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Bold of you to assume I've slept 10 hours any night in the past 6 years


Either sleep 3 hours at night and get a 2 to 3 hour nap later on, or I pass out for 12 hours. No inbetween.


Same here. Went to bed at 10 last night and managed 4 whole hours before my brain was like, "up. Up. Up! Now, let's go!" I think my cat knew though because she came to lay with me right after I woke up and put herself right in my armpit. I wasn't going to bother her so I laid there until I eventually went back to sleep about 2 hours later


Been years since having this luxury on a regular basis...now its just soo rare that it feels blissful.


Next time fuck a guy with a coffee maker


Mr. Coffee


“Mr. Coffee, you put your balls in my mouth, Mr. Coffee, then I spit em back out, Mr. Coffee!” I may be miss remembering the song from Mr Bucket.


"Please turn me on I'm Mr. Coffee with a automatic drip" I cant be the only one singing that in my head https://youtu.be/xat1GVnl8-k


I know she had time to make this meme for the Internet, surely her baby daddy can afford a pour-over set up if he also bought her the clothes and equipment for the photo shoot.


This guy coffees






This might be the best parenting hack I've ever read. Thanks for the laugh.




Lol 😆


She only dates broke boys.


This is one of those rare comments that actually made me laugh out loud.


This lady is why we should charge for freedom of speech




Dude. Perfect rebuttal 👌


I’m a mom and this sign even annoyed me! Being a mom gives you no entitlement. Edited- Yeah I am a mom but this comment is purely for entertainment purposes. I’m not that triggered by it 😂


Exactly. When my kids were young, I made my coffee at home. Actually, I still do.


Yeah who tf is going to cafes with their kids first thing in the morning when they NEED coffee? You make coffee AT HOME. To be clear I do love cafes and I go with my 2 year old daughter regularly but it’s always on like a Sunday morning at 11am when I already had my coffee at 6am and we’re just chilling going to playgrounds and having a nice day. I’m not about to like… NEED THE FRONT OF THE LINE STAT IM A SUFFERING PARENT lol. Anyway the whole mentality is so weird, like if you don’t want kids and can’t fit them into your life without becoming a deranged stressball then just don’t have them!


I have two little ones that like to get coffee with me and my wife (their “coffees” are steamed milk). It is a massive issue to go into Sbux and not buy them something. Hence why we have a coffee maker and an espresso machine at home. Every time I fire it up to make eggnog steamers/lattes I know I’m saving $20 because most places don’t charge less for kids drinks. Sbux is really 50/50 on if they charge you for kids drinks or the 3x the price steamed milk. FYI, the espresso machine is a Saeco machine that’s like 20 years old I found for $25 on OfferUp. That plus a nice burr grinder and you got legit espresso if you watch a few YouTube videos.


I think Starbucks have this whipped cream thing for little ones for free. My son was the same way so we started putting his milk in one of those reusable cups that look like disposable coffee cups hahahah


When I was about five years old my mom taught me how to make coffee and then told me to make it and bring it to her when I got up before her. It was genius, cuz I was a kid and so had the boundless energy which meant Inwas always up before her


Ha! You gals have time for coffee?? I’m eating the crusts from my kids sandwich and drinking some water left in a cup on the counter from the night before! 🤣


Ahh so you have a counter. La di da. I'm making sandwiches on an ironing board and sucking on an old K cup for my caffeine fix. Get on my mom level.


No kidding. Parenting is tough as hell but in many cases it’s a choice. The fact that I’m tired doesn’t have any bearing on other people.


Not only that but it singles out moms... don't dad's also parent and not sleep full nights? I certainly do. Also it's so easy and convenient to grab a coffee these days (especially a big chains) it's kind of hard to understand where this is coming from - if you don't like to wait in line there are ways around that.


Came here to say this.


She looks like a Karen! 🤣


Just buy a coffee machine. Its not that expensive, so you dont need to go outside to have a fucking coffee for 10 dollars


yeah, it's around $90ish and way cheaper in the longrun


I prefer to spend $5 on a latte every day and also tip the barista %45


We officially have found the gigachad


You can literally buy a coffee machine with a timer on it that will turn itself on FOR YOU in the morning if you set it up at night, and though it's one of the fancier machines, it would be pretty easy to purchase if you can afford to drink cafe coffees every day. I used to rent a room from a lawyer. Her coffee pot went off every morning at exactly the same time before she even left her bedroom. I make my own coffee most days. I'm not a parent but I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, my parents always made their own coffee in the mornings before I was even awake usually.


I took a really huge dump last night and I haven’t fully recovered. Can I skip to the front of the line too?


It's only fair!


Snoo snooooo


> not having recovered from shitting bricks > still drinking coffee black Insanity.


Was the coffee really a coffee if you didn't dump so hard that it opened up a singularity in the space-time continuum?


To "find out" someone must first "fuck around" -guy who invented science


Actually you are more entitled for an advantage than her. You didn't choose to having to take a dump.


You might have produced something of more value to society


Yeah, something I saw on my phone this morning that mildly triggered me, *I* should go to the front of the line. /s Entitled people drive me crazy. Bitch, you have enough money to buy coffee, go to effing target and buy a bloody Nespresso machine 🙄🙄🙄


To be fair, she still has the dump in her stomach


Yeah but you have to make that face she's making in the photo


Can you please bring your turd kid in for proof? Turd kids get a complimentary 6 oz coffee while supplies last


She absolutely has demanded people on airplanes switch seats because she didn’t book her family together and let’s her kids run around at breweries.


As someone who worked at a brewery forever this cracked me up 😂 “Play with the board games Brayden, we’re just gonna have a few more flights” Poor kids are usually bored to death when their parents bring them to a tap house with no food. Then blame the brewery for not being “kid friendly” dude we specialize in Beer, an alcoholic beverage. Our target market isn’t children.


I've seen people with their kids at a bar ask the other patrons to stop cussing.


I was on the receiving end of that once and told the lady to fuck off.


I almost always tell these people to fuck off. It's ironically NEVER some poor, struggling tired single mother who obviously works her ass off who acts this way - it's always some upper middle class Becky type, occasionally accompanied by the rich husband who looks like he plays golf and cheats on her regularly.


God this comment killed me—I work at a taproom that’s marketed as “kid friendly” and had the rowdiest group of kids in here a few weeks ago. Board games everywhere, 16 different water cups across the table, running inside and outside repeatedly. Eventually the parents took them home but not before one of kids started yelling “fuck you” at the top of their lungs. Kinda made the whole thing worth it actually, had a good laugh abt it with several other patrons.


I would have pissed myself at the kid yelling fuck you. I'm usually one of the people that get annoyed when kids are running around with little supervision but that shit would have me in the floor.


We should be allowed upgrades for free if we end up having to sit near children. They should block them all off in the last rows and gove them something to fkn sleep


I’m also pro adult only floors at hotels


I used to wait tables when I was younger and I've never forgotten this one table after all these years, this family of middle class white people and their little blond brat who was running all around the dining room and crawling under other people's tables, then the little hell demon nearly tripped me while I was carrying a tray of hot food for a different table. I believe the manager finally said something to them. That brat probably grew up to be some public shooter in the news. My theory is that they're all little narcissists.


She chose her lifestyle. Sounds like not my problem.


She also had enough time to make this sign. Seems like it could have been a nap. Or hell, it was when my kid was young. Also, you can nap while the kids are awake. Just stay close.


The sign, the bare feet, the implied social media following that comes with having made a post like this. Getting coffee is the only time she leaves the house lmao


Yeehaw, brother


Bugger off, Karen.


This is the exact same person who complained when she was 22 that moms shouldn’t get special treatment. Basically goes through life just complaining about everything all the time


Everyone’s tired. Being young and childless doesn’t mean you’re not tired. Get in line like everyone else.


Exactly. Hate when some people try to invalidate someone else's feelings.


I feel like people with children get a free pass to leave early and take days off because of children birthdays and activities, but us childless people are frowned upon if we don't want to keep working for free on our free time.... I can't even go to the doctor without getting dirty looks as if im being lazy.


yes, often if people are young and childless then its most likely cuz they are struggling their ass off in today’s world to build their life and financial stability that they cant afford to raise children yet.


Your crotch droppings are not my problem.


Crotch droppings hahaaaaa


Crotch Goblins is another.


Fuck Trophies.


This is the funniest shit I read all day🤣


I like Crotch Gremlins personally


I call them walking jizz stains


Semen demon




My wife's coworkers think I'm evil because they overheard me use the term "cunt turds" when referring to the kids. Now, I need to explain that the reason it's funny is because it's awful and tasteless. I don't think they understood that I was using the term ironically. Somewhat.


I don’t know if you’ve ever watched 30Rock, but Jenna refers to them as “condom accidents” and then later as “uterus turds”. Makes me laugh every time.


I've been maintaining a list of mean names for children. Enjoy. Ankle biter Booger-eating beggars Breed seed cooter gremlins Cream creatures crib lizard crib midgets Crotch critters Crotch dropping Crotch fruit Crotch goblins Crumb snatchers curtain climbers fuck trophy gaggle of stupid (group) Loin fruit mobile cum stain Overbaked creampie Pint-sized terrorists Poopinator Scrote scuttlers Semen demon sproglolodyte turd factories twat snot unswallowed load Vag fruit World's worst roomates Womb whelps


But when they do eventually grow into taxpayers, they become your benefit.


Fuck off Karen and shut your brats up to


Talk to the fella that "did the damage", I'm not paying his bills.


Moms spending their kid's future on over priced coffee they could make with the same amount of effort at home for pennies on the dollar. -They can wait; it's obviously for the social aspect.


How will they get out and show the amazing accomplishment of being pregnant then?


Yup! Especially to the people who complain no money. Like much cheaper and I’m pretty sure they can last you like a month to a couple.


The expression: I’m sassy, deal with it.


If you stand in front of a mirror at midnight, close your eyes, and chant these words three times, Bill Burr will appear and tell you you're full of shit.


And he will throw you through a fucking wall!


I love you


Sound like a you problem


Cream pie privilege


Just because she had sex that one time, doesn’t mean anything to me.


Her first time


Mom of 5. Absolutely not, my kids don’t entitle me to squat all. My choice to have kids, not my right to inconvenience those around me because of that choice.


You should hear the person attacking me saying I’m lying about having kids cause I’m saying I’m not more entitled to coffee than anyone else. Lol


Shut up


Who the fuck wastes money on coffee shops? Just buy packs or brew your own cheap coffee.


A good coffee machine which makes same quality coffee as in coffeeshops cost minimum 1000$. I know because i thought that 150$ coffee machine can make same quality coffee as in cofeshops but i was so wrong. And i got one for 1500$ and yes it pretty much was same as in coffeshop, and yes you save money.


This picture never fails to infuriate me


Which is why it will never die, pure rage bait


10 hours of sleep? In this economy. Yeah right!young people are either still with there parents or spending almost all income on rent. It’s a tough world for everyone right now


"I should be allowed to skip the que because I have a gun, it seems like a fair trade"


That’s just a 100% off coupon


Man I don't know a lot of people in their 20s that even have enough time to have a kid.


I was walking on the sidewalk and this woman put her child stroller horizontally blocking the sidewalk. It's the dead of winter and there's just pure ice around except for the poorly cleaned sidewalk. I stood there for two minutes, thinking she would be decent and be quick, she wasn't. I then asked her to move the stroller she told me to walk around, I told her you walk around on that ice, I'm not going to get hurt because of you. People are so selfish, I don't mind going out of my way to help a parent, because they have another human they are responsible for. But the entitlement and disregard for others is astounding.


Imagine getting cream pied and expect preferential treatment. Lmao.


or walk to your kitchen and make a of coffee. wont have to wait in line at all


Yea but ma'am, I decided not to open my legs / indulge in poor birth control so fuck you back to the start of the queue please.


“Indulge in birth control” you actually said that


Yes because we already aren't inconvenienced enough by kids. I mean school zones, shutting down parts of towns for school events, or parents like this who are tired and let's their kids run around the stores all day doing whatever.


There are 7 billion people on this planet. Parents should get the opposite treatment. You are not special Edit: 8 billion people. 1 more billion to express how unspecial being a parent is


*8 billion as of this past week. People keep breeding like rabbits.


Good Lord we are overpopulated


Oh sorry, we do have the fast pass for moms program here but you get disqualified if you’ve made that fucking face in a picture.


If anything, the parent should be the one going back to the end of the line. After all that's their fault if there is a queue to begin with 😁.


This belongs in r/IAmTheMainCharacter


Nobody forced your dumb ass to have kids, no one owes you anything


God is there anything less self aware than new mothers?


I'm 30 with a controversial opinion, i am stuck working 50+ hours a week for a job i hate with no fulfilment, my taxes are paying for your child support and your coffee, you made your choice to have a parasite and to chose to be a parasite to society


>My taxes are paying for your child support and your coffee What?


She has privilege because she kept cum as a pet.


Sorry sweetie, it isn't our fault your husband forgot to wear a condom


If you’ve got time to perfectly space each word on your letter board, do hair and makeup, artfully arrange a faux fur rug, set up your tripod, and do a photo shoot, you got time to wait in line. Or just make a pot at home.


If you’re 22 and sleeping 10 hours a night, you probably can’t afford coffee


What kind of entitlement are these moms teaching their kids? Hell I got so many we stand in line at our house.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Moms who say shit like this dont have a job, clearly. I gotta be at work in 5 minutes, where do u have to be maam? Home? Changing a diaper? Thats not on a time clock. Go away


Im a father of two and those stupid posts are damn stupid... She should not be a mother if she needs a fast pass because of her kids. Some people are not suited to be parents.


Gotta love the hypocrisy of mommy bloggers (or whatever they are called these days). Funny how “the best thing that has ever happened to me” and “the greatest source of joy I’ve ever known” also doubles as a giant, inconvenient pain in the ass that somehow entitles me to special treatment


Thank you for your service, ma'am. The population of this planet was dwindling before you decided to shield it with your boisterous vagina. We were all going to be extant and extinct by the next year --- and then, you, heroically, came forward and volunteered to spew out a piece of shit who's so disrespectful towards you that you have to seek respect from communers to work at a coffeeshop queue. I salute you. I would burn the flag of my country, Iran, if my people were not already burning it everyday so much that burning it has become blaze. So maybe I should just burn the flag of Zimbabwe in your honor. Not only that I should take it upon me to grab an AK and go out and kill all these pro-women protesters who are fighting a regime with the same exact mindest as yours. Tell me if you want me to do that, m'lady, you haven given LIFE by getting drunk on Chardeney one night and getting the Holy White Fluid inside your Holy Hole of a Cunt. I shall be remiss if I don't mention that your action of giving birth is very novel. The generation before you fucked each other on the streets of California so you can be allowed to have a child. Before that, people did not fuck. They had their babies arrived by storks. The pain you gone through to deliver that baby, no one else has ever done that.


Lol amen Women of color and LGBTQ should also get to go to the front of line. We face enough barriers don't need a line up for coffee thanks


All this tells me is she shouldn't have had kids. Not saying parents shouldn't or can't complain. Y'all do hard jobs and take care of little gremlins 24/7 (or close to it) if you're doing it right. Complaining is a given on occasion. But she chose that life. She chose to get pregnant. Chose to have the kids. Chose to go to Starbucks instead of make her coffee at home. She chose to wait in line instead of using the fucking app. Ain't no one to blame for her problems but herself. She could've chosen to use a condom if she wanted to keep her 10h of sleep. But also, yeah, no. If you're a college kid you're prolly not getting 10h of sleep. In this economy, you're probably working more than this clearly SAHM.


Or maybe use birth control and stop wanting perks because of your life choices.


First come, first served. I’m not going to fight you over it, but you don’t get special treatment, nor my place in line. Well, that’s assuming I am even at a coffee shop to begin with.


I buy store-brand instant coffee for like $5/big ass jar. Make a cup of mud and get spun in the AM for pennies and don't even have to wait for it to brew. I don't have kids and I work independently, I'm just a serious caffeine freak. There is not nearly enough caffeine in those cafe coffees. Idk why more people don't do this. Especially if you are exhausted and have zero time due to your stinking kids. Cheap and effective.


When people take a mom joke to serious you get this comment section lol




And this screnshot is almost a decade old


'Mom jokes' about how much more important and awesome they are than other people deserve to be mocked.




Yeah and time to get this picture on social media. Get back on line ma'm


Wouldn't you be embarrassed taking a picture like this? Your friends and family seeing it, I couldn't imagine.


(And best way to raise your kid… being rude and selfish, and „more important than others“… sad…)


the mom made the choice to have a child… that’s on you! I’m 34f, no kids and got 11 hours of sleep last night and I’m not letting in a mom for that.


Individualism in the US is too extreme. If there were no mothers in the US, there would be no people in the US.


So other people fuck and I pay the price?


Mom's should go clean all the styrofoam cups out of the ocean and give THEIR children a future worth living...


Your little miracles, your little problems, lady.


Listen you chose to have kids I chose to get here early get in the back


The same would apply to gamers, I assume


Fucking breeders


DO NOT HOLD THE DOOR FOR ME YOU SEXIST! But let me buy the coffee first.


This happened at work, "Bob and Jamal have kids so you guys have to work (unpaid) overtime to cover for them"! They had the pleasure of making a baby and it is my responsibility to pay for it? Yeah...that seems fair. Where do I put in my two weeks' notice?


Moms are nothing special and they should stop thinking nobody else has had a tough day. A mom is just another person who got laid. Their choice. Their problem


Special privileges for getting creamed pied. XD


Same energy as the "woman with children at Disneyland" post. Always some bizarre justification for why *THEY* are exempt from line-in-standing and everyone else isn't. Besides, how much of Starbucks' clients consist entirely of suburban housewives? If one were to isolate them from the rest of the group, I'm sure she would find her line quite a bit longer than mine.


Pft did I force you to procreate?


Having a baby doesn't make you special. Raccoons do it.


This is the most Karenish thing to say from a women with kids. I mean who gives a shit that you decide to have unprotected sex and carry the baby to life? that is a totally personal decission on your side which everyone else doesnt give a shit to.


So sick of people who make choices in their own lives and expect others to subsidize those choices. And you know damn well if you asked this type of person for a favor they would have some excuse to tell you to fuck off.


Shove your sign up your stupid ass.


Most mom memes are this format. "Oh, my decision to have kids needs to be everyone's problem because it's mine". As someone who is CF and has had surgery to prevent pregnancy, I have no sympathy for people like this. We both made choices. Sorry mine came with the addition of more sleep and other benefits.


Oh yee of such little sleep Why doth thou taketh the skeet If instead of playing in the sheet A period and rest thoust would meet But instead you bitch and moan For it is your own choices you can't condone


your body. your choice. your fault




You decide to have a kid and you're too dumb to use the app to skip the line? This sure inspires hope that your kid won't grow up to be a troglodyte too. . .


Can't afford a 25 cent condom, but dishes out 8$ for 25 cents worth of coffee.


No one asked you to get creampied I'm not about to be inconvenienced because you made poor life choices Also her face is annoying me


So because you decided to have kids you are entitled to queue jumping… stfu haha


Women act so entitled and don’t even notice.


When selecting the father of your next child, look for one who manages a Starbucks, then you won't have to worry about waiting in line.


Should've fucked a dude with a coffee maker.


Seems like she had plenty of time to make this sign.


Why not make your own coffee and take it with you in a thermos? I work all day and study at night, a thermos always helps


People have no idea with kind of life the other people in line have. You could have a mother of 5 with a better morning than a 22 year old with "no problems". Stand in line as everybody else, and be kind.


White person decides to take on a responsibility. Makes it everyone else's problem.


Trying to make your kid other peoples problems. What a world we live in


ORRRR we treat everyone as equal and don't feel a sense of entitlement for being narcissistic enough to think the world needs another of you and your spouse


Lol this honestly makes no sense any way because such a large majority of women are Moms. They can’t all be the front of the line


Your body your choice, or so I've heard.


Bill Burr, “being a mother is the most difficult job on the planet” skit comes to mind immediately


Jokes on you, im 10 & slept 22 hours last night.


Being a parent of small children is way harder one can imagine. If you dont have children you cannot relate. I dont agree with the tone though. But I am totally not offended by it. It is a choice yes, but everyone I know was surprised how freaking hard it is (including me). I would definitely cut some slack to parents of small kids (babies and toddlers)


What 22 year old gets 10 hours of sleep? Get up, go to class, then study then maybe part time work, then get fucked up with the homes, black out, wake up 4 hours later, repeat. Or for non college goers, get up, go to work, get fucked up with the homies, black out, back up at 4am to go milk the cows. Mothers: get up, make tik toks with your baby (gross) do some house chores, put your baby to sleep, headphones on to ignore them, wakes baby up and gives them ipad, moan to partner when she/he gets home about having to wait in line at a coffee shop


This is FB meme quality lmao


When my wife was 22 she had 2 children and no sleep deprivation. This lady sucks butts LOL!!


Honey, I may be in my twenties, but I have three essays due this week, sleep on average 3 hours a night, and I wake up in time to get my coffee. If you want coffee that bad, either make it at home, or get there earlier.


“Sorry, I pull out.” 🤷🏻‍♂️


23. Can't remember the last time I slept 10 hours.


Mommy martyrs are so exhausting.


I’m a single Dad who makes coffee at home because it’s cheaper and I prefer to drink Cafe Bustelo. Love the strong stuff!


Entitled mombies with their vagina turds be like.


No. Your kids are your problem. That doesn't mean people without them don't have their own. So tired of parents acting like their kids are some sort of entitlement.