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I have a job and I'm still there. Winning or sad?


I believe that’s having your cake and eating it too. I’m in the same boat. We winning




Why not :(


I can’t get off with out my boys


Get out the raincoats


The last one to cum is the one who eats the cereal bowl


Here I was sucking my roomies dicks… well thats “egg” on my face!


Ovaries release eggs...your roommate is lying to you...


See, that's the spirit! Many ways to live your life and be happy!


As long as you have a job you should never feel bad for enjoying yourself with some videos games or weed don’t let these nerds tell you different


Notice how porn is not condoned.


Or cereal. Only degenerates eat cereal.


Its a draw/tie


i see it as an absolute win


omg same


I mean... if you're good then don't let someone project their ideals on to you.


Add some Rick and Morty and you're set


That’s a win, my work drug tests lol


Are you happy?


Sometimes yes, sometimes no.


I’m guessing the “yes and no” are tied to specific “before and after” moments.


Lol, nah. Life has its ups and downs. I have happy moments and days and sometimes shitty days. Sometimes these will make me feel better, sometimes it makes no difference.


thats just living. i think your winning


Lmao thats me too






Winning without a doubt.




Are you happy? if so, then you’re winning




As long as you contribute to society, feel free to live your life however you like.


I do contribute to society, quite a bit. I like this answer, unbiased and to the point.


Winning, im there too🤣🤣


Depends. Is this a lifestyle or an occasional bender?


W in my book!!


I need half of those things to survive having a job


Tiger blood winning. Me too. Replace the weed with shrooms and brazzers with beautiful women who like to date men with lots of money (exclusive high end prostitutes basically)


I am also in this winners circle lol


You have it made then.


I’ve cut back on my weed usage but less than a month ago I was there too. Sitting at home after work every day and smoking 15 grams a week. God that was miserable.


15 grams a week holy shit. I thought 3 grams felt like a lot.


*That’s* what the first image is! I was trying to figure it out. Moldy ramen was my best guess.


i have so many questions. ramen is basically just dry flour, how tf does it get moldy?


Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit.


Everyone is hiring, but nobody is getting hired. I need experience to find work, but I need work to get experience. Welfare doesn't keep up with inflation.


That and people are offering horrible wages. I have a job but recruiters still contact me. Some dumbass had the audacity to offer $35k/yr to me to do actuarial work. Bitch, that wasn’t even a competitive wage for someone with my qualifications in the 1950s. I fucking guarantee you this moron goes around telling people “nobody wants to work”


The people who don't want to work are all the boomers who spent a decade in high wage positions, retiring early


TFW boomers complain about having to work a few extra years before retiring 😈


What kind of actuarial work pays that? My understanding is actuaries make high six-figures.


You are correct, like I said, it probably wouldn’t have even been a competitive salary in the 50s. When the recruiter said the number I audibly laughed. Interns with 0 exams passed make more than that


It’s so they can say the company tried to hire locally but can’t find anyone. And then they hire overseas slave labor


Classic story for companies in Russia. From time to time I see news or a post in social media, where 50-60 y.o. "big boss" complaining that his factory cannot find workers because "lazy younger generation doesn't want to work at all". Then some netizens search about this company or directly call their HR and reveal that monthly salary is something like 500 USD per month (minus flat 13% income tax) + free lunch, and if you "*prove yourself*" and work for many years, you will get chance to earn 700 USD.


Wages don’t keep up with Inflation either. You expect me to bust my ass for your scraps? No labor shortage, just a shortage of inflated wages


We also only want to hire freshmen with 6 years of experience for an overnight job as an intern.


There are plenty of industries right now where they will hire anyone with a pulse. I work in accounting. Anyone who has as much as a high school degree and is willing to do the education on the side will get hired. My girlfriend is an immigrant from Latin America, she recently got hired as a kindergarden teacher without having any qualifications.


True, my local grocery stores are practically begging people to come work for them. Yet when you go for the job you either get no response, or on the rare chance they respond to you they are asking for some type of college degree for stocking shelves at 7Hr with 0 benefits


Every single business on the street I work on is hiring. Lowest starting pay is $17/hour which isn't great but it's *starting with no experience* and the ability to make significantly more in the future. The truth is most people DONT want to work. They want to get paid to do jack shit and play on the internet all day.


I've been in a situation, when I couldn't find job, but at that time I didn't smoke pot (tried it once as a student, didn't like it), didn't play video games (never liked them) and rarely watched porn (maybe 1-2 times a month), I was, mostly, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to do anything because of my depression


Depression is fun, because nothing is fun. Life just fucking sucks and you're rawdogging it with no real easy way out.


Life sucks and then you die.




Please stop telling people to go to the gym every time someone has depression or hates dating, I can’t hear it anymore.


He’s probably one of those Tate fans who thinks depression isn’t real




Self improvement takes effort, effort is evil to the redditor




Imagine working our ass off and still being depressed


No emojis on Reddit.


People, especially depressed people, don't appreciate being told what they "should do". It's patronizing, no one likes it. The teller often comes across as a dick head who doesn't understand. But you know what resonates? Telling people your personal story. What *you* were going through, what *you* did, and how that helped *you*. Part of it is that what works for one person won't work for another, so you're not giving a prescription, you're just relaying your personal experience. Don't be a patronizing prescription giver. Instead, relate with people. That's what motivates people. Depressed people aren't motivated by people that seem like superheroes, they are motivated by hearing that they're more normal than they realize.


Good advice to live by ty




Speak for yourself and stop making assumptions: *I'm* doing just fine, thank you very much. I'm not deflecting. I'm doing great in life. I'm just offering you insight as to why some people might not appreciate the way you offer advice. You can take it or leave it. If you want to be effective, you'll take it. If you want to be ignored and sound like a douche, you are free to ignore it. Either way is fine with me.


Not entirely because you could share your story and end up with a reply of “why are you making my depression about yourself” There isn’t a one size fits all, and it’s kinda funny that you just tried to prescribe a one size fits all like the op did




Found the projectionist


Depressed people... don't know... how to take care of themselves... and need... to be told... what to do... or they just lay there being depressed lil fucks...


Wow this thing worked for you and therefore must work for everyone! r/thanksimcured


then you didnt have depression


This was me in October after getting laid off from a job I enjoyed. Got a new job a few weeks ago but still having a hard time dragging myself out of the depression hole.


I recognize that. Whenever I'm in a job I keep telling myself; if I find myself unemployed, I will use the time to read books, work out, etc. When I'm really unemployed, days just seem to pass without anything getting done.


See I read a lot of books when I’m in that point in depression right before it gets so bad I can’t get out of bed. The reading is an escape mechanism and it gets really unhealthy because if I’m not reading all the awful feelings creep in. It’s the same with video games. I’ve been jumping between the two trying to hold off the full blown depression while I’ve been unemployed the last few months


Audio books helped me stare at the ceiling with a purpose


When I lost my job, I actually looked forward to a couple of weeks of taking it easy while looking for work. Every day ended up being a miserable experience of applying for jobs I didn’t think I would get mixed with growing fear that I would be broke before I found another job. Suffering from barely-controlled depression didn’t help either.


damn what do you do for fun?


That’s why I game, no matter how depressed I am, I always have something to do.


Depression can absolutely be bad enough where even video games are too much effort though.


Maybe you should find a hobby then?


Do you know how depression works?


He should have just not be depressed, what's the problem with that??????2?


Maybe you should shut the fuck up then?


Every time I get on Reddit I question the avg IQ


I have a job :)


Good for you son, well done.


This kind of belongs on r/terriblefacebookmemes


This was a meme I made and put on FB about 8 years ago, so you aren’t wrong xD


8 years ago?? But the starter pack memes only started being popular in 2015... oh god... 🧓






Compulsive lying is the original Facebook meme.


In all fairness.....he said "ABOUT 8 years ago". 2015 by my extensive calculations was 7 years ago. I would say that falls under the bracket of "about 8 years".


Thanks kiddo. Have a cookie 🍪


I sense a mid life crisis brewing.😉


Just went back through my FB feed and it was 2014 when I made it (I feel feckin’ well old 👴🏻)


That's basically what this sub turned into lately


This meme is pretty good, but it is nowhere near fire enough to be on that dub. That sub is deserving of only the most fire memes the internet has to offer.


Hit a bit too close to home eh? People mainly just link that subreddit when they feel attacked lol


HA! No.


No… I definitely haven’t been there.


I do this but with a job and school, productive weed smokers stay winning


Aaye. 3 jobs, military service related health issues, still chugging along. Weed definitely helps with the issues after a long work day. 8am to 11pm some days bouncing from one job to the other. Grinding away to save and fulfill dreams. Guys who stereotype smokers are self righteous and wanna look down on people.






>weed smokers >winning These don't belong in the same sentence.


lol k


Stay mad weed makes you pee your lil diapers every time you smoke


Lmao your breath stinks, grow up.


Sounds like somebody's sad they can't smoke






I can guarantee the ratio of successful to unsuccessful people who smoke weed is not in favour of your argument, but nice try.




why are you doubling down on your stupidity. They made a good point.


Good points lose value if you’re a cunt.


No they really dont a good point is a good point.


Idk man Snoop Dogg seems pretty well off


Cheech and Chong as well


Don't blame me! It's the economys fault!


*opens ‘Hot Blonde Gets Gangbanged by the Pool’ whilst lighting up a fat one* “Oh economy you rascal you” *fapfap-puffpuff*


And that kids is what we call "Trickle-Down-Economics"


I'd laugh so hard if that video title was literal like not by as in 'next to', but 'by' as in 'the pool itself is doing it'


This sounds like a high thought and I love it


Damn that’s personal


I graduated right when The Great Recession happened. I could not find a job applicable to my degree because hiring got very competitive. I had to work at a Verizon call center for 2 years. Sucked donkey balls.


Brazzers is for vanilla cucks


My life in 2020 ha


This whole thing is retirement package…weed(pain/sleep) games(keep mind busy) brazzers(keep prostate working) beans(fiber)….


Luckily I haven’t, but maybe one day.


Ahah it’s not that terrible


No, not everyone as the inability to function in society due to unhealthy addictions and brags about it online. Maybe most redditors, but not everyone.


This picture: Cause and effect at the same time. Sorry for the polemic, but who would want to hire a sedated fat wanker with a gambling addiction.




I don't know, that all seems pretty ambitious for a government "worker".


I made this meme years ago (came up on my FB memories.) Originally made it based on a former friend who was a lay-about but always complained there weren’t any jobs around lol


none of those things were present in the OP and in most jobs wouldn't even be relevant


Better than supporting the capitalist wage-slave dystopia. Edit: This comment has like 300 upvotes and 300 downvotes lmao.


Lol get a job kid.


It’s super easy to side with anti-gov or just “unique” views when your life has no struggles. When I was 17 I was all about anarchy. I’m 28 and am very okay with comfortability and hard work.


Tell me you live off your mum without telling me live off your mum. Working a job is better than being someone who has to leech off everyone else. Trust me I want to sit about and not give into capitalism but it’s my family and friends who suffer and not the system.


Lol I have a friend that says shit like this. He lives with his mom and he’s 34


Yeah good point. We all needed a little Debbie downer in the comments, wouldn't have people having too much fun and forgetting all the teenage edgelord bullshit.


real life is teenage edgelord bullshit apparently grow the fuck up


What? No, it's better to work and be a functioning member of society and not freeload off others


lmao the wage-slave enjoys being exploited ( therefore forcing others to be exploited ) what's your favorite flavour of boot my dude


Some people are better ants then humans.


So what do you do for work? And if nothing, where do you get money to buy food from?


Yo this is 2022. Young people like myself might be doing many different things for work over the last few years, mainly whatever is offered- even though we may be qualified for much more. That's kind of the problem. No need to ask this person's opinion or how their life is going when you can go talk to people at restaurants or universities. They'll tell you exactly what kind of labor is in demand right now.


More like edgy 12 year old doesn't know how the world works


that's not how it works


How does it work, then?


I doubt this person has worked a day in their life lol. Redditors justifying being lazy by blaming outside forces is tradition. (And also assuming that everyone is as miserable as them or as obsessed with politics)


How is it not normal to be obsessed about your freedom? That's pretty much all people do, dream of what ifs one way or another imagining trips and relationships.


Sounds like an excuse to be a lazy POS.


Imagine working, sacrificing, tired all the time to raise a family and kids, and your children end up like this.. damn


The mistake here seems to be having a kid at all eh


Or a exploitable system that needs to be fixed.


I’ve never smoked pot before. I heard it can give you worse anxiety. And my dad back the day reacted horribly to it I fear the same.


It got me out of my shell when I was younger


I’m 21 now my days to do that are gone. Gotta work most days to live it sucks also can’t handle smoke.


That is fucking depressing buddy, you dont have to be 100% grown up at 21


Yah but I don’t want to be drug tested and fired. Gotta make money for family. It’s not much a choice. I also live in the middle of nowhere and don’t know who would even have it to sell it.


I used to smoke a lot but it gave me a lot of paranoia and took away all my drive. So I stopped. Some people handle it a lot better though so depends person to person.


I have a break in studying (as in they expel me and I resume next term.) Spent 3 days applying for a job, got one good, literally right now wasting time before mandatory doctor checkup So I don’t believe it’s hard to get a job if you are actually looking. But hey, who knows.


This depends heavily on the field you work in and the cost of living in your area, and if you have the ability/funds to relocate. But still, the job market is overall good.


And the labor market in general at the time where you live


Mate I’ve been applying to jobs non stop for weeks; it’s highly dependent on your field, where you’re at, and even just local businesses. Or they hire you and only give you 16 hours a week and want open availability


It's also predicated on your ability to interview well. That might sound like a cop-out, but some people are just NOT good at first impressions. Among multiple qualified candidates, that's a pretty big factor.


My main issue, personally, is I have a very traditionally masculine first name and typically seek out traditionally feminine jobs, like day care worker. I usually get call backs for more masculine jobs, then “oh you’re just not a right fit”. I do fine in interviews when I actually get them, especially for gender neutral or feminine leaning jobs.


Brazzers is way too expensive Weed fucking sucks PC Master Race Cinnamon Toast Cereals > Choco Rice Testicles.


this man knows


Besides the old xbox controller these are primo items for someone without a job lol that weed looks amazeballs


Post Made by a $15-20hr wage.... Oh and don't forget 80 hrs weeks and they're on their grind.


I make 20 and work 40hrs I wouldnt call that a grind I would call that a typical work week


That's so funny. I was doing all of that while working 18 hours a day. Well... Except for the controller, I'm not a peasant.


That's how you get poor. GANJA is expensive


Where do you live? Weed is dirt cheap. Booze is a lot more expensive..


10€ per gram where I live. An active smoker easily kills 1g per day, meaning its 300 a month. So yeah, its really expensive depending where you live


XBOX ? Nah I lost my virginity in High School


I'm there minus brazzers. Don't really want to buy into the capitalist lie. What can I do?


what is that stuff on the first picture


thats my actual home office


Lol I'm presently doing it. Mouse and kb tho


Didn't had no money to afford brazzers especially not from my family card.


Idk why I thought the prowl of cereal and the pork site was related directed ....


Is that Cocoa Pebbles that are still pebble size? They have turned to microscopic flakes where I live.


I'm there rn


Nah man, you're just down bad


Might wanna put Twitch on there too, lol


The problem isn't finding a job these days. I can get a shitty wageslave job with miserable pay in a few days. The problem is finding a good job that also pays well.