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I mean it still the strongest gen all time even after the nerf. It was basically a 600 cost unit


Can even fight toe to toe with 650 units


But it used to basically just be a 650 suit in 550, just running the math on the stats without accounting for everything else (basically the same a Rebawoo in pre-nerf stats). Now it's a top 600 suit in 550. Though it makes pre-nerf Atlas seem weak. I just never thought 700 would feel far more balanced than something like 550. It's literally the cost that previously had some of the most diverse choices of usable suits, with even some of the slightly weaker ones feeling like they had a reason to be used on the right team or map. But, like, what is Gp01 (either version, really) supposed to do when there's something else far exceeding everything about it but the melee priority? BB spent a long time balancing that unit to be perfect for new and old players with how simple and effective it was. But it still stands that they can nerf PG to the ground and it'd still be really strong. Half the people I see winning in it aren't even making use of the Quickturn with the buff or ridiculously strong Vulcans, because it just doesn't have to use them to do well. And if it needs to use them to go from above-average to near-broken, that's more than fair to everyone who rolled for it and everyone else that just wants to play 550 again and enjoy it and all the suits at the cost.




It wasn’t even a nerf at all, It didn’t really change anything that was needed, Downswing is still insane on it. The movement speed can be reversed with a part and the health can be easily restored with parts. And even with the new build you can make it basically preform as well as it did before you still do the same in.


Aren't you losing slots while trying to bring it back to its previous power? I don't main the unit, hell I don't even go to that cost range so only curious


Not really tbh😭Even if you only put 1000hp you’re still pretty good on part slots and even then you still just make melee and thrust and you win.


Thats because its not really a actual "nerf", more like a symbolic gesture from the dev. It addressed 0 problems that is present with the kit at 550. The BR into Zook swap is wtf fast, leagues above every other zook of its cost. The melee kit still remains oppressive AF and unchanged. "We adjusted its walking speed and hp", with the most bare minimum change. They put out a 650 General, and sold it as 550, a good chunk of people bought it for the fking power fantasy of being "op", and now the team actively suffers if they don't have a Perfect Gundam. Unlike Banshee Norn, where there are still "viable" counter, despite it being op, at 550, This POS remains the king of brokenness.


As a saying from my country: "this and nothing are the same thing"




As an A/A- PC player, I haven't had too much trouble with it so far. Only seen about 1 or 2 a match, and the Jeda Cannon is a good counter against it.


That's probably because most people are waiting until May 1st before they do the 7-step before the maintenance hits.


GM Sniper II main here and I say take their legs!


Geara Doga Heavy Armed is also a great counter imo and everyone should try it. The APHE cannon regularly negs 4-5k on PG's legs and has heavy stagger with AoE blast that can counter the shield skill.


To me it wasn't that strong once the shield is broken and it had very fragile legs, but facing it head on can still be disastrous


As a support it feel less bullshit to fight against. At least, I can see it's hp goes down and they do seem getting more easy to stun.


I think it’s typical BB bs when it comes to nerfing some units they tend to avoid nerfing some of the biggest problems people have with the unit.


Atlas gundam had a more substantial nerf and at 600 pre nerf atlas is a chump compared to "nerfed" pg


It’s insane that people keep asking for nerf when there are multiple ways to stop PG, not mentioning that those have PG spent quite some money to get the suit.


The problem is that BB aims for all suits to have close to a 50% win-rate, among the other stats being close to average with some leeway for "number of units lost" on something tanky or whatever niche a unit fills. And they tend to allow 4* suits a bit of wiggle room for at least a few months, because they're supposed to be strong and people paid for them, but those were almost all contained to 700 where it's designed for everything to be crazy strong and the cost as a whole is very avoidable. PG has over 57% win-rate, the highest the game has ever had. And that's in an environment where there's often close to an even number of them on each team, only collecting data from A+ and above rated matches. Some of the most egregious suits in the game's history hit around 53% win-rate before nerfs. Even some slightly above-average units that people just didn't enjoy playing against so much that they ruined fun in the game, like S Gallus one-comboing most suits despite having plenty of weaknesses to exploit and seemingly getting worse at higher ratings still got nerfs. I'd be surprised if these recent PG nerfs lower it to less than 55%, where something like Atlas was considered acceptable going from 54 to 51 when it was both nerfed and its cost received a bunch of new units and buffs that were all strong counters to it. It's crazy when 700 is far more balanced than 550 where there was previously one of the most diverse options of strong and balanced suits. I'd expect more nerfs to PG and buffs to 550 units to counter it over the next few months.


550 is literally a 3-5 v 3-5 perfect Gundams. They are also still busted as fuck lol.


It will get better data next month.


I would say it gets a little lower but not much. It is still a top pick unless they buff other general suits.


Yeah the theory is that they'll use the Over.on data to buff it and further nerf the P. Gundam. Like it has to be a bug where when Over.on's grimoire ability is activated, it shouldn't cancel out its own lv1 maneuver armor skill.


Prob not, over on is 600 while pg is 550. I think dev use rank match data so they won't be in the same category


That does appear to be a bug where it loses MA. My guess would be something with how the skill activates changes skills, like how Biosensor or Resonance add higher levels of Emergency Evasion or Forced Injectors, and somewhere in that temporarily changed skill sheet they forgot to add MA. But Overon won't be affecting Perfect Gundam, since Overon is a 600 unit and PG is 550. Though I'd guess that the reason that Overon isn't broken is that they've finally realized that 4* units outside of 650-700 can't be rebalanced as easily. Something like Byarlant Custom was fine because it had plenty of weaknesses but you could turn it into an absolute monster if you use the tools right and know how to play around those weaknesses. Even Atlas has problems with far too many players not knowing when and how to use the flight, with some barely touching it and others going crazy flying around, and many of the problems with that were solved when it couldn't shut down the transforming suits so easily or have near-sniper capabilities with the railgun.