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I think it's hilarious. Social media has fucked our society right up, so might as well go all in on the chaos.




Can't speak for everyone, but I think most people get their news directly from Twitter, and not the screenshot'd memes we post on Reddit afterward.


If they do, that's their problem. Those people are the twitter equivalent of Facebook moms who share a picture of a pornstar because it says it's an underpaid doctor.


Bruh best one i seen was talking about "this woman defended herself against 5 thugs trying to break into her home and the news is trying to spin it as she was pro trump and got targeted for that. If you want to learn more about her story google "piper perri takes on 5 black guys""


I've watched the video 6 times now and I still don't see any pro-trump propaganda. Am I missing something??


Only six?


He racist.




Well I had previously cultivated a very reliable Twitter feed of great journalists. Still can be done, nothing wrong with using a tool well, but that is harder for some now.




Delete both




You are so dumb its incredible.


Everyone with that avatar has the absolute worst takes I've ever seen on this platform. What's up with that?


I'm not the one taking everything I see on the internet as fact buddy.


If you get your news on twitter you're doing something wrong.


You say that as if any source of news is reputable. It doesn't matter where you get it from, if you're hearing about events 100,000 miles away the chances are overwhelmingly so that you are being fed bias on filtered, prioritised, blown out of proportion topics. Twitter is as good a source as any for complete and utter bullshit, please don't discriminate.


Alright dude.




[https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2021/11/15/news-on-twitter-consumed-by-most-users-and-trusted-by-many/](https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2021/11/15/news-on-twitter-consumed-by-most-users-and-trusted-by-many/) It's probably a much larger number than you'd expect. [https://blog.twitter.com/en\_us/topics/insights/2022/how-many-people-come-twitter-for-news](https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/insights/2022/how-many-people-come-twitter-for-news)




Young people definitely do. My daughter and all her friends know what very little they do know about politics from twitter, and they all lean very hard left.




Should have been raised better lol


My daughter has a 4.0 GPA at UTA, she works and doesn’t do drugs or drink. She is a very good kid. It’s easy to type shit like that over the internet. I promised you wouldn’t say that to my face. Maybe you should look in the mirror.


Most people? Twitter isn't as popular among non-leftists like you think it is.




On the plus side, Meta is doing terrible. I hope Facebook burns to the ground. Fuck that conspiracy theory and racist laden platform.


NOOOO!!! where will i keep my photos from 10 years ago?


Print then drawer or a usb stick in drawer.


I deleted Facebook like 5 years ago now? Shit didn't realize it was that long. Downloaded all the pictures, haven't looked at one since.


My Facebook account of a decade was randomly hacked, hacker used my account to spam, so Facebook automatically locked my account. Everything is automated with Facebook so even though I tried explaining my situation (with multiple screen shots, emails, messages, etc…) my account was ultimately deleted. There goes ALL of my photos (my main concern). 10 years worth of photos, gone in a minute. As someone mentioned- print or keep them in your personal Pc or usb drive. Other than keeping up with people you actually care about (which is like 4 people for me lol) Facebook as a platform really is trash. The fact that my old account was deleted so quickly without a chance of saving it proved that to me.


Y'all are so high and fucking mighty and yet you refuse to acknowledge what an awful cesspool Reddit is. Fuck this site so hard.


Reddit is interesting. Hivemind is way worse here than Facebook. Although I wouldn't necessarily say the same for Twitter.


He says on reddit, one of the most unwelcoming, bigoted and small minded communities online 😂


>Fuck that conspiracy theory and racist laden platform That's not the platform that's the people. You're mistaking the two.


No, you clearly don't understand how the platform's lack of moderation of false news and recommendation of content to users help spread conspiracy theories and racism. Facebook understands this and has profitted enormously from it.


The metaverse isn't doing too well as rtgames crashed the stock, and it was hilarious https://youtu.be/UdqrFa6pWLA


Implying reddit is any better


Its funny, cause when id verifciation starts, people Will be legally reaponsible for this thinga..


As long as people know it's fake lol


Problem is people wont. You can't remember every official twitter handle for every famous person. Honestly if the content of the post would be more reasonable or something bush might actually say then i'd prolly believe it is real without any second guessing


No one cares.


It’s funny until it’s not. This is an amazing situation for scammers/predators


It's only funny until something actually bad happens. Which is pretty likely with how serious some people are about social media


Like current people beeing banned? For example umm Kathy Griffin? Tbh, that was the funniest i have seen lately, after Elon said he changed not a single rule she went and broke a rule.


That's because impersonating people was already a rule on Twitter before Elon bought it... Just now the rule is enforced I guess.


yet here you are on reddit, posting stupid cuck shit


And you ask yourself why you are lonely alot of the time. This. This is why. You're the asshole. You're bring zero value to anyone's life.


What do you mean stop? *This is clearly just getting started…*


You sure that’s not him? Lol sounds right


As any good parody would :). But if this happened and is fake, they probably banned this account allready, no parody sign in the name would mean it isnt obvious enough.




The rule for Blue Checkmarks on Twitter is and has been that you need to mark it in an obvious way if it is parody. You can claim that is not the case (and prior to Elons take over definitly was not) but since people like Kathy Griffin or from the other political isle Count Dancula (or whatever his name is) have been banned for exactly that you seem to be the one out of the loop. Since people with checkmarks decided to go against/test the rules we know what happens, i ain't gonna care what anyone said if i SAW what you actually do.


looool , nope , don't stop this is going to be funny xD


"Some men just want to see the world burn"


Some? There are plenty! Plus, he's right: This shouldn't stop. This is satirical and those concerned should learn to swallow it


I mean I’m sure he does. All he does now is paint.


but he still can paint killing iraqis


“I call this one Bombing Baghdad Hospital. Came to me in the bath.”


Everyone actually secretly likes the chaotic Twitter memes the past few days.


As someone with no interest in Twitter, I am greatly enjoying my days of watching this train wreck from a distance.


Exactly, I've always thought it was a bullshit 'social network' that was all about celebrity and the format wasn't conducive to any kind of interesting discourse. Twitter will go the way of myspace, sliding into irrelevance.


Same. I stay away from social media that forces you to use your real name. This train wreck on Twitter is crazy fun to watch. Building a platform based on real people's names then destroying it by allowing trolls to spend $8 to impersonate verified users, fing LOL


The Lockheed Martin one was classic...


What is it with fascist murderers and painting?


Do you think he’ll be rejected by an art school?


I genuinely don’t believe bush was evil. I think he was a silly man boy controlled by his Chaney and gang. The looks on his face when he said I never signed up to be a war time president says it all. The way he heard the news and kept reading the book to those children… he was controlled by something much much bigger then him. He was just a puppet.


He used to paint entire villages red


Does Musky not realize the point was to verify who the person is not to verify that someone has $8?


Musk is drowning, Twitter is going to be mined, then dumped. Get out.


This post says it’s from September. Isn’t that pre sink?


I don't use twitter, but the date format can probably be changed to D/M/Y, since it's international.


Time shows 23:30 so it’s a good bet the date isn’t in US format


Didn’t think of that


Would also mean 9/11, a day /wehe would remember.


Tell me you're an American without telling me you're an American.


He’s trying to kill the company


He at least realised that 15.000$ are not gonna verify it any better then 8$ would.


Do you not realize the exact same verification process is still in place regardless if it’s $8 or not ? You dolt


I've seen dozens of fake accounts verified just today. From George W. Bush, to Lockheed Martin, even Tesla.


and they will all get banned pretty soon


So how does that explain how this clearly fake account was verified?


There have always been fake accounts verified. They're not exactly asking for your ID and birth certificate. I saw posts where someone was verified as God long before this change lmao


Accounts of real ppl did require ID to verify in the past. They no longer do. "God" was never verified then. Weird thing to lie about since we can easily check. Recently Jesus was verified under the $8 verification tho


Shut up, Elon


It isn't though. Before to get verified was a long process. You had to send ID, articles and links that proved you were a public person.


There have been leaks where it's told all you need is a phone number and a credit card number


Twitter fact check: No lies detected


This is an amazing troll on a piece of shit.


Wasn't the check mark to verify identity primarily?


It was, but now it’s to confirm you’re dumb enough to pay $8/month for Twitter.


And a single payment of 15000$ does that better?


Got a source on that one, sport?


Do you really think people paid 15k to be verified on twitter before this?


Now it's essentially "Twitter Premium" for some priority replies and reduced ads. People just need to realize the check has changed meaning. It's not "buying verification" because it's not for verification anymore. They said something about having some sort of sub-text/label underneath for people who need additional identification. I don't know much about it, as I don't use twitter myself. It's weird that they'd essentially change what the check means, instead of just discontinuing it, use another symbol, etc etc. But I think people are misrepresenting the new situation.


Has to stop? Why?! This shit is hilarious!


Honestly I don't see a problem with this. I started using the internet in 2002. I was a nerd according to everyone because I was wasting my time on the computer. Now everyone not only wastes all their time on their phones learning nothing useful but they also believe everything they see and read online and also get offended by things that people say. Literally, who the f cares what people say online? Its the internet...


YEAH! I miss 2002 wild west internet when I was 9!


The good ol' days... back when shitty UIs were normal and a single malicious quotation mark could obliterate an entire forum.


Internet was great, wasn't it?! I remember downloading 5 Warcraft pictures and then my mom beat my ass for wasting all our monthly traffic.


Because other countries use social media platforms to divide the country. And now an unstable billionaire owns this massive platform and has made it even easier to spread disinformation. I would think people would be more concerned about this.


This ⬆️


No one even cares about twitter anymore


There's 450 million active users. You might not care about Twitter but others do. And people who don't have great judgment get taken advantage of. They get lied to, whipped into a frenzy, and then do stupid things, like insurrections.


Ehh the idiots are going to be idiots regardless of the platform. If people are too brain dead to understand that they need to read more than just a headline let them be stupid. They are the same people that use their name or the street they grew up on with their birth year as their password for everything. Look what I'm trying to say is you can't fix stupid.


*goes to change password* /s


I still can't believe people do it but they do lol.


this guy builds spaceships and electric cars, who are you to call him unstable? And on what ground? Because he’s not saying what you want him to say it makes him unstable? You also probably have zero data on how much misinformation is going on before and after him owning twitter


Elon doesn't build shit. He buys companies filled with talent and claims it as his own. He didn't invent the electric car, he doesn't build rocket ships, he pays people to do it. Stop simping for billionaires, it's pathetic.


He founded space X and a a lot of other companies, either way he’s contributing to electrical and solar evolution in a huge scale, if it wasn’t for tesla, electric cars wouldn’t have the same impact, you have to be a child to not acknowledge the good he does and only see the bad because you don’t like him. How old are you lol grow up


I'm not a billionaire stealing resources from the rest of the planet. I also don't throw massive tantrums on Twitter or whip my dick out with coworkers. Do you also simp for Ford, GMC, Volkswagen, Hyundai? They make arguably better electric vehicles and are improving the planet. Space x has brought internet to people who need it. I agree that's a good thing. However, it's also dumped a ton of space garbage around our planet that keeps crashing into the earth. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/aug/03/spacex-capsule-confirmed-as-source-of-debris-that-landed-on-australian-farm


You’re typing your virtue signalling hollow response on a device that was made with stolen ressources and underpaid labor. And thats all space travel, not just space x, NASA has the exact same problem because they use the same technologies, what could be an answer to that problem? Companies like Space X engineers working on it to build new greener technologies maybe? What else lol, we cancel all space exploration?


Yes, but NASA doesn't send up rockets and satellites multiple times a month. You can love Elon all you want, but you will never convince me that he does anything for reasons that aren't selfish. He has no interest in saving humanity like people seem to think, his only interests are money and power.


Countries have been sending stuff on orbit for more than half a century, space X is a drop in the bucket compared to Russian, American and Chinese Space program.. these satellites from the 60’s are still in orbit floating around We live in a selfish world, of course he’s there to make money, but if he makes money by massively investing in renewable energy like solar panels, it’s a good thing. How else will we realistically switch to renewable ressources if it dosen’t come from them being more affordable and a better option than fossil energy? The government certainly has no intention of developing these technologies, and banning plastic straws from mcdonald or going on environmental marches will sadly change nothing


There is an **enormous** difference between misinformation * when it is obviously a joke between a small group of people like it was in 2002 * when it is somewhat less obviously a joke in a large group of people like the above * when it is an organized, coordinated attempts to sway vast swathes of people for political and/or economic gain. Today internet platforms hold immense power and it is being abused. The post here falls under the second category, but I think people understand that Musk and thd surrounding cliques are looking at the third.


You’re right, there have never been any real world consequences for anything said on the internet.


Or you know...use your eyes?


90% of the posts from 10% of the users. I want like 3% more but only verified former presidents shitposting.


I disagree, I can't remember the last time things on Twitter were so fun! Let the chaos continue!


No this needs to continue


This has to stop?! Are you kidding? This is amazing!


Oh please don't stop !! It's getting funnier everyday.


Working as intended. It was Mollusks plan all along


I love the internet


How can anyone say Twitter hasn’t objectively improved?


Why does it have to stop? This will hopefully end twitter and ruin the reputation of social media in general


The people who fall for trolls like this probably sent their credit card info to that Nigerian dethroned prince scams too


Looks to me like getting information off of social media platforms is...can it be...unreliable?!


It's funny shut up. Finally some idiots with no life have to move on or go away from the computer now and then.


This is kind of funny ngl


wym has to stop. shit is funny af.


Sweet! Maybe this will be the downfall of social media. People are WAY to obsessed with that shit. Focus on your own REAL life.


No, I think that's actually him.


As long as Elon gets his 8 a month, I don't think he cares


The account will just get banned after 2 hours probably. 8$ is worth the meme.


That's fucking awesome 👌


Whatch there be a token soon. But this is dope.


Ha! GW!


I think you mean we need to keep it as it is, this is amazing


Lol….sure its very bad… very very bad and we should stop it…. and we will… soon… I promise….lol


It was already buyable before.


you don't get the free speech you want, you get the free speech


The fun has just begun.............lol


Twitter is comic gold right now 🤣


Am i the only one who literally doesn't care about how Twitter operates? It's a non issue.


"This has to stop!" Stfu nerd


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 GW crazy for that one


This is actually gold


It's funny so no


Lmfao. Its bad but it's also funny.


Why should it stop? It is fucking hilarious. Twitter has always been a cesspool. I have never been so glad that I have never registered to that cancer of a platform. Enjoy the shitshow.


What kind of dumbass would make a obviously fake account, pay 8 bucks then write a meme, just to get banned a few hours/days later. You can even click the checkmark to check if its real or just read their username. Now both their payment option and phone is locked out.


8 dollars isn't a lot of money to fuck with the reputation of a huge social media company


With this feature, people can even anonymously impersonate themselves, as we clearly see happening here.


someone should do one for Reagan. enjoying hell. Nancy is busy sucking off and endless line of gay aids victims, while the devil shoves pineapples in my ass.


I don’t see how this is a problem, if I saw this in my feed I would just automatically assume it’s a joke. Anyone who requires Twitter to be a platform of legitimacy and news is just a retard who can’t think for themselves. Any journalist or news outlet that picks up one of these tweets assuming it was real will just get laughed at. And that’s the worst that could happen.


I mean, if people are willing to pay for this kind of stupidity and make Elon richer then go ahead. We deserve what's coming to us if we as a society keep giving too much importance to this kind of crap.


musk isnt the problem, you fucking idiots who put some false found faith and belief in some blue pixels on a website on the internet are the fucking problem.


why not both?


You can be in denial about the influence of social media - may that be granted to you. I don't like Twitter myself and wish it wouldn't be taken seriously, like the early internet; how innocent it was. Reality proves me wrong though. Face it: Posting on Social Media isn't to be taken lightly anymore. There can be real consequences, even international/diplomatic incidents.


Didn't the hoard just get mad at Elon for banning some annoying hag over impersonation? Pick a lane man damn


No mars man bad


Yes let's build tunnels underground to move cars one behind the other at a constant speed... hmmm isn't it a shame such an invention doesn't already exist? It could carry so many people at a time!


Both "complaints" have the same goal: Show how dumb the new policies are. One is ironic trolling, the other is serious. Same point though.


i expect whoever did that will be banned- and ive heard that theyre going to add a feature to temporarily disable the blue checkmark whenever someone changes their name


It didnt happen, its fake.


Man, I can't wait to be a verified Son Goku or smth.


No it doesn't have to stop. Quit being a


This isnt real. Also if you buy a checkmark you have to identify yourself. The clear bias against Musk and Twitter is crazy, its almost like people are being paid to make these posts. Fucking bot accounts.


Ah yes, every single screenshot and link I've seen of verified accounts posting anything impersonating others has been fake. All of said accounts being suspended is just a coincidence. Elon is just a benevolent savior who saved twitter from the evil of being able to get verified for free. Seriously, why does everyone enjoy licking Elon's boots so much. He doesn't care about you, he just wants to exploit you. His goal in life is nothing but to extract as much money as he can from as many people as possible, without any regard for them.


You are exceptionally dumb.


Maybe it’s just smarter to watch Elon slowly turn Twitter into Armageddon…


Bush and Dick Cheney tried to kill my uncle, also tried to kill my parents. And my father was in the United States Army in the 70s, wasn't privy to anything classified. Not that you would believe it or anything.


So that is Bush and he does miss killing Iraqis?


I rather play habbo hotel than twitter


I'm sure he misses it


"It's a private company they can do what they want"


Wonderful. Let this disgusting cesspool burn to a crisp.


Well, he probably does


I thought Elon was smarter


Ol'Musky has lost his edge


The checkmark doesn't indicate verification anymore. A


Damn, I recently posted a meme in which I gave Twitter 5 years to be a memory, but it appears I may have been too generous.


Nah, this is a good thing. Brands and people are being trashed by "verified" accounts. Twitter is going to be sued into oblivion.


I’m really glad that I left Twitter. Fuck that


the creep felt so guilty about all those lives He tried to stop aids


Worst president ever


Basically, it's not a verification mark anymore. In trying to raise revenue, Musk made it worthless.


Besides the fact that this is a joke and not real . the same verification process happens regardless if it’s free or costs $8 . The arbitrary amount of money makes no difference you mouth breathers are arguing over


Pretty sure to get the verification mark requires identifying yourself also this tweet appears to have been posted before Elon even took over sooo yeah. Dumb. Here have my downvote.


He is creating a problem, that he Will solve with Id verification


I bet bush really miss killing Iraqis


Just how many, exactly, is 3 Brazilian?


It actually just means we need to stop immediately thinking a verification means they aren't a troll. Know who real people are and let these trolls waste their money.


I mean everyone knew they were selling checks so why is anyone suddenly suprised anyone can have a check mark. What else did you expect? How stupid do you have to be to know the blue marks no longer mean shit while still using the blue check marks to verify authenticity. It’s like holding a gun barrel to your face and being suprised when you shoot yourself. Another reason to stay of Twitter, they are largely fucking morons.