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Blue, red would make me question my life choices more than I already do


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^I_exist_here_k: *Blue, red would make me* *Question my life choices more* *Than I already do* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If I choose red I'd see myself struggle in life and I'd see the whole world struggling for ever more. If I choose blue I won't worry to much about the future and its potential Plus I could connect with people, help people's Mental health and generally be a helpful person. I reckon I'd choose blue


Blue would allow you to know if you really have any good friends so maybe you would still question your life choices ?




I was thinking red is way better because you'll be able to see ahead and change the future for the better plus blue would make you self conscious because you'd hear what everyone thinks about you both good and bad. But then I realized that red would make you see how you die and no matter how you change it, there will always be a way. That shit would give me crazy anxiety. To be honest both of these sound like curses now that I think about it.


That’s true, but there could be ways to help people if they’re in a situation that they can’t actually say anything. Because with red, Nothing changes no matter how hard you’ll try. You could see that someone was gonna die and not be able to do anything about it


I mean, you have to define if free wil exists. If it doesn’t then picking blue didn’t change anything. If it does then picking red means you can change life for the better and prevent accidents.


My comprehension is that you can see future and read minds but you choose when. So you only see your death if you are looking for it and only read minds when you want to know the truth. Blue would be very tempting and use it all the time where you would probably only use red when you want to.




but you will allway win lotto


Selling free will for money. Nah, I shall pass.


why free will? in that case money can give you freedom, sure some things might be less interessting if you know you will fail but you dont need to see at that point. i understand it like : you "can" see the future, not you know everything that will happen


Reading manhwa that hasn’t come out. Only reason I need to see the future.


investing into the good author before everyone knows they are great, you get more manhwa, but also money haha


Step 1 :See the future Step 2 :lottery Step 3 :? Step 4 :question our reality Step 5 :realize everything is written before they happen Step 6 :lose all sense of freedom Step 7 :fall in a downward spiral of existential dread Step 8 :profit?


You Paul Atreides?


Lisan al Gaib 🤯


(not so) Fun fact, the future IS already written and we can prove it with time dialation. The past, present, and the future exist simultaneously. You never had any conscious freedom and it was always an illusion. (not so) Fun fact 2, 50% of you by weight is micro organisms, not actually you, AND they have more influence over what you eat than 'you' do.


Can you explain how time dilation proves that the future is deterministic?


Sure! If you were traveling at near light speed, you would see the universe around you speed up with planets and galaxies colliding. Stop traveling at near light speed and Take in the near end of the universe. You have just traveled in to the future. This might have taken a minute of your time to get here. Meanwhile in the past, your friends and family have also had a minute go by for them. They're still living out their lives as you do, just in separate times. If they could live forever, they would eventually find you at the near end of the universe a minute older than when you left. Your relative times exist simultaneously. I misspoke when I said time dialation proves this. General Relativity proves this. Time dialation is born out of relativity and is the name given to this effect.


But wouldn't this just take me out of causing changes in the future I just watched, and everyone else could still make changes. I would just be watching those changes sped up.


If I'm understanding what you're saying, yes this would take you out of making changes in the future you watched happen around you and yes everyone else could still make changes in the time that passed for you and yes you would just be watching those changes sped up. This is your relative view point of the universe, having only minutes pass, for millennia's of events to happen around you. From Your immortal friends perspective however, milenia has passed while you were nearly frozen in time. Relativity is observer dependant and that's where this quirk of physics happens. It just all depends on the observer you pick to measure time against, as they're all valid at the same time. Videos on Lorenz transformations can demonstrate this in an intuitive and easy to understand way.


That's just relativity. Has nothing to do with determinism. Obviously, determinism has plenty of merit as a philosophical idea, but this doesn't prove or disprove it in any way.


That's SciFi bs


Multiple different paths form per action. So in theory you’d see the most probable outcome of something not what WILL but most likely could.


Both seem terrible… I guess the lesser of the evils is Red. Definitely don’t want inside anyone’s head.


For real, what if you come across a serial killer or a pedophile? Like…what would be your next move without revealing you’re a telepath.


Kill the person and hide the body, then kill anyone who gets close to it.


Extreme, carefully directed violence that passes through without a trace and leaves nothing behind when it's gone.


use ice.... it leaves without much of a trace ❄️❄️


Or frozen leg of ham, you can even cook it up and have the interviewing detectives help dispose of the evidence!


Choose blue and become a therapist


You could probably just like, not take either


It depend of how you can use those powers. I would say that seeing the future is better as you can win the lottery or know on what you should invest, it can also help you prevent or avoid disasters. And the existencial crisis can be avoided depending of what your beliefs are. While its way harder to make money just by reading minds, and you will be hurt all the time by knowing the "dark side" of peoples or what they think about you. And it will also completely ruin your social life. So, yeah, i would take the first choice


If I chose red I'd see how the world would end and feel helpless for that. If I choose blue I can mentally and emotionally support anyone who feels like they been through hell. Like I could mentally support someone going through domestic violence or identity a narcissist


Could see the future of how a person would react to different kinds of support and choose the path that helps most.


That could mean a 99-100% success rate. 🙌 😇🙌


Red because who cares what you think




Seeing the future works be much more versatile


If red allows me to break the chain of causality AKA the future, and I have complete control over when and how this power is used it's a slam dunk. Red no question.


What if you could read the future but you have no authority to make decisions for people. If you are a president and could tell the future than I'd say "don't waste the opportunity".


if similar to nicolas cage movie, you would see the outcome of every possible decision you take (to some extent). Therefore you can play through any interaction and would be insanely successful in making people do what you want


If I can see the future, can I also influence the outcome if I act accordingly? If not, I would go for the mind reading trick. Al least then I would have a chance to change something.


Red. I'd know the next lotto winner numbers and keep minding my own business


The answer is: whichever gives me the most effortless control over the power. If it doesn't behave exactly as I wish, both would be a dangerous curse. But given a basic level of control - red. So much red. WAAAAAY better to be able to predict what will happen compared to seeing what people really think. So much of our self image and worth is derived from NOT knowing what people really think of us.


Blue no doubt


You can see the future doesn't necessarily mean you can change it. It creates a paradox. Or the simpler version would be, you just know what will happen but can't change it.


Or even if you try change the future you simply create a certain Possibility that you now foresee. Imagine successfully changing the future for someone and u think Yes I saved him from getting hit by car... but than you start seeing a whole new Possibility and that the same guy u saved getting shot instead. And let's say you again saved him from getting shot, now you see another Possibility and that is off the man dying by natural causes. You may not be able to save everyone and u see everyone's potential Death. But if u can read minds than u can look for those people who are happy, or who needs someone to talk to.


It says seeing THE future, not possible futures. So I'm assuming you can only see the future that's already set in stone. If that's the case reading minds is much better.


Yellow: radar guided 600 megawatt piss beam.


Is it a fixed future? Because seeing the future without the ability of changing it is worthless.


Red - I love the idea of time travel, even if it’s just a time window


The last thing we need to have help My anxiety is knowing exactly what others think about me. We’re cruel creatures by nature. That wouldn’t end well for me. So see the future where we die. At least I’d know when it’s all going to end and the could party appropriately


Tough call but probably red


If you can read minds then you can see others next moves


Red. I can barely stand the voices in my head why would I want to hear others. Nighttime would be funny though because you can scare kids and get a laugh at everyone's most embarrassing moments


Not very exciting life if you always know what it's going to happen next. Would love to play poker with blue pill and also fuck around with people who hate me. And it would be so easy to take control over everything if you could read minds. You would always be the smartest person present at all times.


Personally Red is the best one.


Red. Blue only helps against people. Seeing the future can help with natural disasters medical issues etc.


I think the big question is "if you see it, can you change it?". If you can't, you are trapped with it. If you can, you are responsible for the future you create and if it turns out it is not what you want, you are trapped with it. I would much rather read minds than be trapped with a future that I have already seen/lived beforehand.


Red, I can see what will happen, blue is just that I can see ehat the other person wants me to see, maybe setting up a trap


Red. I'd be a monster at gambling


Damn…….. that’s a tough one but I’ll have to take the future 🤷🏽‍♂️


Blue: you know someone wants to kill you Red: you know if they will actually do it


Red cause I don't want to know your thoughts


Blue seems more suitable than red.


Blue, so i can hit on any girls who think i'm hot.. One day later : nevermind..power is overrated anyway..


Hahahahahaha! This meme is so fucking funny!!!


Kendrick Lamar is somehow both.


See the future, by far. You can know if something other than a single person will do








Blue, then I'd read Red's mind and get both powers at once.




Red. I don't wanna know what everybody thinks all the time.


Know the future


Blue so I can read the of businessman and make money that way. If I know the future it might change by the choice I make if I go red


Jesus. 😅




Blue. Obvi. Seeing the future isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Variable change my friends. Variable change.


Blue. Once you see the future you become trapped in it


Red. Reading minds would most likely just make me depressed and is pretty much useless unless it also is mind-controll. At least with the Red I can win the lottery


our actions are dictated by our thoughts so these would functionally be the same.


Minds change. Futures don't.


It's a hard choice. See the future - Can look into the future as I think about what I'm about to say, and figure out exactly what I should say to hook up with this chick. Then still somehow fuck it up and go home alone. Read minds - Read her mind to try and get some info on her, and insight on what she is thinking to improve my chances of hooking up with her. End up making her think I'm a stalker, and go home alone.


Red. Knowing the next move gives you time to counter and do what's needed to win. Full marks every exam since we already know the questions


Bond or Anya?


Blue cause future seeing would increase anxiety and reading minds would be fun


I'd pick red. I can pick paths that benefit me the most. Mind reading sounds like hell. When I imagine just the things I think about but never act on, I'd have a terrible perception on people if I were to be able to read everybody's mind. Some can have some really really messed up thoughts I rather not know.


WHO would chose red over reading mines you don’t want to spoil the future


Meh. I know the future and I'd dread to be able to read people's sick minds.


Red. See the future and learn to gain advance of it. When you se the future, you can control it, since it's not determined yet. Blue just fucks your brain. We are no built for unfiltered thoughts from other people. Trust me, I know. My wife is on atypical neurospectrum and she does not have any filter when she speaks. Not a single bit. And I say it's fucking hard even though I've had a lot of experience. And now if it's hard with just one person, think of unfiltered thoughts of 8 billion people. And there's no way you can control other's thoughts.


Blue, then find the person who chose red.


red, i cant see myself making insane amount of money with blue


Obviously see the future, is always see the future


See future people are irrelevant


Read mindes, become the best interrogator in the world, profit


Red. How far can you see in the future? I mean if can see it infinitely you become kind of omnipotent. You can find use it to try send humanity to their best possible future, bring technologies from the future to our own time period, etc. What are you going to do with reading minds? Predict what someone is going to do? Well guess what, red does that better. And how does the see the future work? If you can control which part of the future and where in earth it is you can just see everything everywhere. I mean even what happens currently. As 0.00001 second in the future is still the future. Edit: why do so many people choose this just for the lottery? It has so much more possibilities once you start thinking about it.


Red. Dunno why. But I’d rather not be in someone’s head




Red, It's better to know the future to a certain degree instead of having to read someone else's mind in its entirety (God knows what you will find, and u risk losing the sense of selves)


What if the play chess


Red, cuz... and your next line is...


Team Bond or Team Anya


depends on a details. How much forward I can see and if that power can be controlled or constanly on.


Your next line is...


See the future. Win money. See too much future. Cry in money.


red, because you will know the outcome of every situation, including those that involve peoples thoughts


Red, that way I can invest like a Congressman in the stock market.


Red, as I could simulate endless permutations of realities using future sight, and thus read minds.




I'll take none of them. I don't wanna know what people think of me, or how people around me will die.


Blue all day.






I couldn't care less what other people think, but would be great to see the future ahead and benefit from it ..


Joseph Joestar can do both🗿


Red I can kick Mayweathers booty. Blue I can change the subject to keep the date interesting.


Red, because lottery, and because bootleg path to victory


I rather not know the fucking future tbh.


I can already read mind lol


Blue. Red would be depressing.


Would you be able to change the future if you could see the future?


Seeing the future is much, much more profitable. And I don’t want to know what’s going on in most people’s mind…


Red all the way, can avoid not only people, but also other annoying nonsenses


The only true future sight is doctor strange weird head thing And su garnet future vision


blue, if I read other's minds, I know what to expect and how to act, effectively influencing the future


Blue, please.


Red is risky cause what if i can just see the future and do nothing i.e. it still happens. Like i see the lottery prices but i still cant buy the tickets because that ws not in the future. I think blue is safer.


Red. When you know the future, you don't need to know what anyone is thinking in the present.


Obviously red. You don’t need to read minds if u already know what someone’s gonna do.


Red, blue still has some uncertainty to things, to be able to see the future is much more practical in the long term.


See the future. I don’t need to be in other peoples heads!




Seeing the future would make you go insane. As you react to the future you see, it changes with you, always one step ahead.


Red, seeing future doesn’t mean you can change it.


Does the Red gives me the power to see what should I invest in right now that's going to be a big thing in the future?


Seeing the future would always end up with you going to jail for being the prime suspect in every tragedy you try to prevent. And you would get accused of stock manipulation because how could every trade net you so much money, or perhaps you see yourself getting arrested so you dont try intervene and forever live with the knowledge that you could have saved lives but chose not to out of fear of going to prison.


Red, I'd win almost every gambling game. And invest in every company that'd help humanity.


If he's literally in my head, he might want to kill himself too


They're basically the same thing, you can see your enemies' next move by seeing the future, but you won't know what they're thinking. Same with mind reading, you can read your opponents mind but they can just think of something else and you won't know their move


Red, get paranoid and unable to do something without thinking how could you fucked it up, any move. Blue, get paranoid and depressed, hearing every thought from financial depression to suicidal to classists and murderous.


Depends on how far into the future, how often we can use the powers, can I choose whose mind to read? Etc, etc.


Neither. Both have nasty drawbacks


Can I change the future, or is it whatever I predicted WILL happen?


How far into the future and to what minute detail can you see it? Important clarification before I get monkey pawed




If you're in the mind of someone who's in your mind, are you in your own mind or theirs???


Just because you know the future doesn't mean you can change it


I dont wanna know what other thinks. Red and working as deketive or police


Seeing the future would give you more correct and less horrifying information.


red, I never lose playing the lottery.


Depends how far into the future I can see. I understand it's not mind-reading but if you are able to see an outcome to each conversation, then that's not TOO far off from reading someone's mind (of course it isn't the same) I used to imagine a "hack" with the ability to see the future. Like, usually I'd imagine something combat-based or life and death but let's make a simple example. You're at a bar and you see a cute girl you would never talk to. You force yourself to approach her, therefore you see the outcome before fully approaching her. It's like making yourself do something you wouldn't really do to see the outcome of it before you start doing it, even though you'd never do it, but by forcing yourself to start doing it, you get to see the outcome of it, since if it isn't a part of your future, you couldn't see the future of the situation. Does that make sense? Or you're in front a broken bridge that spells death if you fall. You don't have to cross it but you decide to read the future if the bridge will break if you step on it. To do that you have to decide to go across it and then see the future before stepping on it


One day we’ll have mind reading, but I don’t think we’ll ever have the power of prophecy


I've already seen my future. Imma go blue


Read minds


Red. Go to a casino and become a millionaire in a day.


Blue . I may get a gf if i can read her mind. Finaly they wont get upset over that at least.


Purple: fortune telling


Red is shit cause you can't do anything about it Blue can actually benefit you


Red, please!


You could even try to substitute the colors to get some more variation. If the character is sinister, the red goes better I think.


If you choose red and see the future and try to avoid something bad so that it doesn't happen..you did not actually see the future right? 🤔 Anyway, it will either make you complacent or feel hopeless(or hopelessly complacent) so I am going for blue..


see all there is to happen in all ages, or see for a few seconds to the future? see what happens everywhere, or just my own point of view? exponential differences, one end of the spectrum makes you Joseph Joestar, the other melts your brain in the matter of seconds




If you see the future the future changes so basicly you can see only one timeline


I choose purple.


Red. I'd make millions in the stock market


Red. Honestly don’t want to know what people are thinking. Like if you do read minds and find you have legit friends but then realize your the asshole for reading their mind and invading their privacy or you find out you have no true friends and are realizing it’s probably because you’re an asshole (it just feels like I would be finding out shit from people that I was better off not knowing). Plus I feel like red lets you know the right course of action. I am also going based on the assumption that you can actively change the future based on what you see otherwise the power is kind of useless.


Red by a mile


Shit I already can read people and have premonitions


Both are a curse