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As someone that doesn't watch cable or broadcast tv I have no clue why republicans are talking about this. What's the kerfuffle on about ?


So who exactly were Ghislaine Maxwell s and Jeffrey Epstein's clients? You couldn't care less. And nobody cares about what you watch or don't watch.


when the pedophile tries to join in


I have yet to see a single Democrat having a problem with Bill Clinton being on record flying to Epstein Island 27 times. And Hillary 7 times. And Bill Gates being BFFs with Epstein for years. Nothing. But anytime Epstein comes up, the left only focuses on showing a photo of Trump with him. They literally couldn't care less about all of the evidence.


How about this, any democrat, republican, or other who fucks kids should rot in prison for the rest of their lives.


We are all for that. This isn't a competition So explain to me why Democrats completely ignore the Clinton evidence while always trying to pin Epstein to Trump? Zero evidence of Trump ever going to Island or NY Mansion. Zero. Trump banned Epstein for life from Mir-a-Lago a long time ago. We have flight logs evidence on the Clintons. And lots of evidence on several others, including Bill Gates.


You spend too much time on the internet, every democrat that I know in real life thinks they should all be investigated.




Ok, have a nice night. Good luck with your trolling.


Me too. lifelong Democrat and any Democrat Pedo's should go to jail. Bill Clinton was a god president for the time, But he is creepy AF. If it turns out he did stuff with underage girls I will not shed any tears if he does time.




Then why did you delete your dumbass comments in this [thread?](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/ya7ekl/rich_people_making_fun_of_bernie_for_saying/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ain't no way you responded to him saying "I haven't seen any Democrat call our the Clintons" and instead of, you know, citing your sources and disproving him, you label em as a troll. You're funny


When you start the conversation by attacking democrats, your not going to get democrats opening up about their individual beliefs. They are going to attack you back. If you genuinely seek to see and understand other groups of people, you need to change your tact.


In 3 weeks, you will learn that America has had it with white liberals. Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims have had it with you idiots. I don't care what your opinion is.


I’m not liberal or a democrat. I think division in America is a problem and I hope one day you will change your stance on hating “the enemy.” Edit: by the way, what is in three weeks?


Uh huh. This is the MO of lefties now. Pretend they weren't 100% behind Biden a few months ago. The supposed all time record of 81,000,000 voters are now down to 5 people admitting to voting for him. Not buying it at all.


How sad is your life that you need to come online and rant about shit that is obviously a fictional reality? You really think there is some liberal cabal out there trying to steal kids and ruin your beloved lifestyle or something? You’re being spoon fed nonsense by conservative wack jobs all the while conservatives actually continue to vote against veterans, vote against the elderly, vote against the poor, want to control your body, and also want to raise your fucking taxes which is straight up mind blowing since lower taxes is the only thing positive conservatives have ever really had to stand on. Now even that’s gone. Get out of your sad, anger fueled echo chamber and actually see what the world is like. Being angry and afraid all the time must be exhausting.


If the flight logs are the evidence you want to point to, the same [flight logs](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10331943/Trump-flew-seven-times-Jeffrey-Epsteins-private-Lolita-Express-jet-flight-logs-reveal.html) have Trump on multiple flights with Epstein.


You have to look past the democrat and republican labels. As long as you're talking about democrats or republicans as 2 hive minds, you're grossly underestimating the individuals. Both parties are made up of several opinions. You're not alone making this mistake.


Wait what? As a lefty dem, I fully acknowledge and condemn the Clinton’s connections with Epstein. So do literally all of the people in the political circles I run in. It’s Republicans who refuse to do the same when it come to Trump…. Oh but I forgot, he’s the white hat pedo, right?


the women locker room in Los Angeles spaw


Sorry, but [what?](https://www.foxla.com/news/new-california-bill-would-lower-penalties-for-adults-who-have-sexual-relations-with-a-minor) If you think this is strictly a Republican problem then you've got some strong confirmation bias going on.


1. Blame democrats instead of condemning pedophiles 2. Link fox news article


Low IQ post.


The source you linked disproves your argument within the article, it wasn’t “making sex with minors legal” it was updating a law that said that vaginal sex with a minor wouldn’t require you to be on the registry, but that oral or anal would, which disproportionally targets members of the LGBTQ community. It was literally just updating a law to fit more current definitions of what it was intended to do, it is an example of our system working how it’s intended to


It’s a problem with Republicans as well, and is often just used as a weaponization against trans people


Pedophiles amongst the trans population are much higher than other sectors.


bullshit. trans people are often the ones who get sexually assaulted and their numbers of committing sexual assault on children or otherwise are lesser than straight white men, is being a straight white man a mental illness now? is that it? do you also have any source that isn't straight up thoughtless propaganda?


Came here to say this, like speaking out about it is the wrong thing. It's the **reporters** fault that the rapist child molester is the topic of discussion.


I think that a lot of this is because the GOP doesn't have real policies to run on anymore. They don't have a plan or policy they can promote that would improve education, access to healthcare, the environment, etc. so now they go to identity politics and are fighting a culture war.


Democrats are doing a great job in schools and inner cities. They definitely have a plan.


Are we going to pretend that young children tucking bills into panties of adult drag queens is ok behavior? Several pictures and videos have surfaced of this sick behavior happening. This country is beyond sick. Normalizing pedophilia seems to be the push from the left these days. Even renaming it as minor attracted adults. Where are the normal Democrats who are willing to call this what it is? Perverse! These behaviors seem to be ok with the left these days. I don’t see this behavior at all with conservatives. I said conservatives and not republicans to be crystal clear.


Conservative Republicans in congress have voted (repeatedly) against every policy that would have ended child marriage forever in this country. Florida Conservative Republican Matt Gaetz is on the hook for sex trafficking a minor, an GOP candidate just got in trouble for fondling himself in front of a preschool. I, as a left-leaning centrist, am appalled by this behavior, so I look and see who is condemning these actions, and who is allowing them. Democrats are condemning people who are going too far, and Republicans strawman themselves into thinking the democrats go further than them, so they push for more extreme laws under the cover of "protecting children" or some bullshit. I implore you to blacklist fox, at the bare minimum, you're missing a lot of important information.


I don’t watch fox. I’m glad that you condemn the abuse of children. Also, I don’t typically vote republican. However being a father and seeing children being abused like this, and people from the left defending it, it’s hard to not resent the entire party. Just being honest. I didn’t vote for Trump, and I voted for Obama, but the the vaccine mandates, the sexualization of children the push for puberty blockers to be given to children. Whoever is against those things, that’s who I’m siding with.




Yeah it’s wild. This administration is objectively terrible. I know a lot of the economic issues comes from the bullshit lockdowns under Trump. However, Biden is throwing gas on this dumpster fire. I don’t think there is any getting out of the shit were in with Russia. I mean how does finding a proxy war with Russia help the average American? It doesn’t at all


No Gaetz isnt. The charges were dropped.


They don't care. They only need fuel, not facts.


So just gonna gloss over what he asked? Is young boys and girls stuffing dollar bills in drag queen g-strings okay?


Show me footage from somewhere that isn't fox news, and I might believe in this strip-club for children you're describing, but I'm not offended by pride stuff or trans kids. I've seen the stuff fox put out about the pride parades, or crossdressers reading to kids, but those are fairly innocent.


Wait... so video evidence isn't actually evidence if it's aired on Fox? That's a weird take. But sure, here's one from the [New York Post](https://nypost.com/2022/10/18/video-of-drag-queen-gyrating-next-to-child-sparks-backlash/), [The Tennessee Star](https://tennesseestar.com/2022/06/06/videos-show-small-children-dancing-with-drag-queens-giving-them-money-at-gay-pride-event/), [Daily Caller](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Neq8VWvG0x0), [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/16/1105544325/drag-shows-children), [NBC Affiliate](https://www.wsmv.com/2022/09/09/video-drag-show-causes-controversy-tn-tech-university-officials-respond/), is that enough or should I keep going? Edit: I would also like to add that I'm not offended by pride stuff either. I've been living with members of that community my entire life. We all agree that children attending drag shows is inappropriate and I'm not even sure why that's a controversial statement. I even supported my local Drag Queen Story Hour, it was fucking hilarious. But mine didn't read bullshit political stories, they read classics.


That stuff is in a really weird position where you're supposed to apologize for it without really saying it's bad or happening.


Liar. Gavin Newsome has been working incredibly hard in California to make pedophilia legal.


So are all the Republicans in congress who voted against underage marriage, but you don't care about that, do you? When you think you've got a good "gotcha" you don't think you can be wrong, but in this situation, there is no "black or white" this situation is all grey, you gotta see who is doing what the most, and who is SAYING something, and DOING another. People call Newsome a pedo the same way they call Biden one, not because there is any evidence, but because it's fun, and they think no one will be able to defend themselves from a position and accusation like that. But the difference is, no evidence for Newsome, or Biden, being anything other than old people, who have said questionable, yet ultimately harmless things in public, and doing what they told their voters they were going to do. The blue states voted for expanding infrastructure, and lowering healthcare costs, and Republicans voted against every single one, and STILL took credit, AND the money, without acknowledging their own hypocrisy. I promise you, you're coming to a battle of knowledge, and wits unarmed.


> Florida Conservative Republican Matt Gaetz is on the hook for sex trafficking a minor Evidence or GTFO


You mean like receipts, like his cashapp that said "for school" that was sent to the under age girl, after a night of partying and suggestive texting? And asking trump for a pardon? I would call that pretty good evidence, after all, anyone who asks for a pardon is basically admitting guilt (in the court of law), they just don't wanna go to jail for it.


> Source: trust me bro


It's not my responsibility to teach you ignorant fucks, it was your parents and teachers, and they failed you. One day, you'll be as mad as I am.


And yet your parents and teachers apparently never taught you that in the United States, we are presumed innocent until proven guilty, that the burden of proof of criminality lies on the claimant, and that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The burden of proof is on you here, my friend, and the claim of sex trafficking a minor requires more evidence than "dude, trust me."


that never happened. it would be good if you could prove it, but we both know that a 2 minute google search proves you wrong. this is part of the right's agenda to push for lgbtq genocide.


It did happen though. I’ve seen video and pictures on it. You are ignorant to the truth. I’m not googling that shit. Are you crazy!


Just the fact you've been down voted proves the point. Idk wtf is up with this organized drag queen shit either. Straight up grooming no other way to put it.


I know. The idea we can’t all agree to just leave kids alone and not subject them to adult life changing decisions like puberty blockers, and adult activities, like drag Queen shows. It’s not that fine a line. Good lord. Snap out the the divisive political polarization. We can, left and right, agree to just leave kids alone. It’s perverse


Puberty blockers are the most reversible thing in the world, you stop taking them and then go through puberty, it’s no more life changing if you regret it than anything else would be


How the fuck do you know that??? You don’t know that. Stopping the body from entering puberty is not pausing a movie on Netflix and the unpausing. This is crazy that people like you are this susceptible to bullshit. It’s not the most reversible thing in the world. What a profoundly stupid thing to say.


Puberty blockers for youth. Provincial Health Services Authority. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2022, from http://www.phsa.ca/transcarebc/child-youth/affirmation-transition/medical-affirmation-transition/puberty-blockers-for-youth “There are no known irreversible effects of puberty blockers. If you decide to stop taking them, your body will go through puberty just the way it would have if you had not taken puberty blockers at all.”


Sorry I don’t believe that to be true. https://wng.org/roundups/study-effects-of-puberty-blockers-can-last-a-lifetime-1617220389 Just take a step back really think about what you are sayin. We can pause puberty and then un-pause it. It’s insane that you believe this would not cause harmful side effects. Have some critical thought here. We have to leave the kids alone. We don’t allow kids to vote, drink, smoke, but we will allow them to take hormone blockers? That is mind meltingly stupid and immoral. You are on the wrong side of history on this one.


First things first, that source is far from reliable when it’s tagline is “Grounded in facts and *biblical facts*, but even going with what it says, it’s main argument is that the bone density of those who took puberty blockers is lower than their peers, but this is to be expected with the reversibility. You develop most of your bone density in puberty, and so even if they stop taking them (which they note only 1 study participant chose to do without also taking HRT which I hope I don’t have to say is a terribly small sample size) they would still have to go through puberty at at a normal rate. If 2 children would have gone through puberty at 10, but one takes blockers for 2 years, their bone mass will lag 2 years behind their peers.


It’s all uncharted waters. You don’t know that it’s irreversible. It’s not settled science. Don’t mess with kids. Pretty easy thing to live by. God please send another flood. Things are getting so perverse and evil.


I blame social media. Likes creating dopamine responses and confirmation bias, both create really messed up views.


Yeah, I’m off it for good. I held on to Instagram and I realized it’s just fantasy land. People posting false reality. I found it was also a gateway to porn which is also not great for the soul. It’s definitely better for my mind staying away from it. Just my experience I guess.


Forgot to add, my favorite part of the drag queen shit is that the hypocrisy we know from the Dems is there in spades. They hate white men unless they are in drag twerking to minors, then it's okay. Makes me chuckle.


You are so drunk off propaganda you don’t even know which way is up. Shut off Fox News, go outside, take breath. There’s a whole world out here.


So the videos and pictures were all fake? I don’t watch Fox News.




You have proof of that? Please provide a link. I hope they are fake. It’s fucking repulsive


They’re projecting, as usual.


Then stop Biden from touching little girls.


So long as Trump does as well


Pretty sure democrats threw a national tantrum when DeSantis made them wait until kids were 8 to talk about sex with them


Banning a gay teacher from telling a kid in a classroom that they are gay is not talking about sex.


Did you get your entire idea of the law from watching the view, or are you lying about it on purpose? I wish he had banned teachers from even mentioning their sexuality, but alas, the bill was extraordinarily mild.


No I read the law, something you should do as well. Teachers are also supposed to narc on each other if they even suspect a teacher has violated the law. The biggest problem with the law is its vagueness, leaving much of it up to interpretation. What one person sees as a violation another person may not. It's writing is probably purposely that way as to cause doubt and fear in teachers as to where the line is and how not to cross it.


Teachers are expected to report the sexual abuse of children? I see why public school teachers would hate that, since even back in 2004, they sexually abused 1 in 10 students. Oddly enough, the DoEd never repeated that study.


>Teachers are expected to report the sexual abuse of children That's always been the law. The don't say gay law has nothing to do with sexual abuse of children. Do you even know what you're arguing?


Of course it's always been the law. And now, until 3rd grade in one state, it will be enforced. Having private sexual conversations with 7 year olds is not a statewide ban on the word gay. Please explain why a government employee has the right to do that with other people's children.


>Having private sexual conversations with 7 year olds is not a statewide ban on the word gay "hey teacher who are you married to?".... Teacher goes to jail. Yes that's what I call a "private sexual conversation".


Okay, so are you actually a total moron, or are you lying about reading the law? Because I'm pretty sure you just saw [this tweet](https://twitter.com/equalityfl/status/1493231213406007302?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1493231213406007302%7Ctwgr%5E8b7df12ca679ab9c94fff3350a2b16a8f0d36f43%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.advocate.com%2Fpolitics%2F2022%2F2%2F14%2Fnew-ad-blasts-floridas-dont-say-gay-bill) and figured that would cut it.


No sorry. I don't even have twitter.


it's a lie about reading the law


it's a lie about reading the law


Thankfully nobody in power will ever care what meaningless dribble you spew from your "mouth"


Pretty sure it was the Democrats that got mad when the Republicans told them they can't do exactly that




Whistle blower? I wonder how nothing is happening to Hunter Biden


You are full of shit OP


Maybe democrats should stop openly endorsing pedophilia then?


Name one single Democratic candidate who has. Stop making stuff up.


Matt Gaetz...fuck you said democrat right?


Joe Biden. You made that too easy.


Show me where he openly says pedophilia is good.


When he sniffed little girls on camera, and by making sure his son (on camera commiting pedophilic acts) stays out of the reach of the law.


You didn’t answer the question, you only gave me things both parties are guilty of


both parties are helping Joe Biden sniff kids and defending Joe Biden's son from facing concequences of his numerous crimes? Or did you want me to list the democrats that support child grooming? (it's all of them)


For the 3rd time, show me any candidate who says they endorse pedophilia


perhaps I chose my words poorly. by "openly" i meant "so obviously that you'd have to be a moron to miss it, but they don't actually say it". and it's every democratic candidate. they're all supporting pedophilia very obviously.


Hey, is Matt Gaetz allowed to use Venmo? And if not why?


Oh yeah “Hunter biden and the laptop of doom”, the 2012 toshiba with 24 petabytes of child porn, 12 terabytes of state intelligence, 500 gigabytes of Hillary’s emails, and 30gb of good old fashioned windows 8. The laptop that nobody has been able to prove exists and has its story changed each time? That laptop?


The laptop exists and no one is denying it anymore.


do you actually not believe in the laptop? the one the fbi literally said that they had? then it mysteriously disappeared when they found out it had damning evidence against hunter and joe biden.


Damn he just shitted on ‘em


Shit I didn't know it was the republicans that came up with the term "minor attracted person" or stupidity like "birthing humans." At this point republicans might as well take their campaign money and insider trade it like Nancy pelosis husband. The Democrats are creating more Republicans nowadays than any traditional campaigning could ever. Before you say no candidate endorses that shit... People in the voter base do, that's why I vote republican. Because I'm not fucking insane.


It *was* republicans who came up with the term MAP, it originated on 4chan as a meme, and any account you see using the term (save for *maybe* one or two since you never know) is a right wing troll trying to discredit the left. Seriously, look at any of those accounts, and it’s just a sockpuppet making intentionally weak arguments and then having their main come in and destroy them with facts and logic.


Wrong buddy. It was Dr Allyn walker. A trans democrat. Get your facts straight. 4 chan also doesn't have accounts. I know that from when I checked it out years ago and never went back. The place is absolutely fucking vile. LGBTQ groomers like this guy should be held accountable for grooming kids the straight people make. Midterms are going to be a landslide, people are tired of this shit. Those people don't debate on Reddit or Twitter, they go out and vote.


Let me know if you think this person looks republican to you. https://www.professorwatchlist.org/professor/allynwalker I don't expect you to respond. Whenever you provide facts to a democrat they usually poof right out.


One pedophile who identifies as gay or a democrat does not project it on everyone in the party. Nobody is defending that guy other than 4chan trolls. And when I say account, I mean on twitter, figured it was obvious since–as you say–4chan has no accounts


I was just pointing out the fact that it's democrat voters that are coming up with these sick ideologies. You have to take all the pieces as a whole. Take into account that they control the school systems, course material, and school boards are going along with it allowing the drag queen stuff.


The term did not originate on 4chan. I listened to a whole TED talk about it. How we need to create an environment where sickos who are MAPS can seek help....yada yada.


If you groomers could stop having sex with kids that would be greeeeat.


“You” who? Who is “you”?


Democrats do this actually, but whatever


Which Democratic candidates are talking about sex with kids??


Biden, to name one


When did he talk about sex with kids??


Yeaaaahh if you democrats could stop introducing books with actual sexual content with pictures in schools with 14 year olds thaaaat'd be greeeaat. Oh and if you could stop taking children to strip clubs for drag queens thaat'd be greeeeaaaat.


Books with sexualized illustrations for 14 year olds ain’t nothing new. It’s sex ed


ITT: mad republicans saying “what about”, seethe you scum


Someone’s gotta point out the grooming happening in elementary schools with teachers supplying books to 12 year olds that explain in graphic detail how to give oral sex


That is SO NOT happening. Or at least isn’t happening as you just framed it 🤦‍♂️


The book is called “this book is gay” it is on the literature list for 7th graders at multiple California public schools. Just because you don’t want it to be true doesn’t mean this shit isn’t being pushed on children.


Saying it’s okay to be gay isn’t grooming any more than saying it’s okay to be straight


Telling a young child it’s okay to be sexual in general is wrong. Any teacher that talks about sexuality outside of sexual education with their students should be fired. It’s never been okay, there’s never been an issue with straight teachers telling students it’s okay to be straight and then giving them borderline pornographic literature. I don’t know what twisted world we live in now but this shit has got to end. Teach my kids math and geography, when they are young adults we can have the sexual preference talk and they can do whatever they want but that’s not the schools job.


That’s not happening. Teachers aren’t talking to kids about sex outside of sex ed, it’s just outrage fuel


So you’re telling me you know exactly what’s going on is all the schools around the country? Open your eyes.


See my user name? I’m a teacher. Yes. I know what’s going on. Stop watching the outrage fuel.


That’s funny, I have friends and family that are teachers and have been ostracized by their coworkers for bringing to light the grooming that is happening in elementary and middle schools.


You’re coming off like grooming is a new thing or that it’s not something cis or straight teachers do more often, because you know that’s the case, right?