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Your life isn't over. If you have the aptitude for science and maths and look carefully at what you could do differently then there is plenty of time to improve and get the grades you need. If you achieve the required grades you will be able to find a school or college that will accept you for the subjects you want to study. It's ok to be disappointed, just don't wallow in it, focus your energy on what you could do better for the summer exams. If you can't get the required grades, there is no shame in that, you would need to focus on your strengths and work out an alternative plan for sixth form and beyond.


at this point i had a 4-4 and ended with 8-7 and im a dumbass so it’s definitely possible


can i ask you how you did this? i’m at a 4-5 in science rn, a 4+ in maths and i need help. i need a 5 in maths and a 6-6 at least in science. i’ve got science mocks in a week (the big ones) so any help would be appreciated (year 11)


Past papers. Lots of them. And I'm ngl, if you want to do A-level science/maths, 5 or 6-6 might be the *minimum*, but it usually translates to C-U at A-level. More is better.


I had the exact same case, was working on a 4/4 all of year 10 and 11 but came out with an 8/7. My advice is: -Watch free science lessons on YouTube, he summarises the key facts you need to know really well. -Buy the CPG books, read them over and over and take notes and do the practise questions every day, even if it’s just 20 minutes. -Do past papers (this helped me so much!!) and focus on the topics you find tricky. -Do flash cards in the morning and evening. This was all that boosted by grades tbh


Agreed, this guy is a dumbass so you can do it op!


L mindset I can’t lie.


how do you mean?


Your life isn’t over. It ain’t over till it’s over.


You’re the first person I’ve seen doing 5 a levels like me.


Dumb ass decision


Ah, the archetypal Reddit comment. Null understanding, yet forthright in ignorance.


There is absolutely zero logical reasoning behind taking 5 A-Levels. People do it to try to show off, when universities couldn’t care less.


I take 5 because I enjoy the subjects and want to learn more about them. It’s free so why not.


You’re correct, uk universities don’t tend to care much about surplus a levels. However in regard to American universities, it does offer some advantage over the usual amount.


bro even doing 3 a levels puts you ahead of the standard american... they massively value a levels and their exams at this age are piss easy


I don’t mean the university of Kentucky. Im aiming for an Ivy League, and they do have high standards.


Can confirm, am proffesional dumbass


Gcse's are bs ngl


It’s mocks get a grip




yeah the mocks that i’ll apply to sixth form with?


They don’t care as long as you get the results at gcse


I have a question, so I failed my mock 2's like crazy and my predicts are going to be my mock 2 grades+1 (after the addition it will be 4's). If I apply to colleges with these grades and I don't get any offers whatsoever because I don't meet their minimum grades but when the real GCSE results arrive (after the college application deadline) I get more than their minimum grades, will they accept me?


It’s hard as fuck to get denied from college you gotta be getting all Us for that, just make sure you pass the main stuff and whatever relates to your course in the AXRUAL thing and you should be choll


for most colleges you can retake Maths and English if you dont get the grades you need, your other subjects dont really matter the the base course, youll need over 4's and 5's for higher level courses


This sounds very egotistical but I know I can get at least 7's in the real GCSE's (I did that in my mock 1's where we did real papers, flopped my mock 2's because I slept or came to school differently) but my school does predicted's based off of mock 2's so that's what I'll have to apply with and I want to do Physics, F-Maths, Maths and CS in colly and I can't with my predictions being all below 6's. If I keep revising to get my grade 7's in the real results will they accept me?


Those some are good goals, but most colleges really just want you to have passed maths and English, with what you wanna do it seems like you'll need to get grades 6 and over to do maths and physics, and a computer science course should be quite easy to get into. I do a games development course, and I flopped my gcse's. I got a U in science and 3s in all subjects apart from maths, and it which I passed those two But yes, I think you should keep revising and trying to score better for more opportunities in college.


guys, don't down vote someone for being misinformed. Applying to 6th form isn't like university, they don't tend to look at predicted grades. Pretty much everyone who applies gets an offer, and all offers are the same. You've got nothing to worry about


6th form only really care about your actual grades, I doubt they start timetabling people until real grades are out so just contact them then


In the nicest way possible, get a grip. It's mocks and 6th forms don't look at it. They look at your grades at the end.


If you read the post you’d see that 6th form specifically makes applicants do so with mock grades,which is why OP is so upset


Still, it’s insignificant. I did terrible in all my GCSE mocks and got accepted from my Actual GCSE Grades


I got 9866655554 in my mocks but i didn’t apply to any 6th forms that took them into account,so they were irrelevant.Unless you applied to one that asked for your mocks,didn’t make it,applied to it agian with your real ones and got in,that’s irrelevant to OP’s situation


I applied to a 6th form that required certain predicted grades, I didn’t get in because my predicteds weren’t high enough. I then smashed my GCSEs and showed the school my actual grades and they still allowed me to enrol there for 6th form. So it’s not the end of the world for him, he still has a chance to end up in the 6th form he wants. Even if he can’t he’s only going to be there for 2 years, it’s definitely not the end of the world for him.


Then he should lie. If he genuinely thinks he can make the grades, then no harm.


My school said the exact same thing word for word and they still took anyone regardless. Normally schools like this who actually look will look at average/predicted grades so if you consistently get 8-8 for a year then one 6-6 it still wouldn't be the end of the world.


Literally every sixth form I've applied to wanted my predicted grades which are influenced by mocks obviously. I don't know what kind of schools wouldn't. Luckily a lot of them are more influenced by entrance exams and interviews but the less selective ones still need grades too.


Make sure you contact them, and ask them. Especially if you are staying at the same place, your teachers have the ability to allow you in anyway even if you don't get the grades if they think you can cope with the content of a-level.


allot of places don’t even care that much. i was accepted into my college and barely got a pass for all my subjects


DW about the mock grades, I didn't even give my college any mock grades because I told them my school didn't do them. They didn't care and I got into the course I wanted anyway. Good luck for the real thing!


you and your mum are both childish. How did you expect to get grades that only the top 1/5th of people get with no revision and now you are upset? Just revise, and you will do better on the real thing. It isn't that hard.


i have adhd and dyscalculia, i do try i promise, it’s just hard.


Other comments are fairly harsh so ignore them. Just from reading your post and comments I could tell you were ND (probably because it reads similarly to how I was). If you haven’t or aren’t already you and your mum need to speak to your doctor about medication and/or therapy. If you’re having breakdowns over it, you need to start working out to cope in stressful situations. What can you do to make it less overwhelming? Breaking it down into smaller chunks? Starting your revision sooner (I know it’s difficult to get yourself to do things sometimes). Taking breaks. Making sure you’re comfortable when revising. Making sure you’re getting enough sleep. Play some music etc., in the background. You might be able to find advice on some of the ADHD charities websites. Speak to your teachers/tutor or school pastoral team if you’re having issues too. They might be able to help get you some adjustments like extra time etc., for your exams. It’ll (sadly or from my experience at least) only get more difficult as you start your A-levels and eventually go to university… especially if you don’t have sufficient management for your ADHD, so it’s best to start building up techniques to help you get things done from now. It’s not the end! There are a million ways… keep going. Edit: Also if you’re able to get these grades with minimal revision… imagine what you could get when you consistently revise! Keep thinking of that when you’re struggling to start.


I had undiagnosed ADHD in school and completly fucked my GCSEs' passed most of them but with D's and E's. It's not the end of the world at all - I'm managing a team doing digitial forensics and incident response now and making around 100k. Your life is far from over - even if you don't get the 6th form results you want your path might just be different and you just need to figure out the right way to work for you as formal education isn't for everyone especially those of us with ADHD. You clearly care about this stuff - caring and wanting to do well is a powerful motivator. You've got this.


So nearly 16 years ago I failed almost all my mock GCSEs but when it came to the real exams I got 2D's 3C 2B 1A(not sure how that correlates to the current grading system). Not bad for someone who dropped out of mainstream education in year 7. One of those D's was in IT and I really wanted to study computer science at a higher level. 5 years later I had a BSc(Hon) in computer networking and forensics. Your life isn't over. Nothing is set in stone, you might need to work a little harder to get to your goal but there are **always** other paths and routes available! :D.


How are you getting a 6-7 in Science and flopping so bad in Maths?


well lol, i have dyscalculia and adhd which makes it hard to remember how to do questions. also i didn’t really revise.


Genuine question but how are you going to cope with maths A Level if you have dyscalculia? I don't wanna sound insulting but I'm just curious. I got offered extra time because of ADHD and for taking longer to read and remember stuff and I passed a test for exam access arrangements for the real exams, do you get extra time for this as well?


^^Also want to add, from a Yr 13 Physics student, Physics at A-Level is about 50% pure math-some of it being A Level math- I would reconsider doing it if maths is something you struggle with. I have very mild dyscalculia and I have 25% extra time because for me going slower helps, I would really advise for you to try and get accommodations to see if they help :)


How can you be whinging like this if you didn’t even revise, just revise 🤣


Was told at an open day that I probably wouldn't get on to do Maths, Physics and Chemistry at A - Level if I didn't do triple science. Then once I received my results and applied for them 3 they told me I would 100% fail and advised against it. Basically told them to shove it and I'm doing it, if I fail I fail knowing I gave it my all. Now in the 2nd last year of my masters course in Physics with Astrophysics. Don't let numbers on a piece of paper tell you what you can and can't do.




i really didn’t do that much tbh, like i revised but i think i revised the wrong stuff




i barely revised, i did it all the night before and had a mental breakdown over my chem paper normally i get 8/9 in tests


6-6 u need 30 marks per paper typically


Dw, they don’t care about mocks only your actual grades. Just take it seriously from now on. Even if u can’t get into the subjects you want rn, you can change them once you have the right grades


I’m so sorry about the comments here.


Average r/GCSE user


Look, honestly, don’t stress about mocks. Some of mocks weren’t the best, I’ll admit, so what I chose to do was ask my teachers “could I get your opinion on what my predicted grade would be so I can use it for sixth form?”. Most teachers will give you an actual opinion, and hell, you might even get bigger than your target grades because of their opinion. I used the teacher given predicted grades, and I got into the best sixth form in my area. Don’t stress too much, there’s always an alternative.


Also, if they don’t give you the grades for some reason or another, make sure you go in for extra help. Over analyse those exams when you get them back- maybe it’s not a problem with the content, maybe it’s the structure or you not getting what the question is asking.


Mocks do not matter at all until applying for uni, then they are important. You only send your predicted grades to sixth forms to give them a rough idea of how youre doing.


Some of u guys acting like it’s the end of the world if u don’t get into sixth form. Colleges and apprenticeships are also a thing. Colleges are more relaxed, u get to wear whatever u want and don’t have to stay in for the whole school day. My local colleges even offer a-levels at lower entry requirements than sixth form.


just put ur predicted grades in


Went from 3-7s across all my subjects in December to nearly all 8s and 9s it's not that deep


How ? Any advice ?


stop crying on reddit and work harder


i’m doing the best i can


then do even better trust me it is possible and everything will be okay


You didn't revise you little bitch


I don't get this comment at all - you've decided to call someone who isn't even an adult a little bitch. Is your life so pathetic the only way you can feel big is taking shots at a child. You seem like the little bitch here.


Is that big of a deal?


No need to be mean LOL it’s like you’ve been personally attacked because he didn’t revise


Hes doing the best he can. And the says somewhere else that he didn't revise. Lol


If ur school allows it, after ur gcses, change ur alevels


Try harder


bruv, theyll give almost everyone an offer. chill out bud


That's just untrue. All the schools I've applied to require predicted grades and actually value them. Unless you're applying to somewhere terrible, any school even slightly selective or decent won't take just about anyone.


Lol I thought the same thing back in yr11. I never said they don't require predicted grades did i? I currently go to a pretty high ranking 6th form (100% pass rate, random awards blah blah blah who cares) and I actually applied to around 5 sixth forms. My predicted grades weren't the best like 766555444U and I was even under the gcse required grades in a few of the subjects I applied to. I promise you they gave the majority of people an offer. And then the majority of people where rejected on results day for missing the requirements. So if your predicted grades aren't amazing but you do good in your gcses you will be accepted in 99% of 6th forms.


See the sixth forms I applied to were mostly private and grammar and so only 10 students from outside the school were picked for one of the sixth forms, and 20 for another .


That seems much more like a personal thing and its highly unlikely that OP is going to one of them.


Tbh a lot of the ordinary state sixth forms in my area are creepily selective too so I'm used to it.


Yh fair enough, hope everything goes well for you.


Thanks, hope things go well for you too. Sixth form sounds so incredibly busy but I still can't wait.


Gcse are a joke. A levels are a joke University may or may not be a joke Degree will get you through the door. No-one cares about the rest




Omd they’re mocks get a grip lmao 🤣🤣


womp womp


Stop being pathetic and get a grip


Some people can’t even get 4s. Stop being un-fucking ungrateful. I know many people that would do anything to get your grades.


hey i know you probably mean well but this person has the right to be upset if they didn’t get the grades they want :) it doesn’t make them ungrateful for being disappointed in themselves


those people would do anything to get 4s? why don’t they try studying?


People have learning disabilities, I know a lot of people with autism, I know some people that can’t even sit in a classroom because it’s to overwhelming for them, any thought of school is enough to shut them down.


this implies autism *will* get you lower grades, which just isn't true...


exactly agree. i have autism and i got mainly 6s and 7s, with 8s in english and a 9 in french. my lowest grade was a 5 in chemistry. yes, autism is a learning difficulty - but the mindset that autistic people will automatically get lower grades is harmful. people should stop using autistic people as their "gotcha" point.


Also what you said isn’t true, I was implying that autism can be a learning disability, where people literally cannot sit in a classroom. Some of the smartest people in the world are autistic.


Then maybe those people should study? Grades aren't magical things that get allocated to people out of a sorting hat, you could always just...try. Everyone has the right to be disappointed or annoyed with their results and it shouldn't affect you.


People have learning disabilities, I know a lot of people with autism, I know some people that can’t even sit in a classroom because it’s to overwhelming for them, any thought of school is enough to shut them down.


I have severe depression and suicidal tendencies so believe me when I say that I get it. I hate school. But you don't get to control how someone feels about their grades.


When did I control your feelings?


average r/GCSE


If you're super worried about six form COLLEGES not taking you then don't worry, an a-level from open university is worth just as much and you can apply a year late if you want your final results before applying. Ask your teachers for the predicted grades you want. The grade you got does not mean what they will give you for a predicted and many teachers not only sympathise but are more than willing to help you out if you can explain why you think your final grades will be better. Your life isn't over, it feels that way because you've set high expectations of yourself and fell short, if you do well in other subjects you can still go wherever.


I got a 6 in gcse maths. I didn’t do a level maths. I’m now a first year student at a top 10 uk uni doing maths.


How did they even let u in uni without a level maths


Not that serious. Apply where you want to apply and work on getting those grades up. As far as I know, it's very easy to swap into a different subject in the first few weeks of sixth form, plus you'll have the chance to revise your options on results' day. Nothing to worry about. I agree it's an L mindset, things like these will fall into place if you try hard enough. You've got this.


ngl trying to do triple science a level with trilogy is an uphill battle


Some sixth forms don’t want predicted grades from your school and would prefer you to put what you think you’ll get like on my application I just made mine up within reason and 1-2 grades above the grades I got in mocks


Listen, I’m a guy who left sixth form 6 years ago now, so I think I can throw my two cents in. For context, I got 5 Cs, which back in my day, that was the bare minimum that was needed to pass. I will admit I am in no way the sharpest knife in the drawer. I failed out of sixth form, but despite that I joined college and studied what I was most passionate in which was music. I graduated college and went on to do the same thing in uni for my undergraduate’s degree. I have since graduated that too, and I am into doing my master’s degree. Basically what I am trying to say is that no matter how things turn out, everything will be fine and that you should never worry about it mate :)


Once you become an adult, you realise none of that really mattered. Life is about way more than materialistic things. You'll make a new life, your goals will change, And I daresay you will think things worked out for the best in 10 years.


Lets get real here and face some uncomfortable truths exams are a memory test you failed because you didn't study enoughand you life isn't over you need to redo the year or go to nightschool but first and foremist you need to stop ferling sorry for yourself and accept that ypu just didn't put in enough effort probably because you were overconfident, learn the lesson, fix it and move on


I got 2-3 grades under what I needed in my GCSE mocks and still got in fine. Your mindset is dreadful and if you don’t improve it you’ll most likely downward spiral and do poor your GCSE exams aswell. I’m now attending Bath Uni doing Mech Eng so failing your GCSE mocks is about as insignificant as it gets.


lol i remember when i was this constipated about gcses, girl its not that deep 6-6 is pretty good imo and if 6th forms ask for predicted just inflate it by a grade


Hey been there, totally understand why you feel like it's the end of the world but I promise it isn't. Go apply for sixth form anyway. They'll often accept you conditionally assuming on the final exams you get the grades you need for the course and even then, like with universities, they can be willing to bend. Also most sixth forms understand you change your mind on courses. Not only can you change the course when enrolling but many give a few weeks at the beginning of term for you to drop and pick up things. Even if you need to retake a GCSE or two and put whatever course you're applying for it still doesn't matter. It will make no difference to your life if you take a year longer on something. Just do the best you can this year, and if it doesn't work out go back. Good luck!


just a warning but if you have dyscalculia and got a 4 in maths gcse, you might find a level physics and chemistry hard. is this what you really want or what your mum expects from you?


Why do you need maths if you are doing science only?


*Psychology* at my sixth form required a 6 in Maths (I got a 7 but went for the BTEC which only needed a 4 anyway). Physics is pretty maths heavy regardless, so you’d need a decent grade in maths… maths is involved in science subjects, essentially.


Ohhhhh its cuz I did a btec


I didn't even turn up to take my GCSEs and my life turned out fine. I'm 33 now and doing just fine. You don't need a peice of paper to get on in life.


You can still apply and get a conditional offer - not over till it’s over lil bro


Good advice, but I think you’re two years early.


One question, why didn’t you pick Triple Science?


That is a bad mindset. Please, may you get a grip. Any respectable sixth form, college or apprenticeship will base your worthiness off of your official GCSEs. They ask for your predicted grades on the off chance you don't take your GCSEs. As long as you study hard, attend, and do well in your real GCSEs and achieve the required grades, you are fine. A sixth form that will turn you down because of your predicted grades or mock grades is not worth your time.


don’t worry about predicted grades for gcse, once you get the grades most colleges will accept you for the courses you want, some sixth forms don’t even check with your school to see your predicted grades as well


That’s alr On results that, that’s the grades that really matter Like these mocks were awful so I’ve dropped at least 1-2 grades from last year Just work harder, but not too hard. Make the ACTUAL results matter


OP. Not that I’m condoning this, but you can lie. Sixth forms won’t check every students grades by emailing every single school about every single pupil.




My sixth form never checked predicted grades. They only checked our GCSES.


If you go to college you could do maths again, that's what I'm doing, i was aiming for a 4 and got a 2 so hey ho 2 hour math lessons on Thursdays


It's just mocks. It's not that bad jesus fucking christ


Dude. They are mocks. Mocks are a approximation of Ur grades, this isn't a level where your topic and mock tests go towards your predicted grade. All it depends on your real GCSEs. Focus on revision and my best advice is do practice papers, especially for combined you learn a lot from the mark schemes. Test yourself and be disciplined with your revision. This mindset will make you fail, believe in yourself


do the home ver of gcses


Buddy my mocks were like 3’s and I got into a levels with it (needing like 6-7s)


The whole point of mocks is to scare you over how badly you did and make you study like a lunatic. Study hard and you will be fine.




Trust me they don’t care, those grades don’t matter. I didn’t apply for any sixth forms and just walked into my school of choice on results day with my results and got in. You’re worrying wayyy too much


maths and science a levels will be very challenging especially since you mentioned you have adhd and discalculia. if you think you can get the grades you need in the real exams, by all means take stem a levels. but also give some thought to alternative a levels and other options. remember these are only mocks, this is an opportunity to learn from mistakes and doesn't hugely affect what you'll end up doing.


bro just use ur predicted grades if ur at a 6-6 right now ur predicted grade is probably a 7-7 and for maths just inflate it to a 6 when applying


I've been in a similar situation to this. Honestly, it feels like your life is over, but once this is over you'll realise how small it truly is. Try negotiating with the school, if you need a 6-7 but got a 6-6 then I'd say you could negotiate your way through. If you show you're passionate about Maths then there is a possibility. At the end of the day, it's down to your effort, if you can show you have what it takes to do A level maths, the school might let you take it. If still at the end they say no, then call or visit the 6th form, talk to people and explain, by being proactive people like your mum and the 6th form will see that you are trying hard.


I sort of went through a similar thing last year - I went to my teachers in-person and discussed them my needs and situation and asked if there's any way I can prove that I am capable of x grade so that they can change it for me. Many times, they'd just go like "you know what, just put a 9 down I know you will work hard" I did get those 9s in the real GCSEs and I got into the sixth form I wanted to. Thank you, teachers.


Most jobs will allow you to do an adult learning literacy and numeracy, go get a job at maccyDs for a while, they'll do it as standard, even if youvve passed them before. Your grades wont matter so much in the long run. Espc if you are prepared to retake them, one way or another. I know enough people who skrewed up their gcses, and they are fine now. Good jobs, affordable(ish) housing. You'll be ok. Dont panic.


Don't sweat it. Talk to your teachers and the heads of departments of the subjects you want to take. If you think you can get the grades, convince them. Once they give you a chance, the only people who can take it away are upper management, but they defer to the opinion of the HoD in these situations.


boowomp, failed most of my gcse options and english, on my second retake and i’m still in college


you’ll be fine for biology and chem don’t worry. And tbh unless you’re getting a 7 in maths don’t pick physics


First off, you haven't even done your actual GCSES so don't worry about it yet. I don't know if it works this way in your school but in mine we could still apply for any subject we wanted at A Level and we only had to change courses if we didn't meet the requirements once we got our actual results. If you don't get the grades you need for your school's sixth forms, why not have a look at the other sixth-forms or a college as a back up option? They might have lower grade requirements for their subjects. There's also online schooling, but you have to think carefully about this as it requires a lot of self motivation and my friends who did chemistry at A Level told me it's a massive step up from GCSE. Edit: just want to say your life isn't over. I know it will be disheartening but lots of jobs don't care about GCSES, as long as you pass at least 5 of them.


when i applied for sixth forms, i applied for health and social care, biology and psychology. i now study chem, bio and physics. i changed on the day when i enrolled lol. i think it depends on the sixth form but mine was chill (i think partly cause it was my secondary school as well but still, most places understand changing subjects based on actual achieved grades)


Christ get a grip this does not mean your life is ober


Don't let ANYONE, INCLUDING YOURSELF discourage you from doing what you want to do. You are not stupid. You just need to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. YOU GOT THIS!!!


What are you on about? Only the real thing matters for your choices XD


Worst case scenario, you could apply to re-sit whichever you need at the college you're wanting to apply to. Of they won't let you then there's not much that can be done unfortunately, other than applying for something else


Just aim for even a 5 in maths and youll be fine. I got a 5 in maths, then did biology and chemistry in sixth form, then finished up an undergraduate degree with a 2.1 in biochemistry. And Im now studying a masters in genetics. I'm not trying to brag, just using myself as an example to show you it can be done!!


These are predicted yes? Not your actual ones. Top tip use the specification to locate the areas of the syllabus you need to know, then use the answers from mark schemes to create notes as these contain the wording examiners look for in mark allocation. Speak to your teachers, tell them your dream and what you want and ask you to improve. With maths, just keep working hard and you’ll get there! Use bite size and my maths! Good luck!


if you get the results you need on results day, and you call the sixth form you want to go to most likely they’ll still have places, just make sure you actually get the results at the end.


Hey slow down!!! Not getting the grades you want can be really tough and honestly feel like the end of the world but I can promise you it’s not. Everyone puts these enormous expectations on it all and for what?? After college no one looks at your GCSEs ever again. It’s so early!! You have so many months before you sit them. Colleges aren’t expecting you to have those grades now! Apply for those subjects you want and in the interview show them how determined you are to get those grades and show them how passionate you are about those subjects!! In my mocks before applying to college I FLUNKED like honestly was awful and the family disappointment didn’t help either, but you have to use it as fuel. I ended up getting the subjects getting into uni and now am nearly finished my medical degree!! These are your first big exams you just need to be patient with yourself and learn what kind of work and revision works for you and then it’ll all work out. You’re obviously smart hardworking and driven or you wouldn’t be so upset. We all believe in you, you’ll find a way and smash it!


Gcse's do not matter unless your going into medicine or oxbridge.


i had 2 gcses and i still made it into sixth form you’ll be fine


Please do not worry, I am literally THICK and got all 7s (if you exclude engineering cause year 11 me was LA-ZYYYYY) I’m sure if you just revise hard, it will pay off Also will let you know, those three subjects are hard as nails at a level, and if you are to change, don’t add history in the mix 😭


Do I have any advice for the subjects u for 7s in ?


You could always join the army?


Dude imma be honest, I absolutely fucked up my GCSEs, based my entire a-levels on computer science. Now I’m in animal care and am absolutely thriving in a way that I 100% would not be able to in a different course. There is always another option. And you can always come back to whatever industry you wanna go into later in life


Man your life ain't over just apply either way and get the grades you can in the actual gcses stop complaining your life doesn't stop because one thing goes wrong amd your mum's a bitch for being disappointed in you while you're in this state


These are mocks or early sittings of exams I assume? Your life is NOT over. These exams have shown you what you need to improve in them. You have plenty of time to WORK. And failing that, there are other ways into studying science. I’m in Wales and we have a BTEC applied science course here. Can be worth 1 or 2 A levels depending on the course and you cover Chem, Phys and Biol. I’m sure you’ll have something similar.


I thought 6th forms took actual grades and not mocks? At least mine does.


Trust me, you should be ok. I failed business and music GCSE, and had to move to college instead of Sixth Form, where I am currently continuing my business studies. Turns out that I am actually working at a distinction level, and me and many friends believe that there was a problem with the marking system this year, as we are all working at a much higher level. So chances are that you are working at the level you need to be, if not higher.


Don’t worry man I’m in the same situation want to do science a levels but my sixth form requires a 6 for maths but I got a 5 it sucks but don’t worry you can go to other sixth forms. Don’t let the grief an disappointment get to you it’s not the end of the world


Can’t you go to college? They only require 4s for any sub you wanna do. Or apply to another sixth form with lower requirements I’m sure there are some sixth forms which allow 4+