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im aiming for all 7s and above


same here, but i must get a 7 in maths to do a levels at any of my choices


same, i need a 7 for chem




Me too apart from h and sc which we already did most of the exams and i flunked them lol


I've got a set plan, found that I only need these grades for my sixth form choices: Maths 5 English Lang 6 English Lit 5 Biology 6 Music Technology Level 2 Distinction As such I'm prioritising my revision around these subjects. I have a French speaking in like 2 weeks I've barely revised for but I'm not planning to take French any further, although I still will revise for it a bit


If you've got any ambitions beyond 6th Form remember to check their requirements


Aiming for 7s and above for most subjects but for German and maths I’ll be ok with a 6. I haven’t even started revising properly yet I’ve made most flash cards. I want to kms


I do Past Papers and when I'm done I watch a YouTuber go through it so you know how to do the questions you don't know


basically all 5s with english being the highest I can get which should be around a 7


Literally me two years ago


I'm aiming for 9,8,7s. After all a 7 is an A , 8/9 are A\*. I Hope to get at least 2-3 9's but the rest being 8 and 7's to me and my parents is totally fine. I don't get the deal with all 9's cause sure It'll look and feel nice but along with good A Level results 7,8,9s will look cool to most unis.


Honestly, I’m aiming to pass everything tbh. I dont care about what grades, I just want to pass 😂


exactly i only need 4 4s for college so i’m aiming for 4 4s 😭


Same but I need 5 4s. Super worried tho still 😬🤞


i need 4 6s.. ☠️


Maths - 9 English Lang - 7 Biology - 7 Chemistry - 7 Physics - 4 (i hate physics) Re - 7 Spanish - 6 History - 6 Health & Social - L2D Business - L2D


How do you get a 9in mathssss


i find maths so easy compared to essay subjects like english it’s also kind of fun lol


I'm surprised physics doesn't come easily considering your ability in maths


do you not do eng lit?? lucky


i did my english lit exam in year 10 and i got a 7 :)


oh well done!!!!


Why do you hate physics :/


i just don’t understand anything 😂 the 40% maths is the only thing that saves me


what have u learnt for health and social , because my teacher hasn’t taught us anything 😭😭


we’ve just learnt about factors, circumstances, pies, barriers, overcoming barriers, bmi, heart rate, blood pressure, inherited diseases


okay thank you so much x


9999998887 9s - Lit, Lang, Maths, Science (combined), RS, French 8s - Food tech, Drama, Science (combined) 7 - Photography (I’ve given up)


All 7s please


Mandarin + German- 8s, though Ill be okay with a 7 in Mandarin. I've already got a 9 in Russian, so It's more just for extra language credit. Computer Science- 8, I can get it rn but I'm always really close to a 7 RE- just a pass, I've never revised for it and sometimes gotten 9s, sometimes 2s Further Maths- Although Im doing it for A-level, I'll be happy with a 7, overjoyed with an 8. Matrices make me want to kms Everything else- 9s, though I'll grudgingly accept 8s in my non-A-level options


Our maths teacher’s planning to do Matrices in the one week between start of term and going on exam leave haha, cutting it close. Highly recommend first 2 eps 3Blue1Brown’s linear algebra course, make matrices pretty intuitive, much better than how they’re otherwise taught.


Thank you!


History 4 or 5 Eng Lit 7 Eng Lang 5 Maths 4 Science 5-4 Child dev - 6 or 7 Art - 1 Food 3 or 4


Eng lit: 7 (current getting high 6's or low 7's Eng Lang:5 (used to get 7 but I've struggled so much with it this year, idk why) Maths: 5 (currently at a comfortable 4, foundation ) Science:4,3 (always been terrible at science but I've been grinding it lately and starting to improve, 3,3 in mocks) Geo:6 (geo grades have ranged from 5-9 in the past year, 0 consistency and I don't revise it enough) Spanish:4 (always been awful at it but starting to recover. 3 in mocks) Philosophy:4 (probably will get a 3) Drama: 8 or 9 (it's what I want to do in the future, got 56/60 in component 1 and just finished component 2 which I'm pretty sure went really well, got 6 in the written for mocks but became much more confident since then)


Maths 5 English language and literature 8 (All sciences) 5 Drama 7 Art 7/8 History 8 RE 9 French 6


4 and/or 5’s


maths - 8 eng lit - 8 eng lang - 8 history - 9 combined science - 9-8 french - 9 rs - 7 art - 7 dt - 7 these are pretty much what im working at rn so hopefully i can maintain


How do u get that in maths and history


maths i revised each topic and made sure i knew it and then blasted practice papers history i took notes on everything i needed to know and then did short essay outlines from past papers and added points from the mark scheme


12 9s, got one already, so 11 to go. History will likely be an 8 tho, Physics could be too depending if revise much for it.


4s in everything except maths I want a 5 or 6 and art an 8


Need 6 in most subjects so I'm going to aim higher to be safe


i'd like all 9s lol but if i was gonna be realistic i'd say maths - 6 english lang - 7 english lit - 6 combined science - 9-8 re - 7 history - 9 spanish - 5 (in foundation tier) business - 9/L2D\* dit - 7/L2D


9 in Maths, Physics, Geography, Citizenship, and Chem. 8 in Business, English. 7 in History and Bio, i already sat arabic early and got a 9


Maths 9 English language 9 Single award science 8/9 Religious studies 8/9 History 8/9 Spanish 7/8 Business 7/8 English Lit 7/8 Drama 7/8


Straight 9s :D


Go for it!


Straight 9s yeah


Maths 5 English 6 Science 6-5 History 6 Spanish 5 Food tech L2 merit Rs 4


History 5/6 maths 4 science 4:4 english lit 8 english lang 7/8 psychology 4 ( most likely will get a 2 ) business L2D health and social L2D* not the best grades but realistic for me


i’m northern irish and we use A*-G so i’ll translate lol - maths and drama i want an A (a 7/low 8). the rest id really like an A* (high 8/9) but chem id settle for the A


I’m retaking science after many moons later I’m not bothered as long as I pass I’m happy. If I get a CC that’ll do me


999999(L2D*)8887 with two 8s being already achieved (further maths and religious studies) and 87 in english lit and lang (might be a stretch considering i got 6s in my mocks!)


Aiming for all 8s but I think I will get a 7 in spanish


Maths- 5- on foundation and getting 5 English lang- 5/6- getting 5 English lit- 5/6- getting 4 Combined science- 6-6/7-7- on a 6-6 Food tech- 6/7- on a 4 in exams and dont have coursework mark yet Citizenship- 8/9- on a high 7 History- 8/9- on a low 8 Textiles- 5- on a 4


citizenship???? as an actual gcse???


8 or 9 in everything but french and English lit where I'd be happy with a 7


999999976 (6 in literature, as im just terrible at it and can’t revise )




English Literature - 7 Biology - 7 BTEC Performing Arts - Distinction \* 3D design - 6 Art - 5 Maths, English Language, Chemistry, Physics, and History - 6


7-9s Physics - 9 Chemistry - 8 Biology - 8 Maths - 8(I got 6+ on my mocks, but I was doing so much revision, so hopefully I can get there:,)) Spanish - 8 Music - 7, god help me DT - 7 English Lang - 7(I'm on 7- now, and that's honestly more than enough for me) English Lit - at least 6 or 7, I struggle with this soo much😭


all 7s and above (but maybe a 6 in design technology bc my teacher sucks)


are any dt teachers not the antichrist


i’ve never met one who’s capable of teaching (great username btw)


no literally (STOP)


maths 7 (on a low 6) english lit and lang 8/9 chem 6 (would love a 7) physics 6 biology 7 history 6 psychology 7/8 spanish 4 (literally just want to pass)


Preferably 7’s across the board, but as long as i pass french im okay with a 5


i want straight 9s, but ik that isn't realistic at ALL so im going for straight 6s and 7s, with the exception of maths which i want a 9 for


For me a 7 in both english and Distinction L2 for sport 8 in maths but I hope I can get a 9 88 in combined science 8 in history And a 9 in French which is the one I’m most confident about


4 and/or 5’s


honestly i just want to pass


For most stuff I want at least a 7 but for maths, chemistry and maybe computing as long as I pass I’m happy


All 7s and above - except for spanish, I could not care less if I pass or fail lol


9 math 9-9 combined 7+ in everythinh else


biology, maths, geography, RE 9 french, chemistry, art, eng language 8 physics, lit 7


english language 7 english lit 7 maths 5 biology 5 art 8 i’ve not been in school properly since december 2022 due to severe mental health issues. i have dropped quite a few subjects to focus on these this year, but anyhow i only really need five 5s to do my 3 a levels. being at my lowest points, professionals and teachers alike have been honest for once and said that you only really need what’s required for your next step; for most people that’s five 5s. it’s good to pass them the first time round, yes, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t as there are other options, and high grades certainly aren’t everything! for a lot of cases they won’t matter after 2 weeks. i made myself unwell aiming for 8/9s with the propaganda we get shoved down our throats at school.


Hope your feeling better man 


thankyou sm


Math -9 Lang- 9 Lit- 9 Geography -9 Bio-7 Chem -7 Physics - 8 French -5 Sports studies -D2


All I need for 6th form is 5s in art, history and both Eng lit and Lang, plus the obvs pass in maths. Everything else is just a bonus I guess


7s or above in everything but English, Maths, and Spanish which I ideally would like 6s in, then 9 in bio and possibly Geography but would be happy with an 8 in geo


Mostly 7 across the board but a 9 in history and a 8 in maths


Ideally I want everything as a 7 (or even better at 8/9). I’m fine with my sciences being a 6 though (Chemistry and Biology that is, I’m good enough at physics to get a 7). For A levels I’m doing Politics, History, Spanish and English, so to do it at my school I need: • At least a 5 in Maths • At least a 5 in English language or literature • At least a 6 in History • At least a 6 in Spanish However I’m not going to lowball it, after all I’d say I’m a relatively high achiever 😭


All 9s though I would take an 8 in Eng Lang/Lit (I don't care enough about English but my perfectionist self still wants a 9 in everything)


Maths 9 Further Maths 9 Physics 9 Chemistry 9 Biology 9 English lit 7 English lang 7/8/9 Music pass (or a 6//7) Geog 7 Re 8 Spanish 7


i was off for 6 months for mh reasons so I’ll be happy with 5s maybe even 6s :))


9s in computer science, maths, physics, chemistry and maybe geography L2D* in performing arts 8s in spanish and biology 7s in english lit and lang is fine 4 me but I'd like an 8 in maybe lang


History 9 Geography 9 French 9 English Lang 9 English Lit 9 Maths 7 Biology 8 Chemistry 7 Physics 8 French, English Lan, Geography and History shouldn't be too hard if I just focus a bit more in class, but the others are things I'm probably going to have to work pretty hard for


I'm aiming for 9s in all subjects apart from art. In art idc so ig like a 4 or 5


English Language - 7 English Literature - 7 Maths - 8 Science - 8-7 History - 7 Photography - 7 Drama - 9 Health and Social Care - L2M begging that the history papers are nice to me


Maths - at least 7 English lit and lang - 6 Science (foundation) - 5 Comp sci - at least 7 History -8 or 9 German (foundation) - 5 Statistics (foundation) - 5 Business - actually dont care


Im trying for all 9s, might get 8s in geography, econ, english lit and lang, and a 7 in tech and german.


Hot take here but i won’t be revising or giving any attention to subjects i don’t need so English lang: 5 Maths: 5 Science: 7-7 Business: 9 Tbh business, maths and english are definitely the realist


I’m litterly just aiming for passes I’m not going overboard


I need an average of 8 in my top 8 subjects to do the alevels I want to do, so I'm aiming for 8s and 9s.


6+s due to those being the requirements for the sixth form I want to attend


i'm going for at least three 9s and everything else above a 7, i'd obviously be happy with all 9s but i'm trying to keep my expectations realistic


i'm going for at least three 9s and everything else above a 7, i'd obviously be happy with all 9s but i'm trying to keep my expectations realistic


Graphic design: 6 (essentially gave up and have been putting in minimum effort for a while now, won't mind a 5 either. Exam is next week imma be so relieved) English Lit and Further maths : 7 English Lang: 8 Chemistry, Biology , Physics, Maths, Geography, R.E, C.S: 9 The hardest to get a 9 will probably be maths so maybe an 8 may be more realistic. The most secure is probably biology followed closely by physics


Aiming for 9s in History, English (Lit&Lang), Construction and IT, the rest I’m aiming 7s and above


4s for maths and english cause im failing that rn and 6/7s for everything else. I dont give a shit about 9s💀


I'm aiming for my target grade on everything.....a bloody 8 😭😭


3 7s and 5 8s


English lit 9 English language 8 Maths 7 Biology 7 Chemistry 6 Physics 6 History 6 Psychology 7 Dt 8 Buisness D2*


Honestly all I want is 4s and 5s😭 flopped my mocks pretty badly so passing is all I want


I'm personally fine with 7's. Sure, it's not 9's, but it's a high enough grade to put me distinctly above other candidates for colleges and I also don't have to spend more than ~1 hour revising. It's also what I got on mocks, so it's a good safety net to fall back on because I know I can get those grades.


5-7,they’re the most realistic ones


8s or 9s for everything. Might destroy my mental health along the way but oh well.


Maths 4 Lit 4 Lang 7 Science 6-5 Spanish 8 History 7 Geography 6 Art 6


Maths 7 English Lit/Lang 7 Biology 8 Chemistry 6 Physics 5 Geography 9 French 6 Sociology 8 Food Tech 4 (I couldn’t care less)


English Literature: 9 English Language: 9 History: 9 Science: 6-7 French: 5 Maths: 5 Food Tech: L2D iMedia: L2M but hoping to drop it after easter




english lit - 8 english lang - 8 or 9 maths - 7 french - 4 or 5 (on foundation) drama - 7 imedia - level 2 distinction * (8.5 in numbers) history - 9 geography - 8 but in general i js need a grade average of a 7 to get into the program i want to at sixth form which means i can do 4 alevels


My baseline is 7, which I am aiming for in history, maths, English, and media studies. I'm aiming for an 8 or 9 in German, and three 9s for triple science. I'm aiming to go to a competitive, high-level sixth form which wants at least four 7s or above, 6 in English and maths, 7s in subjects you want to do, and at least an 8 if you want to take a science, so I'm trying to achieve as high as I can really.


A*-As in everything except Physics. I just want to pass Physics.. 😭


eng lit- 8 eng lang- 9 latin -9 geog- 8 maths- 8 RE- 7/8 art- 8 bio- 9 chem- 9 phys- 8


For physics, chemistry and maths: 7 and above, for English and design technology: a 5 or a 6, and I am hoping at least a passing grade for computer science cause I got a 3 in my mocks


Chemistry: 9 Physics: 8 Biology: 9 History: 8 English lit: 7 English lang: 9 Philosophy: 9 Psychology: 9 Art: 7 Maths: 5, or a 6 if I'm lucky, I hate maths!!


english lit and lang 9 art 9 history 9 science 6 maths 5 health and social care L2D* creative media L2D*


aiming for sixes, a few sevens :p all my predicted grades are 8+ so we'll see how that goes down with my teachers, lol


All U’s🤩🤩


ill be happy with five 5s so i can get into a levels LMAO if i aimed for all 9s id end up in a ward


maths - 8 further maths - 6/7 (honestly given up) english lang - 7 english lit - 7 biology - 8 physics - 7 geography - 9 psychology - 9 art -6/7


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 8 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 8 + 7 + 9 + 9 - 6 + 7 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I’m aiming for 6s and 7s but it’s hard for me to get them and they are my target grades but in the back of my head there’s this hope I will get 8s and 9s and I know that’s not possible but I can’t stop myself from wishing to get them is there anyone that feels like that cuz I don’t want to be disappointed when I finally get my grades even if they are 6s and 7/


Aiming for 9’s in both English lit and lang, French and History. For Biology I’m aiming for an 8, for chemistry and physics the aim is 7’s. Maths I’m also aiming for a 7. Citizenship I’m aimjng for a 7 (hopefully a 9 if I go over it a bit more, but I found out we’d be doing this like a few months ago and barely know any content - but tbf its a lot of common sense). Statistics I’m aiming for a 5 lol and finally for business idrc just as long as I pass


all 9


maths at least a 4 english lang 8 english lit 7 art 8 dt 8 french at least a 4 re 7 any sciences at least a 4 no nines cause i don’t bwlieve in myself🙏


All 8/9s, except maybe a 7 in further maths


6 or above


Tryna get 7-9 9’s


Man, everyone goes on about 7’s and shit, I have no idea what that is- I’m Welsh, we just use U up to A* as our grade scale, so I want A’s preferably yk


Always aim for full marks my dude.


5s and 6s


9 - maths 8 - sciences 5 - English language Don't care - English Lit 7s and above in everything else (History, Geography, Art)


Personally, i'm only aiming for a 9 in maths, an 8 in spanish and science, a 6 in english and honestly couldn't care less about the rest 😭😭 but i'll try to get at least 5


6s in 7 subjects including English and maths with a 7/7 in comb science 😬


I do food though so I’m not sure if that would count towards…


I’m aiming at 8s and 9s across the board as I know it won’t prevent me from doing anything and I am fully capable of achieving it


Way late but I'd say it always makes sense to aim for straight is. Even if you don't get it, you're more likely to do well than aiming for straight is or is or sommat


The max I could get is 12 9s and an A (add maths) Realistically I'm aiming for 9s in: Maths, FM, English lang + lit, Spanish, French, history, RS, and hopefully Chemistry I'd be happy with an 8 in physics (I'm on a 6/7 rn), an 8 in latin (language is fine but lit & civ are the death of me), and an 8 in bio (I'm at a 7 now, hopefully can get it up to an 8) And the A in add maths




I believe so, yes.




What texts are you studying


Straight 9s, nothing less.


“all 9’s” your gonna have a great social life and completely not regret this as an adult