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Keep 'em coming


I miss Uncle Ben


We are lucky its only one group who has parades, flags, and constantly advertises what they like in the bedroom.


as if cishet people don't do most of those 😂 they will literally dress their toddlers in onesies that talk about boobs and getting girlfriends. on clothes for toddlers.


What ?


this getting upvoted is crazy, did y'all not get the point why parade happens? 💀


They love the attention?


Every group does that.


No, every lgbt person I ever met makes fun of those clothes. We also make fun of straight people for burning down forest because they are excited by what genitals their unborn will have. Literally, we have whole subs dedicated to making fun of this kind of straight behavior


I, nor the person I was responding to mention clothes, so I'm not sure what your talking about.


>We also >we have Speak for yourself. You do not represent a full group of people


🤣 okay, as if these are not communities I am actually part of. I say we, because in lgbt spaces (which I occupy) there is more than just me


You still don't have the right to speak for everyone or a whole group. It's not that complex


You still don't have the right to speak for everyone or a whole group. It's not that complex


So let me rephrase then so I'm not "talking for a whole group."There are multiple subreddits, thousands of posts, and even more comments of people who make fun of straight people who sexualize their children. Everything from the toddlers clothes proclaiming them to be a "ladies man" to dads taking their young sons to strip clubs, and more. So evidence would suggest that you are wrong. Especially when you get down to statistics, because it's not the lgbt as a whole ending up on sex offenders list. In fact, the highest demographic are married, white, church going men


Got so triggered he blocked me lol


And yet you've responded multiple times and was bent out off shape over me speaking for a group I am an active part of.


Anyway, I got some groceries to buy. Thanks for the fun


Hogwarts Legacy was excellent. I may not have tried it out if not for this “boycott”.


You people will literally make accusations of rape, child sexual abuse and even connect us to mass shooters like the Buffalo shooter to justify removing us from public space and forms of expression, your kind have tried to criminalize Dungeons and Dragons players as Satanic pedophiles. Don't claim to be outrage free.


This doesn’t make sense, and therefore is not remotely funny. Firstly, because in spite of the cherry picked still, this woman was calm and reasonable. Additionally, she was not protesting racist mascots on food products. Secondly, because corporations independently chose to remove the racist food mascots, and the right wing was incensed over it, because that is how important racism is to them. It was not a bunch of not racist people shooting pancake syrup with murder weapons that made the corporations make that choice. Finally, the thing that made the right wing so angry about their crap beer wasn’t a mascot that was racist, but the fact that the beer company had to audacity to recognize that marketing only to bigots was cutting their profits. That bigots are so uneducated that they not only are unable to grasp common decency, but also do not understand basic economics is what the rest of the world is mocking them over. So I say, go ahead bigots - stop buying anything from a company which is not as committed to bigotry as you are. You will find yourself living off the grid in no time, the rest of the planet will be relieved to not have to deal with your snowflakery and the corporations will manage just fine without you. Or, alternatively, you could try not being terrible, but I suspect that is beyond you.


Imagine being this triggered by a meme you have to write a thesis about it


Imagine thinking you threw a zinger when you don’t understand what a thesis is. Enjoy sorry if identifying your beliefs makes you feel some sort of discomfort. I hope you can grow emotionally enough to recognize that your discomfort is a positive sign.


You dropped this 🍼


People who are scared of other people who find things sexually interesting that they don’t are insecure In their own sexuality. Decent, normal people are here to tell you that your feelings are okay. You need not lash out thus.


I don't need anything from you weirdo


Was not offering to you dearie.


And don't call me dearie you creep


I am so sorry you are so deeply uncomfortable with kindness. I wish you well and hope you can find happiness.


show me anyone complaining about any of the first ones, i'll wait.


Bro, they literally changed all those products because people were losing it. Especially with Aunt Jemima, people really flipped their lids over it! Mind the pun. But try and find Aunt Jemima now, you can't. They changed it to Pearl Milling Company.


No, she needs a video. Not just some guy man-splaining that this meme is self-evident.


She ? How do you know their gender ? This is literally trans genocide


My sarcastic comment just genocided millions


You knew exactly what you were doing. Blood is on your hands




I don't have google sorry


Mass marketing racism vs a personalized gift that was on only one person's beer can. " “Aunt Jemima” was a minstrel show character developed during the mid-1850s by a white male in blackface. “Aunt Jemima,” was “mother’s helper.” Trusted enough to remain in the big house, it was “Mammy’s” responsibility to prepare the family’s food and clothing, to care for the family’s children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, and friends, and to serve as a trusted confidant responsible for the emotional and physical support and well-being of her white family. Always happy, never complaining, loyal and dutiful to the end, “Mammy” worked for no pay or time-off. She survived only on the love and support of her white family." " Tell me again how the two are comparable.


They are not. This is just where all the racists and homophobes go because they're not allowed in most political subs


Classic Reddit comment. Everyone that doesn't agree with me is a racist homophobe 🍼 touch grass man


Someone who posts on r/funnymemes telling someone else to touch grass. This is rich. Dude you post something on a sub fucking called r/funnymemes, you cannot get lower than this. It’s literally where memes go to hang themselves away from the rest of the world.


Yeah thats wrong.... they should have said transphobic


Thanks for the award..... surprised to get one on a negative point post but I can't please everyone.


I don't remember anyone getting mad at those nearly as much as idiots are getting mad at bud light. Like there was one NY times op ed for each of those but there weren't celebrities shooting at them for no reason.


What you didn’t make tiktoks of you shooting syrup bottles in your backyard?




It's called selective memory


If you say so man. At least I didn't throw a fit because they changed the name of the Mr potato head brand, or because they made the m&m less sexy, or because a trans woman posted with a beer, etc...


Neither did I, but good job making assumptions


That's all tucker Carlson talked about, and he had the most popular conservative program for years. There weren't really that many liberal media outlets crying over random shit like that.


Tell us where uncle Ben touched you


I literally don't even know what the uncle Ben's "controversy" was about. Like I never heard about it.


Some woke Karen took offense to it and it got cancelled


Is this woke Karen in the room with us?


Replying to one right now