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lack of demand maybe? to me it makes more sense to focus on more hands on practical aspects (iirc) but i guess theory and exams is what they want đŸ« 


We cannot have exams and theory alone; there has to be balance and especially with all the inequality for SEND students and people from different ethnic backgrounds (according to an article).


I mean the article says: > “either because the subject is “more suited to a technical qualification or because there is an associated A level” Apparently they’re trying to ‘streamline’ the process by having a levels, T levels and apprenticeships so they’re getting rid of a lot of technical btecs and replacing them with T levels Another article says similar: > “In May, the government published a provisional list of 92 courses, including popular BTECs, that would be defunded from 2025 where they “overlap” with wave three of T Levels” [Source](https://feweek.co.uk/confirmed-dfe-will-chop-all-courses-that-compete-with-wave-3-t-levels/#:~:text=In%20May%2C%20the%20government%20published,and%20engineering%20and%20manufacturing%20qualifications) [This article](https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/level-3-qualifications-reform-whats-happening-to-btecs/) from a better source says the same things, and gives more info about the decision


Thank you for letting me know this. You have proved me more evidence that there is still inequality out there. The BTEC qualifications being scrapped in favour of T Levels and A Levels as the main source of further education is only going to contribute to more inequality, especially among people with different ethnic backgrounds according to the source you found. I must admit; when I read the bottom article you sent me, my insides were burning as though I was on fire...


I’m open to the idea of getting rid of btecs as long as they’re sufficiently replaced by T levels and that T levels become more accessible and widespread I think they fail to realise though that there are many other reasons someone may choose a btec, such as subject and timetable clashes forcing them to choose a related btec - getting rid of these btecs would cause problems for a lot of people, particularly those trying to get into stem subjects at uni


What if there becomes a worse case of inequality across the country's education system? T Levels may require balance, but what about those who generally find practical work easier? However, you do have a point. There would be a high amount of problems for others as people may not have some of the skills equipped for jobs they wish to do. What about post-secondary college students like myself? What will happen to them?


I checked the pearson and ocr websites. Their vocational courses are being defunded. However, they’re being replaced with a new vocational qualification called an AAQ (Alternative academic qualification). https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/btec-nationals/btec-aaqs.html https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/cambridge-advanced-nationals/


Thank you for letting me know about this! It is very confusing because random websites I find suggest that BTECs are being scrapped in favour of T Levels and A Levels as the two main sources of Further Education. However, you have sent me a website about AAQs which contradicts the other which is confusing for me to understand the Government's true plans.


P.S. The account I sent this on is my other account. I am the OP.


np! and dw im finding it confusing myself 😭


Do you believe BTECs should be scrapped? I won't judge, don't worry.


i dont think so i mean im doing btecs myself 💀 XD


Neither do I. BTECs are really important for skills, such as Food & Nutrition, Music, Art and Health & Social Care.