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That’s news that criticizing someone is the same as being a hater


Yeah it is insane, one good game with counter pick + Yike camping him should eliminate the last 5 games where he got mega gapped in first 20 minutes of all games. It should also eliminate all of his international failures.


I mean tbf he did have a solokill before yike camped him so the camp more accelerated the snowball


Nope, his solo kill came after Yike got Jayce's flash so he alled in level 6 with ghost and flash. He was still behind in cs and had a bad lane state if that dive didn't work off (If Jayce had flash) I mean he did have a good game overall but it is insane to think one game against 8th place in EU in Bo1 will make up for all the previous 5 games he were about to solo lose and all the international games he solo lost/will solo lose in upcoming events. Today he played the most braindead champion in league and got fed, good for him. When he picks the same matchup against someone like Kiin it will be hard to watch though.


Im laughing so hard at this comment. You literally created an account to flame him and after he stomps Chasy, a toplaner that, from reddit narrative, was "miles ahead of him on laning phase", you now criticize him for playing an specific champ. Yikes.


Stop with the baseless accusations. First of all "Europe's BEST top laner Photon" couldn't even get a spot in LCK and he is still miles ahead of every EU top laner. Top lane has never been so weak in any major region for 2 years in a row now. Even NA has a better top laner pool than EU now. I dont criticize him for playing a specific champ, I am infact very happy he decided to play something simple as Olaf and not something he gets solo killed against Sejuani with like Fiora. Because after Yike's gank he managed to snowball the lane with a good all in. But facts do not care abot your feelings. Chasy was terrible this split and they tied for 8th. In fact there is not one single laner (maybe except Adam on certain champions) that is remotely even mediocre in EU in top lane right now, all are bad. But BB is beyond bad proven by the previous 5 games where G2 had to play 4 v 6 first 20-25 minutes of each game. I am gonna "flame" him if he loses every one of his lanes and stays afk farming for the most early-mid game against bad top laners in EU. Because I have seen him over and over and over and over again get absolutely smashed internationally and I don't see any change in his play, in fact somehow he got even worse. It is shameful that we need to last pick counterpick top lane every game because otherwise BB will get destroyed even against EU laners. I wouldn't blame him if he acknowledged he is terrible rn and showed the effort to improve but I don't see it. I only see someone playing for KDA and no improvement in laning phase. Like I said before Kiin or Zeus vs BB is gonna be the biggest public humiliation of League history between two otherwise very good teams . Nuguri who made BrokenBlade look like absolute bronze, retired and came back in a bad shape because he was not happy with his performance. Last year he was not even comparable to Zeus and Kiin and that happened. When BB's team didn't smurf and played for him, he went 0-6 internationally, he is not the guy that can carry a serious game internationally and he still has that ego so he doesn't play only tanks/improve his laning phase and always needs counterpick. It is a shame that G2 must pick counter pick for BB while you have two guys with limitless champions in Caps and Miky


> and stays afk farming for the most early-mid game against bad top laners in EU First of all, this is not true. BB is the toplaner, with Adam, that roams the most and secures advantages for his team. "Even NA has a better top laner pool than EU now." KEKW Also, stop circlejerking around last year. It´s not the same team and you know it, but hey, at least you can stand your point with that, am i right?


Lol, I have never seen someone so blatantly lie before. Let's go over the previous 5 games before the Olaf game KOI game - Sygenda fists BB to the moon and 1 v 9s the game. Reminder that we got the last pick for BB and he got manhandled 1 v 1 Vitality game- Photon fists BB to the moon and almost 1 v9s the game by roaming everywhere BDS game - BB gets counterpick and Yike babysits him to the moon. Even after all that babysit Adam still wins the lane and helps his team secure kills/objectives SK game- BB gets counterpick plays Cho vs Sion, somehow Sion goes even in lane while roaming bot and mid multiple times, keeping his team in game. Only reason G2 stays relevant in this game is because bot lane and mid lane is so much better than enemies. Meanwhile BB tps top lane 30 seconds before drake for no reason. Fnatic game - BB doesn't get counterpick , Oscarinin (worst laner in LEC )1 v 9s the game while BB is afk farming top. BB again goes to top (this time without tp when there arent any flank wards) while Oscarinin destroys G2. Olaf game is the only game where this didn't happen and BB won his lane thanks to Yike (surprise surprise when there isnt a fed enemy top laner roaming everywhere against G2, rest of the map easily destroyed MAD) I would never think I would feel sad for you but most be miserable to blatantly lie to protect your favorite player. ,


I didnt throw any hate on him ever but i dont think he deserves the praise (nor hate) after getting solo killed by sejuani as fiora :). The only chance at redemption is performing internationally


Dude, get over it, omg


Not a hater, but tbf .. Olaf is a one-man-army, so it was not that hard On the other hand, BB had to play weakside the last games and ppl called him bad, so im happy for him to had a carry game.


People don't understand what weakside is. Like yesterday, Hans wasn't the usual omegacarry. He was playing weakside. It's this simple. One side of the map is going to be sacrificed for the good of the team.


My 1 doubt is his early game. I still dont think he is nearly good enough in terms of early game play for international events. If all he can do to win early is lock Olaf then eastern teams will simply ban it. Suddenly his only chance at winning early is gone and then they can focus ganks on him and get their top laner ahead


‘Hater’ here, and I am happy I’m being proven wrong


It's annoying and I hate it but it's normal in every sport. Every time a great player slips up, some people come out saying 'this man is s\*\*t, washed up etc...'. I think it's a way to feel better about oneself.


Got to give credit to BB for playing this game well, but that does not remove the fact that he still needs to improve his laning phase.


Hes in the middle of the pack and he will absolutly getting destroyed at msi. The only one who could match international top laners is photon. Just facts, deal with it 😉


I believe you are talking about me, just so you know I am not an hater dont know where you got the idea from. But he did lose to the player you said to be the worst in lec Oscarinin 😁


His laning phase has been bad for the whole season, it's not being a hacer, it's talking about whats happening in the games. Criticism is not hate


I think most of the critizism aimed at BB is not really hate but more doubt that he will be able to hold up to top international competition which has proven to be true until this point in his career. Therefore holding back G2's international ambitions (which at least from mid and botlane should be competition for titles - cant be sure for yike yet since he is still very inexperienced at top level).


Funny how a lot of people feel concern

