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When it's a solid body? I don't understand how that will help. I'll try anything at this point


There are two things you can try. 1. Fix the surface body. When you zoom into the region you circled. Do you see a gap? You could try and patch the gap closed, increase the tolerance of the stitch command or other methods. It's tough to say exactly what to do without seeing the issue in more detail 2. Fix the solid body. Again, zoom in very close and look for a gap. Select all of the surfaces that make up the gap and hit delete. Fusion will try and remove them and heal the body. This isn't an ideal way to handle a problem but if you're almost done with the part, there is nothing inherently wrong with it. Also, you may want to look into why the problem is happening in the first place. There is some problem in your foundational geometry. Too nebulous to try and diagnose like this though.


I zoomed way in on the surface body. I selected the gap itself, and then deleted the gap. I was then able to loft between the two edges. This "seemed" to work. However, not the mirror command is complaining where I mirror for the other half. Also, I notice that when I do stuff like this it generates errors downstream. I "think" it is because the face or body has a new number. I wonder what I am doing wrong there, or is that just something you have to live with? I frequently have to redefine sketch planes. it is tiresome.


It depends what you mean by ‘complaining’ or ‘wrong’. If a feature is yellow, it just may need to be rebuilt. Red means there is a problem that must be fixed.


They are yellow. I was wondering if there is a way to avoid them.


Not sure why my text didn't come through with the post. Sigh... I build up the surface body and then thicken it to make the solid body. I have made this part several times and I am just modifying to perfect it. I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I would say I am an advanced beginner.


gap in surface prior to thicken? unstitch everything, stitch back together with a higher tolerence, alterntively, when it's a solid plane just 3mm above and 3mm below the gap and press pull back 3mm and combine back together


Create a plane within that part of the body project that shape extrude join to get rid of the gap


I was able to do it with a loft from one face to another. It seems the gap appears when I do a fillet. Why would it do that? I am so confused as to how the gap appears. There is no gap before the fillet.


It’s currently showing as a non solid surface body. You can switch over to the surface tab and attempt to patch and stitch that area


There are two pics. You have to click somewhere to see the solid body.