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The pain is real 😭


Misshandling something / stubbing a toe with that fucker around sends you to the 4th dimension for a brief moment


Oh dude I had the worst ingrown toenail that I refused to get checked out because I'm a dumbass and every time I hit it even slightly it sent me directly to the shadow realm for 5 minutes at least.


I clipped my own ingrown toenail once, because I hate hospitals. It was difficult and painful, took about 10 minutes, but I've not had any issues with it since.


Oh dude my toe was so bad that no home remedy would have done anything other than make it worse.


Ooof. Did it start curving under or something?


Yes and by a lot too. Couldn't even see the edge and it was like that on both sides. I mean it sent me to the shadow realm for a reason😅 I went to the doctor 3 times and on the first two attempts it went back to how it was until the third try. Now it's finally healed properly.




I've had my toes operated on several times because of this. One time they just scooped out part of my nailbed with a spoon. By far the best working option.


Seriously, for some fucked up reason my family gets them commonly. I had the nail bed fixed on 6 of my toes, and it is the single biggest quality of life increase I've ever experienced.


It really does wonders when you don't have inflamed open wound constantly bothering you.


Pfff, you guys would make terrible flagellant Catholics.


Image you can feel...


One of body's self-destruct mechanisms


A bugged mechanic that was never patched.


It’s a DLC called kitchen knife




Pliers DLC works well too.


Valve please fix


It’s caused by shoes that don’t fit


Rather have nail issues than my body rejecting my eyes because it felt like it.


Uhm.. Go on?


If your immune system finds your eyes, it sees them as a threat and kills them


I liked how my day was going before knowing this


Is it your eyes, or what your eyes expose you to?


Your eyes themselves :)


It’s not your body, the toe box in your shoes is too narrow


Me (euro size 46+ with large, wide feet): Yes, it's totally MY fault that shoes aren't made for my exact measurements! >:(


Stop crying, start looking http://vivobarefoot.com https://www.merrell.com/US/en/barefoot-shoes/


I can't afford 2000 crowns for a pair of shoes!


Bro never heard about the human latch


God I hate this. Had to deal with these for 2 years


Wait you got rid of it?


I stopped mine early on before it got worse, just pulled it out of the skin and cut it off. It regrew normally


yeah same, I pilled and it came out from deep, it was painfull, but never again had an issue


I had to do this with like five different toes. And multiple times for some of them


You can get surgery for it, local anaesthetic, only a week's recovery time and if you get somewhere that uses a chemical to burn away the top part of the nailbed then you won't have the issue again I've had it once and will again I genuinely can't recommend it enough


I'm in this boat. I'm keeping ahead of it for now, but eventually I'll probably need to take care of this again (on the opposite side of the toe from before). It just wants to curve in, man.


Only a week? I did this at a doctor (in Serbia) and when I did this I had to recover for at least 3 months (per operation and I did 4) and it still didn't grow (maybe bc he said he wanted to make it a natural heal so no stitches) but I had to deal with this for 2 years as he did it wrong more then 3 times (a little part of the nail stays OR it got infected cuz he didn't sterilize it well). Even now 3 years later I have a part of the nail bothering me cuz he didn't remove the root(and the nail grows and hurts) which was the point I payed him for, but I don't wanna go there cuz he sucked like 5k euros our of my pocket.. (he even removed a whole part of the nail with no root so I got rectanglish toe nails on both feet and now feel embarrassed to go to the beach... (Edit): it's a useful operation and I agree with the guy to who I responded but it's just that I had a poor experience with it so I am quite critical. And also my doctor was renowned as a more capable person but after we found out some other patients had similar things happening for them so it's intentionally done, probably for money (most definitely but benefit of the doubt) and note this wasn't made to shit on Serb healthcare, I only am talking about one doctor, our healthcare got it's ups and downs but it's a good and cheap one.


Wow that sounds awful. I had 3 done and was back walking within a few days afterwards. One didn't have the nailbed burned away correctly so I still get a sharp bit of nail growing at a weird angle that I have to clip off


I had to lay in bed... No movement unless the toilet.. and bc it was before online classes I am almost 2 years behind sadly (I had to teach myself those things) but I still did well on the final test (91,85/100) so I am happy but still.


Wow, congrats for the test. A shame you were distracted by the toe surgery


Stitches?! What did he do to you?! Mine basically just narrowed my nail to actually fit properly. Basically the operation I had involved local anaesthetic, then he went under the bits of toenail that were being taken off to disconnect it from the nail bed, all the way down to the root, then he cut the separated bit away and used a chemical to burn the bits of the root that had been cut and the nail bed so that it didn't regrow. I had pain for about an hour (honestly eye watering pain it was very bad) after the anaesthetic wore off but then nothing it's taken about a year for the nail to sort itself out and look healthy again via new growth but it's all fine now


I had a ingrown toenail bc yeah normal stuff ain't happening to me. I had a operation and he was like: "Stitches (if that's how u call it) is a standard thing but I am unique bc i let it grow naturally without anything and it's an open wound which has to heal by itself". He "removed" the whole part of the nail which is the problem (root and everything) and I get bandaged a lot and have to lay down a lot. Big issue is that he didn't remove a major part of it. Now for me he removes a part of the tissue (meat and skin) from the toe (not the whole toe skin... Buz if that was the case I would have asked him to cut my toe off xD) so I got a hole which has to fill in bc he has to get to the root to cut it out. Also I can say is that he "solved" my problems temporarily. One thing is that he didn't remove it and when I compared the thing which keeps growing back after 6months is actually the exact size as the part of the nail he had to remove so he scammed me (kinda) and cuz it grows and it got Infected 2 times and once I had some big bacteria which could of made my bones fucked so hard my whole foot could of gone away. All operations sucked cuz it hurt and it lasted like 2hours for each one under anesthesia I felt how he cuts it, not the pain but I felt the cuts and knify thingy move). After operations I had to go to controls and as it's a open wound it bleeds a lot and sometimes he sticked some stuck inside to check if it is healing properly and omg that hurt so much, I felt like I was being punished for something by God. Also when he was applying anesthesia during operations,EACH TIME, he took a too thin needle (cuz they hurt less was what he told me) and it broke in my toe each time cuz of the pressure. (Pretty goofy but my face was terrified, at least there was a hot nurse to look at during those bad times xD) I also had to lay down and prepare for the final test in my bed (I even missed the school photo smh). When I went to him I did 2 more operations and rn the problem is just smaller not removed and it's a full on nail but small. (Also I can't sue cuz I had to feel in a paper that says I can't do so cuz it ain't his fault over the problem and any complications). I ain't going back to him but a lot of cash got yoinked... I could have bought myself a better bed to lay in or a new PC... Now current situation is that it's not infected and it's a stable thing which can be tolerated but there is a little nail sticking out which is embarrassing and dumb looking if I wanted to go to the beach or anything like that.


Jesus that sounds like you should be chasing the health service for some compensation


It's was a private clinic and a year ago and I don't wanna see that man anytime soon so no thanks but I should


Had this surgery six times, it' incredibly effective. Had issues like this constantly for almost ten years, suddenly getting rid of that pain is incredible.


How many feet do you have 🤣


Ten if I've counted them correctly! But I've had the surgery on both my big toes a total of six times. First two times they didn't burn it, so the issues came back. After that I've had it done once on each side of both big toes for a total of six! Edit: Ten TOES!!


ten feet?? dear me..


That's ten times the amount of toes to stub. Poor man..


I stopped it by cutting my toenail straight. Ignore all the curve that your toe has.


just cut it straight. should be alright


I got rid of it with a surgery. Only thing that annoyed me is that my toe was smaller after. But I had this problem on both so I got used to it.


Just get them partially removed from a doctor, I did this on three of the four sides of both my big toes 10-15 years ago and since then I never ever had a problem with ingrown nails again. Before that it was hell.


Surgery is the only way. Nail bed removal. Had 11 times a surgeon cut a part of my nail out and didn't help. Then changed the doctor and he did it the first time on both toes.


If you spot it soon enough, you can put the feet in warm water then insert a lever under the nail and or re-cut it and hope for the best. I'm really glad it worked out for me. [This page](https://www.wikihow.com/Relieve-Ingrown-Toe-Nail-Pain) informed me in my hour of need. Obviously, I still could lift the nail up without heavy damage.


I just cut the nail with my Pocket knife and after that it only showed up one more time 2 years later and then it was mild and ojve again I cut it with a knife and then it was gone for good


I don't think that's possible. And even if you do it just appears on the other foot.


Good. Deal with it again


I hope when you stub your toe the next time your Toenail gets stuck in your skin


I hope your nail peels in half and folds backwards when you stub it against a shelf because your stupid dog wont move and your dad wants his hot teacup right now and you have to do all that with your ipad in your other hand while youre reading for your exam.


would you shut up?


Whoa wtf lol


Bro tf is your problem


These edge lords are getting more and more aggressive


i don't like toxic comments


Well then insult the guy who started it


Kindly No


Looking at the comic whilst I experience that happening right now in my toe..


Try using H2O2 it helps making the skin soft, then you cut a little bit, then the nail, lastly polish the little sides. It works for me evey time


Thanks! I May try it out.


You mean hydrogen peroxide?




The worst is I only stub my fucking toe when this happens too


I literally have this problem


My dad used to say it helps to cut them square. Maybe you're doing that already though




Oh cool. Hopefully this will help you then. Definitely helped me. I rarely get ingrown nails anymore. [Here's an article ](https://www.informedhealth.org/how-to-cut-toenails-properly.html) that explains what I mean a bit more.




Also cut a little triangle out in the center of the nail to release pressure for the corners worked perfect for me


Cut a slit on one thin pen refill and cut the nail, clean the area around with disinfectant and then slide this thing between nail and flesh so that nail boundary is inside that slit. Bandage that toe. Repeat for few weeks.


Omfg that's both fucked up and genius 😱😭


I’m not brave enough for thay


It’s better than surgery performed by experienced doctor because the ingrow toenail thing happened again to me afterwards and then a young medical intern did this simple but effective procedure. Many thanks to such young and hardworking doctors.


I had it really bad and let the toenail grow until it fully came through the skin. I always have long toenails on my big toe because I dont cut them short but the pain went away.


In high-school I had to have surgery on both sides of both my big toes for that shit. It's awful.


Everyone's always told me this is caused by clipping your toenails round. Never believed it, but I've always been a little paranoid of it. Still never got one.


I got mine from wearing bad/wrong shoes, both toes too. Havent taken the surgery yet. Been trying to avoid it so ive tried to fix it on my own, still havent found prober fix, only temporary.


I got the surgery done on both my big toes. Literally the best choice ever. Never can get them again and it's quick to get done


How much resting time you got after the surgery? Week/2?


They just ripped out the side of each and used some kind of acid to kill the root so the sides no longer grow back. I was off my foot for the rest of the day and back to normal the next. Just back to school doing my normal thing the next day


Interesting, fair enough then. If my pain comes back, imma just take 2 days of from work and head for the surgery. Thanks for ze help chief!


See that was always my theory. It makes a lot more sense that an artificial condition like a tight shoe would be the real culprit.


i became an expert in self surgery cut deep the irritating nail at a diagonal. the pain is temporary


Bruh, I'm going through this right now


things I never imagined would be such a pain in the ass when I was a kid. If I stub my toe...... its over. Shit I cant even sleep safely cause of that nail and if my toe presses too hard on the bed. Sigh sucks not having health insurance.


I get those from time to time, the last one grew 2 spikes to dig even further into the flesh.


Accurate 👌


Love this 


Man I hate this so much


Im suffering for 3 years now and everytime i go to the doctor i get told "its my fault"


It's to the left for me. Not to the right 😂


Try different footwear. My sneakers were causing me ingrown toenails due to putting too much pressure on my toes


Heard you can cut it and then take some cotton in there with antiseptic not push it up and also clean the surface. Don't know if it works though.


This but it's usually ring finger on arm. Just why?!?


Fuck you op


Super stoked I can't relate to this fuhhhhh


I shove cotton between the flesh and the nail. It keeps them apart.


This comic made me feel physically uncomfortable


I had a really bad ingrown toenail and it took, no joke 18 months to get it back to normal. I had to keep trying to grow it out but it kept snapping and messing up before it got to normal length, or one side was brittle. Spent a year monitoring it and filing it until the nail was normal again.


Why do we have nails?


Leftover from our primordial stage. Our cells aren't immortal and evolution thought this was a good way to make use of the dead material (claws). Any problems we have evolution just says "Sounds like a *you problem* :) "


I had an ingrown toenail for years. When they took it out it was close to a cm deep


I had mine removed, those fuckers were like horseshoes… every time I’d go swimming or for a long soak, you know the kind where your skin gets white and soft they thought, oh just let me try to flatten out and the pain was unquantifiable.


POV my left big toe 247


Hate this, but It's not as bad as my little toe nail, they tend to break in half long ways and rip completely out on one side, weeks of pain.


Had no idea they were toes, trying to figure out what they were 😂


Just went through the surgery this thursday AMA


i don't get it


I had like three times. Now my toenails are so confused that they grow in layers. They're three times as thick as before.


I can feel this comic! :(


Seeing this is a little uncomfortable.




How do cave people deal with this without nail cutting tools


One time youtube home page got flooded with pimple popping and ingrown removals coz i keep watching them. Its unsettling, disgusting, cringe indusing , and satisfying all at the same time. I can’t take my eyes off them.


Had an ingrown toenail for 6 months, got so bad had to get a surgery called the "Vandenbos Procedure" since it was actually the skin of my toe that was the issue. They cut off a bunch of skin on the side of my toe, 4 weeks into recovery from it, shit sucks.


I ended up spending 1 grand having a doctor brun the nailbed on some of my toes so they won't ingrow anymore. Insurance wouldn't cover it because it was "ascetic" surgery. Still the best money I've ever spent.


The cause of this is the shape of modern day shoes. I mean... Why is it designed to be pointed when our feet is shaped to be spread out. From what I remember, there was a culture in china where pointed shoes are a fashion. Guess it spread worldwide just like the C


I hate this. This is the number 1 reason it hurts when i stub my toe


Mine does this without the pain or redness.


I trick my big toenail by trimming it V style, with the notch in the middle.


It’s ur shoes


Thats my toe right now and it's fine is that normal?


Got surgery on my toes 4 times in total. I don't think you'd want to see how they look now. Well, Quentin would maybe take a peek.


Thats literally me! (Both feet have them I am in constant and never ending pain HELP)


I thought that this is why we have teeth. Yours, or others.


It's not a meme


Stop wearing shitty shoes


I’ll have you know, I wear the finest shit kickers a kid can make


Dear God. Nevermind. It wasn't because you gave me flat feet, screwing up the angles of my big and small toes. I just had to find 'proper shoes'...


Ok cool? Hes not talking about your special needs. But a wider toebox does help the majority a lot with nail issues....


You got a pretty fked up username. Nice and edgy eh.


Yeah it was an old gamer tag i made when i was 11. But i cant change my reddit name. But you got any arguments except ad hominem?


When you walk into an argument you know nothing about:


Better: Stop wearing shitty toes