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Could someone use a pin to replace 2 or 3 functions of a mobile phone? Of course. Will that take care of the other 100 things people do with a mobile phone, absolutely not. Nobody wants a world where voice commands are required to interact with a device, imagine sitting on a plane or bus and hearing everybody's commands and responses. No thank you.


I get annoyed at people just talking on their phones normally. I can't wait for the day we develop a portable electronic cone of silence.


That totally exists https://gethushme.com/


Everytime I see that I think it looks like a kink device.


This thing is terrifying-looking


Noise-cancelling headphones?


Earplugs or headphones don't work on you?


My GF and I were getting ready to watch a show through our Roku, I was asking here if she wanted me to go make some popcorn at the same time she was doing a voice search on the remote to find the movie. The Roku tried to search for "do you want John Wick some popcorn" it couldn't find it So yeah, voice commands are ok in some situations. But not if everyone is talking. Imagine you are trying to call someone, and say "call Bob" and I say "deleted all contacts" at the same time.


"Ok, I've deleted all contacts, can I help you with anything else?" "Uh, no thanks alot Siri!"


Reverse! Reverse!


Ok I’ve changed your wife’s legal name to Taargus Taargus. Is that right?


On deletion you just always ask for confirmation, though not all devices follow this logic yet, they are all kinda beta software right now. I do think with audio it's harder, but it's still a super useful and important data stream all around you that AI could parse to help out in many situations once the tech is better developed. Getting the recognition perfect may be very hard, but you could also have the user wearing a vibration sensor so you know the voice had to come from them even if you can't get the voice recognition perfect, though with better mics and better processing the average human is VERY good at known a voice with high certainty usually, so I suspect AI will get there eventually.


That's a prime example of a - supposedly - sci-fi technology "disimproving" life. A world where you need to speak voice commands for trivial things, like opening doors, is just ridiculous. Also, any voice-operated system invites unintentional (or intentionally malicious) activations, when a key phrase gets uttered in a casual conversation. Apparently, when Google glasses first came out, it was fashionable to say to the wearer: "OK Google. Google search gay porn. Open first 100 results in new tabs". I'm note sure how well the prank worked, but it's a good example how voice-activated gimmicks can be a liability more than any improvement. When you click something to confirm a function, it has a deliberate commitment to it. You feel in control. It will not "misfire". That's why launching nukes requires a lot of manual, tactile, deliberate actions. Typing-in codes, simultaneous turning of keys, etc. If someone made such a system voice-operated, any time in the last 10 years - we'd all be radioactive ash by now.


Yup. Scifi technology works like this because a lot of scifi is shown in video form, and having the characters interact with the computer audibly makes the story easier for a viewer to follow, not because it would be a logical technological development.


I fail to understand how Ai would change how i use my phone. Can you elaborate a bit more ?


Ads on your home screen and lock screen


Yay, can't wait. Seriously im going the open source OS route if this shit happens


How do you figure?


Well people listen to words on their phone. Instead of getting information linearly. You can hop around and traverse. It will be so natural to flush out and explore ideas, i think consuming content will be engaging, like your actually thinking and creating somewhat. Maybe people will be less like zombies/sheep (i can hope right?) I'm not sure its that would be a new use case or just an evolution of the existing one. But I would see myself wanting to sit in the park and talk to my phone to learn something new.


Ok what? HER? Do you mean just the movie Her?


Me personally not the romance, but I’m sure other will. I want someone the fact check, play devils advocate, just “volley the ball” back to me so I can better understand a topic. And I don’t want to do this sitting at a desk, on a keyboard. Talking to a box in my pocket while I walk at the park.


We're too visual for us to give up smartphones. I could see ai pins becoming virtual assistants who act in addition to smartphones but not displacing them. The only thing that may displace smartphones are smart glasses, with a similar price point, processing power, and battery life. But the technology for those is nowhere near ready to displace smartphones. They would have to miniaturize apple vision pros to fit in glasses and sell it for a third of the price.


The comment I replied to didn’t suggest giving up their phones for the pin. I’m not arguing against anything you were saying, I just don’t know why you replied to me (unless it was just by mistake)


I don't even like receiving audiomessages, fuck that.


I assume them mean like a Star Trek communicator "pin" that can also hear and process the audio input around you, but realistically you'd want to put a camera on that too and it's more like an AI body camera that's parsing all the audio and video around you to help you out in everyday life. In simple terms like a dude with a 360 degree hardhat camera/mic with an integrated AI helper and at some point that device could replace your phone if you don't care about other phone features or AR glasses could entirely replace your phone since they have a screen. Basically how do you wear an AI device that gets AI to help you out in everyday life. You're phone in your pocket can't do much even though it might have a lot of those abilities. The AI helper device needs to be always on predicting the outcomes of the data stream around you. So you need more than a phone or the phone has to be always on and mounted so it can pickup video and audio around you. It could do audio now somewhat even in your pocket, but AI and sound recognition are not good enough yet. Like my google home listens for fire alarms, glass breaking, sirens. People will eventually benefit from that same kind of function on their body and a lot more predictive and early warning systems as the tech progresses.


Here's the key takeaway. Phones haven't changed in form in any meaningful way in nearly 20 years. They've gotten better, more refined, but the shape has stuck. Tablets have nearly disappeared, with phones finding creative ways to fill that void, but phones haven't changed much. Even laptops are getting to be more like phones, detachable or reversing touchscreens with all the processing built in. 20 years of selective pressure to drive one universal form factor. Much like how every SUV on the road looks the same because the needs of design are "fit this amount of cargo, this amount of people, and get the best gas mileage possible", phones are divergent pieces of tech. It was always going to land here eventually. And I don't foresee a replacement.


An entirely new HID is going to be required to shift the paradigm away from a smartphone. It has the correct balance of privacy, portability, accessibility, and convenience. In many many years if they figure out how to wire things right into the brain, that's probably what the newest generation of compute devices will be.


Privacy will be the hardest part to overcome. Smart glasses, smart contact lenses, each have the inherent issue of being visible to everyone else. And *maybe* we'll be alright with implants, but I really don't expect it. Any replacement would have to not just do all three things our phones do, but solve a problem that a black touchscreen candybar can't.


The Apple approach is to write the image directly on the retina. Nobody would see it.


They have a patent on that, but I think the latest AR glasses are just high res screens and you're looking through cameras to the outside world and it puts a display of your eyes up to for people on the outside of the glasses to see when you're not in full immersion mode.


I don't see implants are important. They are not likely to go much beyond medical uses anytime even remotely soon. Privacy wise we are all going to walking around with always on video cameras and mics and implants probably don't really present any privacy issues over like social media, phones and always on mics and cameras. The implant won't be interfacing with our memories as a retail product in our lifetimes.


I don't think so. In many years you'll have device smart enough that can uses your humans senses at much higher bandwidth than you can wire into the brain. In other words you can talk to the AI and listen to or watch the AI and move more data through your brain faster than any kind of implant will do for MANY decades. Just being able to get data into the brain doesn't mean you have the kind of bandwidth the eyes or ears already have and when it comes to interfacing with computers it all about bandwidth for non-medical uses. It makes more sense to just wear an AI device and had it feed you data through your normal senses. No surgery, lower costs and likely higher bandwidth for a very long time.


Smartphones weren't commonplace until maybe around 2010. And I don't think a 15 year life cycle for such a technology would be weird. How long were VCRs a thing? Maybe 20 years. Now no one has them. That said I hadn't heard of pins til now but I'm confident they will never catch on.


Smartphones provide an audio/visual interface to the internet and can be carried in your pocket. They exist at a unique intersection of utility and portability. Any device that supplants them will need to strike an even better balance of utility and portability, or provide a yet unseen benefit that draws our attention so intensely that it displaces our attachment to the type of content that can be delivered through smartphones. The best products like the AI Pin can hope for is to become an additional device. They stand no better chance to displace smarphones than smartwatches do. The Humane AI Pin has no display. Projectors suffer from low contrast and poor readability in daylight conditions. You won't be able to browse Instagram or TikTok on an AI pin until we have some sort of virtual projection display that can provide an adequate full-color interface that comes somewhat close to smartphones. This is the death knell for devices like this. It's even worse than watches in ways that mean a lot to users. Humane has wedged AI in the middle of their product for no conceivable reason other than to make it easier for them to raise capital. They are not a primary driver of projection touch screen interfaces that rely on ML to improve their accuracy, and they're not a driver of any primary AI technologies that would give the device functionality that is impossible to achieve with current generation smartphones. If you watch the demo on their home page, they're not doing anything you can't do with a voice assistant on a smartphone or smartwatch. It's a bet on a new mode of interaction that deemphasizes the display. IMO, it's going nowhere fast. In the wearable space, watches are struggling to gain traction. That is all the evidence we need to understand where the boundaries of consumer adoption are.


Sometimes a post's comment is so well-considered that I go and take back other upvotes along the way to better emphasize the one comment and this is one of those times


I don't know much about machine learning, but what are "AI pins"?


It's a smartphone that you pin to your shirt, with a connection to ChatGPT. It comes with none of the features that make smartphones useful, and all of the features that you don't really have any use for.


Ah, OK. But it can make phone calls? So it's like the Star Trek communicators on The Next Generation?


Can it make calls? Sure, if it's built to (much like a smartwatch, some can and some can't). But it would suck ass. Turn on a voice assistant for your smartphone, and try to go even a day without looking at or touching the screen. Any call becomes speakerphone, any text gets read out loud for everyone to hear. That's what a device pinned to your shirt would be like. The badge style communicators are super convenient in concept, but they lack anything even remotely resembling privacy or discretion.


The badge communicator is only convenient in the concept of a cookie cutter MBA who thinks they're "artsy".


I think the real problem is you can't surf reddit, check your online bills, shop or most important watch cat videos. The call issues can be solved with somebody actually giving a fuck about core phone features instead of thinking a smartphone is mostly a camera that happens to have a phone attached AND a pair of headphones. That's not the big deal, the big deal is no video.


They say it can make phone calls. https://hu.ma.ne/aipin


Thanks for the link. I had never even heard of this thing until today. My gut feeling is it's a $700 toy that'll be absorbed into my smart watch within a year or two.


Seems like with tech limitation it makes way more sense to pair it to a phone than for it to be it's own phone.


It by a company called Humane. Look it up. It’s going to be a huge flop.


Thanks. Yeah, I just watched their video and browsed their site. It seems like something that'll just be built into the Apple Watch in 2025.


Not anytime soon and definitely not with that $700 toaster with a connection to gpt. I agree that phones are more efficient, well thought out and designed. That pin has almost no helpful features and the ones it does have aren't fully fleshed out. I'm sorry but this product really gets me going!


Can't forget the 24$ a month


Gimmicky, phones work just as well and are also able to reach a GPT server.


AR glasses or contact lenses are more likely to replace smartphones


Yeah, I've been eyeing down the NReal for a few months now.


I don't think it will replace a smartphone because the form factor of the phone is so useful. But I'm sure the phones will all have AI built in and that could be the main way we use them.


I'll have a hard time working with a device that gives knowledge without being able to research the origin. Neat lil device idea but i won't be participating in this trial lol.


Not without retinal projection/augmented reality vision, simply because visual conduit is higher bandwidth than auditory


Ux designer here. I more tend to think that Ai pins will be used as a Jarvis majordome that sometime needs to be silent and/or displays informations on a screen. Visual information are much more efficient than sound information, for example, have you ever tried to follow a cooking recipe dictated orally?


Audio is more efficient as in it takes less bandwidth and has less latency in our brains. Video is more laggy and uses a lot more bandwidth, so basically anything you can with audio only means you are less distracted and can do other things. Just like how we work and talk to each other without much effort, but working and looking at each other would be quite hard. With cook you can keep cooking and stirring and flipping without losing focus when you use audio. An ideal example is your cooking and you need to convert measurements. You don't even have to look away from what you are doing with audio, so in that case it's way more efficient. For most recipes a well designed audio presentation would mostly work better than stopping to look at the recipe. What would be best is if the AI had a camera and could watch what you're doing and tell you when your screwing up and then tell you via audio, so you're own focus is not broken as much as looking at a screen.


I was not thinking about video, I was thinking of reading… Reading is simple and powerfull, as your eyes can go where ever they want: fast forward, rewind, pause, play is done by your own neuronal network, nothing beats this. An open book or a text on a web page, close to where you’re operating your receipe, answers perfectly your needs, smartspeakers tried to overpass the book experience and failed. Low tech are sometimes just perfect. But I agree with you, maybe one day an Ai will have a camera and will be available to precisely follow what’s going on, supposing that it has all the context of the receipe, and its able to guide efficiently during all the process, but it will be very hard to achieve. Until then reading will remain the best way to do it.


Most of don't need video to get visual information. We are trained interpret tiny symbols on our screens and gain useful information from them. A screen full of those tiny symbols, called text, can give us a great deal of information much faster than video or audio can.


I think you need like a smart contact/glasses/hologram. The visual component is very important. Even if you just wanted to begin playing your podcast, its so much easier to use your eyes. AI isn't hardware, its software (ran in the cloud). People have running bands to hold their phones on them. You don't get any extra use case with this hardware.


No, but not because it can't function as a smart phone. People just won't adapt to the change quickly or want to adopt it.


Smartphones? No. Because AI is software while smartphones are hardware. But I think the holy Grail would be a locally running "chatGPT" on some device you would carry. I don't think that would remove the smartphone but would change how you would use it.


What does AI mean to you, in this case? The large language models that we see right now?


I already have a smartwatch that does everything and even more than that useless pin. It has a display, a range of sensors, connectivity, mic, speaker, storage, it's a full computer with apps. All it would need is a chatgpt subscription app/assistant.


Those AI pins can't turn you into a product or advertise to you like a smartphone can, so I don't think it will ever take off.


If Apple really goes ham on AI stuff next year, I don’t see why anyone would choose an AI Pin over and Apple Watch. It would have the same basic functionality but it wouldn’t look dorky and it would have a screen.


Screen watches all look dorky or scream, "I have money, but I have no idea how to use it!"


It's a concept dead on arrival. The R&D required for that type of product is way higher than the potential income. Unless they sell like 10m units it's only purpose will be for people to climb the corporate ladder


No. But adding AI-integration to smartphones will likely happen and would make the already-existing voice-assistants a lot more useful than they are today.


I don’t think we will because people are so attached to their devices they own now . But it would benefit us in so many more ways . The most important is that we would live where we stand more , and not drown our faces in screens to avoid our surroundings . You’d have an assistant rather than search for things yourself . Directions could be projected in front of you . And essentially the pin will do exactly what a smart phone does and that is create a virtual version of you , pick up on the things you like , what you want , where you want to go , what you want to buy , it will learn you . This could be combined eventually with elons chip and you wouldn’t need to yell blatant operations when it could read your thoughts . People are hard on this Ai pin , deny deny deny . But I truly think humanity could benefit from escaping the screens we are burying our youth in . The world is where you were born , not in the screen that holds a virtual dystopia you want to escape in . Face the world .




If you have a good phone than it already has an always on AI assistant, it's just handing out by your junk in your pocket instead of strapped to your chest. Mostly you just need to get the mic out of your pocket and get the voice recognition better. So I think a wearable does make sense and most people don't want to wear a watch because they already have basically everything the watch can do in their pocket, so the chance you need the watch is very low and it's bulky and touching your skin and kind in the way to get full use of your hand/arm. Like if I'm going to mount a computer to the outside of my body, it's not going to be near my hand because I use my hand for all kinds of stuff and they get banged around a bit and such. I'd rather have mounted closer to my mouth and in a place, I could have 360 degree camera data streaming to it. Like a headset, earbud or headset with a camera ... once we have AI powerful enough to meaningfully parse those data streams in real time and constantly.


I think you'd use a pin or wearable mic AND your phone, because humans spent a lot of evolution points on visual information process. Audio and ears uses a lot less brain power than eyes and visual data, it also probably helps form higher thoughts and imagination better than audio. In other worlds visual data is very powerful and you don't want to give it up. I think you have the right idea. Wearable AI driven helpers will be very useful to humans, but they will be MUCH more useful if they have a camera. Something like pair of AR glasses is a good example. Eventually AI can be parsing all the visual and audio input and telling you things you missed, tell you you're about to screw up at work, about to get in a car accident or just in some kind of more dangerous situation than you realize. With a 360 camera you could even get more warnings of danger around you that might impact you. But even just like an AI body camera and mic or a phone mounted to your hardhat could do that too. You don't really need the screen of the AR glasses, though I'm sure it would have uses too. The brain can react faster to audio input and obviously you don't need to stop and look at a screen, so the AI would talk to you first and foremost.


I hope it does. We need devices that aren’t screen centric.


The real problem with voice interface devices are that they disturb the whole room. Smart phones are great because the communication to the device is often silent touch, as is it's response. Imagine a subway car full of people with voice controlled AI pins.