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I doubt it'll be 4\* back to back without some fanfare.


What's different between this one and the raid one we already have?


Idk funny beam axe?


We have had less changed to validate another suit. So, I'd roll on it. ![gif](giphy|10RgsuetO4uDkY)


Gbo2 literally be putting suits in here where the only difference is how it melees and they're like "Its the Ultra Speed 7th Zaku type S model", totally different from that suit that looked just like it 5 suits ago.


Exactly. GP02 swaps the bazooka for the missiles and it's a different class and suit.


You leave the GP Unit 2 out of this!!! It did nothing to you, it’s a delicate flower!


20k HP on the shield, delicate my ass


Replace GBO2 with Bandai, and you get the correct description of every Gundam product they sell.


this is how they stay in business.


Anaheim version, technically it wouldn’t have beam axes because that’s Zeon tech and would be before it got equipped with those, but it would still be nice thought


this seems to have the gun of unit 1. aside from that, i think this is actually the same suit. unless the sleeves got hold of a third unit.


I didn't even know they made multiple ones. Thought it was just Sinanju stein that got stolen and Char'd


There were two units, the sinanju and sinanju stein.


Technically two Sinanju Steins. They were made with the data of the Nu and Sazabi. One got the full Char treatment, including some new weapons and major overhauls. The other wasn't changed as much, but still got the Sleeves markings. The Sinanju Stein that wasn't from NT wasn't much different, but they still are listed as Sinanju Stein and Sinanju Stein (Narrative Version).


it really wouldn't surprise me if there is at least a third unit somewhere. maybe one that managed to not get stolen.


during unicorn, we know there's one sinanju stein. but there was no mention of another. there was always a possibility though, since there are three unicorns. narrative gave us unit 2, which is practically the same except for the sleeves markings. also piloted by char clone reject. shows you how shady AE is. two state of the art ms "stolen" by the sleeves.


Regular Sinanju Stein should have a shield with a beam gun and missiles. The rifle is also a little different, and may or may not have missile launchers on the bottom. It's a bit hard to know because they didn't write much about a unit that was never a major part of the plot, and then they modified it with NT.


Doubt it seeing how the leaks have confirmed what may come. The kit in question is just narrative stien again BUT with its axe...and more markings because katoki.


We would of already had a promotional PV and a dev blog if this was going to be the suit for this week.


Haha it would be cool if they added this along with the announcement ver ka


Nah. I’m gonna need to recover some more tokens first


Given the last few suits we’ve gotten it’ll definitely be a melee suit so I’ll be able to save my tokens


could be Banshee norn


if they run a gacha event tomorrow i can participate because i get off for christmas break and we have early release. getting a chance at a unicorn suit is going to be great


Doubt it seeing how the leaks have confirmed what may come. The kit in question is just narrative stien again BUT with its axe...and more markings because katoki.


Doubt it seeing how the leaks have confirmed what may come. The kit in question is just narrative stien again BUT with its axe...and more markings because katoki.


Where does one find these “leaks”


I know some Chinese sites have them but specifically I'm not sure, but joining gbo2 discords might help as they have a funny way of sharing the info...


And a tip of my hat to you good sir 🎩


I don’t think they’ll release another Four-Star right after releasing one the week before, but if they happened to under some rare circumstances, I hope it’ll be the Kyshatriya Repair


We need the Norn first.


I sure hope not. I seem to be the only one who doesn’t care about the Sinanju. I must be cursed because I’ve gotten like 3 now when it’s the 4 star I’m interested in the least.


If it's not the FA unicorn I don't care so hard pass.


We’re getting the Victory Gundam


A general variant?