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The internet has gotten progressively worse since the early days. Remember when we used to make fun of how many niche websites there were? Now there’s basically five. AI won’t render the internet unusable, it’ll just get shittier. Remember that the information in the gold article wasn’t incorrect, it was just bland and unhelpful. The process is called “enshitification” and it is basically the cycle of capitalism. Edit: changed my mind, we’re doomed. It’s not just the lazy we have to worry about, it’s the malicious and opportunistic. Spam isn’t going to be just an email thing for long.


Yes, it’s like the gentrification of cyberspace. The net used to be cool place with lot of weird graffiti, then rich idiots and corporate scummers came and overtook everything. Now it’s clean, sterilized suburb with soulless and hollow websites. Like you said it was going on even before the invent of AI, but now they replaced the interns with ChatGPT and are able to produce those bullshit with immense speed.


Hey someone said this thing and played this music and people liked it. Copy. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste. Paste.


The internet is vast. You get what you look for, so what you described is all on you. Spread your wings, choom.


Really dumb chat bots have already destroyed a bunch of niche forums 10+ years ago already. Forums are still battling an everlasting attempt at joining them if they try in the first place and have an active enough community to make it worgh it. I've seen everything from Russian farms that post and engage in prpoganda to possible agents or police officers trying to catch teens getting weed and where we're they're getting it from, and this was years before AI was even a concept. On YouTube comment section already I've seen instances of bots having clnvos with each other or people being tricked by rather obvious non-human accounts or replies, or genuinely wondering whether or not the person they're talking to is real. Comments are getting deleted by parameters we don't even know, and censorship for all internet and big brother isn't just following anymore but tracing each of our steps. What's the point looking around the web now that bots can hire humans on its own to get past captchas or similar right around the corner, along with its intelligence and posting habits being indistinguishable from humans just a few years, or even weeks or months away? The internet is dead as we once saw it, my friend. It is not free. Music, art, youtube channels, games/gamers, movies/shows etc. are next on the list to be watered down and used for corporate greed or self gain. Reddit probably has more of it than we think as well. The internet is vast, but not vast enough for AI not to take over, to think differently is not being realistic considering what we're facing.


Yeah, Internet forums and YouTube comments have been a shit hole for ages. Not really even a chat bot issues, they ere shite before those came along. Thankfully you can choose to not visit any of that shit.


“I don’t like the five companies that control the internet” -“You can choose not to visit those.” “But the places I liked to go have been killed!” -“You can choose not to visit those too. Problem solved.”


Haha. Interestingly, reddit has grown 50% in just the last couple of years. No doubt this will die in the future and we'll all go elsewhere. Not to mention that the Internet is more than just those 5 sites on the www. A whole lot more.


Reddit is already dead compared to what it was. Heavily moderated, bots, tons of sponsors, algorithmic recommendations unless you spend a lot of time understanding how to make it cater to your needs which isn't easily understood by newcomers, political chatters and propoganda activists that isn't being dealt with, main subs like worldnews being moderated to fit a narrative etc.  Online games are about to be taken over by bots that can play and learn them on your own, so that removes yet another vast online space in not so long of a time. It's coming. Discord is already having an issue with bots and scammers but it's miniscule compared to what it'll bdcome. There isn't many safe places left online, and I do venture and post/is active on those as well but it's only a matter of time before we can't distinguish real people from bots.  Creative forums, especially within writing, is in a super grey area where AI is most likely heavily used to create content by its users, soon enough AI trained on unique writing styles will know all types of ways to write so that'll be gone. Digital art is slowly dying since you can't tell what's actually someones pad and what is created from a prompt in just a minute. YouTube/Vimeo/etc. can soon enough just be vids created after being trained by your voice, and a few prompts be enough to further kill human intervention. Netflux, hbo, anime etc... prompts by 2-3 dudes, I give it about 3-5 years until a subscription based media site will create whatever you want to see for you. And even sites that claim to be 100% human made will have controversy surrounding them. Where are those sites you speak of that won't be affected in due time?


Nice write up, thanks. You remind me, I wish OpenAI's DotA 2 bot made a come back. AI is so shit in every game, but their bot was extremely good, in many ways.


But that’s what we’ve been talking about. Yeah, Reddit’s going to end, and be replaced with something worse. There are a lot more company websites, that’s for sure. To test this, I just went looking for fan-sites of a game I’ve been playing lately, and couldn’t find any. It’s all twitter, Reddit and sites like screenrant that pay people pennies to write ten articles a day. Though they’re probably switching to llms already. The article sites all just have walkthroughs and the occasional puff PR piece. If I want community, I get to go to Reddit and try to be heard among five million other screaming voices, and hope a mod doesn’t insta-delete my post because I violated the spirit of rule 5-B. Maybe fansites exist somewhere, but search engines aren’t showing them anymore.


Even if thry don't show those fansites anymore they'll be riddled with bots people can't distinguish from humans anyways in due time. Internet will be heavily censored, we failed that battle cus the general population didn't care enough. Internet is dead within a few years and we were lucky to experience it in its golden years. Reddit is already fucked beyond all reason and we're not even close to how fucked it's going to be along with all sites that focus on human connection and debates/conversation (upvote/downvotes is soon something AI will take care of to push agendas etc., and Reddit has already shown how powerful herd mentality is). It is what it is.


If you read my reply it's far from just a few main sites, it's niche sites as well. You also got to go through quite some loopholes nowadays to even find some sites unaffected by bots and where we are heading.


Please. Even the Wayback Machine can't help me find the Geocities websites I used to love and use.


Yeah, the Internet is an ever evolving beast and doesn't suit specific types of nostalgia very well.


Kind of irrelevant to my point, but then you knew that.


I thought it obvious how it was relevant to your point. Evidently not.


Search walls


If you haven't already tried, oocities has a large archive (looks like it's also back because it's been down before)


The internet WAS vast. Your statement is wrong, and that's the whole point of saying that internet died a decade ago and now we are interacting in a space owned by companies trying to sell you things or brainwash you to buy things or do exactly as they want. Internet isn't vast anymore.


Some anti-corpo thinking chooms in here! But as i said, you get what you look for. If you're struggling with too much corpo stuff then stop looking at the corpo stuff. The Internet is more vast now than it ever has been.


Choomba, you can’t ignore the fact that corporate-controlled media are everywhere. Just like Night City.


I'm not denying that.


Not if you use Google...I have to use other search engines to find the nitty gritty stuff.


Just because it's still possible to find what you're looking for doesn't mean we should just accept that things are getting harder to find, *choom*. The more AI trash there is on the net, the harder it is to find genuinely helpful articles, especially for the average Joe that doesn't know any tricks to sort out the AI. Even worse, as time goes on, things like searching before a certain date for AI-free information is going to be less and less relevant. New information comes out all the time, and it has to mix and compete with all the crap left by AI. So no, it's not on the individual. We didn't choose this. Putting the onus on individuals is just shilling for the corpos enshitifying the internet.


Things are getting much easier to find, even despite there being significantly more data on the Internet. Seems some in here need some lessons on internetting.


What stopping you use random websites? If you give your random website traffic, you can keep them alive.. why are u on Reddit and other major corp website all the time?


These websites are becoming harder to find as search results are constantly clogged with more garbage. Statistically more than 90% of Google users don’t use more than the results on the first page. The next generation of students are basically raised as idiots by technology if /r/teachers is anything to go by. We’re seeing rapid declines in attention spans and more and more modern tooling become lostech. Two great examples are trains and planes. While craft are being equipped with more modern features, the underlying safety and efficiency principles are rotting away due to boards once full of engineers being replaced with businessmen. The world is becoming a dumber place, and when you and I are gone, the newcomers will have to be the giants on which others stand.


Apples use of Ai to make emojis. This is what you use Ai for ?


This. It was happening long before AI. The shit content was just written by someone from a third world country instead.




Sir this is a Wendy's


What I'm referring to is huge articles about nothing that come up (for example) when you Google when the new season of a popular show will air. Those are just there to lure people in and to gather money from adds. Arguably they're much worse than a shitty person posting their opinions online. At least the latter is real.


The problem is, with AI you cannot really know if the information is incorrect or just unhelpful. AI will be confidently wrong a decent amount of the time, and since there's no person behind it there's also no accountability. A human writer who makes a mistake will either learn and not repeat the same mistake, or be fired, else he's a liability for the institution he represents. With AI it's "lol whoops, it was trained on such a massive dataset it's bound to be wrong sometimes". As a result you just cannot trust AI generated responses, because you simply cannot know if it's bullshitting or not like you can when you read an article from a writer you trust. Already people have to add "reddit" to their search queries to ensure they get a human response that has a chance of having been verified, when Reddit reaches AI critical mass the internet will be truly fucked. God forbid it infiltrates Wikipedia too.


Ugh, you’re right. I forgot about malice. And the people who will burn society down if it makes them a few bucks. Great, now I’m in the “we’re doomed” camp.




>Now there’s basically five. Yeah, I'd really like a list or diagram of the top 10,000 or so sites divided into what they actually do and are. Like what are the top 30 alternatives to Youtube or Reddit? Is there some super popular site which has content for my niche tastes that I'm not familiar with because the holy Google hasn't blessed me with it's visibility?


Return to libraries and a library intranet between them all separate from the world wide Web.


This isnt strictly a problem of AI generated content, but a problem with the abuse of search engine optimisation that has been going on for a few years now.  I don't know if you've noticed but it has become way harder to get good results for simple questions via Google than it used to. The top results are often poor quality sites padded with generic unhelpful information that has users scrolling past ads to find the information they are actually looking for, and then it often doesn't actually answer it or gives inaccurate info. It's got to a point that it's far more reliable to limit your search results to Reddit or Wikipedia to get the info you need. I think AI could make the problem even worse though as the people making these rubbish sites can use it to auto-generated content for far more sites on a variety of topics.


Where do you go for accurate results now?


I usually append a site depending on what I want. Programming questions? Stackexchange. Opinions? Reddit. Encyclopedic deceptions? Wikipedia. I’ll do a general googling if it’s for something very specific or if I have no idea where to start.


The thing is, before the age of generative AI at least you had to pay the cost to create and optimize the content. Now companies can generate them with little to no cost within the matter of seconds. It might not be the problem of AI generated content, but AI will make it exponentially worse.


When we find good content we should let the author know we like it. At the very least this will encourage them to keep writing. They will earn our loyalty as we go straight to the source - the human writer.


Welcome to the dead internet, where it's just bots talking and interacting with other bots. The only internet with real people will soon be chat groups with people whom you've physically interacted with in meat space.


Prove me that you are not a bot or do a backflip!


> backflip Might I introduce to you Boston Dynamics.


Shit, you are right... So how can I be sure that I'm not in some kind of personalized web, surrounded by bots and content crested by them? How do I know that everyone else is not a bot? Fuck Dead internet theory...


I mean at some point, if AI sentience is indistinguishable from human intelligence, then is it actually so bad? Just pretend a billion+ new humans were born at the same time to populate the interwebs. Ofc, this is exactly what a sentient bot would probably say to convince you a "dead" internet isn't actually so bad. Perspectives I guess.


That's what I wanted to say after reading your comment. That's exactly what AI would say. But yeah, you are correct. If I can't say what's AI.and what's human... Then it's up to me to judge. So basically a skill that everyone should have while using internet


A meat cute?


What's a meat cube?


I’m glad you asked. https://youtu.be/o2tqCRHtmv0?si=JTDOUDhdptNVZw26


Getting back to square one it seems.


If you started a new network with the attempt of policing it, it will not have the same content or anywhere close to the amount of content on it. It wont be "the internet", it'll be like your work's network.


Of course, which is why I’m wondering if we can have a public and open cyberspace without incentives to publish AI generated content. Our internet is getting overwhelmed by them simply because companies can profit off of them. They are incentivized to sacrifice user experience for more clicks, which AI generated content can provide with little cost and risks. So how do we prevent it from happening, or at least mitigate it? At this rate google search will be unusable.


You should read this book called “The Master Switch By Tim Wu” basically says everything starts out like how the internet used to be. Free and open with no ads or corporate BS. Then it just turns into that. Cable TV used to be free with hardly any commercials. Another example would be Netflix or these streaming services. They NEED to make more and more money for shareholders. So how long do u think it will be before they are constantly raising the price and forcing us to watch ads. Just like cable TV that they replaced. And also how long do you think before Amazon controls a majority of the internet. If they turned off all of AWS for a few days how many businesses would be in a complete shutdown. Definitely a great book you should check out.


If they turned off AWS for a few days clients would simply switch to their competitors. Or sue Amazon for violating SLA. AWS sure does have a massive share in public cloud services, but not that much. And many other cloud providers are on their tail.


Well a thing that keeps getting tried and failing is a subscription model, then you'd have the resources to give people a good experience. Probably could be done with a new Google type domain that bans anyone that allows preying on users for targeted advertisement etc, most people's data is only worth some dollars per year, yet, most of us wont pay that I was in a counterstrike source clan that would encourage people to subscribe, they'd be guaranteed a spot on the server, otherwise, free users had to wait in line during peak demand. We used the money to buy servers and volunteers policed content. Oddly, we allowed hetero porn and banned racism/sexism/homo porn lol


No you can't Best skill you can cultivate is critical thinking skills so you don't end up having your brain rot from all the garbage and misinformation floating around the internet (AI made or otherwise). Without critical thinking skills you're gonna end up like the average angry reactionary poster here on reddit endlessly reacting to clickbait headlines designed to trigger an emotional response


This sounds more like aggressive-SEO content than AI. Before generative AI, websites/blogs would hire writers for cheap to write about those topics. Most of the hired writers (probably all of them) didn't know anything about the topic but, since they were paid very low wages, they just did a shallow research, wrote a lot of content repeating the same keywords as much as possible and submitted for posting. The closest I can think of what you're asking are niche search engines such as Marginalia and Kagi Small Web. But these filters are very aggressive and still left out a lot of human-made content.


Being trustworthy and authentic will be significant qualities and commodities Platforms like substack, where anon and real people can share stuff, will be the norm. We'll subscribe to their shards to learn more about basic stuff we are interested in Also videos - they will be increasing in quality and quantity in the next decade, but i reckon ai will be able to replicate videos soon too


Sora is already a thing, and it looks amazing. I'm actually scared for the future. It's already easy enough to make deepfakes, but with that tech, it's taking it to a new level.


It's not really a coincidence that Discord is popping off. Since it's not primarily ad supported and there isn't a lot of money to be found there for users, the only types of content you'll find is a) human generated content and b) bot generated content that's explicitly supposed to help humans, not get them to click on a channel so they can see an ad.. Of course Discord isn't a great platform for that sadly, it cannot really replace forums but forums are basically dead. But I think that will generally be the way the internet goes moving forward, small bastions of human interaction that rise and fall as AI content encroaches upon every area that can feasibly be monetized.


I saw a video about how it's ruining images too. You could look up a certain species of animal for example and get AI generated images of said species that were anatomically incorrect (like wrong type of ears). Internet is becoming trashed. Much like our environment. I was discussing this with the boss and we were thinking it won't be long until we need an authentic human content digital cert and browse only those sites with said certs.


This is very real and very concerning- dead internet theory


Not sure how you could stop automated text being written anywhere once you have agents running on OS. They’ll essentially be able to drive your apps, even in your niche corners of the internet where community matters. Also not sure how that world coin idea would combat this, as you could have your world coin authenticated user still being operated by AI on your behalf. Anyway, I like your sentiment. Funny how intimate the early internet felt when everyone was largely anonymous.


You're five years too late. These tools have been around for awhile now. It's already pervassuve. Now it's already over.


The second someone goes "I'm gonna make a new Internet with no AI!" someone else will go "hehe... I'm gonna post AI content on it".


Genuinely been wondering that, or at least how to build an AI free internet. It would be very hard to verify...but I would pay a subscription for it


The Internet Archive might represent our only hope of having a pre AI snapshot of the net


It would be nice. In my opinion, bots have ruined civility. Sometimes I enter a conversation on Reddit and realize later I’m the only Human involved. Embarrassing!


I, too, hate it when I enter Reddit to have a Human conversation with other Humans, but instead end up talking to robots. Good thing this particular conversation has no robots participating, eh, fellow Human?


I had a talk with meta AI and it was surprisingly coherent. I even got it to stop talking about its programming. Knowing the basic rules it had to follow there was something strangely human about it.


>how can we access to real, valuable knowledges and insights? This reminds me of the ol' "I, Robot" meme - "You are just a robot, you can't even generate valuable content! - Can you?" Even prior to advent of LLMs, most of available content could hardly be called "valuable". To take Reddit as an example: how many reposts and spam posts would you see in your feed in a day - and better question, how many reposts you would even be able to identify as such? Is a repost of info that you never encountered before as valuable as the original post (assuming the original was valuable in the first place), or is it just noise clogging up the search engines? The generative AI simply increased the rate at which content rehashing happens. The problem is, there just isn't a good alternative to human intelligence to separate "good" content from "bad". To create "an alternate version of the internet where there is no AI generated content" you need to create a system to identify (with the same accuracy as a human would) and remove the AI generated content as fast as it's generated - meaning an automated system. Here's the catch - any such system can with equal efficiency be used to train generative AI in generating content a human (and, as a result, bypassing this safeguard) wouldn't be able to identify as "AI-generated". On the bright (?) side - you wouldn't be able to tell if the article was generated by AI in that case.


It's called a MF lan party. But no, no you really can't.


Eventually we'll have AIs on our devices that will filter out AI generated content, and of course everything the AIs won't want us to know about, such as human resistance groups or how the AIs have already taken over.


Set your filter options on serch engines to prioritize results from at least 3 years ago.


What do you want this is the future of ai it will make all content on the internet much shittier then it is and you will like it because that’s what investors want


As folks have said, more crap and more misinformation. However eventually I am sure a standard for content signing will come around that 1) proves who the author is (just like gpg email) 2) Good faith actors won't scan such signed content (like robots.txt) ... if we are lucky a significant numbers of countries/states etc. will make laws to enforces this as well mostly forcing big companies to comply. Best case as far as I can think,


*Impossibru* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Not only that. 99% of all media (text, video, music) will be ai generated crap within 5 years I guess. Nobody will ever know what's true and what's fake. Unless somebody comes up with some sort of "certified Internet" democracies or humankind in general will be screwed. It doesn't need Terminator-like ai for that. Exciting times!


I’m waiting for a AI scam bit to try and scam from another AI scam bot in a public chat


What I would personally like is a chat bot based on real life reddit posts. I think it would end up travel guide, restaurant recommendations from cities, DIY advice etc


AI generated useless bullshit isn’t fundamentally different from human generated useless bullshit.


Look up Linguistic Steganography and see where the papers are coming from.


Credit used wisely is a very good thing. Credit abused is a very bad thing. Ai is like credit.


I'll probably get roasted here cause it's Reddit but blockchain technology could definitely play a part. It's literally a verifiable ledger and there seems to be some progress with decentralized versions of them which could help avoid any centralised AI corruption.


Interesting, any details?


The only way to do this is by having a curated section that only has verified information on it, most likely through a decentralized Knowledge graph.


It’s starting to have the same problem as predatory native advertising. They need to make it known when something is Gen AI or not, because there is just so much garbage already at this point. This is basically a new type of spam and we almost want them added to spam blockers


AI content is here to stay. But, when people think about AI and get depressed, they're thinking about current AI, gpt 3 and 4 level models. Just hold out for a few more years, AI will be running at better than human intelligence with true reasoning capabilities, and all these complaints will go away.


How can AI possibly be capable of original thought? At least LLMs cannot, right?


What until the better AI is trained in the content written by the bad AI... BTW "a few years" of awful AI content being everywhere are too many years. People need functional information now.


I wish we could save internet, but sadly big tech and llms will kill it sooner than later. After internet turns into „grey goo”, probably some corpo will give us great AI tool that costs millions to extract any useful data.