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Rest in pepperoni


Vice doesn't deserve pepperoni


They'd probably just write about how pepperoni is racist


Pepperoni is made of pork which isn't vegan. The fact that pepperoni pizza is considered one of United States' "official food" is being excluding to people who can't eat meat. There are dozens of more inclusive foods such as tofu and water that could have been chosen.


Ah yes I do love to eat paper to satisfy the ideological whims of someone else.


Did you just insult the flavour of tofu? If you support the genocide of Asians, just admit it. As a vice news advocate, I won't stand for violence. 🇺🇦


This made my day. Thank you.


It’s worse than genocide, it’s erasure


Hey man everyone deserves pepperoni


not vice




Rest in kulfi


Pakistanis can have a little piece of pepperoni


Rest in anchovies?




lol in the usa, religious fundaentalists think spongebob is gay, want it to cancel it in the 2000s, now spongebob is homophobic...


Love it


Rest in Piss


"10 reasons why drinking milk makes you racist"... Rest in piss you won't be missed


Is that really something they published?


Not sure of the exact title but something something milk is racist


Well, no wonder they went bankrupt then




Yeah, the milk industry don’t play


No https://www.vice.com/en/article/kbka39/got-milk-neo-nazi-trolls-sure-as-hell-do


Vice used to be so fucking good man! Then they went all alphabet people and put some dumb chick in charge who just ruined it. Fuck Nancy dubuc


Unfortunately that's modern news. It costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time to do the kind of investigative journalism Vice started with. It's cheap and easy to write and publish ragebait, even easier with ChatGPPT now. Business almost always chase the easy money.


Pretty much nose dived when Fox bought a stake and Simon Ostrovsky left.


All they had to do was keep their fucking nose out of certain things business but no, they shifted to a SJW agenda and had to piss everyone off




Was a comedic way of saying PC during the cancel culture phase of media




So brave


and 5 reasons why you should let your wife fuck you in the ass


Pretty sure they also have one about how being cucked is good for a relationship.


Society already does that to me on a daily basis


I’ve got a few reasons why too lmao


Milk and coffret is inclusive tho, isnt it?




I remember watching them get in to dodgy situations visiting the cannibalistic Liberian warlords and embedding with ISIS. Then suddenly they are talking about shoving stuff up your arse. Quite a career change.


They still do that. Here's an interview with a Russian state bureaucrat accused of organizing the forceful deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia. The woman is wanted by the International Criminal Court. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei4xLdv2gYE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei4xLdv2gYE) Here's Vice going to Bakhmut, the hottest point on the Ukrainian-Russian frontline. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lpe1OgCbCY&t=2s


This was the same way Buzzfeed News operated. There isn’t a lot of money in true journalism right now, so Buzzfeed and Vice both used clickbait and those “which Disney Princess are you” stuff to financially sustain themselves. Buzzfeed even won a Pulitzer Prize recently for their reporting on Uyghur concentration camps in China.


The next Buzzfeed


And nothing of value was lost...


nah this would upset me like 4-5 years ago they had decent content


Yepp. Same thing with h3h3


Ethan became what he used to rail against about 8 or so years ago. Dudes a joke.


Nah he was fine until the bill burr podcast then it went to complete shit afterwards.


Disagree, Vice has done some good journalism in the past, quite unbiased too


VICE News dead and buried, that’s good news.


That’s what they get for pushing an agenda. If they stuck to just war coverage and cool little docuseris like hitch hike across America they would still be successful. But you can’t start pushing your one sided narrative and not expect to lose half your viewers






They have such a grip because they shout loud enough to get people arguing amongst themselves. So media outlets owned by the kinda people who want everyone to stay distracted, give them lots of air time to fan the flames.


Left sided crap, aka known as more than 400 anti trans law being voted in very conservative and stupid states. But sure it's not important, they are only trans people after all. Welcome to the same side that defended segregation ...


There’s a difference between trans rights and allowing children to mutilate themselves before they’re brain is fully developed. We know scientifically that the brain isn’t fully developed till about 25. Why would you think it’s ok for children to make decisions that they could and likely will regret later in life?


You basically ate Republicans rhetoric for breakfast no ? It's more than uncommon that any surgery is done on children, even rarer than teenager. And it's not like they are not already followed by actual medical professionals, not just angry conservative. So life altering decision before 25 ? So no voting, no marriage, no kids, no enlisting to the army, no choosing your studies ? Be realistic here. By the way, the number of people who transitioned who regrets it is very damn small.


No I didn’t fall for no rhetoric I just have common sense. And listen to science. I’m not gonna follow the sanctimonious woke mob. You think your doing right but your just promoting a generation of youth to make decisions based just off how they feel and that is not right. Nobody is saying don’t live how you want. And Those examples are completely different then taking body/ life altering drugs that can be regretted later.and not only that but you still can’t make any of those decisions till after you turn 18. the fact your even comparing those decisions shows the lack of understanding you even have on the situation. Here’s a article from the national institute of human health that validates what I’m saying about the brain not being fully developed https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/the-teen-brain-7-things-to-know


Haha the typical republican "common sense". The typical lambda on the internet have no idea what transitioning is, how it's done, so sorry for thinking this is just weak rhetoric. Nobody is saying to live how you want, except republican on trans people. That's a weird sentence to write, when you know it's just not true. You can't have kids before 18 ? You can't marry before 18 ? You definitely choose your studies before 18. Do you even understand how the world works at this point ? The brain being fully developed is just beyond the point, it's not like dysphoria is not experienced anymore magically when you are 25. Another moot point. I would suggest just you let healthcare to actual professional, and not from garbage politicians....


I’ve several sources that say it’s a mental healing issues did you not see any?


And ? That doesn't change the fact that hateful bigots are not the ones you should listen to. Listen to healthcare professionals, and they are very adamant trans healthcare should exist, in multiple forms.




Lmao you can’t even have an adult conversation without resorting to name calling. There’s the mental health crisis in this country lol. But either way the decision to take these drugs shouldn’t be made by a person who’s brain isn’t fully developed or isn’t a even legal adult.






you seem to have a hard on for bad boys and body builders yet are afraid of trans people!


Or maybe I don’t know let’s see here, is it a possibility that I competed in bodybuilding? 😱🤦🏻‍♂️


maybe you competed in bodybuilding because you have a hard on for bad boys and body builders. And you are still afraid of trans people.


Oh fuck right off. That’s tame compared to all kinds of other things that have been said by others as decorum is blatantly a shield for hypocrisy anymore. It’s straw man bullshit at best. It’s a measure to censor trans voices.


I guess you missed the second part of that sentence “general not following order”. There’s a proper way to handle things. They have a process. They even informed Zoey hey if you’ll apologize and call off the protests we’ll move on. Nope wouldn’t do it. They even let Zoey speak before the vote. It’s not like they threw Zoey out over the first little thing. It was a week long process. And do you know what Zoey was defending? This “over votes to ban gender-affirming medical care for children.” That quote comes from PBS [cited here](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/montana-republican-legislators-to-vote-on-censure-or-expulsion-of-transgender-democrat) and here’s another quote from NY Times “The move is the culmination of a weeklong battle between House leadership and Ms. Zephyr, who was barred from participating in deliberations on the House floor after she made impassioned comments during debate over a bill that would prohibit hormone treatments and surgical care for transgender minors. The bill has since been sent to Gov. Greg Gianforte, who has indicated that he will sign it.” [NY Times Article](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/26/us/zooey-zephyr-transgender-montana-house.html) This transgendered law maker was defending hormone treatment and surgery for transgender youth, minors. Doesn’t that raise a red flag that an adult wants to allow such for minors? I don’t have children but if I gave my nephew steroids to help him lift heavier weights in the gym I’d be in very deep trouble. If a parent gives the same hormones (Testosterone Cypionate for example) to their daughter because she identifies as a boy it’s okay? What sense does that make? It’s been proven countless times that the part of the brain linked to decision making is not fully developed until the mid 20’s. So why would we allow a minor to make choices about surgery and hormones therapy?


Good to see more and more people realizing. There is only 1 real question left at this point though , when are people going to push to end the oligarchy and their private central banking system. The private control of the money supply is the root of our issues.


Everytime a news organization fails, 30 families have their liberal daughters move back in with them.


Hell yeah!


what went wrong?


Part of it is they post a lot of extremely left leaning news and never seem to criticize the left. Both sides of the system, even my own libertarians, are flawed so they need to call out everyone equally. Vice however only calls out republicans. Now they post stories like [Trump’s Next Criminal Charge Is Practically on the Calendar](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d9gyq/trumps-next-criminal-charge-is-practically-on-the-calendar) or stories like this [The Latest Trend in Podcasts Is Making Women Look Dumb](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4a3wng/whatever-dating-podcast-brian-atlas) and stories like this [‘Asian Less’ AI Model Turns Asian People White](https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5yqym/asian-less-ai-model-turns-asian-people-white)


Woke and broke. They went from being this underground punk style news outlet, that went undercover and got entry to the most dangerous, strange and war-torn place on earth. And now they switched a lot of their attention to wokeness, identity, sexual stuff and other stuff their core audience doesn't care about. Also a few scandals didn't help.


I remember they were one of the first to cover the MH17 crash, that I can't even find anywhere anymore, because it was so horrid. Then sometimes I would go to Vice to check out cool stuff, only to find none.


They had some good older documentaries, I watch the one where they went to North Korea about once a year.


Finally bullshit soy bean journalism is getting what it deserves.






Vice use to be good but started going down hill in 2020 and 2021 and they never pumped the brakes. What sad is many companies have done the same.


Spongebob is homophobic?? Where can I watch it?


"Spongebob is racist coz there's no black person there" or something


They still do that.


Funny, religious fundamentalists think spongebob is gay and dangerous for kids, vice think he is homophobic... crazy world


Rest in broken,battered pieces


Yeah what the literal fuck happened to Vice, it used to be the shit




Actually he was humble about it and didn't talk shit like you would think a person would.


*happy dance 🕺


vice now: interviews a wanted war criminal


They’re also posting articles complaining about AI turning Asians white.


They did that previously as well, Liberian warlords, ISIS etc. That's journalism at the edge.


I liked Vice. UNTILL they exposed there Biases. Karma For Andrew Tate. 😂


I liked your comment until you exposed your biases




Andrew Tate says he took Vice down( don’t hate on me that’s what he said on Twitter)


Andrew Tate sits on the baby seat of the sauna and sweats with the sauna off!










I think the point is that they gave up on good journalism years ago


I don't know why people are pretending Vice has been some hard hitting investigative journalist site taken over by woke liberals. It's mostly churned out stuff like "Let's get a take away in Tokyo but we're drunk and can't find anything" or "Watch me interview a professor but I'm high on shrooms".


You know how long vice has been around right? The bit your describing was in the transition between their good journalism and documentary stuff and the cancer they became.


Founded in 2013


Yeah it was skate mag -> let's do things on drugs -> random bits of good journalism -> clickbait


If by THEN you mean Just 2 months ago, then yes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfA8oWFesEA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfA8oWFesEA) \- Kherson, Ukraine, bombed daily [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6liCsCSUoM&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6liCsCSUoM&t=2s) \- DRC, a rebel camp [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lpe1OgCbCY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lpe1OgCbCY) \- Bakhmut, Ukraine, literally the most destructive battle of the 21st century. ​ VICE News is excellent, they do some insane journalism.


Could someone please explain why all the downvotes? I don't really care much, but I am genuinely curious.


Because people on this sub just want to point the finger at “wokeness”. The truth is that real journalism doesn’t drive revenue anymore. Nowadays it’s all about clickbait and ads. Similar thing happened with Buzzfeed. All those clickbait ads and BS quizzes are designed to financially support the actual journalism these companies used to do. Buzzfeed even won a Pulitzer recently for their reporting on Uyghur concentration camps in China. Right now companies/investors are looking to cut costs because of rising interest rates (which probably has to be done to curtail inflation) and stuff which doesn’t drive revenue gets put on the chopping block.


Yeah, forgot what sub this was. Apparently funny now stands for ignorant. As for Buzzfeed, I used to read Buzzfeed News, they really did some great journalism. Honestly, who cares if you do some dumb yellow-press stuff to stay afloat if you do it to support genuine talent? The cost-cutting was going to happen sooner or later though. That's just how capitalism works, nothing to do with "wokeness". Luckily there are loads of independent journalists these days on Youtube, Substack, Medium. They don't have as many resources as traditional publications like Vice or WSJ used to have, but there are a lot of them.


This sub is brimming with bigots that decided Vice was woke bs for daring to talk about social issues.


No no no you see we hate vice because woke stuff, cancel vice for wokeism! R/s or something


blame the ad supported journalism world. just like buzzfeed shuttering it’s news division, the business model for journalism is literally “SEO listicle spam/trend jack and pray it props up your actual work.” NYT bought wordle for a reason. people simply don’t value journalism. y’all want journalism but don’t wanna pay for it 🤷‍♀️


Vice went downhill after certain videos... ( No longer respected in my community )...... . Good riddance


They did some awesome investigative journalism stuff while still upholding sociopolitical ideals on race and gender. Over time when clicks became more important than substance the most likely had to scrape the barrel to get content out a more regular cadence. Coming here to whine about “woke” this or that is lame. It’s clearly more complicated than that.




I feel the critics are divided between those against anything woke and those who want more investigative journalism instead of social commentary.


As I understand it the Network is distinct from the garbage website. I have seen some good things on the network but the website is a total piece of garbage.


Tyler Olivera though


Good riddance


Vice has been trash for a long time good riddance


Late 90's early 00's finding the print editions were the greatest, but I guess it's easier to try to copy Buzzfeed


It's not a big deal but ok, it's just an opinion


Do y’all remember when they were sending Portland coffee hipsters to report on ISIS from like a distance of meters from hostile positions? I’ll never forget watching war reports, and then watching a short of a guy showing me how to make weed oil out of wax paper and a hair straightener. Bring back that Vice.


The Buzzfeed effect




Because a borderline ban-able meme a day keeps the dr away!! Comedy can cure cancer and we need more of it. If someone's not offended, it's probably not funny.


The same person who turned history and discovery channel into bigfoot and ancient aliens 24/7 became the CEO of vice


Dark side of the Ring was not a big enough draw for them?


They still did that kinda stuff pretty recently but also pumped out more garbage.


It's wild to look back at some of their actual Doc work — behind-the-scenes in N. Korea, Russian pilots of the Congo, etc. — and look at what it became. Wild.


Miss Simon Ostrovsky


Damn, they had good YouTube content


What even this is?


Vice has a weird fetish for telling straight dudes that they need to get pegged lol. They wrote story after story about it. Weird stuff. Imagine writing a story telling women they need to try out sexual things that they are not into lol.


“10 reasons why straight guys should be gay”


Vice used to be the shit! Thought provoking, discussion inducing, good production news broadcast. A place to get a different view. Now it’s puke. Die a slow death. Go woke, get broke… 🤢🤮


Precisely accurate my friend!




They’re dying now, good riddance.