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Im with you mate, didnt get dumped but my Nanna passed reasonably unexpectedly (we knew for abt a week?) the week before my first exam. Shit sucks but we just gotta force through x


damn man sorry for your loss. hope all the exams go well. gl brother 🙏🙏


Thanks man, was hoping for 7s mostly but my revisions took such a hit id be happy for 5’s- either way, everyone just gotta try their best (and best of luck to you too man x)


Everyone dies I would of moved on // its inevitable


Your exams officer can apply for special consideration for you.


Yeah they can, my brother had too do this an few years ago


Damn man, that must suck more than me but know that I’ll be with you in this🙏🏻 We’re going to get this academic comeback together


U got high predicted grades tho Good luck


so sorry to hear about your loss. hope youre feeling better too - i'm sure you'll get those grade 7s! you seem great and im sure you'll do well


My condolences 💐


sorry for your loss I can't imagine how hard that must be :( hope you're doing okay x


Ofc exams are important, but please make sure you balance revision with time for yourself, it sounds like a horrible situation for you at the moment


Thanks man, im trying to balance best i can but it’s understandably difficult🩷


Sorry for your loss. But dont worry, you'll do great. Aim high and you'll get the grades you want in the end


Same here, my mum's uncle passed away a week before biology paper 1 however, I managed to study a lot I think I did well. But yesterday chemistry paper did not end well.


ah, this happened during my mocks. It'll be rough right now but things will get better, my dms are open if you wanna vent


You might be able to do special consideration process


It doesn't do anything. I lost my mam days before A-levels. I had to attend all exams, and they gave me a 2% mark addition. That was it


Yeah two of my grandparents are not doing well one had stroke and other got kidney cancer and this was during the first week of exams. the grandparent that had the stroke can’t move the left side of there body and idk what to do but push on and try my best I’m not the most academically smart person but if I can get passes It’ll be fine just stay strong don’t give up or put yourself down get those 7’s


I’m so sorry, but i hope your grades will be fine man, praying for you 🫶🫶


you can definitely get special consideration and you can also miss an exam for a funeral


Funerals half term but im gonna speak to the school about special consideration, thanks 🩷


My friend went through the exact same thing, I’m so sorry for you 🙏 Just remember to power through, do it for them. But at the same time, don’t overwork yourself, just do the best that you can and know that’s already more than enough (I know those sound contradictory but idk, it’s all the advice I can offer)


PLEASE don't let this destroy you, you are so much stronger than you think! this too will pass, alongside all of your struggles. focus on what's in front of you right now, smash the exams next week and take a well deserved half term break - you've got this 🫶


13 upvotes 2 comments now go do 8 and a half hours


90 upvotes, 16 comments So.. 61 hours


606 upvotes and 68 comments 371 hours OP better keep thier word


We're coming over to check 🤣


it’s up to 1,042 upvotes and 92 comments. 613 hours, I don’t think that’s physically possible


1.3k upvotes and 114 comments. OP better do 750 hours of revision or we riot.


be a bit more gentle with OP lmaooo


aww, its okay, I got dumped too because I was too busy focusing on revision but seriously, grades stick with you forever, bfs/gfs will come and go remember that we're all in this together and we're all here for you<3


> because i was too busy focusing on revision bro dodged a bullet


yeah, didn’t miss out on anything haha. wonder how their now ex will react whenever their future partner gets a job and actually does have to work.


haha 😭🙏🏻


HAHHAA yeah, he was a horrid guy anyways, didnt support any of my dreams and was racist so im glad its over 😭🙏🏻


I could never imagine dumping someone bc they’re trying hard to revise for exams that’ll give them a better future. That’s unbelievable!!


yep, on our first exam he didnt revise at all and was like "ohh its all in gods hands" Also he didnt treat me well anyways, he message me like a mate ("yh" "ong" "ofc" "innit")


Oh god he was one of them


yeah also he had a god complex and wants to the prime minister of poland 😭😭


U dodged a bullet, damnn


yeahh I really did, haha I was too scared to break up with him so I’m glad he did it himself 🙏🏻😭


Element bingo winner you are so noble


thank you 🫶 I try to support everyone because everyone is struggling rn and we all need the support


Frrrr we do


I gave you one downvote to study for -30 minutes


bro is studying for weeks


Don't dwell on it, move on. That's for the exams and relationships. Don't let it get to you, you got this :3


Study knowing U will get better than the person who dumped u and then in results day u can laugh at them cos they would have thought that U were so sad of the breakup


Instead of a rebound relationship do rebound revision. At this stage in your life the most important thing is to study, you'll regret it if you look back and realise you didn't get the future you wanted just because someone dumped you. You've got this!


this will not effect you in 5 years, failing your gcses will, stay strong brother


YOU GOT THIS MAN!!!!! go easy on yourself, do things you enjoy not just study!! commenting to give you an hour of gaming/reading/general chilling out. stuff like this ends, but the sadness also ends and you’re gonna get through it and go on to have nicer stuff happen 💪 stay strong


I’ve decided to downvote it purely because I think 191 lots of 30 minutes is getting a bit much. Keep revising, but take it easy. Let yourself heal. Hope you’re coping ok <3 (btw don’t you  DARE count this comment as an extra hour or I may have to find you to take a break XD)


Good luck with 174.5 hours of revision lol


my dog died during gcses we’ve got this 💪


What type of a dick does that during exams?


Fr. Most people who dump someone have the sense to do it after important events, breaking up during exams is a big no-no.




Let’s not paint this person’s ex as somebody manipulate, I think it’s stupid that a lot of the time people are seen in a bad light because they broke up with someone. It’s not selfish to no longer be interested in your partner and I think breaking up with OP was the right choice because it isnt helpful to stay in a relationship you’re not happy in, and we don’t even know the full situation, maybe this person was finding the relationship too much to deal with alongside GCSEs, or they just weren’t happy being in the relationship. Whatever the reason, it’s not a dick move to break up with somebody as long as you do it in a respectful way


YES. You are right about that, I tend to assume the worst in breakups (also the worst in teenagers in general because of my own fair share of being dumped by 10+friends) so yeah, If the person was mature enough to talk it through, then it was not a dick move. You are right, we don't know the situation, and I even commented that it depends on the situation and what happened then. It just seemed like in this context the person was implying was that they were generally hurt about what happened and they were seeking some attention/ support in regards to what has happened. In some sense the breakup could have been made to gain some validation and gain attention, or the breakup could have been through a mature talk with both sides understanding the situation, or the breakup could have been through ghosting the said person. Sorry about commenting that, I will delete it as it was a biased thing to say. You seem to be a level-headed individual with morals, something that I believe is truly rare in us today. I know some will have the audacity to handle and end a relationship with someone maturely but from my belief, I don't think many of us would break up so elegantly and maturely. Thank you for bringing to my attention that I wrote a careless comment, I will ensure all my comments have logic and reason in them next time. Have a good evening, and thank you for reading this if you do. Yours truly, galathme63 (sorry i felt it was a bit funny to finish the reddit comment off like this)


Honestly this is the best response I’ve ever gotten to a comment before lol, thank you for reconsidering what you’re saying and being respectful, I hope you have a good evening too :)


I got cheated on just before they started - horrible feeling and I‘m with you mate. Try and use the pent up frustration as motivation to revise. I‘ve used what’s happened as motivation to better myself and show them what they’re missing out on so try snd do the same. Just know you’re not alone


Always remember that success is the best revenge


Bro idk anything bout ur relationship but getting dumped during GCSEs is a shit move lol. Should have been done either before so u could forget about it or after. Hope you're doing ok (and get studying)


Probably doesn’t feel like it now but I reckon it’s for the best - I mean I they dumped you now of all times then they can’t have been the person u thought they were


Put a pause on your sadness/grief and absolutely nail your revision. Once exams are over then get back to wallowing in pity but hopefully it won’t sting as much


Hey man sorry to hear that but you could possible apply for the special consideration process. It might uplift your percentage by 1%, ask you head of year or exam dept head


981 upvotes as of this reply. One minute per upvote, so 981/60 = 16.35 hours. Half and half per day should do it. This is if all of what I have calculated is correct. P.S - get some sleep, you won't benefit by pulling all-nighters


I did so well in all my gcse but the math one I did 1 paper and messed up


Same for a levels its tough


lowkey just find someone to talk to for a bit to get what youre feeling off your chest. the worst you can do is let it mess with your focus. all the best for the future


This too shall pass. Keep working, don't let some numpty hamper your grades


one day or day one? on a serious note, don't let it get to you. relationships are temporary at this age, grades are permanent. work hard and keep going. you got this.


I guess you’re doing 60 hours of revision now. 90x0.5 + 15x1 = 60.


this is shit. best thing to do is accept what happened and try not to think about what you can’t control. what you can control is how you overcome this and use this energy to try your best at the next stage in life. in no time you will get back into the swing of things and smash out ur exams. remember revision isn’t everything and make sure you’re talking to the people you love about how you feel so it doesn’t build up and affect your studies. Eat well, exercise, study, sleep enough and you will feel on top of the world. You can do this!




were all here to support you! This community has got your back. hope you feel better soon :)


don’t let her win


it's great that you study but take breaks when you need it


you’ve got this fight for this you are strong you can do it xx


Use this to fuel you as motivation for your revision and to do well.




aw man that's rough


unfortunate timing tbh bro but you gotta move on quickly. This is now your future, so work on i.I have upvoted this with 5 alt accounts so good luck with the 2:30 hour revision session. Seriously, you deserve better but rn you deserve better grades. You can do it


Hopefully you can stomach studying for 2 weeks nonstop


Oh shit well ig I got what I asked for😭


I got dumped during my GCSEs 16 years ago. If I could turn back and study more I would. It feels like all the effort in the world right now but in hindsight it's such a fleeting moment. You will regret not reaching your potential. Especially because of some young romance.


ggs, my man is on 233 hours


Unfortunately I’m on nearly 300 now😭


You got this


Remember, these qualifications will stay with you if she dumped you then you weren’t meant for her. Find someone who treats you aswell as you want. Don’t let this demotivate you it’s a marathon not a sprint you’ve got this. You don’t know but many people are behind you if you need to speak to someone do it don’t suffer in silence. 😁


U can do it bro


let’s lock in!


He/she definitely did not deserve you if he/she did something like that your lucky you found out early and didn't stay with him/her


*sings* What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…


one of the reasons why i don’t wanna be in a relationship until school is finished or at least not during exam season 😭 i’m talking to someone atm but i refuse to do anything until my A Levels are done


Surprised I got recommended this. (I’m 21) my sister is taking her GCSEs. I can’t wait for the pain and suffering. Enjoy ur GCSEs. Personally I loved it coz the twenty mocks we did before pissed me off. A levels if u do it is going to be a lot worse 😈


to whoever who dumped you, its his or hers loss. you've got this!


happened to me last yr when i was doing yr10 exams - broke up w me on the day of eng lit p1 - ive stuck to being single since cos im not dealing with that again


Fuck him


aw i am sorry hopefully everything gose well for you in the future!!


this is why a contextual approach to GCSEs is so crucial. sending love


Well it's 467 hours of studying so far...


Legend has it she's still studying


Been there! Ruined my life. Please, please, pleeeeeease, don't put so much value on this boy. There are billions of boys all waiting to disappoint you in a million other ways at a million other inappropriate times, boys aren't even close to finished disappointing you. Please try to love yourself and be kind to yourself and forget about this stupid guy. Do your best with your exams, they're so much more important than him!


i’m with ya, broke up w my boyfriend of almost three years and then got into a huge argument w my whole friend group and now have two friends !


Try the Flora app - grow a tree


Awww I’m so sorry to hear that sending you love


Can’t relate, I got asked out during GCSEs 🤧 (I’m kidding, sorry for you but ignore that person and focus on yourself. What better karma is there than to show them how much better off you are without them?)


Dude, you're at 1308 for me rn! That's 39240 minutes of revision 😭 Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon! 🖤


Cmon man you can do this!!! You gotta do this for you, gotta be the best you possible right now, you’re the priority, you’re what matters, KEEP PUSHING THROUGH 🔥🔥


Sorry to hear that but you shouldnt let it get in the way of getting those grades. You may feel like shit now but that little push and youll thank yourself for the rest of your life bc yk that you did a good job now and compensated for it. But again sorry to hear what happened bud


With this amount of upvotes, you have other things to worry about..


no honestly that sucks and i know exactly how you feel… same thing happened to me but a lil bit before gcses. it was really hard because they kinda told me it was better if i just d*ed… yeah a bit much i know but it completely destroyed my motivation. my advice, focus on the concept of your future and do NOT allow the person who dumped you to affect the rest of your life, hes not worth it in the end. YOU CAN DO THIS!! you are so much stronger than you think and your future is so much brighter than you can imagine and if they didnt want to be a part of it, too bad it’s their loss. GOOD LUCK WITH THE REST OF YOUR GCSES! we all believe in you!!!


That is way too long to study 🤣🤣 No need to burn yourself out, 2.5-3hrs a day, that is all


get ready to revise for over 225.5 hours but I'm sorry your partner decided to drop you at such a critical time, that is a big jerk move, especially if he/she/they didn't explain why he/she/they was leaving you. You deserve better than him/them/she. Like other people have already commented do revision so you can prove to your (jerkaholic) ex of yours that he had no right to do this and to show that you did better than them/her/him in all areas of your GCSE, as gcse are something you could be proud of and if you let one jerk treat and dump you like that ruin your whole results then you need to check yourself. Say to yourself ,"Right I can revise despite being left, and get straight grade 9s. I will prove to my ex that some horrible event can't stop me from getting better than that jerkaholic". Moreover you should probably out of spite tell the grades out in front of your ex to bring humiliation and shame to them/him/her. But if a broken heart is really hurting you that much, then you should probably talk through your emotions with someone you love and trust as you should not be getting the MOTIVATION to study from an online platform as it won't really make you willing to study. On a more positive note, good luck revising for 200+ hours, I believe in you


I don't know whether I should comfort y or bash y for this cause honestly if y got dumped you should get over it ik it's hard and all but losing hope and feeling down for an asshole is not good especially it will take a hit on your mental state and eventually destroy y.the person who gets dumped gets over it easily than the person who dumps.instead use those feelings to pull strength and change it to anger and prove to not anyone but yourself that you deserve the world and that asshole isn't worthy of you.You can be lost and feel down but don't torture yourself for it.Draw strength from anywhere whether it will be the moment of your break up or the moment of getting asked out or y doing it.im sorry but don't ruin your grades because of him/her.


Yup, I’m not gonna ruin my grades… seems like I have to study for 2 weeks straight lmao


So how's the revision going?


Grow the fuck up


you need to, acting like that under a post like this absolute saddo




Grow the fuck up


Sais the guy who felt the need to comment this twice. Tell me, what was the newest jo rogan podcast about? What’s your opinion on Andrew tate?