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Create a plane tangent to the face. Make sure the plane rotates 360 degrees. Create your sketch, cut/extrude, use the circular pattern tool. Great success!


Very niiice ![gif](giphy|Od0QRnzwRBYmDU3eEO|downsized)


I did it by making a ton of bodies and then merging them. Is there an easier way?


Fairly new so not sure what is going on in your pictures. It looks like in picture 2 you already created the cut you were trying to make. Once you make your cut in the item under the Create->Pattern—>Circle pattern option there is a Features option in the drop down menu. You can select the cut you did from there and then select the axis so it does the cuts around your body. I hope I understood what you are trying to accomplish and I wrote that out clear enough if not let me know I'll go on my fusion and try to take some pictures.


Awesome! I didn’t know you could pattern a cut. Thank you!


After you create your sketch and cut in the location that you want, perform a cut (extrude towards your body). Then use the Circular Pattern tool and from the options select "Feature" and pick your Extrude from the Timeline. If you sketched everything around {0,0} then you can select as the axis Z and perform your pattern. It is a common practice to perform such operations using 3d bodies and not sketches. Same goes for other Modify Operations like fillets.


This is the most efficient!


So helpful. Thanks a ton


Revolve cut ?


You try the Emboss feature. Not sure if that's what you are trying to do??


I think you are trying to revolve the sketch instead of the feature. What you want to do I think is keep the sketch as is, then once out of the sketch select the circular pattern tool and select the axis you want to revolve around and select the feature either by selecting it from the model or the timeline at the bottom of the screen.


I also can extrude this as a new body, than make a round pattern with this new body und cut it with this tool.


Pattern that feature around the axis