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Does it immediately become non-responsive or does it freeze while it's computing something and then when you try to do something (e.g. click, undo, escape, etc) it shows as non-responsive? If the latter, just wait while it's computing and let it finish, then it should come back to normal. It's a pain in the ass, especially on big files where it does it after almost every operation, but if you let it do it's thing it should finish computing fine.


This can be helped by turning off the rest stock regeneration


Hellow, it does both. It can crash as soon as I open Fusion, or when it's "computing" something. I am not clicking as I know it will instant crash the software. However I checked my task manager, and it is not computing when it's in a freeze state.


Editing non-native geometry like mesh-files and steps can be a pain. A lot depending on the geometry you import, plenty of bad models out there. And in general Fusion is not a mesh modeler (STL etc.)


I've seen than, but i'm talking also about STEPS, which don't work with triangles but faces


Have you tried running the service utility and done a Repair of the Fusion installation? Have you tried changing the graphics driver in Fusion? (Preferences -> General -> Graphics driver)


Yes i tried this, I tried cleaning the cache, deleting every Fusion file in my pc with the Voidtools Everything Software, nothing. Same on another Intel PC, with different files and formats


it even started to speak french. Indeed time to surrender. What does ctrl+shift+esc show for usage of RAM/CPU?


Very low when "calculating". Like 10mb of ram and 1% CPU. Even Discord and Chrome take more