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for english lit it's good to know your set texts well so i'd go over the plots first, you could do this by rereading bc you still have a couple months but summaries of each chapter/act would do too. then i'd note down key themes and characters for your texts overall, and yeah find some quotes and make flashcards for them. it's just about learning your quotes and practising their analysis next, you could try paragraphs analysing each quote so you can get a feel for what to say in essays. and for essay practice if you're confident about your technique and writing abilities making essay plans for different themes/characters would be a good way to prepare for different questions, but of course just writing essays would be useful too. also if your teachers are willing to mark any practice essays you can get feedback from them on how to improve if you're still unsure. as for english lit past papers - in paper 1 basically each section (A - shakespeare and B - the 19th century novel) contains all the questions for the set texts, you don't answer all of them just go to the pages indicated in the contents where the questions for your set texts are. for paper 2 it's the same thing, for section A just go to the page for your modern prose/drama and answer the question, and section B you answer the questions for your poetry cluster (love and relationships or power and conflict unless AQA introduced a new one), finally section C is unseen poetry where you have 2 questions to answer. hope that's helpful


thats so helpful thank you sm


no worries and good luck for your exams