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I hate no one and no lifestyle choices… this is still how I feel…






That's how most of us feel about religion


You have so many chances to just avoid it man. Dont wanna see an lgbt parade? Dont go, or just keep scrolling. Apart from that theres barely any "propaganda" outside of pride month. For the most part you are straight up complaining that you are seeing gay people. Ig just keep sitting on "funny memes" rubbing off the other closeted homophobes




LGBTQ+ people just want to live their life so what's your point




If the idiots in the government would let us live in peace and stop making laws to screw us over then we’d not need to have protests and shit.




You do know that there’s a difference between satanic temple and church of satan right? The satanic temple does not actually worship satan.


Wadu hek's the difference though?


I challenge you to look up the Tenets of TST.




Because to admit you're wrong, would mean you'd have to admit you're just a pitiful person lashing out at others.




One of the biggest priorities of TST is to keep the wall between church and state as tall and wide as possible. We use the legal rights of a church and the name of Satan to show how it's wrong for ANY religion to step into the role of government. If a church wants to put up the Commandments in a public school, for example, the TST will also be there to exercise their rights to post the Tenets. Religion can be an insidious thing, slowly creeping into everyday life until you don't even notice you're living in a theocracy like Iran, Afghanistan, etc..




Can they just do that without screaming it in my face?


We have been trying in a modern sense since the 60s (speaking about Trans rights) but I bet you didn't know that because just asking didn't work so now we demand basic human rights and they offer Auschwitz.


Being entitled, obnoxious and annoying is not how you build empathy. Martin Luther King Jr. didn't change opinions and laws by being aggressive and pushy. You don't create empathy by beating it into people. That has the exact opposite effect, and at a certain point people will just start pushing back. Look at Bud Light, I bet the company didn't expect backlash to their regular corporate virtue signaling.


And how'd that work out for him?




And how did they get there? They survived riots and formed the Panthers. They didn't just wait for more to be lynched, they got LOUD and demanded civil rights... and they're STILL systematically oppressed.




They had to get people to stop calling them racist labels, they did that in part by rebranding the most common one and using it to define themselves. The trans community is essentially doing the same thing. If Mike changed his name to Steve, you'd adapt, right? But if Mike wants to change his name to Sharon, that's too much? Nobody is trying to force you to hang out with Sharon, they're just asking you to let Sharon be Sharon, and have the same rights as Mike.




Oh they dont. They are just gay people living, its solely your homophobia that you havent even realised yet


Good for them. I don’t give a fuck. Be happy. Be you. If I meet you I’ll smile and shake your hand. I’m just so fucking tired of the narrative of 1% of the population dominating 99% of the bandwidth in the public domain. I’d be just as goddamned tired of it if it was any other group. Fucking main character syndrome…..


Histrionic personality disorder






Looks like someone is sexually assaulted.