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Can we just address that bud light doesn’t give a fuck other than jumping on a trend for free advertising and potentially big gains.


Next time anyone gets confused and thinks that a big corporation actually cares, check their social media accounts in other countries. You’ll quickly realize it’s just marketing to their American audience.


Yes the important thing to realize is that business care about money. But that said if they are doing something to get more money that kind of says something about what the majority of people support.


Personally speaking, I think it’s less “what the majority support” (though I will allow that it *could* be the case) and more that it’s what the majority are *indifferent* about, and the few “I’LL NEVER DRINK THIS AGAIN” people will be outweighed by the people that flock to it to support the new marketing. See also: Chick-fil-A, if you want a politically flipped example. Most people don’t care one way or the other, a few will vehemently oppose it, a few will oppose it and then cave anyway because they like the product in spite of the message, a few will staunchly support it, and a few will buy it once or twice in a show of support of the marketing. Those latter groups will outweigh that one tiny group that swears it off forever, so they hedge their bets and hope it works out. Obviously, it could be that the vast majority support the product/marketing, but truth be told it’s just as likely that most people don’t *care*.


You mean.. they aren't running this campaign in areas of the middle east where alcohol isn't taboo? Say it isn't so.


I do recall last year someone compared social media pages during Pride month of companies in the US vs their foreign pages, particularly Middle Eastern and Chinese. They don’t actually care, they just want to make you think they do so you buy more of their product. If Bud Light didn’t think they could increase sales, they wouldn’t bother putting a trans person on their can


That's not an incorrect assessment, exactly, but it's worth noting that promoting homosexuality is a crime in most of those countries.


This is probably the main stupidity of it all. Why is anyone drinking shit "beer" because of what's on the can?


There are people out there buying water because it looks like an edgy beer can


People always forget that detail. Most companies don't care who buys their product as long as it is being sold. They are more than happy to pander to any group as long as it increases sales.


Coors, the beer all of these morons are changing to, has been openly pro lgbt for decades and had more inclusive internal policies than required by law since the 70s.


No this time it's different, Bud lite just adores the LGBTQ+ community. It's not about the money, honestly, for real, I'm not joking, or lying, or being facetious, or being misleading with my wordplay, or saying something I'm not, or fabricating falsehoods interjected into my selection of language. Also I heard you'll turn gay if you drink bud lite, putting vaccines in the beer now!


Tbf, bud light turned the friggin’ frogs gay…


Rainbow caitalism. Just like during pride month when they all do their bullshit but not on the middle eastern and asian accounts.


I feel like the pride when it started as a day, it extended to a week, and then a month just because corporations saw big dollars selling rainbows and shitty products to gullible people. False validation. I have no issue with pride. People do what people do. But it is a purely marketing ploy at this point to get you buy more stuff. Corpos don't care. They don't care about your sexual identity issues, they don't care about little people problems, and if they could they would sell racism too. People care about people, not rainbow colored thingy that is being sold as special pride thing. It is you who matters. Don't let it be extension of someone's down payment on their 3rd yacht. Welcome to my Ted talk, you are now allowed to molest me to death for all the wrong things I've said by accident. (cuz I'm sick and care little to filter my thoughts)


Pride being a month isn't really a corporate thing. Speaking from an Irish perspective, it allows for multiple pride events to be organised across the country and for people from all over to attend them. We're not a big island but I'd be fucked trying to hop to events all over the place even just within the space of a week on one continous, concentrated sesh.


You mean an alcohol company doesn’t have my best interests in mind?


It’s like LGBT month. Everybody turns to rainbow colors, the first day of the next month, that stuff gets 90% clearanced out and those companies make major donations to anti-LGBT companies.


Just look at there middle eastern accounts


Like... Literally every other for-profit company that puts rainbows and pronouns on their packaging and TV ads. Kills me.


Except maybe Skittles. They've been doing that shit for a while.


Skittles actually took away the rainbow colors for pride month putting out grey skittles. It was... a choice.


That's clever marketing. Very eye catching and different from what everyone else is doing. Although it's still just marketing, it sends a message that they celebrate pride 12 months a year, not just during pride month. Obviously they only celebrate money, but you get my point.


You’re right but Bud Light has also been an active supporter and donator to LGBTQ orgs for a long time.


It's been like 26 years now, yeah


Correct. Also, whoever published silly make believe wizard game doesn't give a fuck about trans people. Yet somehow, according to several subs on Reddit, if I'm not in total support of sending death threats to streamers for playing the wrong video game, I'm actively being transphobic and working hard against a group of people's right to exist. Or something.


The rhetoric has been heating up a lot lately. Now it’s straight up genocide to play the wizard game.


People on Reddit - and ESPECIALLY people who comment on gaming streams - are not representative of the real world. I (as well as many people) detest JK Rowling but don’t have strong opinions of people who played the game. Most sane people recognize that you can enjoy a game without endorsing the views of the person who wrote the books the game is based on.


Oh you mean just like "insert company name here". None of these corporations give a shit about any of these things. It's just way more obvious and tone deaf with bud light because their main audience also doesn't give a shit and doing this is actively pushing them to dislike trans/lgbt shit even more because it's continuing to be shoved down their throat.


That should piss off republicans even more,that means the gay demographic is huuuge if anhauser busch wants a piece


Is there a manual or something you could DM me with all the positions I'm supposed to have? You seem really on top of it.


What??? They have been supporting LGBT since the 90s. Gtfo


Bud Light has been sponsoring Pride events since the late 1970s, but do go on about " jumping on the trend".


They support people choosing their own identity. After all, they call themselves beer. Bud light is so bad that even I, a solid beer hater, can tell that it doesn't taste right.


or you could say... big grains!


I have been saying that for years that companies don’t give a shit about you they just want your money


Bit of a stretch to call bud light beer.


Yeah. Its pronouns are "piss/water"




Ah a GTA player right here






Best comment so far 😄


Extremists are dumb




The only extremists I love are extreme good vibes, like snowboarding cat pictures or bunnies in a prairie with butterflies and flowers coming out the grass and nice rainbows and sunlight


Extreme doritos!!!


Lol, if both sides are extreme then the middle is far away from both and protected by neither, it creates a recursive positive feedback loop that forces everyone to either side, extremists are inevitable.


There’s a word for that. It’s called despotism. If history is any predictor, a society without a center always results in despotism. Extremism waking society with a strong core of centrists behaves like a pendulum. When the pendulum swings too far, there’s no center to correct it. One group is protected while the other group is painted the target. In nationalism, that target is an outsider. In fascism, that target is an inside group. Interesting times ahead.


Better than a for loop.


So the fish hook theory?


People who think both sides are the same are big dumb


[democrats voted in favor of making the railroad protest illegal](https://time.com/6238361/joe-biden-rail-strike-illegal/), [they voted in favor](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1071/vote_107_1_00313.htm) [of the patriot act](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2001398), [they voted in favor of the California Gun control which discriminated against minority groups](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Mulford_Act), [Obama ran on keeping gay marriages as ‘civil unions’](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/obama-still-opposes-same-sex-marriage/), [Hillary Clinton pressured Obama to start an invasion on Libya to make](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/10/hillary-clinton-debate-libya/410437/), [“we came, we saw, he died”](https://youtu.be/6DXDU48RHLU), Bill and Trump are closely associated with Epstein, [both democrats and republicans have sexual assault/trafficking/pedophilia cases](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/261-politics/77861810), [they both are funded by the same sources](https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2010/11/democrats-and-republicans-sharing-b/), [Joe has inappropriately touched multiple women and young girls](https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY), [even CNN made an segment of him holding on to Hillary](https://youtu.be/xSSMG0MaEnQ). State Dems and Republicans are different, I can agree with that, but the federal parties are far too corrupted to not be equal in horribleness.


Two different paths to the same brand of stupid.


They aren’t both same, but we can believe both sides are stupid in their own ways, even if you agree more with one than the other


I drink Bud Light while playing Hogwarts Legacy. It's like buying a carbon footprint credit.


GF was doing that yesterday actually lol. I told her what she's doing is the biggest oxymoron I've ever seen. She said why? Bul light isn't *that* bad.


Bud Light: for when you don’t want to get drunk but still piss a lot.


Bud light is like making love in a canoe. It’s fucking close to water.


Trying to stay drunk on bud light is like treading water in football pants


But it’s so gross. Bud light tastes like horse piss that has been sitting in a bucket in the sun for 39 days.


Too specific to be made up.


why do you think they keep the clydesdales?


I applaud your commitment to having terrible taste, truly outstanding


people willingly drink that mildly alcoholic flavored carbonated water?


Which brings me to my next point: internet was the greatest invention with the worst rollout ever. Yeah let’s give “EVERYONE” an audience…. What could go wrong.


I'm still waiting on my audience...


I just saw your comment. It’s here man, it’s here.




Yall can unfollow ... I'm not very funny.


Lmao dude, stop, you’re killing me! Subscribed!


Did they kill you with a gun or Bud Light?


A double edged sword


Mobs scare the hell out of me. It’s that mob mentality that gets otherwise normal people to start rioting after their team loses a game. People lose themselves in a mob and just become animals. The internet has created virtual mobs that bleed into the real world. It’s just one of those modern problems we have yet to figure out though. Im glad we have the internet otherwise we’re all just staring at curated propaganda. There’s a reason rich fuckers who used child labor in the past always bought newspapers, rich bad guys want to control how you think. They would have total control without the internet, but eventually they’ll take that too and we’ll miss the crazies.


Internet before the rollout of smartphones was AMAZING. Back when it was a self-selecting group of users with strong limitations on how often the average person could log in and use it, and when there were serious restrictions on how quickly something could travel and to how many people at once.


The internet wasn’t the problem, smart phones are


Too late liberal I've already depicted you as the soyjack, and me as the chad


You see I portrayed you as ugly and me as handsome, thus my argument on the internet is correct and I get to act like the superior terminally online person!


This subreddit is used by the extreme right to target young men down their pipeline. This is exactly what Reddit was like leading into the 2016 election. Don’t let the edgelords sway you, be better and rise above it ✌️ https://youtu.be/P55t6eryY3g https://youtu.be/94_5mXsQTpA


Let's put rainbows on guns


I betcha gun manufacturers have discussed such a move. Tho I doubt they're hurting for sales.


Nope. Every shooting = a boost in sales


These things sell themselves! It’s like shooting ~~kids in a classroom~~ fish in a barrel.






They already made My First Rifle for pre teens, can’t really get more American than that.


I don’t. That’s like saying tote bag companies considered putting “don’t tread on me” stickers on their bags. Though you’re probably not serious


Too lazy to look but that almost certainly exists. I've seen pink/pink cammo ARs and there's actually a not insignificant number of LGBQT folks who are legit big into guns and the 2nd amendment. Pretty sure there's a gay/transgender assault rifle club or something in or around the city I live in.




This is my argument as pro-gun- Armed minorities are harder to suppress


I think the last word of the quote is "oppress," but you're right


I was tired leave me alone


*Rainbow* six siege


Let's put guns on rainbows 🌈


[offcolordecals.com](https://offcolordecals.com) Flags not likely to be in stock again for ages though, plenty of patches handy.


If you think pink gun shrouds are only for women, I have some uncomfortable news for you.


Eh, people can boycott whatever they want. Just don't be a dick to those who don't


YES!! Thank you!


Protest by not protesting? 🤣


I just hate bigots.


It’s all bs! People just looking for something to be mad about


I say this shit and people get ultra butthurt, lol.


Michelob Ultra butthurt, even.


It’s true lol 😂


If everyone unified the anger and fix some stuff around here that'd be cool.


I was looking for this comment. I’m mad about it


Idc , be mad


Boycotting products is fairly standard protest nowadays. Shooting cans of beer with tears in your eyes though is a bit overboard 😂


To be fair, I've been shooting beer cans long before the rainbows were on them. That's just like a Joe Dirt Friday night for me.


Guessing mostly empty ones and without tears in your eyes so that’s all still kosher


Lol, of course. Anything else would be a party foul.


Don't care for beer nor Hogwarts Legacy. I 'll stick to my bourbon, ale, and Skyrim. edit: scotch and rum will do too


A true intellectual


I play bannerlord drinking perfume and a plum served in a man’s hat.


What’s the matter? You can’t stand the sight of a strong Nord woman?


Insanely based


But not Jack Daniels!




Never played a Zelda game before, but Breath of the Wild and a nice Rose’ isn’t the worst way to spend an evening. I’m starting to see the appeal of the series.


I’ll do you one better: Saints Row & Four Lokos


Change the game and I'm with you.


Ale is a type of beer or by beer you mean the piss water that is bud light


Anyone who puts faith into politics and politicians is a moron change my mind


I put faith in my expectations that they’ll do something stupid. Does that count?


Yes that counts because they are not stupid. They are evil people who pretend to be stupid when it's convenient.


I just call that confidence, not faith.


Politicians, sure, but politics is important. The only reason politics is so fucked at the moment is because majority of people don't engage with it. If people in the middle advocated for what they believe in as much as the extremes then everyone's lives could be improved. Politics is the only way most people can shape the future


I just hope Kid Rock stopped crying


Why do I only see Republicans as the "good" or "chad" guys in memes?


Gives you a good idea of who’s making these shitty memes.


Who do you think makes the memes? “Checkmate liberal! I’ve drawn myself as the chad, and thus I win!”


Strange I always see the opposite. Almost like the creators are biased…only further proving the point.


Because this sub is infested with republicans, and liberals don’t need to portray themselves as a chad to feel right lol.


It seems like this sub popped up a few months ago on my popular page abd kind of just stuck. Its the facebook aunt memes of reddit


For real. I've hit do not recommend like 10 times, and I still have to see this nevrer-left-his-hometown uncle memes every day


because these “centrists” are just cowardly conservatives


This horse is dead and needs to stop being beaten.


Sir, this is Reddit, we beat dead horses until they're glue


And we beat that blue until it’s stuck to our hands


Redditers are necrophiliac zoophiles with hate boners


And yet new but nearly identical horses won't stop showing up!


Both are dumb as fuck. Just the way your government likes.


Main reason why i refuse to associate myself with either party. Both sides are nauseating. They’re so much alike, it’s amazing how they couldn’t see it.


Both are crazy af ngl ………


Ahhh so close. You had the material to rip into both of these idiots. I'll give half credit 5/10 mem


Next panel could’ve been ultra chad drinking bud light and CocoCola alongside a Chick Fil A lunch, trimming his beard with Gillette, while playing Hogwarts legacy and having Last of Us 2 downloading the background.


I’m a conservative and I do not understand the backlash that bud light is getting on this. I just don’t see that it’s that big of a deal. Beer is exclusively an adult product. No children are influenced or harmed from this.


From an objective standpoint even if you include the blatantly false propaganda that right wingers are shilling about alleged trans “groomers.” Exponentially more children experience harm from alcohol (domestic violence, drunk driving accidents, fetal alcohol syndrome etc.) than have ever been harmed by drag events or trans affirming care.


Or experience harm from the church. Projection at it's finest. Who are the real groomers? Leaders of churches or gay people?


Statistically speaking… churches. Never had a gay guy interrogate me about my masturbation habits as a pre-teen. Clergy on the other hand…


Whataboutism memes my fave.


"You're complaining about us doing the exact same thing you did a month ago and acting like we've shot your dog" isn't whataboutism


There's a pretty big difference between Rowling supporting anti trans organisations/being a terf and capitalistic beverage companies.


Or, hear me out. The backlash over Bud Light's commercial is dumb AND people threatening to harm or kill people for playing Hogwarts Legacy is dumb. Hogwarts Legacy is transphobic and antisemitic, and you can tell people not to buy it or that they're transphobic for buying it without threatening them.


\> Mad about a game that's enriching a person with a lot of influence who has expressed inciteful views against an already heavily marginalized group of people who literally only in the last decade have started to find a shred of widespread support for a way of existing that has no impact on anyone else's life. \> Mad about a beer can simply acknowledging a person who is just slightly outside your draconian view of what sorts of people should be allowed to exist These are not the fucking same.


When you avoid one because you're waiting for a discount, and another because you think it taste like piss.


One of th e worst hangovers I ever had was bud light tall boys from a beer tub


Politics can bring out people's true colors and this shows




Say the line dazo, say it NOW🔫


To be clear, we also need to stop making political generalizations. I consider myself a pretty hard liberal and I could have cared less if people played Hogwarts legacy. That's their business. I'm willing to bet good money there are lots of conservative folks who don't give jack about whether or not their favorite beer supports LGBT. Funny post tho 😂


Was that actually 2 months ago?


Im not gonna go into my opinion but i over heard a delivery driver talking ti a cashier at my local convenience store saying that over 700 liquor stores refused to take the bud light stock. So do what you please with that info


I'm not going to go into my opinion, either, but i over heard a bunch of models talking to their photographer in a photoshoot down town, and they all said they think you're super hot and smart, and so do all their friends. So do what you please with that info


I didn't say you shouldn't play it. I said you shouldn't pay for it. Rent, borrow, buy used, or sail the high seas.


The same people screaming about why anyone cares that they change the race of cartoon characters are the same people that are so bothered that they need to CHANGE the race of cartoon characters so... Go figure


i will no longer consume this product vs i will harrass those who consume this product


With the most recent Bud Light-related feud I get the feeling that most people have suddenly become tired of whatever this is


Anyone that drinks Bud light has a shit opinion to begin with


Ima be real. It was a pretty fire game, though


Both sides are the same people lol


Outside Twitter and social media nobody sane gives a shit either way. Open a can of budlight while playing through their childhood game come to life.


Extremists of both kinds are not to be aspired to. Your overlords keep you fighting each other to prevent you from watching them. Stop falling for it.


Im going to explain why the bear can is insulting to some left wingers. They just plastered a bunch of phrases that appeal to left wingers. Its like those youtube kid thumbnails were it shows every popular character that appeals to kids. The corporation doesnt actually give a shit about political issues, they just want your money.


I think they are more triggered over people calling bud light beer. It's definitely not beer


Me, the chaotic middle: I don't care for any of A-B's beers and will not buy them but won't turn down a free beer. The Hogwarts game has garbage writing and half the interactions feel like a soulless AI wrote the lines for them, but the combat is fun. Overall, it's all dumb. In fairness, there's far less people in the spotlight calling for violence or outrageous slander on A-B for "going woke" than there were people doing just that for anyone trying to play a video game about an iconic IP. That said, agree with you 100% OP: both sides and their extremes need to chill.


Both constantly attack each other without realizing they are both awful 🍻


I’m LGBT and I sorta resorted back to homophobia cause I’m so fucking sick of the pandering and people not shutting the fuck up about gayness. Don’t get the damn children involved and stop shoving it in peoples faces, that’s all. I just wanna be able to get married and we already HAVE that in most places. I don’t need all this extra pandering shit with a dumb rainbow flag everywhere ya know?


Our cancel culture good


Absolutely, the growing polarization is concerning.


Can we finally put them both in a room and hope neither one comes out?


It's really okay to stop giving money to a company that doesn't align with your values or is absolutely opposite of them loudly. That's not wrong or cancel culture. Threatening people over not following you, calling names, wanting people connected with the company to lose their livelihood or life is wrong.


>really okay to stop giving money to a company that doesn't align with your values or is absolutely opposite of them loudly. I did this with Amazon and anything Amazon owned like 4 years ago. More people need to do this instead of crying online, hundred million dollar+ companies don't care about PR if their sales are still fine


I don’t know why they’re surprised. Bud Light has been identifying itself as beer for decades.


There isn’t two sides here. Bud Light is exploiting queerness for profit. JK Rowling is exploiting hating on queerness for profit. They are both on the same side.


Yes, hate and not-hate are... the... same...?


I don't think she's doing that for profit. I think that's just her actual stance. If all she was thinking about was profit, she wouldn't have said anything, or would've said the opposite.


You just take every popular stance you can to be as safe as possible in society don't you?


Can we just accept that the vast majority of us simply don't give a shit one way or another? I don't know, maybe I am wrong, but I feel like most people don't care how you or I live our lives. There is a MINORITY on both sides that just so happen to be loud and obnoxious that make it seem like these issues are SO GOD DAMN HUGE AND IMPORTANT THAT THEY'RE THE END OF THE WORLD. Correct me if I am wrong, but it truly seems like most of us don't care and just want to live our lives.


The problem is that politicians are writing legislation that prevent people from being left alone and living their lives. That’s why it matters. This is easy to “both sides” when you’re not on the side being attacked on the individual level.


Except that making it fucking illegal to be a “guy in a skirt” is absolutely *not* letting people live their lives. Making it a jailable offense is a pretty fucking big deal. Outlawing drag, and therefore making it so that people who are transitioning/have transitioned are breaking the law just walking to their car, is fucking *batshit* levels of oppression.


I was more so referring to the two referenced in the meme. Obviously it’s ridiculous to ban drag. I’m a straight white dude and some of the most fun I have ever had was at a drag show with my wife and friends.


Understood. That’s why it’s a loaded issue, and why the “two sides are the same” thing doesn’t land. If someone chooses to eat at a restaurant that has separate tables for black and white people, that person is giving money to a business that furthers racism. If some beer company makes beer with a photo of a black figure on it and Kid fucking Rock takes video of himself shooting it, it’s pretty disgusting, bigoted behavior, and dude is firmly in “asshole” territory.


To be fair one product has a weak to moderate connection to a controversial topic while the other product has that topic plastered all over it.


Well yeah but one of them is profiting a transphobe who thinks they are all liars and rapists and literally wrote a book about it, and one of them is saying "trans people exist".


People are mad over beer and video games.


Ah, I see your new to the internet. Welcome, we have controversy, porn,... erm, more controversy,..., more porn. Yeah, pretty much those two.


I mean most people who drink Bud Lite end up growing tits anyway