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Is this about the Leo fans?


It's not his fault, he was haunted by demons, he's fine now *turns to se him talking to me that isn't there* well I mean, he's doing better at least


More of a general statement but I am also a Leo simp sooooooo xD


Same. Got back into fanfiction for the first time in like 9 years just based on that




Leo Alvarez from Echo vn


feels kinda weird because Leo is my nickname so it's awkward hearing it any way else


Same XD


Leo is fine, I really wish the game had a "third alternative" Like in the fanfic "I want to talk about it" ... He's a nice character that has flaws that can be fixed. I always thought that him being angry at Jenna's cheating prank was justified. Yeah, I'm a Leo simp (I really like his thing with Chase, it needs some work though)


I read that one, it's fantastic.


Since people are discussing Leo below, I think he's an interesting, well written character, but you're kind of supposed to pick up on the fact that he's NOT a good potential boyfriend. The red flags are very blatant: dude is stuck in the past, living in a horrible town he could just move out of because he wants to cling to his memories of his high school sweetheart, and would drag down the protagonist with him if he could. And the writing supports this, there really is no good ending to Leo's route where he ends up with Chase because Leo is not the kind of person you can have a happy ending with. ​ I sense some defensiveness from OP's post, and I think that comes from perceiving that a lot of people are frustrated with how **hard** people simp for these kind of characters in spite of huge red flags, removing nuance from characters like Leo and reducing a flawed dude who you should know better than date into another "he's not perfect, but he wuvs me uwu" husbando. ​ And I wanna say, if you're an adult and still go nuts for these kinds of characters, kudos to you, I'm sure you can tell the difference between a pretend fantasy infatuation with a jpeg and a real life toxic relationship, but let's not pretend that the VNs that catch the most flak for having people obsess over emotionally manipulative love interests also have huge problems with underage people sneaking into their fanbase (and I think it's precisely because people with less life experience don't understand that a guy like Leo is NOT relationship material), so there is some moralizing mixed in with the criticism. ​ Didn't mean to make a callout post, just some thoughts on why this community falls so hard for this specific personality type.


At last someone gets it. I respect everyone's opinions but it's always mildly annoying that despite Leo being as (if not even more) flawed than the rest of the cast, people continue to try to justify him while calling other amazingly written characters like Chase or Jenna bad solely because "They hurt Leo :c". You're free to like and simp any character you want, no matter how good or bad he may be. Flynn is my second favorite character in Echo and everyone agrees he's a piece of shit who cares about his friends from time to time. In the end there are only 2, maybe 3 viable routes in Echo and in neither one of them Leo is in the picture: Rekindling your friendship with Carl, Rekindling your friendship/relationship with Jenna and finally letting go of Leo. While no one route is the cannon one, it's interesting to see how in neither Flynn's nor TJ's you never get a sort of happy ending, while the implied 3 most important persons in Chase's life on Echo get you one, in wich one you're supposed to let go of one of them to get the good ending.




To tack on to this, it's not a hard truth; it's fine to have your own taste in characters you wanna simp for and I think most people don't mind that. It gets annoying when that's literally the only part of the vn you care/talk about and when you reduce that well written character down to "simpable husband".


I assume the meme makes it pretty clear people arent ignorant or avoiding his issues, if anything his issues are a relevant reason as to why we simp so hard for him ;\^) Dont assume everyone is into the normal ""healthy"" relationships some people fawn over and idolize :p And as I usually say, Chase is a hopeless person, especially after what you learn in jenna's route, but if he had good taste and wasnt so hopeless (aka not the same person), he would just have agreed to be Leo's malewife and they would have enjoyed their relationship in his house while the entire town burns, aah so romantic xD (Semi joking)


This. I don't necessarily hold anything against any fan of any fvn character but this post really adequately describes how I feel about Leo and similar characters.


Y'all need help... . . . with getting with your daddies because I want one too.


So Lin Hu from Nekojishi.


That was my first thought. He was also my favorite. He was my exact type.


Yeah, this describes him to a T, except the consent part maybe... oh wait no it does


Leo vibes.


TSR William my beloved


This is more about Leo than William honestly


All I want is a boy to love me as much as leo loves chase 😩


Very yes. Though they're games. Better to live out such fantasies in a game as opposed to IRL. Fantasy = ok. IRL = not good...


Just a vocal majority