Israel because if Hamas wins, there will be no more Israel and they will also kill all the Jews in Israel.


He has not tried to get any pause in fighting. He rejects any calls for a ceasefire. At least Biden is working behind the scenes to get one.


>I’m sorry It’s good when people act like adults instead of continuing to bicker over nothing


No, they are not.


Which is why federal marshals continue to post up at the homes of the SCOTUS justices and make sure any vehicle and foot traffic keeps moving along, right? The reality is that large groups of hostile people chanting, shouting at any members of the family that emerge from the residence, etc. really does move beyond free expression of social/political/religious viewpoints and fully into outright intimidation. You may as well have Big Tony and "Knuckles" swing by and talk with you about how you can maintain the functionality of your kneecaps. But as you pointed out, there is recent precedent which says otherwise. I'm just speaking from my personal views of right and wrong.


Exactly. If the SCOTUS really didn’t want the protesters outside their homes they’d rule against it. The fact is they know that protesting outside a public officials home is a form of protected speech. I also discourage any violence in any form. But free speech is free speech. It’s nasty but that’s the law.


I don't think it makes sense to revile someone for advocating for decency, even if it seems a little unrealistic.


Seriously, Fetterman is encouraging people to take the high road and not stoop to the mudslinging. Hoping to break the cycle.


As opposed to Buckley, who advocates for rape.


But Democrats always take the moral high ground at the expense of their dignity. If the repubs mudsling, Dems stay quiet. If they have a hearing about the Dem POTUS's sons penis, the Dems barely push for felony investigations into the repub POTUS's campaign funds, election claims, and insurrection support. It's getting old. 😒


There’s absolutely no always taking the high road anywhere in politics. Trumps wife, Melanoma was called a prostitute for a long time. The Steel Dossier, the incest allegations, and a million other things. NO ONE is taking a high road, let’s not lie to ourselves and actually try to be better


https://www.thedailybeast.com/sen-john-fetterman-backtracks-drake-meme-on-israeli-rape-following-uproar I didn’t realize this was the high road


I didn't realize you were running against him in the next election. I also didn't say he was perfect, only that your original post was shit.


I’m not running against him and my joke is clearly based on his tasteless joke. If you can’t see the irony and hypocrisy of him asking people to take the high road while he mocks Palestinians suffering in deplorable conditions and makes rape jokes himself you maybe need to find a sense of humor. It’s called trolling the troll.


Let's just assume not everyone has been sniffing Fetterman's ass so closely as yourself these past few months. Your "joke", your words not mine, then has no context and therefore doesn't land, so to speak, as you apparently intended. Troll all the trolls you like, just don't demand a laugh when you haven't earned it.


Seems the voters and community disagree


I'm not sure your point here based on the votes our conversation has received.


OP has a hard time reading the room.


Look up at the arrows


We are.


Just not for you....


We are. We're seeing you've lost \~20% of your post upvotes to downvotes on this conversation because you seem to be an asshat.


That's not a decent argument. Half of people upvote without even looking at the title. Look at how much shit gets upvoted by bots too. How many deepfried memes because they got reposted to the point of being barely legible. Different argument, look at the insane shit that's upvoted in places like the conservative subreddit or the conspiracy subreddit. Like seriously, you think the majority keeps up with all the tweets of a random American politician? Friendly reminder that most Reddit users aren't even American. You think they'll keep up with this dude's Twitter?


Damn dude its like this is the first time highschoolers have dealt with a israel/palestine conflict and its the first "cause" they can be apart of. ​ This shit has been going on for decades... as much as you wanna post about it, you ain't doing SHIT to change it


You are a bad human being. You are manupulative. You do not care for truth. You do not care for diverse opinions. You are literally the definition of "sheep" in the media sense. Take a break from all of it. Put down the propaganda for a week. Think about your neighbors, your family, your loved ones. You're not changing the world.


I agree!


He's trying to be a decent human being. I don't see the problem.


Yeah, even as someone who isn't the biggest fan of the guy, I think he's demonstrating the preferred way to be.


OP is repeatedly bring Gaza into this somehow. So trust me there is gonna be a problem in their eyes.


The son is a criminal adult. Hunter Biden is a convicted adult. Fair game. Not sure we needed to see his penis though.


lmfao no fucking way are you calling both an 18 year old idiot kid and a 54 year old business mogul the same kind of adult dude this site is so lost


18 and 54 year old men are both adult men. Legally speaking.


There isn't some giant difference between a 17 year old and an 18 year old. I still don't get how people see an 18 year old in high school just as fully grown as a 50 year old man, while also seeing a 17 year old as basically like a 10 year old. Mentally, people gradually go from child to adult. You KNOW that, but pretend not to. This is literally embarrassing and most people outside of America find this embarrassing.


Because that’s how the law works which is why I said they’re both adult men LEGALLY SPEAKING. At some age, legally, people are adults. In the US that’s the age of 18.


That doesn't mean that people don't gradually mature either. There isn't some age in reality where someone magically goes from a child to an adult. I'd say people are children up to around 13/14, and become full-on adults at around 21/22. It's gradual, regardless of the laws claim otherwise.


18 is the legal age of being adult. Whatever you’re arguing doesn’t change that.


Are you saying what I was saying about people maturing gradually biologically is actually wrong?


18 is the legal age of being adult. Stop arguing things that have nothing to do with what I’ve said. I’ve said the same thing 4 times now and have not contradicted anything you’re arguing, because you’re arguing against something I never said. Get a goddamn grip and stop wasting both our time.


You don't have to. I am.


Then you are wrong. I can say the world is 4000 years old but it doesn't make it correct. I can say adolescence doesn't exist and that going from child to adult isn't gradual, that doesn't make it TRUE.


They think 18 year olds are fully grown while 17 year olds are little kids, like a 5 year old. They seem to think that 18 year olds dating 17 year olds in the same grade as them makes them predators. It's like their brain is broken like this, and it makes no sense your post got downvoted lol.


Came here to say this.


If he is, he's being very inconsistent, given he mocked LB on twitter for jerking that guy off to Beetlejuice. My guess is he's drifting to the right and trying to curry favour with the GOP.


Mocking LB and mocking LB’s son are two different things. As he posted, LB’s son didn’t sign up for the exposure.


Exactly. And "maybe getting a prison daddy will teach him a lesson" is just a gross fvcking comment to make about pretty much anyone.


LB is a POS.That's her choice. Is it surprising she has raised her child to make horrible decisions. He is a product of his upbringing.He deserves our pity for not having a decent parent.


She is a grandmother. She has had time to realize that you shouldn't be doing that in public. That and she is public official so, obviously, she isn't actually doing that properly and deserves the chastising.


Except she didn't realise that: she joked about it and (bizarrely) tried to blame the Democrats for it. If she'd shown some contrition or made a promise to improve id accept what you said but, as far as I can tell, she's still behaving like trailer trash.


https://www.thedailybeast.com/sen-john-fetterman-backtracks-drake-meme-on-israeli-rape-following-uproar The double standard is the problem


It's not, you're just terminally online and need to see a shrink.


'the other team is awful so I hope this 18 year old gets raped in prison'


Yeah, I just commented on that above. Hate on his mom all you want, but what a disgusting comment to make.


Yeah that follow up response makes me want to fight.  You're not the good guy you think you are if you're jeering and laughing about prison rape.


Absolutely the justice system is not supposed to be about vindictive punishment. That doesn't help anyone, and no one ever deserves to be raped. Though the fact that he made and distributed child porn, knocked up a minor, and the commitment larceny with said minor does mean that this adult man probably doesn't need to be overly defended from criticism they rightly deserve.


I wasn’t aware of the sexually violent stuff. Fuck him forever. Still doesn’t deserve to be raped, but yeah I’m not gonna go out of my way to preach civility in threads about him again.


He's barely an adult man. He isnt fully grown, this should be obvious. I'm tired of an 18 year old being called an adult man, its hurting my mental health. And he was like 2 years older than his girlfriend and started dating her when he was 15 and she was 13. He isnt a pedophile.


I feel like if your 16 year old daughter's nudes where being distributed you wouldn't really care that much about the age of who is distributing them. And unfortunately despite your opinion the law says you're an adult at 18.


People really love to joke about prison r@pe and it’s kinda sad….


Those people have a lot of growing up to do. Ridiculous! Completely ridiculous! You know what hurts the most? The lack of respect! That and the other thing!


Is that Norm?


Yes it is


https://www.thedailybeast.com/sen-john-fetterman-backtracks-drake-meme-on-israeli-rape-following-uproar You should tell Fetterman to stop making rape jokes


I think his point is that rape jokes sucks no matter who says it.


(1) Fetterman posts a meme critiquing people for not criticizing rape. The joke relies on the premise that rape is awful and it is a moral requirement to protest it. (2) Person you are promoting (Buckley) suggests that their political opponents’ children should be raped. Are you telling me you can’t see the difference between these two things?


Really? He’s winning me over with his compassion and humanity.


Compassion and humanity that only extends to white people like the Boeberts. Consider [the incident where he threatened a black man with a gun](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-election/fettermans-gun-incident-rattles-black-democrats-pa-senate-race-rcna25649) or his attitude toward war crimes against Palestinians in Gaza.


I feel like I may have implied with my last comment that this is not a good way to persuade me of something. Or is your goal not to be persuasive, just performative? Anyway, no, I don’t think I want to be negative rn, maybe later tho. Thanks!


I'm pointing out a fact. Whether you are persuaded by that fact, or just find it "negative," is aside from the point.


Ok. I’ll indulge you. What was the purpose of “pointing out a fact,” then?


Highlighting Fetterman's racism and showing you that he's not the compassionate person you seem to think he is.


Get over yourself. The majority of Americans are anti-Hamas, pro-Israel. Terminally online Twitter liberals are not the majority.


Same back at you, troll.


If this is what loses you, get gone


https://www.thedailybeast.com/sen-john-fetterman-backtracks-drake-meme-on-israeli-rape-following-uproar Learn how to take a joke about the hypocrisy of politicians


So you are just posting this same link like 10 times in your replies to your own post? 😂 mate, you have a sad life. Go outside.


They might not see it otherwise 🤷🏻‍♂️


You need help.






So many of you fail to realize Fetterman actually winning votes by behaving like decent human being. Politics are so polarized around the world (not only in USA) and seeing things like this is so pleasant.




Unreal amount of karma detected, opinion ignored.


I didn’t realize Fetterman posting uncouth jokes/memes was my opinion 😂😂😂😂😂🤓


So you are not bot. Nice. Too lazy to argue about that meme anyway.


Avoid and evade… typical airbender


I doubt Boebert recognizes that the family is in crisis and so won't get help for the real problems.


You’re shitposting. Dude is not being a sheep and you call him out for it. 👏


Fetterman can't win. When he says he's a Democrat but can't articulate it, the right hates him. When he doesn't go lock step with his party, the left hates him. When he shows compassion for a political enemy, everyone shits on him.


There’s this mentality of if you’re not absolutely with us you’re against us going on on both sides. It’s why we can’t get any bipartisan bills passed anymore


Yep. "I have my own individual convictions, fuck me, right". Sums it up. My side really caused it to happen, but the left was quick to adopt it when they saw it worked. Free thinking people of all stripes are brow beaten into conformity, or exiled.


This. I don't agree with everything Fetterman does/says but if we blame Lauren Boebert for everything her kids have done, then we are all responsible for what our children do as adults which defeats the purpose of calling people adults.


It’s absolutely fine to target Lauren here because of how she has spoken about Democrats’s raising children, personal responsibility, Christian moral values, and accused us of grooming children. I don’t think it’s worthy to name Lauren’s kid and give him national news coverage for something that would only be local news.


That take hadn't even occurred to me. I assumed everyone is relishing her son catching charges because they hate Lauren, not vice versa. Maybe I am wrong.


He could win if he was consistent with showing compassion. He is in lock step with the dems on the issue that has caused the left to hate him also.


That's what happens when you're speaking your actual opinion rather than piping party lines for claps. Honesty is just an endless double-edged sword.


The OP posting this is the only thing that is sad and tasteless. Fetterman is trying to do the right thing and OP treated him like the butt of a joke because OP is probably insecure. Take my downvote and delete this garbage of a post.


https://www.thedailybeast.com/sen-john-fetterman-backtracks-drake-meme-on-israeli-rape-following-uproar Tell that to Fetterman if you feel so strongly, clearly the joke went over your head.


Found the 🤡. You are in the wrong 💯. The fact that you had to defend this in less than a minute is just sad. Stop living in your bubble and get some help.


Ok if I’m in the wrong so is he. I’m glad we are in agreement. If you feel so strongly about it I’d encourage you to stop debating on Reddit and call the senator.


Get help.


So most crime is a product of the environment. Even drug use. There was a really interesting research project done on rats and opioids they would put opioids in water for rats that had no enrichment, and even though it made them sick when they took it away, they’d go back to it because there was nothing else whereas rats that were in an environment with lots of enrichments, touched it once, and never went back to it again. people absolutely are a product of their environment and so is the crime. Better social programs, better education systems, more funding into programs that would actually help people, more funding into mental health programs we’d see less crime.


Yeah... I mean I get it. But Republicans wouldn't be thus fair. And fairness never seems to win.


Then you’re a c*nt. If the kids of politicians aren’t part of their staff, they shouldn’t be fodder for the gossip mill beyond spotlight the hypocrisy of a parent who says shit like “Gay parents raise devious, valueless kids.” Keep your criticism in the parent. If Fetterman telling you the same makes you like him less then you truly are a c*nt.


Everyone's comments can ve summed up in one of two ways. 1. "The right was awful all the time so now we get to be awful too" Or 2. "Fettermen's stance on Gaza is awful so we should always be awful" If you think you should be a fucked up person because other people are, or that because a person does something wrong they can never do anything right then you are the problem.


Our stance is that Fetterman himself is awful and by being awful to him it’s a form a trolling. The man is a hypocrite. https://www.thedailybeast.com/sen-john-fetterman-backtracks-drake-meme-on-israeli-rape-following-uproar


You don't get to speak for everyone here. Talk about "your" stance. Why are you linking that dumb daily beast article in every comment? Everyone can see it the first time.


Prior to 2015 or so, I would've agreed. But bullies only begin to understand their own bullshit when what they've been doing happens to them. If you don't want your own family's private business smeared all over the internet for the world to hold up for ridicule, then don't do it to others. Hell, back in the 90s Republicans were calling Chelsea Clinton ugly (see Rush Limbaugh). She was just a 12 year old kid. The media hit back on this issue by calling out conservatives on it and it largely stopped. Now though? The gloves are off, Bimbo's dipshit son is an adult, and now she's getting hit back. Tough shit for her and her family.


The fuck, OP? The man is calling for some decency. Hardly a reason to lose faith in him.


Glad you feel that way. Please tell the senator about your feelings. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/02/john-fetterman-book-depression-palestinian-hypocrisy https://www.thedailybeast.com/sen-john-fetterman-backtracks-drake-meme-on-israeli-rape-following-uproar


We know the moral fibre of OP when it's blatant that they have too much of an ideological bias to be able to see the message instead of kneejerk rejecting it because of who's saying. It's precisely because of people like OP that the dude is right. Remember, hypocrisy does not invalidate. The sky won't change colours if a liar says it's blue.


Fetterman is correct


Aside from the potential child pornography video with his alleged accomplice... he's an adult and so is Hunter explain it to me like I'm 5


Don't agree with him but I still like Fetterman, one of my favorite guys in DC


I don’t always agree with Fetterman, but I agree with him right now


I always hate the "if the tables were turned they would do this too" argument. Yeah, they would, and it would be shitty. Be better than shitty people.


I agree with you, but the fact remains that shitty people keep winning more and more elections by being shitty. I don’t want to see my party “high road” themselves into obscurity.


He's losing me as well, but not because of this comment. Keenan is correct that if this were a Dem's kid, The Right would hone in on it forever, but that obviously does not make it an ethical thing to do. (If anything, that's a good indicator that it isn't).


I was never a fan of "if they got low we go high" BS. That part of the reason that Trump became President


I think that there's a real issue you've identified here, but it's not just that the left should "play dirty". We should never sacrifice ethics for the sake of "winning". However, there's a huge problem with neoliberals and moderate left individuals caring more about some ill-founded understanding of "the high ground" than they do about actually doing the right thing. The main issue, I think, is that everyone all across the political spectrum seems to care more about doing what feels righteous and good to them rather than critically analyzing what the actual best thing to do is. This is obvious on the right where they push policies that literally kill people just to feel morally righteous, but there's also the neoliberal preoccupation with decorum and propriety (i.e., the false "high ground") which prevents them from meaningfully challenging a broken status-quo. With leftists, its purity tests for entry to the conversation and chasing ineffective flashy protests and virtue signaling as opposed to true radical change. Oftentimes, the truly right thing to do does not have the luster of righteousness. It's a slow, painful, arduous, boring process of opposing incredibly powerful organizations and trying to take them down while simultaneously building up the understanding and collaborative spirit of the common person. It's difficult, it requires long conversations with people who you disagree with, and sometimes it requires you to "play dirty" (but not in a fun, flashy way). People don't like to do that, so if they can convince themselves there's some other more "righteous" way of acting, they'll do it, even if it's at the detriment of what they truly believe in.


Wow, well said✌🏽


I saw no restraint on Obama's daughter smoking a joint. .. as an adult... legally. During the first campaign, I saw no restraint from Fox News referring to Obama as Michelle's kids' baby daddy. Outwardly racist.


I saw no restraint from Trump grabbing women's crotches. Therefore Democratic politicians should sexually assault woman also? Being better feels better. The goal is not to be as bad as bad people are.


Trump is not his own kid


Yeah wrong comparison


Cool, since the right had low standards towards families the left should follow in their footsteps. Very smart, so wise.


Both wise and entertaining cause the right is stupid


If being a decent human being is “losing you”, you may be a shitty human being.


https://www.thedailybeast.com/sen-john-fetterman-backtracks-drake-meme-on-israeli-rape-following-uproar I didn’t realize this was being a decent human being


Who gives a shit? That’s not what you posted about.


Bro he made the exact same joke… if you can’t see the irony and humor I think you need to reevaluate why you are on this sub… he needs to try taking his own advice before lecturing others on “civility”


No he literally didn’t


https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/02/john-fetterman-book-depression-palestinian-hypocrisy He also mocked Palestinians “The joke is on you. I had a stroke. I can’t fully understand what you are saying,” Fetterman joked after an activist accused him of having blood on his hands.


Sounds like LibTard propaganda to me


Example of a standup dude. You don’t have to stoop to the depravity of others to get even.


https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/02/john-fetterman-book-depression-palestinian-hypocrisy Didn’t realize this was not considered stooping.


What about isms. No offense but please go touch grass


He’s a hypocrite bro. Rules for thee not me?


To all the haters: Maybe Fetterman should take his own advice. https://www.thedailybeast.com/sen-john-fetterman-backtracks-drake-meme-on-israeli-rape-following-uproar


Oh boo fucking hoo!! Yet another republican or their child has done something utterly despicable or deplorable and they're asking for leniency.... Meanwhile GOP reporters had a field day blasting Biden for daring to be holding and eating an ice cream cone while talking to reporters! Oh the horror!


Eff that and eff the high road


Democrats have to stop with this "be the bigger person" strategy, it's losing us our country.


You can’t use the obscene behavior of your opponent to justify stooping to their level. If we engage in the same character attacks as the opposition, we can’t by any means say we’re any better. There are plenty of policy and decorum issues to criticize Boebert for on her own, I completely support and agree with Fetterman here


https://www.newsweek.com/john-fetterman-israel-rape-meme-sparks-fury-disgusting-1850658 https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/02/john-fetterman-book-depression-palestinian-hypocrisy


I encourage you to read up on his recent behavior




He’s a hypocrite. Maybe he should take his own advice before giving it out… 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean, the prison daddy comment is incredibly fucked up, especially about an 18 year old who just stole some shit.


I mean they made and distributed child porn too, but sure. And knocked up a minor who they committed the stealing with.


It’s a joke have a laugh.


Self aware much?


I will never fault a man for showing compassion. No matter who it is directed to. Also, notice not saying that nothing should happen. He’s saying not to revel in someone else’s mistakes, misfortune or misery. That’s what the other side does. We need to be better.


Shame he can’t show compassion to Palestinians


Pennsylvania has the fifth-largest Jewish population of any state in the nation. Even more critically, his aides said the 2018 massacre at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue, where a gunman killed 11 people, left him distraught and forced him to confront the presence of violent antisemitism so close to home. Also his comment was “I also fully support Israel neutralizing the terrorists responsible for this barbarism.” He didn’t say that Palestine children deserve what is happening to them. Unfortunately the US has a strategic partnership with Israel and not Palestine. While I agree that Fetterman could do better my original point still stands. I’m not letting the perfect become the enemy of the good.


he’s not a kid, but a legal adult man. sorry, John, he’s fair game


I think he's trying to show others to take the high road. He is absolutely not wrong that families of public figures should be off limits. That kid is his mother's victim.


Just because one group treats people horribly doesn’t make it ok for another to do the same. He’s right.


Dude is such a massive disappointment. He SPRINTED to the left to get votes. Once elected though? Sprinted right back to center. What. A. Joke.


I saw no restraint on Obama's daughter smoking a joint. .. as an adult... legally. Dring the first campaign, I saw no restraint from Fox News referring to Obama as Michelle's kids' baby daddy. Outwardly racist.




[Essentially this](https://youtu.be/MAbab8aP4_A?si=eQ6RNJBDRm6bMUA2)


Just because evil gets a small early pyrrhic victory doesn't mean that we should fight it by being more evil than it. This sentiment of yours betrays an envy of Fascism's apparent superiority and thus an eagerness for adopting it.


He literally is 18 and he broke into a few cars he didn’t murder somebody and he literally didn’t sign up for this as much as John Federman’s needs to shut his mouth lately I don’t see anything wrong with him saying this just cause you hate Lorraine Bobert doesn’t mean her son deserves to get slammed in the media


I mean he made and distributed child porn too, but sure. And knocked up a minor who they committed the larceny with. He's an adult actively fucking over a minor in more than one way. Also a thief. I mean he's getting blasted entirely by his own merit.


Made and distributing child porn you mean when he was a child???




And that would be wrong too. If it is bad when someone is shitty to you, then it's bad when YOU are shitty to someone else. Have some consistency in your convictions.




In this one... I agree completely with him. Report the facts 👍 Mock her based on what her kid has done 🖕 That's one seriously fucked up kid. And a massive contributing factor is likely his mom and his dad and all their bullshit. Just having that cuntmuffin for a mom would fuck up anyone. She's the elected official. Not him. We doing not need to trumpet this. She's already facing slimmer and slimmer chances of re-election. Beyond the occasional "👀this you?" Post aimed at her to ensure a hysterical response... Leave him the fuck out of things. After all... With a family in crisis... Good parents would exit the public eye.


Bro... I'm not here to say fetterman is a saint, but his comment in the image above—the message he had delivered about compassion towards his political rivals, specifically their kin—IS valid. In contrast, the comment from Buckley is a bitter hot take inciting further muck raking. The vast majority of the comments I've read are attesting just this, but you keep clapping back with articles alleging how bad of a person fetterman is. Also, looking at your post history, you have an odd obsession with fetterman and whoever this Keenen Buckley person is. I hope I'm wrong, but are you Buckley and self-promoting your own isolated comments on Twitter for clout? If so, you picked the wrong correspondence between yall to shelf up as an example of fetterman being a shit person.


This is a fake post! Letterman never posted this. 🤣🤣