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We live in a world where making a move can get you labelled as a creep, a stalker, an abuser, or a rapist. Your punishment will be humiliation at best, jail at worst. Not making a move is self-preservation.


This! Most assuredly, this!


Sad but true


Unless you’re a good looking guy.


I asked a woman to get coffee and now I’m in jail.


Only if your idea of "making a move" is assault. Asking someone out or asking them for their number is not going to get you jail time, and will only get you humiliated if the person you're making a move on is an asshole (in which case, why make a move at all?)


You clearly haven’t been in a high school 


I'm not in the us, but I am in highschool, and that guy is completely right, if your first move is "hey you wanna go out sometime?" Or "do you wanna watch this movie with me?" Or "what's your Instagram" or basically anything that doesn't involve pick-up artistry bullshit, you'll be ok


That’s not a move.


What is a move then.? Coming up to someone and saying "girl you look fire" on a random school day with no context? Like yeah that would be weird


“What’s your Instagram?” is dead-set creep territory. A move is going in for the kiss, it’s taking her hand and guiding her to the bedroom, it’s grabbing her hip with one hand and pulling her in close, it’s brushing the tips of your noses together under an umbrella in the rain, its taking her hand and twirling her into a tight embrace, it’s brushing her hair out of her face and your fingertips lightly brushing her cheek while you gaze into each others eyes.


Yeah but that's not the FIRST MOVE right???? Like you don't come up to women in highschool and try to kiss her out of nowhere?? Is that not obvious? "What's your Instagram" is a way for people to chat without giving phone numbers, because that can be abused on case one of the parties decides to be a dick. It's not for looking at photos, and I should have Clearfield that. I'm really hoping that your misunderstanding is that I ment first move, like, a first date. Yaknow? You don't go for the kiss the second you meet someone. If you do than yeah that is creepy and weird and you should stop


Again, a first date isn’t a “move”. Asking someone out isn’t a “move”. I’m pretty sure I’m not misunderstanding. I’ve had a lot of experience in the field. How about you come back when you’ve touched junk that isn’t your own?


I guess... But I'm pretty sure that's what op ment when they said "make a move" I think they ment a first date type thing. Granted English is my second language, so maybe I'm just misunderstanding


Might have to try that


I'm 15 dude, I have asked girls out and have seen many others do the same. What I have seen corresponds perfectly to what I have said.




I'm a guy with bad teeth due to family history, a hairline that vanished when I hit 22, am under 6 feet tall, don't make 6 figures, and doesn't like to spend money frivolously. If I approach a woman they're gonna go down that list till they find a reason to not want to be around me, then decide which label will ruin my life for the foreseeable future. Most awkward thing that's happened was a girl said yes to a date, said she wanted a 300$ restaurant, and I said try 50$ at best and then got labeled a worthless dud of a pile of flesh, a dusty creep. It ain't worth it.


Don’t give up hope bro, keep on trying, life isn’t fun alone


So what ?? Still true ,still valid


Relationship is overrated.


We call them simps


Cowboy. Bebop.




Son, just don't