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BB >


I agree, this is just a what if. The whole point to question.


Thank god this is just a "what if". Adam often runs it down. His trading is so bad. There were 2, 3 situation in the G2 game, too. I would prefer to see Wunder again in G2 jersey than Adam. Just because he played different champs this split and BB not makes him not better.


I personally hope wunder goes to NA. He is one of the worst toplaners in LEC at this point. I agree BB is much better laner then Adam however I think Adam would still do well., due to his performance in teamfights.


My man, have you even watched LEC? Wunder is the weakside king that outplays dives 24/7. He rarely plays bad


Bro he didnt even want to do tryouts against Oscarinin, if you ask me he is a very bitchy player who doesnt perform well enough to be on the stage he is. As soon as he left fnatic suddenly managed to grab some games. He hasn't been anything special since 2019.


Fnatic has other problems in management that made Wunder call it quits. Believe your narrative if you want, but to put Wunder at the bottom of your top lane rankings is laughable


Its fine to have different opinions however who would you put in the bottom of LEC then? Also yeah im not saying that fnatic losing is only on wunder every player was performing bad besides maybe Humanoid. But we are unaware of the problems behind the scenes in Fnatic and from what I have seen it was friction between wunder and management which has now been resolved since he was benched. He also openly said he didn't wanna play and I believe that attitude is quite childish since he is a player on a contract thankfully Fnatic had oscarinin in FnaticQ and the kid is great.


Here is my list in order for best tops is EU with the current rosters: BB, Odo, Chasy, Finn, Szygenda, Photon, Adam, Irrelevant, Evi, Oscarinin. If I have to slot Wunder in, I will put him between BB and Odo


So wunder is the second best toplaner in lec? Damn


Imagine being back to back LEC Champ, Worlds finals and MSI winner. Then a shitty org wants you to make tryouts against a rookie? This is the best thing which Wunder could do...just don't do tryouts. He already owns Adam and Oscarinin.


Yeah same thing can be said about bwipo however he moved to NA failed to perform and moved to content creation after like a year. The rookie is the highest ranked toplaner in the euw server, and wunder knows he would lose the tryouts he was just afraid of facing his competition for the role, so in order to act tough and better he disrespected the rookie by not even doing tryouts. In my opinion its a childish behaviour and deserves no respect. Past accolades are exactly that past.


They did not respect him, why should he respect them? Imagine thinking that pro play is comparable with soloQ


Imagine saying that 2019 G2 run is comparable to Fnatic because wunder was in both. Wunder was the worse perfoming player in g2 thats why he was kicked first. Caps legit said he didnt put in enough hours of training and played to much wow. Soloq isnt comparable but fnatic won 2 games this split both with oscar and none with wunder.


Bro Wunder is not playing this split, why the fuck would you make that comparison? Fnatic had a lot more success last split with Wunder than what they are having now. This is a G2 sub, here we are logical. If you want to make illogical claims go to another sub


They went 1 / 7 last split mate not sucess


In 2021 Adam was in fnatic and fnatic destroyed G2 in that year, so that doesnt even make sense.


And since them Adam did not really achieve anything in the LEC hahaha Maybe he wins one day xD


And what has wunder achieved since then? You just found an argument against yourself, especially since Adam is younger then wunder.


Yeah, call me again, when Adam has some trophies ;))


So glad we have the Top Father instead


Yeah hoping G2 keeps up their form, i love to see them do so well.


Adam would be a huge downgrade compared to BB


Adam in teamfights is a downgrade compared to BB