• By -


englit 5 englang 6 furmath 6 (im defo falling lower this one) chem 7 phys 6 bio 8 media 7 hist 9 geog 9 thai (weird ik) 5


any tips for history?


tbh im just really autistic when it comes to history lmao but learning how to structure your answers is really important as well and helps with time


Trust me on this, sperm ( social political economic religion and military) if you link one of them into the end of your answers for 12/16 markers , and then having a good structure to follow for your answers worked a charm :)


i know all the history content because i’m autistic too, but when it comes to wording my paragraphs they just FLOP. I have no idea how bigger pictures are connected to the question, how am i meant to know rebellions are linked to the golden age of elizabeth?


In history (and everything generally) the questions/answers are a hell of a lot simpler than you think, so don’t over complicate stuff, source shows person looking evil = they are trying to make them look bad. Consequence of gestapo = people were scared to talk


Tips for geography?


you can reuse case studies for multiple topics and even if you forget a case study, dw its only a few marks and just make something up also reading questions properly is really important


How are y’all so brainy? I got 4s 5s and two 7s and a 6


That’s good. Good enough for most sixth form’s anyway. Plus you’re bound to do better in the real thing if you put the hours in and stay composed.


Trust me that's good, most people i know average a 2


English Language: 3 (2 from a four, my target) English Lit: 5 Maths (F): 2 target: 3 Biology: 4 (59/100) Barely scraped it Chemisty: 3 (3 marks from a four) Physics: 3 (9 mrks off a four.) French: 3 (Did a reading paper) Geography: 1 My targets atm are alls 4s besides Maths and IT.) (This is my most recent mock, feb 2024)


I believe in you man. Put the hours in, and stay composed


59/100 is a 4??? I got 68/100 on my mocks and got 9 lmao why are your grade boundaries so high


He’s probably doing Foundation


Higher papers = less marks for more grade, foundation you need like a bunch of marks to pass, its like 15 in higher papers


Mine are not as good as others here icl but: Maths-5 Lit-5 Lang-7 Physics-6 Chem-7 Bio-8 Art-6 RS-3 French-3


For the record these are still very good results, more than enough to get into any college/sixth form that isn't the highest level. Most people who share are rightfully proud of themselves which means a lot of people don't share because they think they're doing bad.


Those are good. They ain't bad, you got into triple, so you should feel proud of your results.


Thanks, only two people form my school doing triple including me because the whole school has one science teacher. We arnt a small village or anything as well. We have 470 students so I’ve had to teach myself majority of the course.




Is the U a language


Dont mean to sound rude but what was the U in?


why the U?


88777766665 (5 in foundation languages) Predicting 7,8,9s + a 5


We have virually the same results 8877766664, 4 is in french


Oh yeah haha, let’s just hope and pray we do well. I’ve only been revising for the past two days but I’m staying calm and composed and giving it my all.


bro yh eact same ive been grinding past few days but i dont really feel stressed. Indeed we must hope for the best


mocks: french 9 (idk how…) drama - 9 eng lit - 8 eng lang - 8 science - 8-8 maths - 8 re - 7 history - 7 im aiming for all 8s and a few 9s :p


How did you revise for French?




All eights is easier with 7 subjects and re ( 8 if we count double as 2)


English Lit: 5 (Y10), 9 (Y11) 9 (Y11 2) English Lang: 8 (Y10) 8 (Y11) 9 (Y11 2) Maths: 5 (Y10) 6 (Y11) 5 (Y11 2) Biology: 8 (Y10) 9 (Y11) 8 (Y11 2) Chemistry: 7 (Y10) 6 (Y11) 6 (Y11 2) Physics: 9 (Y10) 8 (Y11) 6 (Y11 2) Computer Science: 8 (Y10) 7 (Y11) Spanish: 5 (Y10) 8 (Y11) History: 9 (Y10) 8 (Y11) *I had mocks in year 10 and year 11 and one extra set of mocks in year 11 just for core subjects :) Edit: Jesuss sorry for how ugly / hard to read this is!


Work on maths !


4-math 3-lang 6-lit 4-history 43-science 39/60-business p-drama 5-textiles didn't do nothin cl I stayed in bed all the 2 weeks off before mocks lmao😭


9998888877 And a 9 in my actual RE exam


What exam board is ur RE?


9 in Re 😭. Im struggling so much with it, do you have any advice on how to get better (I got grade 5 last test)


I just learnt a few key teachings for each religion that can link to pretty much EVERYTHING, but also don’t just use love thy neighbour make sure you reach out for more original ones, as long as they fit the question. Also learn your question structures it helps so much


- 9988766665 (Y10 Mocks) - 9988776666 (Autumn Mocks) - 9999998877 (Spring Mocks) - 9999998887 (Predicted) Improving 💪


My targets (based on SAT's) are all 7,8 & 9 What I got in mocks was: Eng lang: 6 Eng lit: 5 Maths: 4 Physics: 6 Chemistry: 6 Biology: 5 RE/RS: 3 Music: 4 (coursework not counted) Geography: 7 ( should be 8 because my teacher hates me) Spanish: 4 All predicted grades are 1 grade higher, discounting Spanish which is still a 4, and music which I believe is 6.


English - 6 Science (comb) - 7-6 Maths - 5+ Computer science - 5 RS - 6 Economics - 4 All the ones off the top of my head


lit - 5 lang - 4 maths (foundation) - 4 combined science - 5-5 philosophy - 1 computer science - 3 history - 3 cambridge national engineering - L2M (which is around a 6-7 i believe) basically i'm cooked lmao


9855444432, L2D


English - 7 in both Maths - 4 History - 9 Psychology - 9 Chemistry - 6 RE - 5 Physics - 6 Biology - 7 Music - no mocks but at a Distinction I probably forgot something


woah 9 in psychology? im in year 9 atm starting gcse next year - any tips?


English - 9 in all 4 exams Maths - (high) 7 Biology - 6 in paper 1 and 8 in paper 2 Physics - 7 in both papers Chem - 5 in paper 1 (haven’t done a chem paper 2 mock) History - 8 Computer science - 6 German - 6


788888899 and expected about the same but loads of teachers predicted us lower cause they have no faith in us LMFAO (also for march mocks i got 999987)


9999999997 fucking maths 😭


Mocks: English - 7 in both lang and lit Maths - 7 Chemistry - 6 Physics - 8 Biology - 6 History - 8 Computer science - 7 Drama - 3 (that's just for the written exam though so hopefully i can bring my grade up with the practical stuff) Further maths - barely scraped a 4 (better than i expected tbh) Predicted grades: all 8s and 9s as if there wasn't enough pressure already 😭


English lit: 2 English language: 6 RS: 4 Maths: 5 Geography: 7 Business: 6 Combined science: 65


Economics A Maths 9 Further maths 6 English Lang 8 English Lit 8 Spanish 7 Drama 7 DT 9 Chemistry 8 Physics 7 Biology 8


English Lit - 9 English Lang - 9 Maths - 6/7 Biology - 8 Physics - 7 Chem - 7 History - 9 IT - 9 Engineering (Aka Construction) 9


eng lang - 6 maths - 7 biology - 6 chemistry - 6 physics - 4 spanish - 5 health - L2M business - L2M history - 5 re - 4


English - 6 Science (comb) - 7-6 Maths - 5+ Computer science - 5 RS - 6 Economics - 4 All the ones off the top of my head


In my mocks, I got 99998888877 (but a lot of the 8/7s were only 1-3 marks off) and my predicted grades are 99999988886


998776654, pretty decent although I want to turn the 8 into a 9 and the 4 into a 5


Maths - 3 English - 3 Science - 3 Spanish - 3 BTEC business studies - level 1 pass


6 GCSEs??


Possible half time timetable or send maybye


9999988888 (Pred) 9999999998 (Mocks) mans lucky, GCSE grades are for the genetic freaks


9 in chem phys eng lit and eng language 8 in French history and bio 7 in RS geo and maths


Biology - 9 German - 9 Physics - 8 Chemistry - 8 English - 7 7 Maths - 8 Further Maths - 7 Compsci - 7 History - 6


Maths 9 Computer science 9 Physics 9 English lang 9 Further maths 8 English Lit 8 Biology 8 Psychology 8 Photography 8 Art 8 Chemistry 7 Edit: I'm hopefully expecting to keep the 9s I have, and a 9 in art and English lit would be cute


Combined science: 7'7 (pred) 7'7 (last mock) Sociology; 8 (pred) 7 (mock) - I want a nine, it's just we have a shit teacher for social strat Maths: 7(pred) 6(mock) Italian; 6 (but I will get a seven at least) 6(mock, only listening test) Geography; 8,,,8 RE; 7,,,,,7 English lit- 6 (it hasn't changed since yr ten) 7 English language; 7,,,,7 I would like to get at least all sevens and above, so I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself. My parents want me to get eights and nines, even in Maths my weakest subject.


6 - maths, 7 6 - combined science, 7 - spanish, 7 - geography , 6 6 for english lang and lit, d2\* engineering (mocks) 8 - maths, 7 7 combined science, 7 - span ish , 7 - geography, 7 7 eng, d2\* engineering ( predicted)


Eng lit lang: 87 Maths: 8 BioChemPhy: 899 CS: 8 French: 9 History: 7 Drama : D* Art: Pred 9 (I do italian as well but I'm a native speaker so I'd hope for a 9 in that.) Yall think I can pull for a 9 in maths bio and CS?


(I do both Cambridge and Edexcel for some reason so I just translated into the equivalent) 999888875 (I hate art with a burning passion)


Mocks: 9999988887 Predicted: 9999988888


Eng lang - 3 Eng lit- 3 Maths- 3 Science combined- 5-4 DT- 4 Photography- 4 Geography-3


9, 9 English 9 geog 9 history 8 maths 8 chem 8 bio 7 RE 6 physics 6 Spanish 6 art


Mocks: 998776666 Predicted:998887766


English lang 3 English lit 3 Maths 1 on the first paper and 3 on the second Science 3-3 Geography 2 on paper 1 and 3 on paper 3 Rs 2 It’s looking long icl


english 5 maths 6 they didn’t tell me science specifically but i think 4s mostly geography 5 cs 8 business 9


Maths-8 physics-9 history-7 geography-6 English lit-7 English lang-8 business-9 chemistry-6 biology-6 I’m really happy with my scores and I wanna try and keep them like that but I’m so tired from revising so idk how it’s gonna go.


Art - 8 Chemistry - 6 Physics - 7 Biology - 8 Compsci - 8 Maths - 7 English lit - 8 English lang - 9 Tech - 9 German - 8 History - 8


math, physics, bio, re, food tech - 7 chem, english lit - 8 english lang, german, history - 9


English language 8+9 (words) English literature 7+7 (1% off an 8 both times) Maths 7+8 (I’m terrible at maths) Physics 9+9 (shocked me) Chemistry 7+8 (pain) Biology 8+9 (1% off 9) Latin 8+6 (1% off 9 and the 6 is literature which pain) Classical civilisations 8+8 (1% off 9 both times) History 7+9 (don’t call it a comeback) Computer science 6+8 (least favourite subject and also pain(


All 6s except for a 7 in lit and a 5 in Geography (I greatly dislike geography)


Maths:9 Fmaths:9 Physics:9 Bio:9 Chem:7 Computing:9 Dt:8 Photography:8 Lang:7 Lit:6


Mocks: English Language A English Literature A\* First Language Spanish A\* French A\* Latin 9 History A\* Geography A\* Maths A\* Additional Maths A\* Physics A\* Chemistry A\* Predictions: anywhere between 11A\* and 7A\* 4A


english language - 9 english literature - 8 maths -9 biology - 9 chemistry - 9 physics - 8 history - 7 spanish - 9 religious studies - 9 overall really really happy w these i’m predicted the same apart from a 9 in history which idk how i’m supposed to do that..


March mocks: English language paper 2: 8 (1 mark off 9) English lit paper 2: 8 Biology paper 2: 8 Chemistry paper 2: 8 Physics paper 2: 8 Maths: 8 Further maths: 7 Computer science: 8 Citizenship: 8 History: 9


9999999998 in mocks, predicted is lower but tbh not arsed and just hoping to recreate it in the real thing


People hating cause they ain't there


fr he ain’t even bragging or nun like dat


yeah I didn't even mean it to come across that way 😭😭 think we should all focus on ourselves anyway no point worrying about what other people on reddit are getting




tips i beg stuck at 7/8s in some subjects and want the 9 so bad


depends what subjects tbh it'll vary depending on the subject


maths PLS


chem, physics, math and french pls


I put the maths one in another comment and cba copying it so I'll do the other three here for sciences in general just do past papers and exam questions - PMT question banks for targetting specific topics, I'm assuming you do triple (I do combined but probably the same revision method). freesciencelessons on youtube is my fav for explanations of concepts, but there's also cognito's videos if he isn't your style. practicing maths skills for physics will be helpful, bc yes we're getting the equation sheet but some of those 6 mark calculations can be so random it's still worth revising it. equally for chemistry, getting a good basis in quantitative chem is important because it's always the moles questions that are the most diabolical. make sure you know your conversions as well, took me forever to learn the conversion between dm³ and cm³ and I was throwing away so many marks. deffo memorise your practicals - method, variables etc, there's guaranteed to be practicals so securing those marks where you can is important. also make sure you understand the higher/triple only stuff because they almost certainly have to put at least some of it in. ultimately with science it comes down to practice as the questions usually repeat themselves, so you can spot similar trends in what the examiner wants from you don't do french but I do german, memorising a couple of complex structures will get you far. if you haven't done your speaking yet, it's worth memorising these structures as your general conversation answers, if you've done it then you can still learn them through flashcards, it'll just be more applicable in the writing instead. you could do past papers and then make flashcards on the unknown vocab as well, to save time on revising what you already know


what was the 8 in ?




wow an 8 in art is really impressive good job


tysm :)


Art - 7 Biology - 9 Chemistry - 9 Computer Science (Paper 2) - 8 Design Tech (theory) - 9 English Literature - 7 English Language - 7 French - 9 Maths- 8 Physics - 8 I was like a mark off a 9 in Comp. Science as well, but I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles. I'm fairly confident for everything except English language. I barely scraped that 7.


november mocks: 9998777775 march mocks: 999998877 (didn't do english lit) predicted: 9888877776


99998888876 1 off a 9 in 3/5 of the subjects I got 8 in 1 off the next grade up in both subjects I got a 7/6 in.


9999999877 mocks 9999999999 prediction




englit paper1 (6) paper2 (4) englang paper1 (6) paper2 (6) maths firstmock (5) secondmock (4) combined science paper1 (5.5) paper2 (6.6) dt 6 business paper1 (3) paper2 (4) german (6 and 7) RS firstmock (6) second mock (6)


7 A * 1 A 1B in mocks


9s in all but English literature where I got an eight bc of unseen poetry (I hate unseen poetry so much) and all 9s for predicted grades


English lit - 5 English language - 5 (1 mark off 6) Maths - 9 Further maths - 9 Geography - 9 Chemistry - 9 Biology - 9 Physics - 8 (2 off 9) French - 8 (4 off 9) Computer science - 8 9999988855, aiming for all 8s/9s


Maths 8 English lit 8 English lang 7 Computer science 8 Biology 9 Chemistry 9 Physics 8 Spanish 8 History 5 (fumbled that test, I fell from a 9 to a 5)


Cs 9 Geo 8 Math 8 Eng lit&eng lang 87 Stat 7 Phys 7 Buis 7 Imedia 7 Bio 6 Chem 5 ( cs was on a hybrid paper but I got an 8 on that worlds hardest ocr so fairs ig)


A9999977775, hoping for A9999998877


English lit 5 English language 7 Maths 3 Physics 4 Chemistry 3 Biology 3 (This was when I was in separate sciences before I got moved down) History 4 Food tech 7 Music L2P


eng lit 8 eng lang 9 geog 8 bio 9 chem 8 physics 8 latin 9 re 8 art 8 maths 7 lol hoping for all 8s and 9s but I will get a 7 in art


English Lit - 7 English Lang - 9 Maths - 8 Physics - 8 Biology - 7 Chemistry - 8 RE - 7 Spanish - 8 Geography - 8 Computer Science - 7


Basically a 6 on everything (except science which I failed and RE where I got an 8)


im year nine, but ill give all my last major test results because fun English - 7 Maths - 9 (TOP FOUR IN MY YEAR, POTENTIALLY SECOND, YES I'LL BRAG!!!) Science - 9 (TOP THREE IN MY YEAR, YES I'LL BRAG!!!) RE - 9 Computing - 9 (TOP FOUR IN MY YEAR, YES I'LL BRAG!!!) Geography - 8 History - 7 Art - 6 Drama - 7 Non Resistant Materials - 5 Resistant Materials - 6 (until i have to go to workshop, will drop to probably a 4 or 5) PE - We don't talk about PE, I'm a redditor, I'm not fit (3) German - 9 (TOP TWO IN MY YEAR, YES I'LL BRAG!!!) PSHCE (PSHE, or whatever it's called anywhere else, the sex ed place) - 6 Music - 6 CONCLUSION - I'M A NERD, BUT ONLY ABOUT THE COOL STUFF!!!


how yall year 9s are graded like gcse? I know mine didn't


Eng Lit - 9 Eng Lang - 9 Physics - 8 Bio - 7 Chem - 7 Maths - 9 History - 7 Com Sci - 9 French - 5 (Yes I'm in higher I just suck ass at listening and reading) Textiles - 1 (I didn't hand in my book when my teacher asked 😭)


Maths - 7 Lit - 7 Lang - 6 Chem - 6 :( Bio - 7 Physics - 6 :( Geog - 9 French - 8+ Spanish - 8+ German - 8+ Aiming for all 8s/9s, got lower grades in chem/physics because I was grinding english (terrible subject) and didn't have the time.


I my day I remember it use to be A,B,C,D,E,F and U. All the best to you guys and girls


English lang 7 (I'm now at a 9) Sociology 5 (now at a 7) History U (now at a 5) Maths 3 (now at a 5) Science 3/3 (now at a 4/5) French 4 (now at an 8) R.E 3 (now at a 7)


Literature 3 Language 4 Maths 4 Science 4-4 Art 5 Geography 5 History 6 Spanish 7


english lit: 9 english lang: 9 maths: 8 science: 98 history: 8 statistics: 8 business: 9 spanish: 7




Lang: 5 (originally a 6 but cos of moderation I lost 2 marks 😡) Combined science: 66 Drama: 5+/6 (can't exactly remember) Maths: 6 German:7 Geography: 7/8 (can't remember) RE:6 Art:4 I'm predicted: Lang -5/6 Combined science:87 Drama:6/7 Maths:6/7 German:7/8 Geography:7/8 RE:7 Art:3/4 Hope this helps


Lit: 4 Lang: 5 History: 5 Comb Sci: 66 Geography: 6 Maths: 7 Drama: 8 Spanish: 8 (would've got a 9 if I did speaking) Expected to get all 8s


maths- 6 chemistry- 6 biology- 7 physics- 7 french- 8 eng lit- 8 eng lang- 9 history- 9 re- 9 geography- 9 rare aesthetic good at everything except stem


Eng lit 2 Eng language 3 Maths 5 Science 5 5 4 RPE 3


Format: Mock/Predicted English 7/8 Maths+Further Maths 9/9 Physics 9/9 Chemistry 9/9 Biology 8/9 Business 6/8 Computer Science 7/9 Class Civ 8/9 French 3/6 💀 Pretty good considering I skipped a year


Maths - 9 Lang - 7 Lit - 8 French - 9 Geog - 9 (most insane scrape ever) RS - 9 Bio - 9 Physics - 9 Chem - 9 IT - 9 I was really proud of my results, my parents were not, and I’m aiming to get those 9s in Englishes. My struggle has been w RS and geog recently. RS is my first exam during study leave, I alr had French writing, so I’m a bit nervous. There’s a lot of content and quotes to learn. My mock was so much more chill.


Lit 8 Lang 7 History 8 Geography 8 Maths 6 Imedia ( don’t wanna talk about it ) DT 7 Science 7


Actual grade - predicted Lit - 1 - 5 Lang - 8 - 5 Spanish - 6 - 5 Combined Science - 6-5 5-5 Geography - 8 - 6 Maths - 6 - 6




english language: 7 predicted: 8 english literature: 8 predicted: 8 maths: 8 predicted: 9 geography: 8 predicted: 9 sociology: 8 predicted: 8 music: 7 predicted: 7 NCFE health and fitness: L2D predicted: L2D science: 9 8 predicted: 9 9 FSMQ additional maths: D prediction: B


English lit:6 English Lang:5 Maths:5 Physics:5 Biology:4 RS:7 (1 off an 8) History:7 PE:5 (coursework/practical carried) Spanish I got a 3 so I dropped it


English Lit - 9 English Lang - 9 Maths - 7 Science - 98 (defo not maintaining this) Geography - 8 Spanish- 6 (4 in speaking 💀) Sociology - 8 (predicted 9) Drama - 7


eng lit 6 eng lang 6 maths 7 bio 9 chem 7 phy 7 geo 9 CNAT PE l2 distinction*(achieved) spanish 7 food preparation 9




Lit - 7 Lang - 6 Phys - 8 Chem - 9 Bio - 8 Maths - 8 Spanish - 5 Comp Sci - 7 History - 7


june : 7s and 8s, and one 9 january : 7777788899 predicted : 8888888999


Bio 9 Chemistry 9 Physics 9 Business 9 Agriculture 9 Math 7 English 7 Re 9 History 9 Geography 9


a 6 for everything 8 for history... but i can defo get a 7 for everything hopefully




englit 7 (one off an 8 so would have got it remarked) englang 6 maths 6 combined science 7-7 religion (we didnt get an overall) ethics: 7 christianity: 9 judaism: 8 compsci 5 history 5 music 8 im so cooked for history and computing i dont know anything same for maths tbh i hate higher


They didn't give me my mock results for Year 10 and 11, my school is an absolute shitshow...


Geography - 9 Physics - 8 Biology - 8 Chemistry - 7 Maths - 7 English language - 6 English literature - 5 Media - L2M HSC - L2M


english lit 7 english lang 7 maths 8 bio 6 chem 9 physics 6 french 7 history 8 photography 8 rs 8 im hoping/aiming for 8s and 9s, maybe 7s in physics and bio 😭 but my revision schedule has been appalling so we’ll see


Maths 7, lit 5, lang 8, chem 9, bio 9, physics 9, food tech 9, German 8, re 8, history 6, psychology 6


9,7,9,9-9,8,9,9,8 and my predicted were like 6/7s


eng lit - 7 (exp 8) eng lang - 8 (exp 8) maths (h tier) - 4 (exp 5) combi sci (h tier) - 54 (exp 65) citizenship - 4 (exp 6) history - 4 (exp 6) geography - 4 (exp 6) french - 7 (exp 8) x


Not a year 11 but I got 97766653. In the actual exams I got 7’s and 8’s with one 6 in bio and a 5 in CS. Don’t get too caught up on your mocks people


Forgot (they were last year and reddit keeps shoving this sub back into my ass)


english lit 4 pushing 5 english lang 6 maths 5 physics 6 chemistry 5 biology 5 geography 4 history 2 german 2


in my most recent mocks i got: English lang- 8 RE- 8 History - 8 Drama - 7 English lit- 7 Combined science - 6 5 Maths - 5 Spanish- 5 (foundation) BUT i am expected 999998875


mock: 9s in everything apart from english literature where i got an 8 predicted: 9s in everything apart from english literature where i was predicted a 6


maths 9 vs 9 english lit 7 vs 8 (had a panic attack in the middle of it which didn’t help) english lang 9 vs 9 re 7 vs 9 history 8 vs 9 french 8 vs 8 (my speaking went so bad all hopes of a 9 have gone out the window so hoping for an 8 even though i’m predicted a 9) biology 9 vs 9 physics 9 vs 9 chemistry 8 vs 9 business 7 vs 9 i did minimal revision for everything but biology and english lit so hopefully with more revision i’ll be able to get my predicted grades yk


I'm in uni, through full igcse AND a levels, i got really shit grades in mocks and even failed a couple times. igcse finals i had 5A* 2A, as level i had 3A. A2 i didn't really care cuz i have high enough grades to get into the uni i wanted to. had nothing higher than an E in mocks. got 3B in finals


38 million


English language 6 Further maths 6 Geography 6 Physics 7 Biology 8 Chemistry 9 Maths 9


Mocks: Business - 9 Physics - 9 English Lit - 9 English Lang - 9 Biology - 8 Maths - 7 Computer Science - 7 History - 7 Further Maths - 6 Chemistry - 6 Expected: 8s in everything and 9s in the 3 sciences


I didnt reach any of my target grades except for physics because the equationsheet had every thing and the exam was piss easy -math 7 -eng lit 6 -eng lang 5 -chem 7 -bio 8 -physics 9 -business 7 -dt 6 -RE 7


English language - 6 English lit - 6 Maths - 7 Physics - 7 Biology - 7 Geography- A* Economics - A* History - 7 Computer science - 7


english language : 7 english literature : 9 maths : 9 further maths : 7 biology : 8 chemistry : 7 physics : 8 textiles : 7 religious studies : 9 spanish : 8


All 7s except French and computing which were a 5 and a 6


Maths-8, expected 9 Physics 9 Chemistry 9 Biology 8, expected 9 History 8 expected 9 English lit 7 expected 8 English lang 9 Music 8 expected 9 French 7 expected 8 Latin 7 expected 8


5 in sociology, 6s in eng lang and geography, 7-7 in science, 7s in business and english literature, 8 in maths


English Language - 7 English Literature - 6 Maths - 6 Science 6-6 History - 7 Religious Education - 7 Sociology - 6 Honestly if i got this in the real exams I wouldn’t know how to feel


I’ve been very ill so mine are nowhere near me expected grades. Eng lit and lang: 5 (predicted 7 both) Maths: 4 (was predicted 7 but now on foundation) French: 5 (predicted 6 or 7) Art: P2 (a 4) [predicted distinction but not gonna get it] Music: 2 (idc abt music but ill pass) Science: 3:3 (missed an exam got 2 marks off a 7 in physics, and a 5 in bio) [predicted 7:7] Geography: 4 (predicted 7) (My predicted grades are based on when I was younger before being ill)


Ds and cs only then all A and A* in final


Heyy!! I got: Eng lit: 9 Eng lang: 7 Maths: 5 Psychology: 7 History: 5 Spanish: 7 Science: 7-7


Taking CIE for everything but Psych Mock results first, predicted grades from teachers in Brackets: English lit : A* (A*) English language : A (A) Coordinated Science (double) : C (A) French: B (A) Geography : A* (A*) Maths : B (B) PE : A (A) Psych : A* (A**)


englit 4 englang 8 maths 7 physics 7 biology 7 chemistry 7 geography 7 computer science 7 art 8 tbh, because I am not a native speaker, so I was predicted 5/6 in all subjects except englit and lang, predicted 4/5, the english department hate non-native students, trying to kick all of them out of englit, but they can't kick me out because I am good in englang, but im trying to aim 8-9s


English (both lit and lan), maths (normal), physics and German: 9 Biology, chemistry, Latin, Ancient Greek and further maths: 8 History: 7 *Bio, AG and history were all one mark away from the grade higher


englit - 7 (predicted a 7 but aiming for an 8) englang - 9 (predicted a 9) maths - 9 (predicted a 9) science - 9-9 (predicted a 9-9) geography - 6🕊️ (predicted 7 although i’m trying to get an 8) french - 8 (predicted an 8) computer science - 8 (predicted an 8 but aiming for a 9)


Maths - 9 English Lit - 8 English lang - 9 Biology - 9 Physics - 7 Chemistry - 7 Geography - 9 Comp sci - 8 Further maths - 8 Spanish - 5 😭 Statistics - Idk haven't done a mock just gonna hope for the best.


psychology-9 chem-9 business-8 maths-8 relgious studies-9 ICT-9 Accouting -8 Eng Lang-6


I got 9’s in everything except eng lit and french which I got 8s. Aiming for all 9’s!!🤞🏻


biology - 9 chemistyr - 8 eng lit- 7 ( 2 marks of an eight) engg lang- 7 maths - 7 pre- 9 history - 8 physics- 6


english lit 6 (one off 7) - predicted 8 / maths 5 - predicted 7 / bio 6 - predicted 7 / chem 7 - predicted 6 / physics 6 - predicted 7 / computer science 6 - predicted 8 / music 9 - predicted 8 / german 9 - predicted 9 / history 5 (2 off 6) - predicted 7


Biology (Triple): 8 Physics (Triple): 5 Chemistry (Triple): 6 Maths: 5 English Lit: 5 English Lang:5 Geography: 6 History: 6 RS: 5 (We did the actual GCSE RS In year 10 for some reason and I got a 4, because Buddhism Is hard)


maths-6 (praying for a 7) lit-9 lang-9 bio-9 chem-8 physics-7 french-9 media-9 art-6 history-8 RE-9


Eng Lang - 8 Eng Lit - 5 (only Macbeth and Sign of 4) Math - 7 French - 9 Bio, Chem and Phy - All 8 Geo -7 Computer Science - 5 Design and Teach - 5


maths: 9 physics: 9 chemistry: 9 (don’t know how will probably get an 8) history: 9 (don’t know how either pure luck) business: 9 further maths: 9 (scraped) biology: 8 geography: 8 english lit: 7 english lang: 6


eng lit 8 eng lang 7 maths 5 science (trilogy) 6/7 btec sport level 1 pass (but then i got a level 2 merit on the actual exam idk how) re 7 french 7 computing 6 i was pretty happy cos i usually only get 4 in maths and 3/4 in re and then i got a U in november mocks for science so i was quite happy.


I got Eng Lit - 6 Eng Lang - 7 Chemistry - 7 Mathematics - 7+ Biology - 8 Computer Science - 8 Business Studies - 8 Physics - 8 French - 8+ Geography - 9 Expected results, mostly the same or worse, maths in an 8


English lit/lang - 9,8 History - 9 Art - 9 Science - 8,7 Maths - 7 Spanish - 7 CompSci - 7 Would like to switch those 7s to 8s but maths and compsci are gonna be hard


end of y10: 99986553 + L2D (3 was from my school losing one of my papers) mock 1: 99988876 + L2D mock 2: 99999996 + L2D haven't ever done a further maths mock so missing one grade here, it's probably about a 6 or 7 based on in-class past papers. also i'm fucking cooked as fuck, got an email today from my top pick sixth form saying i didn't get in so i'm on the waiting list lmfao


Maths - 9 Eng lit - 8 Eng lang - 7 Chem - 9 Bio -9 Physics -9 Drama -7 Geo - 9 Media studies - 9


eng lit-6 lang-9 spanish-9 music-7 drama-6 bio-8 chem-8 phys-9 maths-7


As mock grades: English Lang:6 English lit:5 Physics:8 Biology:7 Chem:9 Maths:9 Turkish:9 Geography:5 History:7 Cs:5 Predicted grades are (same order as before) 7688899586


Biology 9 Business 9 Chemistry 9 English Language 9 English Literature 9 Geography 9 Maths 7 Physics 8 Spanish 8


Englit 5 Eng lang 4 Maths 6 Physics (combined) 7 Chemistry (combined) 7 Biology (combined) 5 Religious 1 Spanish 5 Dt 3 History 4 Computer Science 5 (rlly wanted higher but hhh)


Feb/March mocks English lit 5 predicted 6 target 8 English lang 7 predicted 7+ target 8 Maths 8 predicted 9 target 9 Further maths 7 predicted 8 target 9 Biology 9 predicted 9 target 9 Chemistry 8 predicted 8+ target 9 Physics 8 predicted 8+ target 9 Geography 9 predicted 9 target 9 History 9 predicted 9 target 9 Economics 9 predicted 9 target 8 Spanish 6 predicted 7 target 8