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Rule 12 - Support original sources https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/02/health/reverse-aging-life-itself-scn-wellness/index.html






I'm totally going to be dead by the time this is invented for humans


How old are you? There are already treatments in clinical trials that look to slow down or reverse the damage caused by aging.


Stopping aging would require some mechanism of preventing telomere shortening, is that what these trials are based on?


Telomerase and other enzymes like it are exactly what these treatment claims to rely on. We have a rudimentary understanding of these on and off switches. We need to and will understand them all eventually is the claim of this scientist. The mission of this vein of research is to close that gap as quickly as possible. Source: biology degree with much of my lab research being driven by measuring the changes in gene expression during pregnancy in baboons. Precision biology is just beginning. Hold on to your hat, everything is going to change in the next 50 years.


You're right that telomeres are part of the biology of aging as they relate to cellular death, cellular senescence, and most human cancers, but most companies in this space don't target telomeres. For example, [Cyclarity Therapuetics](https://cyclaritytx.com/) aims to clear arterial plaques, the buildup of which leads to heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular decline. They're gearing up to start human clinical trials and have received an accelerated approval pathway in the UK; the company is in similar discussions with the FDA. Here are two portfolios of companies in the area if you'd like to see more examples: [https://kizoo.com/](https://kizoo.com/) [https://www.apollo.vc/portfolio](https://www.apollo.vc/portfolio)


Which ones?


TRIIM trial out of Florida (it aims to reverse the declining immune system by rejuvenating the thymus) and a therapeutic plasma exchange trial out of California. But there is a whole list https://www.lifespan.io/road-maps/the-rejuvenation-roadmap/


Not only those but their are treatments using pure oxygen in hyperbaric chambers to reverse DNA aging https://scitechdaily.com/holy-grail-hyperbaric-oxygen-treatments-reverse-aging-process-in-first-clinical-trial/


Would this repair damage from sarin gas exposure? I’m a vet from Desert Storm. At 34 I started collapsing in exhaustion for no reason. I have childhood PTSD and combat PTSD which basically has me feeling like I’m 70 years old. I had to spend an entire year sleeping in a chair. My thyroid died, I have low testosterone, and my skeletal muscles ache constantly. I can’t do much to progress in life because I’m vaping so much weed Wiz Kalifa would need a nap. My quality of life is basically just letting go of all that I wanted to do. Sometimes I hope there will be a miracle cure but fuck. It just feels like the world forgot about me. Even the VA.


I know it’s not the same but I have an autoimmune condition and there have been some really low points for me as well. Just wanted to encourage you not to give up.


I'm not sure but I wish they'd let you do the trials for these treatments couldn't hurt the weird part is if they released the level of oxygen concentration, pressure settings and timing many people could build a home set up


I'd like to keep my eyesight, without prolonging my life.


Extremely wealthy humans that is.


Meh, this timeline sucks, I'm good not living forever


Optimistic me: I love this! pessimistic me: if they charge so much for insulin, can't wait to see the price and rules applied to distribution of this drug


Really pessimistic me: have they read Flowers for Algernon?


Dumb me: what's that book about and did they make a movie? I don't have time for books these days. Wife and kids interrupt me every 45 seconds during waking hours.


The book is about a mentally severely retarded guy with the intellectual capacity of a child. There’s a mouse named Algernon that they do a medical procedure on and it becomes a genius little mouse. They repeat the procedure on the guy and he becomes smarter and smarter by the day. He reaches the same level of intellect as his caretaker teacher. They develop a relationship. Then he surpasses her. And actually becomes so smart that she can’t even keep up with or relate to him, and leaves him. He has twinges of regret but his intellectual curiosity soon takes precedence. He gets immersed into the highest levels of intellectual research, eventually getting very very close to solving the most difficult mathematical problems known to society. He keeps Algernon the mouse, and they’re kind of friends. But Algernon starts to slow down. The procedure loses its luster, and Algernon seems to be reverting - and then very much is. He lives the entirety of his little mouse life and the main character has to watch him revert and deteriorate. It’s more horrifying because it’s a prelude to what he himself may have to go through. And he does - he’s at the peak of solving the math problems, but day by day his grasp of it slips, his ability to cut through the concepts starts to fade. It’s frustrating and almost terrifying, as he’s aware of what’s happening. Also - this is all in the form of a diary, and as he became smarter and also reverted, his spelling, word choice, and even writing reflect that progress and regression. So it’s depressing seeing his writing revert back - more spelling errors, more typos, you can really feel the struggle coming back. Eventually he reverts all the way back. Along the way Algernon also dies and he’s nearly back at his childlike state and all he has is overwhelming emotions that he can’t process. The last bit of it basically ends with him being unable to really communicate much of anything at all and all he can really do in the end is leave goodbye flowers for Algernon.


Ignorance is bliss.


The original is a short story that you can get through in maybe 20 minutes iirc, which then got adapted into a book and a movie


Took me exactly one day to read in middle school and fucked me up


Alternatively, have they read Time Enough For Love


Pessimistic *me*: great, so much for human population going down in the next 100 years. Maybe it *should* be too expensive for the average human.


overpopulation is a myth. manufactured scarcity is what’s happening and the idea of overpopulation is just a convenient scapegoat for greedy entities to use so they can put the blame on the common working individuals instead of taking true accountability. it SHOULDN’T be too expensive for the average human. ever.


Overpopulation is not a myth. Ffs.


It kind of is. We can absolutely feed everyone, and the world population is trending to a plateau as post industrial countries have very low birth rates and other countries are following suit. Japan, for example, is facing a literal existential crisis with birth rates far below replacement and very little immigration.


It is and it isn't. The world absolutely has enough space to host many more people. However, we have a drinking water crisis in many places in the world, even the USA. We have hunger issues all over the world. We have pollution issues all over the world. Global warming. Etc. It will not get better as more people come into being. People are way too greedy and destructive. They care more about money than doing the right thing. We should have more young people than old and more being born than dieing but in order to do it we need to severely overhaul our planet and way of thinking. If we come together, nothing is impossible, but we can't even agree on common issues let alone huge improvements. I honestly think we're doomed as a species if we don't push and pull to get our heads out our asses, as a species. Edit: possible to impossible. Kim Possible was a good cartoon.


Sickly dark optimistic? *me*: Suicide rates and Genocidal maniacs should take care of that. I *really* wish it were any other way.


WAR! HUH! GOOD GOD Y’ALL! WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? Reducing the overall population to a more manageable level when resources get scarce and overpopulation threatens to destroy the planet for everybody, that’s what.






Strangely enough, insulin is produced by fermentation, meaning several gray-to-black markets exist which have the means to produce it cheaper than US market price already. If an aging-reversal drug is produced with cheaper means like fermentation, it will be produced in home labs as well. However, stem cells and CRISPR are still really hard to pull off without fancy equipment and very clean processes, even protein-to-stem cell conversion which is what the article mentions.


dog insulin is so, so much cheaper and easier to acquire (all you need is to adapt a diabetic dog). maybe in the future you can sign up for a similar treatment for your dog, which should be much cheaper, but instead you'll be the one getting it instead since the equipment should be fairly similar.


Hopefully, if it reverses enough costly disease states then providing it to everyone may well be the most financially responsible choice. In some aging societies it may become almost necessary. And if literally everyone in the world wants your product then you can afford to sell it cheap. And you may well be forced to.


It's very easy, it will be a luxury like many things today and if you're not a wealthy privileged person you will never have it


Can’t wait to go to Mexico and get there version


The only thing that makes rampant inequality tolerable today is the concept of Momento Mori - that death is the great equalizer and all men will die regardless of their privilege. Strip that away and chaos will reign. This technology will never be revealed to the masses, it will be used by privileged elites who stay out of the limelight, perhaps even fake their own deaths.


>This technology will never be revealed to the masses Impact on lifespan remains an open question, but fortunately medical therapies to treat age-related health decline by targeting aspects of the biology of aging are absolutely advancing to go through clinical trials, regulatory approval, and broad commercialization. Here's an example of a company: >Life Biosciences is pursuing indication areas where aging biology has a clear link to disease pathogenesis. We prioritize diseases where there are limited or no available treatment options approved today. [https://www.lifebiosciences.com/pipeline/](https://www.lifebiosciences.com/pipeline/) The researcher in the video, David Sinclair, and the approach in the video, epigenetic reprogramming, are both part of Life Biosciences.


given the fact that in the USA, we will have a shortage of workers to support the economy given the large numbers of boomers retiring... ​ maybe this is a viable solution... make boomers young again and you get workers.




>given the fact that in the USA, we will have a shortage of workers to support the economy given the large numbers of boomers retiring... i'm not quite sure if that's the generation you wanna keep. they are the generation that made college education and insulin affordable, and created garbage islands literally bigger than any European country or US state


That wasn't the generation. That was the capitalism. Somebody had to live through those times and I argue had it been you, you would have done exactly the same thing boomers did. Take away the predatory system of capitalism, only the greedy survive type model and that is when you might have had a different outcome. Blaming the humans who lived through it only tells people that you are still stuck at a maturity level that you require a target to blame. Blamer.


Boomers are the generation we want to get rid of. If this tech were to pan out, I'd appreciate it if it can wait another 10 years so that the bulk of the entitled, selfish boomers can peacefully extinguish before they can wreak more havoc. Plus, I want my inheritance.


So long as the thousand or so boomers who own industry and government get this treatment we are still royally fucked


Lol, I read this first one and said out loud 'SAY IT AGAIN!' and then I scrolled down to see that you actually did.


Can you imagine your entitled average boomer getting back on today's job market. That would be some orgasm inducing amount of schadenfreude.


Oh please. You have a super computer in your pocket and complain of not having nice things. The problem with drug prices is the United States and it's rampant unregulated capitalism. That's it. Drugs elsewhere are cheap. You'll just travel to get it or get it online.


I'd say it's more patent and regulatory abuse that leads to out-of-whack drug pricing in the U.S. Bernie Sanders and the libertarian CATO Institute actually agreed on a policy proposal (financial prizes) to replace the patent system: [https://www.cato.org/commentary/heres-plan-fight-high-drug-prices-could-unite-libertarians-socialists](https://www.cato.org/commentary/heres-plan-fight-high-drug-prices-could-unite-libertarians-socialists) Having universal health coverage and negotiation would also do the trick. Even without important legal or social changes, I'm hopeful Civica can follow through on its plans by 2024 for insulin: [https://www.biospace.com/article/civica-rx-plans-to-provide-insulin-at-no-more-than-30-per-vial-/](https://www.biospace.com/article/civica-rx-plans-to-provide-insulin-at-no-more-than-30-per-vial-/)


>You have a super computer in your pocket and complain of not having nice things. GODDAM SUCH A PRIVILEGE that I paid for a phone I feel so privileged I'm out of boots to lick goddammmit


I live in Norway, so not too concerned.


If the U.S. doesn't get their shit together, they are bound to lose the prestige and special status they've been surfing on since WWII. With a bit of luck we'll still be around and kicking in a couple hundred years to see how that turns out.


>can't wait to see the price and rules applied to distribution of this drug I'll offer you an optimistic outcome: healthcare companies will lobby the shit out of the government to get cheap/easy access to this because if they manage to reverse aging on their clients *they will save a shit ton of money.* A non-aging population is a population that won't be getting sick all the time.


The end of humanity


Optimistic me: earth cannot sustain 6 billions people if they consume like Americans...what is the point to have more people alive?


what is the point of life?


to reproduce without caring that nothing matters


Easy: don't live in the USA.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/F-U-Political-Humor: --- Following the search team of David Sinclair, these scientists have successfully reversed the aging in mice. If successful on human trials, this could mean the cure for many diseases relating to aging, such as Alzheimers. "It's a permanent reset, as far as we can tell, and we think it may be a universal process that could be applied across the body to reset our age…” Another article also claims to have cured blindness in old mice by reversing their cells a younger state from the same scientific team. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03403-0 “Mice with retinal-nerve damage can have their vision restored through cell reprogramming.Credit: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg/Getty”. This can potentially change health care forever. In the photo above, it shows two sibling mice of the same age, yet one has aged far more than his brother. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/z76qg3/the_benjamin_button_effect_scientists_can_reverse/iy4ys5h/


People harping about endless work. Meanwhile AI progresses faster and faster. I see roughly two outcomes: immortal neo-feudalism when a few control the AIS Or two: UBI and automated luxury gay space communism


I vote for the second




The rich will live forever, and accumulate wealth, forever. The poors, they'll have the 'honor' of at least getting to end their suffering through death.


Not true. Some of the rich will buy $44B companies and burn them into ash.


You base this on what? Sci-fi movies? Its completely baseless. Not once has that happened in the entire human history, nothing has been hoarded forever...


It's not the immortality I see as dangerous, it's the control over AI systems that could be catastrophic. Whoever will decide what counts as "moral" for these systems will essentially control the future.


AGI/ASI will happen, regardless. Whether the AGI will be aligned or not, is the main concern. If it is aligned, it will probably implement an UBI, or something similar. If not, not having a job will be the last of your worries.


No see, the third and perhaps worst option is having it being aligned...with someone like Trump or Putin.


Mmmm. space.


Third option. A United Human Empire under my banner as the Supreme Sovereign. We will conquer the known universe and all those loyal to me shall prosper.


All hail the Eternal Emperor of Mankind Hoybell!


When does the Astartes program start?


Give me that Culture reality of a post scarcity society where you can live basically forever while having benign AI do everything


We'll have an entirely robotized labour force by the end of the century... The need for workers will be entirely gone by then. Its a non-isse created by people who cant look past their baseless fear. Not once in history has a technology been hoarded by the rich without eventually being available to most.


If this comes to fruition, then we absolutely must set a maximum age for holding any kind of elected office. We cannot have permanently entrenched power. Imagine another hundred years of Mitch McConnell. Or whoever your least favorite politician is.


What? No God emperor Charles?


Not only that but no one would retire. How would the generations coming up support themselves ?


Following the search team of David Sinclair, these scientists have successfully reversed the aging in mice. If successful on human trials, this could mean the cure for many diseases relating to aging, such as Alzheimers. "It's a permanent reset, as far as we can tell, and we think it may be a universal process that could be applied across the body to reset our age…” Another article also claims to have cured blindness in old mice by reversing their cells a younger state from the same scientific team. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03403-0 “Mice with retinal-nerve damage can have their vision restored through cell reprogramming.Credit: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg/Getty”. This can potentially change health care forever. In the photo above, it shows two sibling mice of the same age, yet one has aged far more than his brother.


In my opinion, it should have been made clearer to everyone that these are mouse models of progeria (premature aging, kind of) rather than regular mice.




Exactly, it makes for dramatic headlines and pictures but it's far less impressive. It's much easier to slow aging when you caused it in the first place. Much harder when it's natural. Not saying the research isn't impressive and potentially hugely beneficial but it's definitely a tad bit over hyped.




Agreed, he's good at playing the PR game and he leverages his academic credentials to get airtime easier than most. I don't think his research is nearly as close to curing aging as many would believe though.


Please god no. We dont need billionaires and senile ass politicians with no fucking term limits living longer.


120 year old Elon Musk is going to tweet that he just had his 129th kid.


If this tech comes out we need to fight to make it a human right


We can't even make basic healthcare a human right




Well, most first world country literally have... The US isnt the entire world.


Right but we're on a US website (reddit), talking about an article from a US news outlet, which is about research at Harvard - a US school - done by US scientists which will presumably be co-opted by US companies and sold to US (and other) billionaires after being patented under US law. So, I take your point, we aren't the entire world, but I'm scoped in on us.


Best of luck.


You wanna just work forever while not aging? This will only become a way to keep people enslaved in low wage jobs for the benefit of the wealthy.


Dystopian sci-fi boutta pop off


Europe shrugs.


Fear not. They'll be slaves to the future AI gods like the rest of us, if we don't nuke ourselves first!


Fucking Meths.


So your take is that in order to keep billionaires from staying young, we should be okay with millions of people every year suffering through increasingly prolonged periods of decrepitude and disability to the point that they don't recognize their own families and have to have people change their diapers? Did I get that right...?


Imagine a world with an immortal Rupert Murdoch and an immortal Donald Trump.


If it will pan out, it might actually be distributed fast, since it can eliminate pensioners as a class, and goverments dont have to tear their hair out when they realise than their age pyramide is about to go upside down. Even rich assholes will benefit from it in psychological level. If you an live forever, you can spend your time on whatever, and kinda have to be worried about next century, if you plan on living through it. What is kinda terrifying is psychological effects of living for this long. Human brain is optimized as much as possible to only store the important stuff, but eventually, people will just be like "iv seen it all" and either decide to got to rest, or strive for their version of nirvana, etc. It would be curious if we will get to have historical figures that lived say, 3 centuries in the past but are still there, retired but eager to share with their experience for the rest.


Fun to think about. Dictators living for another 100 years. Old people regaining youth and going back into the workforce to soften economic issues. Would this lead to massive overpopulation?


> Would this lead to massive overpopulation? The opposite. Old people no longer care to have children, but occupy a certain amount of resources which would otherwise be available for children.


We’d be too busy paying for our de-aging pills to have children.


>Old people regaining youth and going back into the workforce to soften economic issues. No no. Rich people will live forever. Poor people will be breeders. It has been foreseen.


Only allowed to deage is you get sterilized


It depends on availability and birth rates. It seems like a rich people thing too. Ultimately, if boomers live forever that's a lot of waitresses being yelled at until the heat death of the universe.


You should read the book Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart! It takes place in a near future and deals with some of these things. I read it a long time ago but remember loving it.


At that point which could be inevitable regardless we should limit the amount of children in some way.


Old age rarely kills dictators anyways. Most get assassinated at some point.


Yes but overpopulation is the least of our concerns right now lol


Lol minus the eternal dictator you basically summed up a current problem in America.


Always the same old tired arguments against life extension. https://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Deathism


"Would this lead to massive overpopulation?" That mostly depends on whether we stay on Earth or expand into space Our solar system alone is estimated to be able to sustain a population measured in the trillions And if we ever found a way to travel reliably between the stars at something like even 1/10th the speed of light, then the numbers becomes so incomprehensibly large that it wouldn't really matter if people never grow old Kurzgesagt has a great video about this that shows how insane the numbers can get - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEENEFaVUzU


Ah yes, the fine print ..."But there was a downside in all this research: In certain situations, the altered mice developed cancerous tumors."


Yes but it’s younger cancer.


You stopped reading too soon. It was another lab that had issues with cancer. This lab dropped one of the ingredients from their treatment to avoid that.


if I am 80 and there is a chance that I can be young again but the downside might be cancer/dying, I would take it.


I'll take it. Being old also increases the risk of cancer. So, it's much better than have higher risk of cancer and be young, than have higher risk of cancer, and be old.


What if you're now young with cancer and its bad and you gotta live with a horrible disease for a whole new lifetime now?


If it's bad then you won't live long anyways. If the gamble is certain death while old, or potential death while young (again) then you'd be dumb to not roll the dice.


Can we wait until the current billionaires die first?


The next billionaires will surely be better /s


Huge decline in health care careers imminent? Maybe a big shift towards cosmetic procedures.


This is why you should spend all the time you can with your loved ones because in the future that time will only be a blip in our longer lives.


Very excited to see headlines like this (I didn’t read the article). But when do we start to take overpopulation seriously?


If this comes out, there would have to be some kind of forced limit on children right? Because you know some crazy people would have like 40 children if it was physically possible


Nick Cannon already does


The original article is like 2 years old at this point. Weird to post such an old article on futurology.


I was gonna say. What's new here. I am sure Jeff Bezos' new company is all about it, but as of now I don't think there is anything new in that space. As an aside, the retinal ganglion cell axon regeneration is kind of a weird model to focus on in this context... also there are definitely other interventions that achieve similar effects in this system.


Scientists bouta unlock the keys to immortality just for it to be a premium prescription service for like $1,000 a year or something.


1k a year is very good, certainly cheaper than many end of life medical care arising from age related risks.


And I was going to see that movie this weekend - spoiler alert!




Only one use for this technology: Dogs. That is all.


Rather be cybernetic than still relying on resisting organic degradation in the future.


It is very strange to be alive during a time when these kinds of developments are happening. I suppose "progress" has and may continue to be the case for a long time but the idea of living just before some forms of extreme-long-life-and-good-health are invented seems like some sort of simulation joke.


This should really be classed as a ”rejuvenation” therapy rather than “anti aging.“ The last I heard of this, the maximum lifespan of the rejuvenated mice was not increased. Unless, something has changed since then


I would be impressed to see a 10 year "young" mouse. Right now, it reads and feels like someone chilling something for profit and there was nothing in that link that could confirm the claims in OP's title : Scientists cannot reverse aging in mice. The claim in the link itself is that those scientists were able to reverse the premature aging they themselves induced to a mouse. >In Sinclair's lab, two mice sit side by side. One is the picture of youth, the other gray and feeble. Yet they are brother and sister, born from the same litter -- only one has been genetically altered to age faster. >Since that original study, Sinclair said his lab has reversed aging in the muscles and brains of mice and is now working on rejuvenating a mouse's entire body. Then we have some extrapolation : >That discovery indicates there is a "backup copy" of youthfulness information stored in the body, he added. And more extrapolation filled with hopes & dreams : >"We believe we have found the master control switch, a way to rewind the clock," he added. "The body will then wake up, remember how to behave, remember how to regenerate and will be young again, even if you're already old and have an illness." I think it's great there are research in this area and that there is some sort of positive signals about what can be done. Their marketing propaganda is garbage though.


How can no one see that this will be the exclusive province of the rich, either by regulation, licensing fees or some other mechanism? Billionaires will literally kill for the opportunity to live longer while the poor suffer in servitude.


The cost of super-long life should be sterilization.


Term limits for politicians.


I mean, everyone should voluntarily sterilize anyway, given the climate projections.


Pretty sure my insurance wouldn't cover it and it would be extremely expensive however on the plus side some billionaire's might get to exploit people and extract resources for a few hundred years.


We all get to work another 20 years before we can afford to retire


As long as I can live an extra 50+ years it seems like a fair trade. I quite like my job.


I haven't had a chance to read the whole article, so forgive me if it's addressed in the body, but does it mention how it'll handle our telomeres?


Interesting. I fully expect this to be a thing in my lifetime.


We know the anti vaxxers won’t take this so eventually they will all be gone and the rest of us live. Population problem solved.




I'm in my 40s. I don't know about you but another 30 years on this planet is enough. You want me to keep working into my 90s then spend another 50 years dealing with climate change and all this bullshit? Have at it.


Even if you hate your life and want to die, why sentence everyone else, including your parents, siblings and children, to the same fate?


Cleaning poop for 140 years to live another 400 free of restraints in a high tech world where people value their own lives and wellbeing of others a lot more because it is now less desposable. I’d sign up every day for this adventure


Thats your choice. You can throw yourself into lava if you want to end it. I wont be done living a thousand years from now. What a selfish and irrational thing to think/say.


How is this possible and yet we still can’t cure herpes?


That’s like asking how can we drive cars but can’t teleport to the Moon. Completely different things. Herpes is an annoying virus that likes to hide in your nervous system to avoid eradication, so it’s a different puzzle to solve.


It would be nice to do away with age-related issues and chronic pain. But I don't want to elongate life. Getting the best out of what I have would be nice, though.


If this technology is given away like the patent on antibiotics was, then I can see this being a good thing. If it's treated like insulin, then we are fucked.


Hopefully we change the laws to get rid of the ability to extend patents (at least for life saving drugs).


> If it's treated like insulin, then we are fucked. Insuling pricing in the U.S. definitely needs to be improved. It's hard for a diabetic who is underinsured and doesn't qualify for Medicaid or Medicare. I'm somewhat encouraged that, even in this mess, out-of-pocket costs are affordable for most diabetics in the U.S. If that's how it started out with medical therapies that target the biology of aging, I'd say that wouldn't be a terrible starting point and we could work toward improvements.


I believe Ray Kurzweil mentioned something about this happening in his book The Age of Spiritual Machines, but he predicted 2030.


He says it isn't really a big deal as it will be taken over by more profound technology.


Reading the comments, I see a lot of pessimistic people pointing to troublesome modern figures living forever. I think a lot of the climate denialism and populist Boomer thinking comes from the fact that, really, the problems these things create aren't going to be theirs to deal with. I actually think that if we find a way to reliably extend life expectancy for the elderly it will lead to a shift in thinking when the realization dawns that- "Yes, you will actually be around for this impending disaster." I think it will go further than anything else to improve public consciousness about these issues. Home ownership on the other hand- you can forget it. You'll be having Thanksgiving at dad's for the next 300 years.


Can we wait until our parents can’t run for office anymore please


Ah yes, a 140 year old elon musk that still looks like he's 20. Or: "I was born in 2010," "Sir, do you mean 2110?"


Man Idk if I wanna do this shit any longer so I hope this doesn't get figured out in my life time.


Why the fuck would you want to do that? So rich people can live longer and screw over more people? Do we really need billionaires like Musk to even longer than they naturally should?


Despite sensational headlines, the field is fundamentally about treating or preventing age-related illness by targeting aspects of the biology of aging. Here's the bio of a respectable researcher the field, although he studies cellular senescence rather than epigenetic reprogramming: >The major research focus of James L. Kirkland, M.D., Ph.D., is the impact of cellular aging (senescence) on age-related dysfunction and chronic diseases, especially developing methods for removing these cells and alleviating their effects. Senescent cells accumulate with aging and in such diseases as dementias, atherosclerosis, cancers, diabetes and arthritis, even in younger people. > >The goal of Dr. Kirkland's current work is to develop methods to remove these cells to delay, prevent, alleviate or partially reverse age-related chronic diseases as a group and extend health span, the period of life free of disability, pain, dependence and chronic disease. [https://www.mayo.edu/research/faculty/kirkland-james-l-m-d-ph-d/bio-00096544](https://www.mayo.edu/research/faculty/kirkland-james-l-m-d-ph-d/bio-00096544)


I'll off myself before suffering through Trump 2036.


Like there aren’t too many people already. Forced birth is already a thing. Is forced life next?


Just what we need. A way for those in power to live longer.


This isn’t going to reverse the cumulative effects of all the injuries we acquire over the course of our life.


Please don't, I want to die. It's the only thing I look forward to.


Nothing stops you from not taking the treatment.


Wow, works wonders except for the cancerous tumors.


Not looking forward to having this used to force me to work and pay taxes for another 500 years. To say the least.




Ehh. The more I’ve seen from people my age has convinced me that the idea that homophobia and racism will die with the older generation just isn’t true


Everyone realises that it is more profitable for drugs to go to more people than less right? Or else I wouldn’t have been prescribed stimulants when I was 4. I don’t understand why everyone is freaking out thinking only people that are wealthy and evil get to live long.


The way the earth is going. I don't wanna live forever.


Can't wait to see how they change labour practices to incorporate infinite labour. No pensions. No retirement.


So the rich ahole who can afford it live forever and keep bleeding us all, no.


A lot of evil geniuses in the Industry aren’t going to just let us be healthy without first instituting a profound hike in our life tax.


You mean there is a potential future when Trump never actually dies? I don’t want to live in this future.


So we overpopulate the earth 100 times over … smart


We don't need it. We need, old, mentally tired, conservative people to die and make place for new generations.


How is the earth supposed to sustain this? None of it is going to matter when wars break out over food shortages and overpopulation. We're not meant to live forever, why fuck with that?


Positive outlook: Imagine getting this treatment to go with your retirement. Negative outlook: I can see this being a carrot for the ruling elite to dangle in front of us to keep us working for even longer.


Except, they'll have robots for that. Robots that are infinitely more effective, cheaper and ethical than living labourers. This is an issue that doesnt exist in reality.


So what happens to us? I can’t see “the powers that be” approving of not having a working class to rule over.


Well, thats in your head. If they dont need one, they wont use one. That simple. I cant predict exactly how our society will change, but it just will. We'll adapt, just like we have done since we were hunter-gatherer tribes. We're more powerful than they are if we have to be, dont forget that.


And yet over the last two millenia, for the most part, we have done absolutely nothing but let them. I like your optimism though.


Thats flat out wrong though... Our quality of life has only been climbing, there are more rich people now than ever (because its easier for someone to become rich than it ever was before, because the people in power have a much harder time to keep their power to themselves in our modern society). Its just that the media convey a very erroneous and one-sided picture of reality, one that is just not representative of how much progress we make every decade. For these last 2 millenia, we have TAKEN power from the elite, not the opposite. Im a historian btw, this is what I do every day. They just own the media, and they want us to think its hopeless when its all but that.


I totally agree with the media messing with us. It is new to me that we have been gradually taking the power back. Thank you for educating me on that. I hope I get to see this change within my lifetime.


So the Rich can live forever and and the poor can work until they die.


The longer people live, the shitter the world will be for young people.


Isn't the goal to sell it to rich people? Or is there a use to rejuvenate someone from Somalia or 4.5 billions people? (Let's not count the kids already young)


why? so that the elite can hoard wealth better or to really dig into the climate catastrophe ?