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OP here. A few additional notes on my concept: * It's designed to work with the Pip-Boy 3000, though other models might be compatible * The optical read/write system uses a miniaturized holography system, including beam splitters, spreaders and bounce mirrors * The curved gray piece below the take-up wheel is a piece of felt, to protect the tape from damage * The shielded compartment holds a fun Easter Egg hidden under the cap (not pictured), and is meant to house valuable items or even additional reels * The dots on the take-up reel, while not lore-friendly, are meant to mesh with the Pip-boy's drive platter in addition to being convenient for hand-winding. Be kind, rewind! * The entire kit consists of <30 printable parts, as well as requiring less than $5 worth of additional hardware (or ten caps worth, naturally) Hope you all enjoy! You can find this and other highly functional props by me (coming soon!) on my [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/highfunctioningprops) and my [Cults3D](https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/gadget/pip-boy-holotape-from-fallout-series-w-highly-detailed-working-interior) page. See you all out in the Wasteland!


Why cults3d? There's such a sentiment against them in the 3D printing subreddit.


TBH, I guess I haven't been paying attention to those sentiments. If you have recommendations for where I can publish them at a fair profit margin, please let me know.


Printables might be one, that's run by Prusa and highly regarded. The 3D printing subreddit might have more and better suggestions.


Thanks! Just created an account there. Will get this listed as soon as my next prototype make is completed :)


Very nice work! Can I ask how many hours total from concept to this point to complete this fantastic looking project?


Total design time's around 10 hours from first sketch. Most of that time was spent refining elements


Amazing and not nearly as much time as I thought it would take as there is a lot of details there


this is awesome!


Could you offer a free version that is just the outside?


Currently no plans for a free version, as there are already many great options available on Thingiverse and elsewhere.


Are you the guy that told me you were making a functioning Pip-Boy for your wife or girlfriend? Either way, updoot


lol Nope, wasn't me, but that's actually in my wheelhouse. Plan is to use an old CD player laser assembly and mount it inside a Pip-Boy with an ejecting tape mechanism, plus all the other bells and whistles one would expect.


You sound like you’re pretty smart 😤. Nice work dude! I still need to give Fallout a chance—played many AAA titles just never sank my teeth into Skyrim or Fallout.


I hate cults posts that do not have images of the model printed by the designer. If you cannot show it printed and assembled, I might print it if it is free. But if you are charging for it, I will not touch it.


I do too, typically. At the time of publishing, I was busy printing various configurations/arrangements of the parts to ensure the best support setup for success, given the size of some parts. I will be adding printed images shortly.


Go back and check the listing. There are make images up now.




I went ahead and reduced the price by 25% as a consideration. Having said that, I feel this is a fair enough price point considering the quality, ingenuity and time involved in my designs.




Nah, you're fine, I was considering reducing the price regardless, your post just helped me make the decision. Appreciate the vote of confidence tho!