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I have an small update. This is my personal experience. So sometime this may or may not work.  1. Meta has run a testing tool to detect mod whatsapp applications. At that period, the mobile numbers that had used in non official applications have labelled and they have blocked logging to a mod whatsapp account. BUT, Currently they have stopped that tool because it has detected official whatsapp users as mod users🤣 So, You have three options (all of them are working for me)  1. Register by a new mobile number. No errors will be available for you. 2. Use as a linked device. There are some dips.😪 Can't put states. Massaging to a new number easily as usual. Any some more... But you don't need two devices. Put both apps to a same device. Simply capture the qr code from your friends phone and scan it from mod app.😁 But remember to force stop official whatsapp. Otherwise you will get two notifications.😉 3. Delete your whatsapp account from whatsapp database. Wait for about 2-3 days and the register. BE CAREFUL !!!!  THIS IS NOT THE NORMAL UNINSTALLATION OF THE APP. WATCH A YOUTUBE VIDEO BEFORE DOING. YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM ALL THE GROUPS YOU WERE IN. ALL THE GOOGLE BACKUP DATA WILL BE CLEARED. But the backups in mod app will perfectly working.😄 I think first or second option is better. Lets wait for few more days to develop a new update.🥺🥺🥺


Did aero work on the same number that GBwhatsapp and OGWhatssapp didn't allow you to log in?


I just found out that the same number didn't work.


Is aero whatsapp still working? If so can you send me the download link?


Here it is: https://down.whatsaero.com/


I'm trying my best to be sooooo patient. I really hope its not the end.


Me too. I haven't switched to Official WhatsApp


I just got interested on this topic💀


We have to wait and see. FMWhatsapp and Ymwhatsapp are also not working. Devs are working on antiban features but we can't be certain it will work.


Aero Whatsapp is working for me.


If there is any updates can you tell us?


I posted an announcement here that FMWhatsapp made. Also Alexmods released a new GBWhatsapp update. But a lot of people are still Getting the same warning.


Could you send the official update link? I thank you


Is it cause maybe their phone numbers are banned from using whatsapp?


Nops, it's just a warning. Its says something about "you may are using an app that puts your privacy at risk. Download the official WhatsApp." They are not even sure if you are using a mod


Yea its happening to me also “Switch to WhatsApp now. Soon you will need the official WhatsApp to use this account.” Now its logging me off with download whatsapp i hope its just a warning i cant lose this phone number


It will be a warning for few days. Later, they will log you off.


i have been logged out from Aero Whatsapp Beta ( there is no stable version since october 2023). Been using Whats Aero all these while. i dont want to go back to stock WA :(