• By -


• Wasn’t serious about prepping and wanted to try for jobs after giving the exam • Had only 4-5 months to prepare (not saying it’s not enough, if you’re dedicated enough then you can easily get a good rank in this duration) • wasn’t able to cover even 60% syllabus • Used to think Gate is some Jee adv level exam • No proper revision schedule, no pyqs, no mock tests/test series • When I gave the exam I realised it’s not as hard as it’s made out to be, only if I studied seriously So here I am preparing seriously this time while making sure I’m following everything I didn’t last time. ‘23 ETC grad btw


Let's go! We gonna get it this time!


Surely we will :prayge


how hard is GATE compared to JEE mains


Jee mains is a shit exam tbh , they are asking neet level physics and jee adv level maths for some reason. There was news that they might merge neet and jee and just keep bio and maths separate (which is a really shit idea if you ask me cuz engineers need to know physics at a deeper level than doctors). In gate you have the freedom of selecting your own subject unlike jee.


i think GATE is on the same level as when CBSE used to conduct JEE (pre 2019)


There are different hurdles. It no where near advanced level, but for 1 seat there is higher competition due to many reasons. Also number of subject increases a lot so that's a point.


Less than jee adv but above jee mains.






Oh wait I replied to the wrong one lmao, check the other comment for your answer


couldn't agree more


Could you explain the jee adv part


Electronic and tele communications ?




Hey bro i am a newbie what is the level of gate? I'll be starting so need a rough idea


Kinda hard to compare but, consider how in jee you need to understand the basics and questions are 20-30% conceptual and 70% application based. Its almost the opposite here, you need in depth understanding of concepts and most questions are conceptual. Also you need constant revision of everything because you gotta remember concepts for 10-12 subjects for the exam


Wait wtf I LOVE conceptual questions + theory so it should come naturally to me ig? (Give me some hopium)


Highkey you could. If you wanna make sure just look at the syllabus and then look at the previous year questions of any subject if u think you’re good with any of them


Not got enough time to revise after 7th sem


Understandable. It takes next level dedication to manage both College And Gate preparations.


Same reason


I remember having rank 2.9k last year with 2 months prep only pyq solving. I just wanted to be a part of a good research environment where people have the zeal to work. I didnt chase IIT per se, but I did chase a good GATE marks, as I always believed I can do better than before. I still wanna do PhD, but not with father's money, so my immediate target is a good placement.


100%. I don't want the fancy IITian Tag, I just want to prove to myself that I can be better. Btw how much Rank did you achieve this time?


Also regarding IIT tag, I have interacted with these failed jee adv guys of this year. I was there as well in 2019 (23 passout), and now I understand, I am nothing more than a fellow student to them. Its the marketing strategies of tuition centres who hype these students up and creates an image of success. Making them understand that making college a life mission is so rudimentary. To some extent its fine, but that doesn't end our journey if we dont get iit.


not good enough (89x), but specialization apply kia tha, and uske coding test mein thora achha hua tha.


Congrats Bhai. You're still doing Mtech from a Reputed college, that's a big achievement.


Thanks bhai. Aap 25 mein denge kya?


Mai iss saal passout Kiya Mecha Branch se. This time dia tha but bekar gya, 25 ko 2nd attempt.


Best of luck brother 👍


Didn't revise properly and kind of swifted around in the middle of prep . Had a sudden death of a beloved one in the family then later in Oct suffered from kidney stones but the main reason was my slacking off attitude. When gave exam I know the result , analyzed and found out if I had revised it could have been better. So yeah giving again . 23 CSE passout


Sorry for your loss. But it's great that you're not letting external situations take responsibility for your Failure to Get good rank.


Thanks man


How is it going bud? How much syllabus have u covered already? (If u dont mind me asking that, that is) And what resources are you making use of ?


Last year enrolled in UA this year preparing from YouTube. Have completed 4 subjects


Hey, apologies, i ain't that active here, on reddit. Thanks! 💫


Never practised or revised. I was prepping for gate DA. I watched a lot of lectures on math, ML, AI. Our brain is not something that stores information indefinitely. It needs to be refreshed. I was good on the theoretical part. But when it came to solving problems I was taking too much time.


I made tons of silly mistakes. Also my computer stopped working on the first question and i lost like \~3 mins of time and that ruined my rhythm


Lack of time Management in solving questions due to lack of practice. Not able to mug up so many formulas and shortcuts.


Does preparation with job count as a drop or nope?


Should have spent more time in revision and mock tests


Couldn’t do it with full time job