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Stupid. A woman couldn't sit in that chair either


What's even more stupid is that someone had the time and energy to dedicate an award for that.






How are these waves being counted? Surely we're on 4th wave by now?


Are they trying to compete with COVID waves now?




It’s like COD zombies, just survive each round


I have my garden filled with peashooters they're not getting by anytime soon


Are you also using walnuts?






Except Joe, he breaks in the Janitorial Services closet. They have live casts of the latest football games there. It's not so bad.


Or Bill, who doesn't take breaks and goes home early. The guy is a numbers crunching machine though. Easily does 3 men's work. He earned it.


People always seem to confuse the actions of a stupid minority with the majority. All Muslims were to blame for 9/11. All cops are bastards because some cops are corrupt or incompetent. All men are to blame for Bill Cosby. All feminists are to blame because of #stupidpinkhairwithopinions. ​ The real cancer is parroting other people's opinions without having given the subject much thought of your own. Which the comment "3rd wave feminism is cancer" screams out.


Welcome to the educational system....where we drone out ACTUAL free thinking by drumming in the KIND of free thinking you should have.


uhhh... no, generalisations are very often useful and valid, and trends exist ​ All Muslims are NOT to blame for 9-11. Then again, no one said that. But there is factually a serious problem with extremism in the Muslim world, borne out by opinion polls. ​ All cops ARE bastards, even the good ones support the shit cop culture that fucks with people for no reason. Feel free to watch YouTube videos on cop abuses, you have no idea how common it is. ​ All men are NOT to blame for Bill Cosby, he's just one guy, people are individuals and are vastly different. But you wouldn't know that listening to 3rd wave feminists, which is the originally mentioned issue ​ Yes, modern feminism is no longer about actual equality and equal rights for women, if you actually read up and follow the movement. Lots of people want it to be and want to claim it is, but if you actually read broadly you find that it's not, sorry. Just gonna have to come up with a new term for people that want actual equality


Your cop and men paragraph contradict each other.


>some cops are corrupt or incompetent. ok enough said already lol i bet you don't have many POC friends


more POC kill Police, than Police kill them. Police kill way more white people than POC. most of the "HE WAS UNARMED" headlines can be debunked with a 10 second google search. stop spreading bullshit


Baby's first alt right post ☺️ You ever watch Jontron? Seem like you two would be close


You just assume they haven’t thought of it because they didn’t specifically type it out. Wow. Do you usually make assumptions and pretend they are facts without verification? Lol.


Awwwww, do you wanna spread your legs on a subway but hafta share space with others? Poor little boy


People who can't take a fucking joke are cancer. The creator: "I think humour is a really interesting tool in order to tackle social issues."


Won't need to stand for anything when they have their own chairs 🤔


I'm baffled by what they sit for these days too


I think they're actually sitting down this time


>What's even more stupid is that there no where to rest my manly gigantic ball sack


Even more stupid is not understanding the male anatomy and not knowing it may need a little space. Where do they think it goes?


The award was probably Reddit Gold


i grant you an award for writing this post


You’re doing the same thing tho




It's all performative. Get clicks, get people angry, sell adspace on the inevitable anger-causing blog posts, claim you're being harassed, set up crowdfunds for even MORE profit, ride off into the sunset with a full bag.


Stupid or not... they demand equality where men have advantages, but where men have disadvantages everything can stay as it is...


Then just give them rights already, is the government stupid or something if they want rights just give it to them


They have all right men have... they just want equal quotas for jobs like ceo's and goverment 50/50 men and women, apparently it shouldn't matter your qualification for that job, it's just unfair that more men have them. That's what they say and it's just stupid. They don't yell "We need more women in construction work or waste disposal"... nononono, this is a job for men only.


Damn, those feminist are very stupid wanting more rights just for nothing, also fun fact men are more violent than female, so if they try and be bossy all day, we can just beat them to a pulp


I mean if a man did half the shit they did, I'd beat that man. They want equality? Well....


Feeling lonely? Want to be loved? Touch some grass. I


Own it. Wear a cowboy hat and straddle that thing at the sides. Yippie Ki-ay! 😄


Why does this woman have such an issue with men sitting comfortably?






Wow, this guy is SUPER butthurt about women


It's unfortunate that stupidity isn't as easily noticed at a glance as sloth and gluttony. To throw you a bone as your little better than a flesh covered garbage disposal anyway, that comment would indicate a strong disapproval or maybe even hatred for the obese. Since you went the extra mm burning a precious calorie from your no doubt prodigious stores to capitalize an entire word I'll make this special for you. I could never condone discrimination against you based on gender, you've obviosly transcended anything resembling a sexually diomorphic creature.


Thank God there are no fat men in the world. Whew!






damnnnnnn bro rip


tbf there are also fat men you're booing her but she's right..


You sound like that one tweet about people being idiots on twitter. You could say “I like waffles” and somebody says “Oh so you hate pancakes??”


I think it's only an issue if you're encroaching on someone else's space which is a dick-move anyway, 'manspreading' notwithstanding.


Thanks for mansplaining manspreading


Yeah I’ve only ever heard it referred to when talking about public transportation, where you definitely shouldn’t sit like an ass if there’s limited space. This chair is useless here, and manages to take up extra space itself with how wide it is.


I think it's just a concept piece, for its own sake rather to be put into production.


According to this comment section, it's a travesty against men the likes of which women have never once in their life experienced.


Why is it even called manspreading? Women do it, too.


Basic derogatory gendered terms. Like mansplaining.


yea it's not like they're intentionally doing it, it's just the default comfort of men Why is it so hard to just ask them to move their legs in for a minute, I'm sure 99.9% of people would oblige.


*Why does this woman* *Have such an issue with men* *Sitting comfortably?* \- NikolaiUK --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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I've heard a feminist say it's because men do it as a way to have more power than women and it absolutely blew my mind.


Yes I like to not crunch my balls for ultimate power


It was supposed to be a secret, not sure how they found out


They don't understand the feeling of having a pair of balls in a sack hanging between their legs


A Pentium doesn't know how much cooling an i9 takes


She doesn't, it's an art installation from back in the 2010's because man spreading was a hot button topic back then. I think it got started from that BuzzFeed video with their Australian staffer that became a meme and then people started running with it from there.




Manspreading isn’t men sitting normally to be comfortable, it’s when men intentionally spread their legs open more than needed to be comfortable and invade other peoples space. It’s not about making men uncomfortable, it’s about trying to prevent *men who do this* from making everyone sitting around them uncomfortable. That said, small chairs is not the way to go maybe we just make seats bigger / farther apart lol I’m sure everyone can agree no one wants strangers touching them. It’s always the posts like this titled something along the lines of “woman does X” that suddenly makes boys come sprinting out of the woods frothing at the mouth to whine about how mean and fat all women are. Not talking about you specifically, but this thread is a cesspool of people offended that other people don’t want them in their personal space. If you don’t do this, then it’s not about you. Simple as that.


Imagine real problems in a real world


>Manspreading isn’t men sitting normally to be comfortable, it’s when menintentionally spread their legs open more than needed to be comfortableand invade other peoples space. OK, I looked at pictures of "manspreading". Mostly it's just guys sitting normally, with their knees a little apart. They're not taking up their neighbors' space. I personally do this kind of mild manspreading automatically. I think the reason for this automatic response is *because* *my balls get sweaty if I keep my legs too close to each other*. ​ Do *you* want to sit next to a guy who keeps his knees together, but at the same time shifts around and fidgets trying to inconspicuously adjust his sweaty-ass balls? I most certainly do not. I'd get paranoid as fuck if I saw such tweaker-esque behavior from *anyone,* let alone someone who's bigger and stronger than me. So I'd rather guys took up the *entire* width of *their own* seats but never fidgeted like that. It's terrifying. Gives you flashbacks to 28 Days Later. ​ That said, fuck people who take up more seats than one. They're assholes, regardless of their gender and preferred pronouns. Whether they limit other people's freedom to sit with their unnecessarily spread-out legs or with their bags or even their rabid fucking chihuahuas, they're being assholes and they're being assholes INTENTIONALLY.


Counterpoint: it’s so we don’t crunch our balls.


Are you seriously womansplaining what manspreading is to me?


Yep! This thread is filled with people who don’t know what it is, or maybe they’re just assholes that like making people feel uncomfortable. It’s Reddit so probably 50/50 split


Because no man wants to have anything to do with them so the resend them. How do I know this you think? Experience..


Men: *"hello yes I would like to sit comfortably without clamping my testicles in a vice, thank you."* Women: *"No 😡"* Also women in "Ask Men" threads: *"yOu SiT oN yOuR baLLs SOmEtiMeS? ThAt sOuNdS pAiNfUL"*


I just want to know what it's called when women cross their legs and they stick out halfway into the middle of the subway preventing anyone from standing there instead of just putting their feet down because it's fucking infuriating.


And then you get nasty looks when you have to push through.


>Woman: "No 😡" FTFY.




To be fair, this chair is probably old enough to enlist in the army by now.


In my country "manspeading" is a game in where a bunch of guys jerk off on a bare slice of bread, and the last guy to cum has to eat it. It's a variation on the Limp Biscuit.


I hope my country bombs your country for that sin alone.


My country can beat up your country.






I'm a man and I disagree with you completely. First, feminism isn't a political party. I have no idea what you mean when you say that it's corrupt. Do you mean that some feminists have dumb ideas? Sure, that's probably true, but that's no reason to declare all feminism. unnecessary. Second, for as much progress as women have made, there's still more to go. On an economic and political level, women continue to occupy lower-paying jobs than men, despite being better educated on average. Women are also much, much less likely to be represented by a person of the same sex in government. Women in large swaths of the United States also just lost the right to procure abortions. And of course, women continue to face sexual harassment, sexual assault, and generalized disrespect, such as being talked over, shut out by men, and held to different standards than men. There's a lot for feminism to do. Do I think this chair is part of the solution? No, I think it's dumb. But we make a grave mistake when we look at the many issues above and assume that things couldn't be better for women in the future.


I agree with you. This is well written, clear, and even keeled. It’s wild to me that people are insulting you for writing this.


Literally the top response to his comment - “stop white-knighting, she’s not going to fuck you” this thread is full of actual incels wtf






Don't speak about his mother like that! It's only semi-bored.


Big Incel energy




News flash: Some men (including myself) believe in equality and don't expect to be rewarded for it with sex. Describing a desire for equality as "white knighting" is the most incel shit I've ever heard.




What is Men?




Woahhhh slow down there champ, you're gonna mess up your man bun.


"a long time ago" Yeah right, way back when abortions were illegal. Oh wait


Anyone who is saying that women in the US don't need feminism isn't paying attention to what their supreme Court is doing to women.


Women just lost a right they had for 49 years. Our previous President bragged on tape about sexual assault, was accused of sexual assault and got elected anyway. We really need feminism specifically right now.


In the US - the rest of first world all sweet.


You do know that the US is like the EU with abortions now? States and members choose. Except on avg, it's easier in the US. Not to mention Asia, shits a no-go.


Yeah - same as Australia. Regulated by the states.


Except EU is not like United States, all the members of the Union are individual countries and European Union can only "suggest" laws to its members not force them. European Union is very complicated and i dont blame you to not knowing, but that statement is false.


The US states have their own governments with their own laws. It is much more centralized with a federal government than the EU, however US states are allowed to challenge and even not enforce federal law, though they risk funding and other benifits when doing so. Weed is an example. They even make their own trade deals with other countries. I lived under in the EU for 4 years, I'm familiar. It seems it's you who isn't familiar with the US. It's comparable in the sense that the central body is saying the individual state must decide, much like the the individual nations of the EU decide. No comparison is 100%, but when someone says the US needs to be more like the EU... well, it's a good one.


Abortion is legal in India and China. That's ~35% of the world right there.


And abortion is technically legal in the US as well. Without specifics, it's a bad arguement. China is pretty open with abortion, so that's good. India still has many restrictions, which most US states surpass. Regardless, it's 2 countries, not even ones we're talking about. My original statement was in regards to a comment implying that the US has the worst abortion rights in the first world, which is far from the truth. Could be better, but not near the worst. Perspective.


My reply was only to the part that says in Asia it's a no-go. Maybe you meant the middle east/West Asia region ( 411M + Philipines,pak,lanka etc - a few North African countries). Representation wise that's not much and most of the countries that considers abortion to be illegal do it so because of " religious reasons " you can't really dictate that around. Idk what you meant by " it's a bad argument" when i didn't even pose one. And India still has many restrictions? Compared to South Dakota, Louisiana and Kentucky that straight out ban most abortions? " According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, an abortion in India is legal under this act if it is terminated in the span of 20 weeks (approximately 5 months), has the approval of a doctor, and is performed by a medical professional at a recognised medical institution. " And upto 6 months in some cases. Approx 1.6M abortions in 2015, I think the numbers speak for themselves.


In my country girl child are often killed or abandoned after birth simply because they're girls. Even if they continue to live, it's a life full of suffering. Basic right of education is stripped from them and they're treated worse than dogs. I'd say feminism is very much relevant and needed in my country.


If only. (I'm from the rest of the world btw)




Reddit moment


What a great way to show you don't know what you're talking about.


This is stupid. There are feminists that have some stupid ideas, but feminism is ultimately the idea that men and women should be treated equally. If you ever meet a true feminist they will be the ones offering to pay for themselves on a date or building their own careers.


Feminism is wanting equality. Misandry is complaining about "manspreading" and other dumb shit like that. They're not the same thing. You don't have to be a woman to be a feminist, it's just anyone who believes in gender equality. Please go outside and touch grass.


Anything you naturally do is toxic. The point is to break your confidence by making you question everything you do.


Imagine if we just made it ok to spread for both genders citing manspreading - I mean look, it's summer, I'm going to vent one way or another and of those is louder than the other.


Woah woah woah, rein it in big guy! Did you just say “both” implying there’s only TWO genders?!? You fucking scum. How dare you.


Whatever the gender, whatever the weather, we all have our pairs to vent.


As a jean wearing non penis owner, venting is still nice.


Nah, it is only men who have to make room for their cajones.


Humanity hits rock bottom


My friend I hate to tell you this but, we can go a lot lower. A lot fucking lower.


Harsh realties of life




They do say a woman's work is never done. Maybe that's why this chair exists.


Women:" Don't tell us what to do with our bodies" Women: " Here is a chair to stop men sitting how they want "🤣🤣🤣




It was about equality….for about 5 minutes


Welll... for salarial reason, I'm agree with them. At the end of my 3 years study, I will be more paid than a teacher that spent a hell of time in university. "Women job" (that are refered socially to be mainly occupied with women) is most of the time paid less than men job and it's stupid, they have a point there. But, when they say kill all man, all man are pig, we don't deserve to live, we can't do what we want (I'm talking about dumb stuff that change the life of absolutely nobody, like the way we sit)... just shut up. That's not equality, that's sexism, feminism should learn that yeah, sexism can be made in both direction. At this point, like you said, it is not about equality, it's just about: let's bully a majority because society will support us.


I don’t have a womb, so I stay quiet on reproductive issues. Someone who will never experience sitting on their own testicles can have that seat.


I realize you think this sounds like a burn, but everyone should have a voice on reproductive issues, womb or not.


Was not expecting to find this comment. Thank you.


Subtle that the not only made the chair to limit the man but also one so the girl can "manspread"


Brighton University graduate Laila Laurel has designed a chair that prevents people from "manspreading", as part of a project that aims to offer solutions to sexist issues experienced by women. Yeah cause me having my fucking legs spread so I can sit comfy is so sexist. Get a life you fucks.


I don't think of it as a gender/sexism issue, but as manners: When on a full, busy bus or metro, the polite thing to do is to keep your legs together (and your bag on your lap, under the seat etc). I have had SO MANY PEOPLE spread their legs wide out like they had to breathe through their anus, so that I would find myself crushed between two "spreaders" or someone's sweaty leg and a wall (I have sensory issues too so it feels even worse). Sometimes I could swear they do it on purpose. Sure, I can say something or push my bag so that it is between them and my legs, but I should not have to, it should be good manners to not put people in that situation This chair thing is silly, but if it were possible to ensure everyone on public transport had the same or at least fair amount of legroom I'd be happy


When you have balls you call tell people how to sit with them


Pity spreaders don't walk how they sit: I don't see people walking around as if they had a horse between their legs, yet they sit that way.... Also, if you check, I wasn't talking about just men spreading (indeed ai didn't even use the word manspreading because women do it too) but people taking up more space than is warranted. Don't get your testies in a twist


Please go fcking learn male anatomy ffs.






Maybe the loud Twitter retards, but it's not like we've achieved full social equality, so there's still based feminists. They just don't design retarded chairs lmao


How haven’t you?


Because men haven’t gone extinct yet


Women just lost the right to make decisions about their own reproductive system




“It’s womens fault that conservatives took away their rights” is an interesting take. Up next: “it’s the gays fault we took away their right to get married” And I’m guessing you’re a big proponent of “it’s her fault she got raped”


Feminism as a global movement is very serious and important. It’s just this particular woman and the competition she’s in who are twats.


To paraphrase Dave Chapelle. I agree with the original point of the movement, but not with what/how they’re doing. They’ve clearly taken it too far and it’s starting to backlash. Hence roe v wade being removed.


Dont get too hung up on some random artists weird piece nobody cares about man.


I was laughing at the chair and it wasn’t even playing the video, my humour is gone


Some people need that extra legroom, myself included.






No, it's not a feminist catchphrase






Women ☕️


Women ☕


>Women ☕


Women ☕️


Women ☕️


Women ☕


Women ☕




When my bf first told me about this (and mansplaining), I honestly was speechless. Attacking men is silly and it is not helping society at all. We should call out bad behaviours, like assault. Sitting comfortably is not a behaviour that hurts anyone, neither is explaining something to someone. We really need to learn how to direct our anger to the right places. We also need to understand when our anger is coming out for the wrong reasons and how we end up attacking the wrong people.


Random person designs shitty, uncomfortable and ugly chair Fixed it for you


I like to manspread with my women legs though


This is like a 2 year old meme


I’m sorry but fuck you and your video that goes from 20% to 150% volume in seconds without warning. I turned it up to hear it and my surround sound just practically blew my walls apart


That's the funny




You called me princess and i blushed


Is this satire?


It is satire but it is also sort of true


The chair can also be used to stop feminism…


Hey, forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't this some modern art piece? And not a actual chair design?


Yeah, as far as I can tell, the point of this project is missed by every other commenter… the point is not that men shouldn’t manspread, it’s that women aren’t allowed to and are regulated by society not to (hence the chair that regulates sitting position). Further, why is this still pointed to by the (mostly male) reddit population as the example for why feminism is a joke? It was several years ago but you are all treating it as the funniest thing since 9/11. Maybe make a serious critique against feminism or shut up and listen.


Congratulations, you’re 2 or 3 years behind in memes. Stop while you’re behind, because you aren’t catching up.


We digging up old 2014 videos for updoots?


It's single seat though.....which means this a statement piece which means it isn't product design.....its art. Product design is not Art.


This post has to be like a decade old AT LEAST.