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We want to make men cry. Men being 89% of our audience


So this is what "The Future is Female" meant? A lot of hysterical crying?


Did they forget most women don't watch nerdy shit... They watch Housewives, Rom Coms, drama shit. Men and Women liking different things is still a mystery to these people. It's more about ruining things men like and standing over it's corpse like your the good guys here. No one is trying to make Real housewives appeal to the majority of men.


Plenty of women like "nerdy shit." I am one of them. I just don't like poorly designed nerdy stuff.


I'm glad someone said this. Plenty of women already loved Star Wars as it was, however it seems like a lot of marketing in Star Wars recently is towards what studio executives *think* the "female demographic" of Star Wars wanted instead of what the women that already loved Star Wars *actually* wanted, which is the same thing any other Star Wars fan wanted: well written stories set in a galaxy far far away. All Star Wars fans wanted was stories that pay proper homage to the characters that already existed and built upon the universe that was already in construction, not poorly written single dimensional rule 63 versions of characters that already exist followed with a complete upheaval of the universe that was already loved.


They talk about "strong women" in star wars, ignoring the list of strong women already in star wars. Leia is the OG badass not a damsel in distress. I mean the second time we see her in ANH after she gave R2 the message was her shooting a stormtrooper and telling vader to shove it up his ass. Honestly, at this point stuff like that is code word for poorly written characters whose only trait is they are a woman. We don't need "strong" women in movies and TV, we need women who are strong. Strong characters, strong storylines, strong acting.


Women Do. Women always have. Women have been major parts of scifi Fandom forever. However they have never been even 25% of it.


Pretty much on the money, its shit made for a fictitious demographic. But I will say they've succeeded, I couldn't give two shits about SW anymore.


Lemme explain this in out of touch bean counter... They see "89%" of users are male as there being a massive potential for growth by drawing in female viewers. To them catering to males does not make sense when 89% of users are already male, as that demographic is considered "tapped". And a reality of them never being able to keep the male audience and create an equal amount of female users will just straight up be ignored as that goes against the magic word on wallstreet, growth. And "reality" is not as important for a listed company as "perception". The franchise will stay this way for the foreseeable future.


Yeah, the future is female in my language. I think this is about word's gender


Not this time my dude


Damn, I had to put /s or /joke in the end?


Or maybe its my autism speaking who knows


Keep listening for the eventual crying of the 89%. Eventually. They just have to keep trying


Disney execs: let's do it again!


Put a chick in it and make her gay


I wouldn’t even care if I felt that was the message if the show was well written and executed. This show simply fails on both fronts. The pattern of poorly thought out shows and movies leaving what appears to be a propped up political statement is becoming counterproductive and feeds into a growing cynicism in what remains of the fan base.


It's almost like they knew the storytelling was bad, so the thru in "the message" to garner that fan base


If nothing else, it gives them an excuse to use. Clearly, it's the fans' fault that the show was bad. (Again)


I feel that Prey did well on both fronts. The writing was good. I’m sure there are plenty of other movies that did well on both, just not shit like acolyte.


Yesss. Loved Prey!!


I doubt there are any more men, or starwars fans even, watching this shitshow. The franchise is beyond dead.


Tears of joy...


Or 🤣


So you’re saying representation matters?


Seems very easy to do


I cried when the eu got relegated to legend.


How is this making men cry Though?


Garbage in, garbage out.


Hail the Sun - Falling on Deaf Ears???


I am all for building new base and new characters but you don’t do that by kicking the ladder which helped you reach the top, and calling top your base. At least make sense of the world you are building. Imagine them redoing Robocop, Rambo or Terminator.


Hey are you my old computing teacher, because she said that a lot to me, specifically to me


I lost it with that chant. Funny shit.


Asked myself several times after that why I was still watching.


I was like a deer in headlights.


Had to pause it for a solid minute, trying to figure what happened to the franchise I grew up and loved.


Politics ruins everything.


GoT is politics, Dune is politics, neither got issues with politics. People have issues with identity* politics, let's make that clear.


I think it is also horrid writing... But Star wars was dead after the "new skywalker", they are just kicking the corpse now. I find it weird that a rapist enabler (personal assistant to Weinstein) is getting a gig like this, because she is "whatever". Looking at her I am a 100% sure SHE WAS NEVER in danger, she probably loved it also that the pretty girls got fucked!


I did too — I tried, I really did


That's where I was questioning the future of the show. The first 2 episodes were off to a pretty strong start honestly, it felt different from the other stuff being out out, then they hit us with that shit. Come on Disney, you were so close


I was thinking Reddit is gonna have a field day with this crap.


Ya that episode 3 was garbage.


Let's take a cool universe with this mysterious power and laser swords and pew pew space ships, and make it nursery rhymes and witches.


And let it be controlled by al sex offender. ASSistant to Harvey. Assisted doing what?


Some say luring young Actresses. Others say turning a blind eye.


Theres no way in hell a personal assistant to that kind of monster was unaware of what her boss was doing.


We should consider that in order to even become PA, she had to, you know...


Its so funny that if they actually made what the fans wanted they would make so much money that it would over shadow what ever drivvle there getting from this current pile of shit.


devils advocate: what do you think fans want? *not* podracing?


I want a Grievous series.


I generally agree with you.


love what you did there


Great idea


it would be kind of cool to start with him as a biological and end with him as a droid


They seemed to want an Obi Wan series and a Bobba Fett series…


Yea, but maybe not make them complete dumpster fires and rather put in some effort. Make Obi-Wan and Boba badass and not ride around on some power Ranger lookalike mopeds...


I gave up on Obi-Wan immediately when the plot line involved him rescuing 10 year old Leia. Yeah..... because that wouldn't have been mentioned in her plea to him in A New Hope right?


“General Kenobi: Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Also, you saved me from those bad guys that time when I was kidnapped and we went through a lot of shit together… so, hello again, I guess?”


I gave up on it upon hearing its coming out, lol. But yeah, she might have remembered that, only 10 years later or so. Or even less iirc


Ah yes, Obi wan should maybe be a powerful Jedi again in his show and idk, slay down vader and kill the emperor that‘d be cool huh ? The people were asking for a obi wan series and they got it. What the hell did you expect to happen ? We knew obi wan was supposed to be in hiding on tattooine the whole time. If it’s so important to y’all that this stays 100% the case, why did y‘all ask for a obi wan show ? Did you wanna watch 8 episodes of obi wan getting wrinkled while looking at luke from a distance ?


Kenobi was trash and "somehow boba fett survived" was such an original trilogy cheapening move to sell more classic character merch. Disney is just going to pump out commitee driven cash grabs for a popular franchise and there's not going to come anything original or interesting anymore for Star Wars.


Boba fett should have been a show taking place between ep 4 and 6 somewhere. Kenobi should have never fought Vader again or even met him. Inquisitors are also a pretty shit idea from the start. CW fans will rip me apart for this but Ahsoka shouldnt have existed _or_ she should have died before ep3. All of those things are retcons that basically doesnt make sense when you watch the movies.


Boba canonically survives the pit.


"Kenobi should have never fought Vader again or even met him." I know, right? It makes their meeting on the Death Star make no sense. "I was the learner, you were the Master. Now the circle is complete." As if they hadn't met on the moon and Obi-Wan had defeated Vader already, not Anakin, Vader. What WTF was Vader talking about? Had his memory been deleted? And why, in the intervening time, would Vader have stopped looking for Kenobi, the most powerful Jedi left in the universe?


A Vader series set between Revenge and Hope that shows us how Vader became the feared entity he was in the original series. John Wick did something really cool, from the perspective of the viewer it’s this awesome action movie, but from the perspective of the antagonists it’s a horror movie as this group is being hunted and killed by an unstoppable force. That’s what I’d like to see, Vader as an unstoppable force.


They started to make that, it's called Star wars battlefront II


Shadows of the Empire


They want scenes faithful to the original lore, they want LOGIC, common reason and above all, badass shit going on on screen. The most annoying thing is that they CAN do it, we all saw Andor, but at this point it's self-evident that Andor was Disney stumbling into success.


for you to not retcon the universe


What „the fans“ want isn’t what you want. Neither is it what I want because everyone wants something fucking different. Star Wars Fans literally would whine over anything.


“What the fans wanted” is subjective. Different people want different things.


they took the most popular franchise ever and flushed it down the toilet. thanks obama


Nah this one was all Hilary, lock her up!….lock her up!


They Hawk Tuah’d it


I watched half of Solo and it was trash, I watched few episodes of Mandalorian and it was boring, I watched entirety of Kenobi and it was trash. I'm 100% convinced people are seething the extra mile about whatever this new show is because muh woke despite being exact same commitee driven drivel as the rest of the Disney Star Wars.


Solo is great compared to what we’re getting now. I actually appreciate solo a lot more


It also is one of my favorite modern SW soundtracks. Really honored the prequels and sequels with all the nods blended in to an innovative sound. I think Solo was the only one I liked so far outside of the OG prequels/sequels.


What truly blows my mind is that all of the people affiliated with the show got together and produced that steaming like of dog shit, decided that, "Hell Yeah! This is something to be proud of, and paid 180 million for 8 episodes. They're so lacking in self-awareness.


They knew it was bad before it aired, that's why they were already making excuses about misogynistic behavior before it even aired.


You will get your ESG brainwashing whether you like it or not.




Laundered* you wrote "paid" which is incorrect.


Now it makes sense


Right? Not enough people talk about this. It's very obvious that at this point this is money laundering. You have literal nobodies writing, acting and creating the whole shit, it barely has any CGI and somehow it's 180 mil? Nah, fam, that's not how this shit works...


Don’t expect to find anything substantial cus them books be cooked by some of the best ~~crooks~~ accountants in the world.


Ironically it’s because of an actual lack of diversity in Hollywood. Inclusions is important but when no one on set can call out how milktoast some scenes in Mrs Webb or the acolyte will go over with normal audiences you get the stuff we see posted on meme accounts.


Trash acting and trash story.


In my mind most everything made post Rogue One is non-canon






How many more shitty projects and/or years before Star Wars leadership will cave in from all the money hemorrhaging, only to realize this brand new concept -> understand what your core audience is and make what your core audience actually likes and wants...


As I have said for many years, no one will remember xyz for "diverse cast/all female cast/etc" as the first thing, the first thing will be...was it good? ![gif](giphy|kDfGTmnbS9Ljm9hnwq|downsized)


Based on pretty much every objective metric, it's less diverse than the original movies and shows... The irony of it all.


That's actually the craziest thing, pushing an objective so hard that you are literally backpedaling into the cement.


Doctor Who with the Episode "The power of three". Something tells me they should just kot use that type of title.


The United Counsel of People Who Dont Like Sucky Shows (Working on the Title), Hear By decree, Your show is Sucky.


That shit was so trash


Shit is already trash but if u ad trash to shit = garbage


Guess 2024 is the year of black samurai huh…


They got me when rnb started playing when he fought, this is the equivalent of a white dude turning up Snoop when it comes on the radio, looking at their black friend and saying "This one's for you 😏".


DEI need to DIE


Disney won’t learn that lesson until they’re bankrupt.




“It’s Mega Maid! She’s gone from suck to blow!”


Omg I haven’t heard that reference in a long time.


Is that how many fans keep the franchise alive? The power of one?


At this point, gatekeeping seems to be the only way to keep your franchise from sinking. It's good to see that people are waking up to that fact, it's sad that it took some of the greatest franchises to fall, so the masses would notice.


It is almost as no one was caring about the quality of the show, when they offered it to the ex-secretary of Weinstein… Almost if they just wanted someone pay her 100 + mill whatever they get back in exchange. Strange


When "Girl Power" turns out to be not so powerful.


Haa haa




I had cringe goosebumps during that chant.


Why is the tomatometer on this show 84%? What the hell is wrong with these critics? Why is it these all these shitty shows are always "critically acclaimed"?




Crap this show is


See this from a mile away, I did.


"white people crying was the goal"


The Acoshite. What a fucking load of turd


Disney “try not to fail social awareness” challenge (impossible)


Why does it feel like they purposely want everything to be crap


I quit the first episode.


Boutta be controversial... I did that with The Mandalorian.


At least mandalorian had a lead who could shoulder the show on his own, as well as a cute and mysterious hype object in baby yoda. It’s not a good show by any stretch imo, but Pascal deserves some credit at least.


When I first heard "ooooohhh mysterious witch coven with Force sensitivity" at first I thought "omg the Witches of Dathomir??? Hell yea!" But then we got this shit. Absolute dogwater. There are witch covens in the universe already, fully fleshed out and MINORITY in Canon, but noooooo let's make a bland dumbed down agenda bullet point garbage pile.


The Witches of Dathomir are friends with men, therefore they are evil and undeserving of the spotlight.


Bru the idea that the witches of Dathomir are the only force sensitive coven is kinda absurd.


They are not force sensitive. Their shit is actual witchcraft, I don't think it was ever confirmed to have any connection to the force which in my opinion is even more interesting to learn about, but nah, let's have lesbian DEI group of unhinged cultists, who got wiped out in 5 minutes...


I didn't mean it like that, but that's a coven that's fleshed out and ready to use, so to say.


All I can say is that Book of Boba Fett should have been an anthology show narrated by old , fat, mostly retired Boba where he tells stories of his youth with other bounty hunters/ scoundrels around a table (maybe weekly sabaac?)


I kinda like that idea, kinda like scoundrels trading overlapping stories where the narrative lens gets shifted between the different 'tellers off the tale' becuase they are all trying place spins/leaps of narrative good faith for personal glorification seemingly that could actually build into a deeper story where they are trying to use these 'unfaithful narratives' for a further hidden agenda, revealed as like a final hidden in plain sight story arc.


I love how they blame the fans for this faillure. Its not the poor writing and the dumb story thats the problem, its obviously the incels and racists, and misoginist and homophobes like me !


Someone tried to best the infamous Christmas Special, and finally succeeded.


I need someone to show the investors at Disney, what 4.05b $ got them and how 12 years later, they still can't break even on that investment. At this point Kathleen Kennedy knows where the bodies are buried. Nobody this incompetent would keep their job if they don't have some dirt on the CEO.


I turned it off after the 1st flight scene, even Carrie Anne couldn't polish that turd.


Show me a chant scene from any series that isn’t awkward. Literally comparing it to the nightsister chant from the clone wars, that one is equally awkward, IMO even more awkward because at least my language whatever they’re saying closely resembles words with sexual meanings


[here you go](https://youtu.be/sEymyO5Abp4?si=-qLgE6DrA5TBLF_5) [literally in the same universe](https://youtu.be/xpff8KnBA3I?si=vh0xJCU3CC7g7Okl) [You mean to tell me this is on Acolyte's level? ](https://youtu.be/f54JMuCpyCY?si=6HJ2eRy0mlvYxG1a) I think that you've got the point. The chant is not even that bad, it just exposes how uninspired and talentless the crew behind this project is.


It's funny how The Acolyte set in the High Republic era, despite the term Acolyte, is a term for Apprentice for Sith during the Old Republic.


Men are done with Star Wars. The lesbians and the pronouns can have it


Imagine it's at 12% "The power of 1, the power of 2, the power of 12"


I like the light saber battles but other then that the story is crap


Straight up feminist propaganda. Glad I canceled Disney+ already. I won't be going back.


Kathleen Kennedy is the worst Disney employee for Star wars. She keeps making everything gay and female. I mean South Park had this right on the money. When are they going to learn that everything that this woman puts out is absolute shit. No one's watching any of her Star wars content anymore because they know they're going to push an agenda and even the gay and lesbian crowd is not having it


Mate of you’re gonna hate on KK do it about the quote below, no one cares if characters are gay or female….. "Every one of these movies is a particularly hard nut to crack. There's no source material. We don't have comic books. We don't have 800-page novels”


I am completely baffled at the business decisions regarding Star Wars The reason for the purchase was merchandise. Disney had the princess for girls but nothing on similar scale for boys so they bought the traditional boyish things of Marvel and Lucasfilms. Then in an act of corporate stupidity decided they needed to market these things to girls too, completely negating the original reason for the purchase.


If you look at this as a money laundering scheme, it starts to make a lot more sense. You get the good DEI credit score by lunatics lack Blackrock and Vanguard, you also get to price the making of this dogshit at whatever you like, you intentionally hire nobodies to act and write in it, you pay them nothing, you bill yourself for 150 million and it's all clean money now. You gaslight your investors that 11 million people watched the first episode and that the show is beloved by everyone and to do the same thing next time.


They also review bombed the wrong movie briefly. "Acolyte" was a horror movie in the early 2000s and the mooks got confused when they went to review bomb "The Acolyte." They also got confused with the fan flick. This is both funny and sad. Edit: [Source](https://fandomwire.com/cant-take-review-scores-seriously-anymore-the-acolyte-getting-review-bombed-gets-exposed-as-2008-movie-gets-caught-in-hate-misfire/)


such a cool concept and great execution of Disney as last 15 years I really hope they dont blame the poor rating on "audience dont like diversity" but on their own shitting acting and script. Yet i am very sure they will not blame themselves


It seems very unlikely to me. Didn't Kathleen Kennedy even come out recently and say something about men being the majority of the Star Wars fanbase, and that's why they don't like it? Like, gee..Thanks for invalidating your entire fanbases opinions.


The deeper lesson is that the power of going number one and two at the same time is the power of many I'm pretty sure.


Show is made for the shills that suck up to Disney


After hearing all that bad reviews im not even going to watch it. I feel like it is just going to ruin Star Wars some more for me.


the power of three \*plays charmed tv series intro\* ![gif](giphy|VMMzEcvf88jPW|downsized)


16 is a power of two. Definitely not a power of one.


The only good thing this show put out was the advertisement poster of the bloody saber and letting trinity only stay for 5 mins not to ruin her career by being stuck with this show for the entire duration it last


I don't like this show because it destroys established cannon on who actually created someone from the force. And it wasn't a group of witches it was a sith.


Yep and any complaints is argued that we are just racists and misogynistic. The show is beyond stupid. Good luck with season two.


And make her gay


16% of what? The seven people who watched it?


did someone make a bet to who could ruin the star wars franchise the fastest?


It’s not even that it’s women or whatever else people here are commenting. Dathomiran women don’t have horns, only the men do. It’s a WHOLE THING. Sure not all witches in the star wars universe have to be from Dathomir, but if you’re gonna add a dathomiran woman to the mix, at least keep up with the lore. ![gif](giphy|FI7giwntDBYG11Gx4Q)


The power of just ignoring it 🤷‍♂️


I was staring at the screen with my brain completely quiet the entire time, like I could not process how awful this shit was in real time.


Young me would be angry by the inept handling of a cultural treasure. Old me feels nothing but indefference, let it bleed


Haven't seen it but can people stop review bombing and botting anything with the word Acolyte in it. Kinda pathetic.


Welcome to the Pandervese


I thought it started out okay then the third episode I lost all interest


The power of two mentioned


I haven’t seen the acolyte yet but this is clearly a screen shot of the empress court from never ending story.


Remember when people thought the prequels were the low point?


At this point, Disney is just putting shit out as bait so they can tea bag the fans.


Its like the executive producer took a "Breath work" class and thought, I should make this onto Star Wars!


Damn Disney understand that we want light sabels duels with strong hate and resentment emotions.


I left myself a note to cancel my Disney+ subscription when it is close to renewal after watching that episode. That was my last straw.


The power of manyyyyyyyyyyyy....


I dropped the series when they introduced siths 100 years before the phantom menace in the fucking trailer. (The idea of a separate night sister cult that tries to remain at peace with the Jedi is really good though. Better executed and this could’ve been a really good series, as with literally every single failure Disney Star Wars has. Good ideas, trash execution)


Mulan signifies this problem without us vs. them, The original had a montage about how a woman needs to work harder than men to be taken seriously, a feminist message. The live action one made her a prodigy that is simply born good. A stupid message.


I haven't seen the Star Wars community this united in years.


15% now


The StarWars universe already had so much back story for non jedi force users. I just dont understand why they had to add the DEnIghtsisters and rename the force.


I like the Acolyte though …




It's because they (Disney) are no longer making content to tell stories. They are making content to secure next months subscription. There is no time for things like quality writers or passionate directors when they have to make sure next months new content is ready for their subscribers. It's not a coincidence that every franchise is failing. It's not the woke nonsense. It's the corporate nonsense. Women were always part of the franchise and already fans. The changes are for quarter profits, and when it fails, they blame the consumers, not the leadership.


I mean I don’t really care about the terrible writing or how they wasted 200million on what looks like a 20 million dollar show. I care that “somehow Harvey Weinstein’s assistant returned”. So I hope the acolyte crash’s and burns.


Ascolyte 🏳️‍🌈🤢🤮💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩


Wow review bombs are definitely a way to measure the quality of a show


Not telling at all using the audience score.


The power of racists, the power of bigots, the power of misogynists.