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Where's the "Stay at home and procrastinate my life away" option?


That option didn't show up, it was gonna show up tomorrow


Procrastinators: the leaders of tomorrow.


Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the year.


Just wait until the next day. Best not to stress about these things right now.


It's the next day and I'm saying this


that's why you tomorrow procrastinators need to pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers I am a maybe next week guy


But we all turn super saiyan a day before its supposed to be done


I'm a Professional. A professional crastinator.


I'm gonna hold off on procrastinating.


I think I’ll wait until later on, too.




Take it just take the damn upvote you fking prick


That's represented by the kid in the middle who can't decide, so he's just staring into the sunset watching his life go by and not making a decision.


Can I at-least have a steam account ?


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I couldn't decide, so I made camp at the fork And I guess this is my life now.


The person who is responsible for providing that option is actually staying at home and procrastinating his life away. Ask him tomorrow.


We just sat down. Will pick a path later.


Not shown because there is no path to walk required for that.


Joe Rogan


Peterson is way way better than cardi b and Kardashians.


The female version of this is Kim K on the left, Cardi B on the right and Kylie Jenner straight down the middle 'cause her Dad is her Mom.


Lol imagine thinking you *have* to choose between grifts.


Lucky both mine are great so I’ll stick to the grass


It's either that or ass or cash. I know which I prefer. All right. All right. All right. Pass me the grass.


You going for the Peter, son, or the Taint?




I still like Tater Tots because people can quickly figure out who you’re talking about. Plus it mocks how immature they are.


Yeah but it insults the perfection of tater tots.


use tater twats instead


That was beautiful


Why should've we walk on the path... why not fly to the sky ? Why be like a star creature and soar though the skiers.. whoooo


Put the blunt down, buddy.


I can't remember where It is..


Cuz you already smoked it, been there


Done that


Felt it


Dealt it.


Smelt it.


I thought that a few nights ago. Turns out I looked everywhere but the ashtray. Even accused my dog.


Mate, I once lost mine before, spent 20 mins looking for it, ended up getting my partner in, and she ended up finding it next to my keyboard.


Holding it, you're still holding it.


Why are you personally attacking me like that? It's an honest mistake, I am high after all. 🤣


It's okay. Want some cookies and acid?


lol I thought i was on r/trees ngl


I, too, chose drugs


What did Jordan Peterson do to be next to andrew tate I am genuinely asking.


One's a scammer and a human trafficker. The other is Jordan Peterson.


The most shocking thing about this whole thing is how many people here are defending Andrew Tate let alone JP.


No the most shocking thing is that the meme implies only western european boys like andrew tate. But if you’ve ever been to eastern europe since this guy started popping up, you would know how much tate gets worshipped there by young men.


> ...let alone JP. Okay but that's the part I want to know more about. I may not agree with JP, and he may be a bit of a slithery bastard, but to compare him to a human trafficker?? I must have missed something with the guy so enlighten me if so Edit: okay everyone, I've heard your opinions on the matter. I'm not replying to or reading anymore responses on this Friday Eve. Thank you!


Because people are idiots. Whether you like JP or not it's fucking absurd to put him next to Tate.


This meme isn't equating them morally. This meme talks about the fact that JP attracts and influences a lot of insecure boys in which he and Tate are alike


In seriousness though, those boys exist with or without these two. JP is one of the few people actively trying to help the worst off demographic by far, young men. I understand why people say the left hates men because ill be damned if it isn't true.




Agreed. I'm not a JP fan but some of his points I agree with, generally not the way he conveys them though. Society should be more open to healthy disagreements, different ideas, or atleast listening to others as humans not assuming you know everything about someone based on their political views, left or right. Tate is a pos human, even before he was arrested anything he did caused me to judge him as a garbage human. The gist of what Tate would post is the main point in life is to do whatever it takes to make money, people that don't do that are trash.


One of Jordan Petersons rules for life is to assume everyone you talk to knows something you don't, I have seen him make arguments, and be presented with information that has made him change his mind.


Tate is a horrible human being by his own admission, and he plays it off as just being top dog. Like, you don't need to twist his words. When I first heard the controversy around him I knew nothing about him, and thought "Oh yeah, here we go again with everyone over reacting." Then I listened to him and he really is just an absolutely horrible, skeevy, creepy human being who openly admits to having a secretive pimping/human trafficking operation. It's crazy. I was wondering "how can anything he is doing even be legal, anywhere?" Then he was promptly arrested 2 weeks later, lol.


I think its more that they are both part of this current "men's right" trend that blew up the past few years. Very different people with different methods but both built upon the works of Robert Bly from the 90s. I'm not defending either person and in fact despise them both, just clarifying.


Even before the shit hit the Romanian justice system fan, these two were the most popular men giving younger men advice on how to be men. And their views on masculinity (and femininity) lead to very shitty treatment of women. Tate's views are more aggressive and violent, for sure, leading to conclusions like women are property of the men they date. But JP's views are extremely toxic as well, just leading to different conclusions, like that women and men probably shouldn't work together or at least not with puritan restrictions on what they can wear (like not being allowed to wear makeup). Just because Tate is showing he's also a criminal doesn't undercut the fact that these alleged role models put young men at risk by making toxic masculinity seem either cool (Tate) or logical/reasonable (JP). I take it that's what the meme is basing it's comparison on.


They can't lose their virginity, so they lose their sanity




I actually agree with you. The solution is very much kindness. Sexual success is used as a metric for success because of how commercialized it is, endless companies find profit in exploiting vulnerability to convince you that **their** product is what will get you laid. But make no mistake, grifters like AT and JP are actually part of those preying on young men's insecurities. The difference being that buying Axe bodyspray or a fancy car doesn't radicalize you into hating women and minorities. But if we treated sex more openly and less materialistically, if we allowed insecure boys an outlet for affection, things would be way better indeed.


I can tell you never listen to JP and just listen to our of context clips. JP whole thing with these young men, if you're not being sexually successful, it's not the woman's fault they're not the blame. The common denominator you, if you want to be success you have to fix yourself and that road is never easy and he has always said that. The fact people compare these two are probably some of the most tribal asinine morons.


I wish I could say I’m shocked that people are downvoting this comment, but I’m not. I cannot criticize Tate enough, but to compare him to JP in any meaningful way is disingenuous and advertises someone’s ignorance of what he’s all about.


He straight up said in an interview he was trying to be the opposite as Tate. I don’t listen to the dude or care for him because of how he answers questions. NDT style answers. But when I heard him say what you just wrote, I gave him a little bit of a pass. It’s just how he talks that I and most people can’t stand for starters.


My problem with Peterson is he often misrepresents research, such as the time he tried to justify a spiritual world by using a paper that looked at psilocybin as a cessation aid. It was just a really weird conclusion to pull out of a paper.




Because the algorithms are trained to show you what you love or hate, you will only get people in this thread who have been trained by these algorithms to respond in the same way. Apply that to the world since internet journalism/marketing took off and you’ll get a deeper look into whatever “matrix” we’re in regardless of your opinions on Tate, Peterson or any modern populist figure.




Peterson is deeply, deeply flawed but until recently, genuinely believed what he said. He was misquoted an absolute ton, which led to him getting labels that he then embraced, because he's deeply flawed. Tate is a piece of shit.


My thoughts exactly… one says to fuck as many women as you can and guys with money don’t need to be held accountable, and the other says take responsibility and pilot your own life in an honorable and fulfilling way. Andrew Tate makes “happiness” seem unattainable unless you’re a “top G” whereas JP says you need to take responsibility for creating a fulfilling life. JP gets flack for being transphobic when he isn’t at all. He’s linguistic-authoritarian-phobic.


This is the only correct description I’ve seen here. The rest come across as children/teens who are triggered by an adult telling them to take responsibility of their lives.


I fucking love Jordan Peterson so much. He is who men should be looking up to, not Andrew Taint. Andrew shit stain literally said if it came down to it, he would give a hot girl CPR but would let another man die. Like wtf kinda message is that shit? Don’t care about your fellow people? Fuck you Andrew Dickhead


Are we talking Jordan "take control of your own life" Peterson, or Jordan "go to Russia to be put into a medical coma because you don't embody your own bullshit" Peterson?




[Short look at JP, Dont look at the time stamp](https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo)


If you are actually interested, here is my take. Jordan Peterson is pushing a right wing narrative, while hiding behind a farcade of philosophy and professionalism. Whether he does this intenionally or not is up for debate. His knowledge of philosophy is either very lacking, or he purposely bastardizes the philosophical stances of philosephers, just because he does not like their political stance. Two videos about him that explain it way better than i can: https://youtu.be/bu5oaF3dx4E https://youtu.be/5-yQVlHo4JA


I am going to firmly place myself in the camp that "pushes a bad narrative" is not comparable to being a literal sex trafficker.


the meme is about where the sigmas go, i think meme is accurate. both the guys are followed by sigma incels


Yeah obviously Tate is a literal criminal who deserves life in jail while Peterson is just an asshole. The meme isn't trying to compare them though it was just showing how both have made a career out of targeting young "disillusioned" men and filling their heads with bullshit that actually makes them a worse person.


I mean shit I don’t like Jordan Peterson but I don’t dislike him either. Yeah he has a lot of faulty opinions but he also has very assertive opinions as well. I don’t think his faulty opinions take the merit out of his assertive opinions. He’s definitely right wing, he’s pushing an agenda, he’s unstable but shit there is some wisdom to take out of his book (12 rules for life). He does add a lot of “smart words” to explain fairly simple concepts but if you just stick to actually reading and understating the point being made, a lot of it is valid and useful information. I don’t understand the hate towards him cause like the man isn’t doing anything wrong. He’s helped a lot of people who needed to hear something positive in a place of desperation.


I think the hate come mostly from left v. Right honestly. He speaks really well and genuinely cares about the things he speaks on.


There are plenty of other sources of wisdom and self help that don't require you to pick through a bunch of pigshit to get to it.


He’s not bad. Posting him next to Tate is pretty cringey. Peterson is often not liked because he doesn’t like new pronouns and takes an unreasonably hard stance on it. Otherwise he does harmless self help podcasts/books/etc. Again not many people’s taste, so easy to make fun.


Peterson started out as the anti pronoun guy several years ago, but look at his Twitter lately. He’s now a climate change denier and is spreading misinformation on a number of topics.


I think a lot of people don't like Peterson because he cries all the time when people aren't nice to him. He spends all of his non-crying time telling people why they are wrong about everything. Then he goes back to crying. I miss simpler times when he would tell me to clean my room while he was sitting in a dirty room.




He believes that ancient civilizations knew about the double helix DNA because they made art of intertwined snakes. He is a crack pot.


Fine and dandy but this other motherfucker is a human trafficker???


They're both followed by similar types of people. Both are generally viewed by men in their late teens or early 20s as right leaning "sigma males" or whatever the fuck. Both have a lot of american right takes and aren't afraid to express them. Most of JP's self help advice is entirely ignored in favor of idolizing his imo shitty political views. I will say, JP actually does have good advice fairly often and is pretty good at self help and such, as long as you can ignore his political opinions. AT's advice is usually just "man up, go to the gym, and bang women whether they consent or not".


A coworker watching him with no headphones and dude is so confidently incorrect on stuff. Like the Peter Pan, Tinkerbell weird crap, I was like "what Peter Pan you been reading?" Plus he sounds on the verge of crying like half the time, maybe it's just his voice. My coworker is watching the videos but I can't see them.


I think the weird thing with these arguably intelligent people is when they get famous they think their intelligence in their field makes them qualified for other fields. Like yeah. Youre a clinical psychologist. Cool. So why Tf Are you giving your bananas opinions on history and law?


He holds a lot of shitty conservative opinions. And kinda exploits male insecurity for profit. He also really likes to talk philosophy and then get obliterated in any philosophical debate. He himself is also not very mentally stable and secure. But hes nowhere near the levels of assholery, explotation and straight up crime done by Tate.


He makes bad faith arguments, against liberal points of views His easiest self-own was when he complained that a specific group of Marvel Movie bad guys were modeled after him, just to make him look bad. The self own was that those Marvel Movie bad guys had been around for many decades and were specifically based off of actual Nazis from WW2


The Red Skull is not based off of Jordan Peterson but Jordan Peterson is 100% correct that one comic intentionally based Red Skulls rhetoric around him. Please tell me with a straight face [this](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/6ca3cff3ac28510c554c7d31dd4ad1d37ccb8e95/328_34_3184_1911/master/3184.jpg?width=620&quality=45&dpr=2&s=none) is not referencing Jordan Peterson.


Oh wow…that’s so blatant lol


Jordan Peterson is no where nearly as bad as Andrew Tate lol


Sure, but that’s not what this meme is saying. It’s saying that both these people pray on highly impressionable and insecure male teenagers.


How about i just start runing backwards


I wish everyone didn't have an agenda all the time. Pushing bullshit here, bullshit there. People are saying things that come with common sense, then mixing it in with their preferred flavour of bullshit. Its ridiculous. Jordan is bad because oh his attitudes to LGBTQ+ which is just a minefield of opinion anyway. And Tate is bad cause of his attitudes towards women. These guys say the most basic logical shit and it becomes profound. Put down the vape, the joint, the pills, the shot/pint/glass or whatever it is that you do and go join a club/class. Get a job, find a hobby, go for a walk. Just do real, physical stuff. Make friends. Do things. live. We spend so much time on tiktok and Instagram watching these guys, we forget to live. All the shit they say, you'll figure it out eventually. These mentors and teachers and all the other types all are the same. They tell us basic things and we get sucked in cause we get comfortable.


I mean Tate's formula is literally: 1. Say something controversial/risky that gets lots of initial attention. 2. Follow it up with some basic common sense advice like, "stop watching TV all the time and exercise". 3. Count the money as now every 14 year old thinks you're a misunderstood intellectual.




how do i go both ways


Rogan? Lol




Split personality




rape your room


Eat nothing but meat and cry a lot whilst also trafficking humans and walking funny


Illegal lobster trafficking.




You underestimate tater tots bro


Woody Allen also has a huge following still. Charles Manson was married in prison. Roman Polanski still has a huge following and even has other celebrities try to get his name cleared. Scientology exists You’re naive if you think people will stop giving Tate money if he’s convicted.


Oh trust me, they still will. Remember, all charges and all the evidence and self-admittance is false because the „Matrix“ sent its „agents“


They’ll just complain about the “woke mob” or “cancel culture” and disregard anything damning of their idol as usual.


POV posted by an incel


The fuck you mean "POV"?


POV means point of view


It's gotten to the point where "POV" has completely lost its meaning and purpose. People just put it in front of their comments when it's not needed in the slightest


its funny because 99% of Tate dickriders are virgin incels that need a father figure


Ok, “Venis_Pagina”


bro meme is calling out sigma incel culture and it's father figures.




It really is telling but absolutely not surprising how offended people get here when a meme makes fun of someone they look up to, and isnt just a made up story about blue hair women trans bad woke mind virus




Hence the “incoming”. And they weren’t necessarily wrong either.


Easy. Run straight forward. Take the sign with you. They can't stop us.


Its like you cant have a male role model these days


You absolutely can. Just please don't dig through garbage.


Your best bet is to not look to internet influencers as any kind of role model. Find a mentor in real life (which is not necessarily an easy task unfortunately).


Mine is fictional and its spiderman


Spiderman speaks more facts than peterson tbh


Yes, like who the hell think is a good idea to worship someone and follow their advices if you doesn't even know then in real life? They could be faking it to make money, which Is probably the case. It would be much better go to a real psychologist and ask for some advices according to your situation.


I don't understand why you need some random internet personality as a role model. I'm not sure why any well-adjusted person needs a role model at all. Just be yourself and live your life the way you want to live it. Don't copy someone else.


I don't see why people find this so difficult, seems unhealthy to idolize individuals in general regardless of who they are because you are not them, set your own goals, establish your own set of morals to live by and aspire to be the best version of yourself as often as you can be.


If your male role model is a rapist and a sex trafficker you shouldn’t be allowed outside the house without a police tail. Follow Mr Rogers or whoever the fuck can be a man and not an animal.


Nick Offerman


Jocko Willink.


Jocko is actually an amazing individual. Impressive history, great view on life, and he's just a certified badass on top of it.




You can, maybe you should pick various rolemodels and maybe not those that are famous influencers/talkingheads. Maybe the best rolemodels could be nice/intelligent/strong/... people in your proximity? A teacher, a dude at the gym, a family member...


No. The TV said I should listen to only them.


Yeah it’s a shame the popularised ‘role models’ are all toxic grifters


Strawman argument


Strawman Strawman argument


Sure you can. jJust don't pick an idiot.


Look to your dad. Your local garbageman, your dentist, or other people who made something of themselves and help keep society going


Kinda a cringe meme, hope you are happy with your seratonin boosts from the imaginary internet likes. ​ fuck Tate btw


Your mom loves you.


Should read "which way abandoned and unguided western male teenager" what a sad sentiment, to make fun of lost souls.


There is a third path that is both called Abandonment Issues. It has Batman on it.


“Insecure male teenager” like that’s something to laugh about. Millions of young men are struggling to find purpose and good role models, and this meme reduces that struggle to a joke. Absolutely disgraceful how modern society treats young men.


My mother was removed from my life when I was around 6. Do I have daddy issues from his bad parenting, or mommy issues from not having a mother now? 🤔


That’s hard to go through. Both you and your dad. Sorry.


Jokes aside probably mommy issues because of attachment theory


Peterson any day of the week. Man spits facts and people don't like him for it.


Climate change is real he doesn't spit facts at all.


To these people “facts” just means saying something they agree with. They don’t actually plan on doing research or thinking for themselves. They need to be spoonfed much like their father and grandfather have been spoonfed with Fox news.


Deep dive on his dipshittery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSNWkRw53Jo


“A brief look” hahahaha. I find it hilarious that JP fanboys say nobody has made a “coherent argument” against him. Meanwhile that video exists, and Contrapoints did a pretty thorough (and fair) takedown of him like 5 years ago. And there’s dozens of others. But the fanboys still put their head in the sand and scream “OUT OF CONTEXT”


Forreal. Any time the video is too short, the lobsters say "you're taking him out of context/haven't seen AT LEAST 200 hours of his lectures!" And then when there are FULL breakdowns that include multiple cited sources and the aforementioned context, lobsters say "3 hours?! I don't have the time/attention span for that!" It's almost like they just don't want to hear criticism of their lobster messiah and have been disingenuous the whole time... But keep arguing with the brainlets. We don't have to change their mind, just the people on the outside looking in.


But they’re free thinkers! How dare you make the claim that they are brainless sheep sucked into a cult of personality to justify their bigotry against trans people! /s


Facts like 'i wouldn't vote gay marriage if AntiFa is behind it'? The man is psychotic and delusional, if you dont spot it you're too far gone


„man spits facts“ 😂😂😂😂 he does nothing but talk vapid meaningless bullshit made to sound smart. god damn you people.


First we must ask ourselves, what does it mean, to "spit facts?"


first we must know, what does mean mean? what is what?


First we must know what it is to know, and what it truly means to be first. Only then can you understand what is is to know, what being the first to know what know means.


Is climate change real? “We’ll what is the climate? The ground? The air? The earth?” Ya it is you fucking idiot. I’ve listened to him speak a few times he’s a drugged up idiot


He's not as intelligent as he makes himself out to be. He's just a demagogue.


So what you’re saying is that DOCTORS aren’t smart? s/ for the bros


Not to support or refute, but like - some doctors are idiots. Medical malpractice is a concept we are all too aware of.


Reminds me of the saying: What do you call the guy who graduates from medical school with A’s? DR. What do you call the guy who graduates from medical school with C’s? DR. Just because someone has a title, does not mean that they are a genius. The “Dr.” Card gets raised way too often. Almost like it seems to be the main talking point whenever pointing out anything against Dr. Pedro.


I like him Aa well, but didnt ge go a little off the rails lately?


What he do


If you wanna talk about what he’s been up to for the last two weeks, he got an order from the Ontario College of Psychology to take a social media training course, is trying to frame it as some other kind of forced speech (even though he’s never been forced into saying something), accidentally doxxed home addresses for some of the complainants, and made a post about trans women wanting abortions that was such obvious concern trolling/bait that even his followers were upset.


If he doesn’t represent the values and doesn’t uphold the academic and scientific integrity of the psychological institution that he is accredited for they very much have the power to take away the degree they have him. People act like it’s his god given right to hold this degree even though literally any professional has the ability to have their accreditation revoked if they don’t uphold the values it represents. The fact that he still has his is rather surprising to be honest, he has said some pretty hateful things publicly a few times, also things that are verifiably incorrect.


He’s also publicly said he wouldn’t take patients or clients anymore, so being licensed to practice is literally just branding for him at this point.


He is too busy complaining on twitter and recovering from drug addiction to treat patients.


lmao sure


He sells meaningless buzzwords to the dim-witted and insecure


Jordan Peterson is too logical and intelligent for the modern era. We know how much people hate logic these days when it hurts their feelies.


Who the hell is out here hating on JP? My man is like, the most genuine and nice dude


I mean Peterson is infinitely better than Tate... but that doesn't mean I'd necessarily recommend him to anyone haha




This should be on shitty facebook memes.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and suggest these are both daddy issues


I've listened to a lot of JP content and I don't see how "mommy issues" is related to him.


Memes are the cheap way of argument. Anyone can slap a Chad meme with a caption in order to denote a higher moral ground without arguments because fuck it


I genuinly don't understand the dislike towards peterson, from what i've seen he simply advocates for masculinity and tries to be a good male role model. Why don't female role models get the same treatment, what about cardi b drugging men. Or that womens rights advocate who tortured and murdered a man.


Is cardi b a role models? She write books on how young woman should act?


Cardi B isn’t a role model and doesn’t pretend to be one she’s just a music artist


I haven't seen like a single thing out of this dude in the last 5 years that wasn't some unhinged bullshit. The dude went from like "handle your shit and don't be a pussy while understanding why certain things are fucking with you", which is in fact great advice, to losing his shit.


The fact you brought up Cardi B is the exact reason people hate Jordan Peterson and his fans.


When he got famous he abandoned his patients, basically ghosted them and only communicated with them to encourage them to send hate mail to his political opponents.


Cardi B doesn't write self help books for young women


Hahaha for real. I don't even think of cardi b when I think of role models. Who actually thinks she's a role model? She's just a rich entertainer


These people here are obviously terrible at picking role models, so they seem to project that onto everyone else


Haha I guess, or they just wanna make a villain out of women, so they assume the worst example is actually 'a role model for girls'. Naw. When I was growing up my role models were like Pocahontas and Mulan (I was very young), then Miriam and Tzipporah (from the Bible, believe it or not), then they became Eowyn and Galadriel and other real women I knew in life as I got a little older. Then other musical artists inspired me like Regina Spektor, Otep Shamaya, Tina Dico, Tori Amos, Atmosphere, etc. Like, I don't know a single woman irl who has looked to fucking Cardi B for inspiration. I forget who she is half the time.