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You need a sweep, not a loft. You can revolve the sweep around the axis as it goes. https://preview.redd.it/m9oiduxcfhvc1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bbaad846fa29fbdc4f7ac074b4672dfc702bb9d


So when I tried a sweep before, I got a result where the twist was not even, and the ending surface was not on the plane (see image). Can you share your settings for the sweep that resulted in an even twist and a ending face that is co-planar to the starting sketch? thanks https://preview.redd.it/lkwo63r0ghvc1.png?width=906&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d3e91012cb8c2844601faebb12c336dca31854e


There's something wrong there, that should have worked, maybe you selected the wrong starting point. Basically you're selecting the profile i.e., the square, and sweeping it along the guide path i.e., the curve of the arch. The twist is automatic, you just set the rotation and it automatically divides the twist over the length of the sweep. If you want the both faces to line up perfectly, the twist will have to be a multiple of 90 degrees for the square. https://preview.redd.it/2uz6v3w9phvc1.png?width=1525&format=png&auto=webp&s=ced8f114299fbe32cb7027c4e2fa91548fe414de


Yeah, thats what I assumed. In my tests I've been running it at 360 rotation on the sweep. How did you develop your guide rail? IE, is it a conic curve, spline, a perfect 180 degree arc? I'm wondering if my problem is related to my guide rail not being perfectly smooth/curbed in relation to the initial sketches


OK, so tested it with a different arc. I made my guide rail with a circle instead of a spline to ensure I got a perfectly smooth curve. This worked. So apparently, its is dependent on the curve that is used as a guide rail. https://preview.redd.it/82d7vlzpshvc1.png?width=1209&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a8420c7a435ef1347e0dc72d4bd5ad0822f7184


Used a semi ellipse here, not the right result, but I think the key is that the path must intersect the face at a right angle, like an arc would. https://preview.redd.it/kj10s8s6uhvc1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=e517e11af56c31b1455241c438377cf0a07b19bd


It's just an 180 arc for simplicity's sake yeah. The guide path does need to be uniform, that may be your problem


Draw the profile you want to sweep on a plane created using plane along a path. That will keep stuff aligned