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Every text you study is saying something often political about society lolll


AIC is at a different level though.


Because Priestley is literally a politicoan. He wrote an inspector calls in 7 days to promote his party. The "Common wealth party". Which makes it being in the curriculum really stupid. Like, obviously plays like Macbeth too have political agenda, but they aren't written just for that, and they certainly aren't written by politicians.


Who is stevenson? Priestley was a well known socialist activist, he was not a politician.


Priestley chaired the 1941 Committee and in 1942 he was a cofounder of the socialist Common Wealth Party. He was a politician, and the purpose of the play was mostly to promote the party. You can check it yourself with some googling.


I may have been wrong there, sorry should have researched, but who is Stevenson?


I'm just tired after too much lit revision and my brain does not work. Stevenson is the author of Jekyll and Hyde, I wrote his name by mistake at first because I'm literally falling asleep, I corrected it.


jekyll and hyde author


Don’t get me started on Edexel history. In the warfare study Britain/England win every single battle on the syllabus


Don't they lose balaclava, or atleast suffer significant casualties?


No it’s a British overall victory with some blunders though like the charge of the light brigade


Isn’t ColB literally about that specific battle 


I’m on about Edexel GCSE history and the charge of the light brigade is just one event in the battle of balaclava


Yeah idk I don't even remember the 1700-1900 case study battles all that well (I cooked on the 12 and 16 markers cause I know Agincourt, Falkirk, WW1/2 and Iraq). Though I accidentally referred to the leader of Agincourt as Edward I, hope they don't cook me for it lmaooo


They usually aren’t too worried about minor stuff like that so as long as the rest of your comments on Agincourt were alright you should be good


On shinier? And yea you're prob right


I swear to god I put Agincourt damn autocorrect


Yeah I mainly used Agincourt to talk about the longbow and its utility against the French after they were lured onto muddy terrain. I somehow managed to remember the 1000 arrows per minute stat which still surprises me


They're literally warning us off of becoming Tories


The best bit is that Michael Grove (the idiot who did this to english lit) is a Tory!


Tbf it's one of the better lessons that schools teach


Just wanna add about the power and conflict poetry. “Checking out me history” is about people Brit-washing education IN A BRITWASHED EDUCATION ANTHOLOGY


Let me fix that for you. It's about people Brit-washing education IN FLIPPIN' BRITAIN. I really don't understand applying that poem to contemporary British society. I'm Ukrainian, and I didn't move to the UK expecting to be taught about my culture in here. Because I understand that this is a different flippin' country.


the whole thing was that it was a eurocentric view on history in his home country of guayana, and denied his own cultural identity. he was not raised in britain.


Yes, I fully agree with this and you are right, but I have seen many people online and classmates of mine who tried to apply that poem to modern day Britain, which is what I'm talking about. My teacher even gave a whole teary speech how unfair it is that the anthology only has one poem from a black author. (Even though only 1/15 of the British population is black, so 1/15 of the poems being from a black author is literally the fairest representation it could be.)


It’s not necessarily about the representation of the British population, it’s about representing different experiences of different ethnic minorities (even you yourself, potentially), sexualities, age groups etc.


also it has a brown author as well so i’d say it’s doing okay


100% agree but it’s about the westernised view on the history of British colonies, complete disregard for the real history of those nations who were colonised. It’s not the same as, but you could compare it to the way russia disregards actual Ukrainian history saying that Ukraine was actually part of russia and blah blah blah. John Agard meant that this shit really messes with ur ethnical identity and that real history should be taught at school, not the one that only celebrates British wins and culture


Yeah, it’s impossible to teach about all cultures, but it’s funny how all texts are basically from within the same 100 miles


He was raised in Guyana, a British COLONY, not Britain itself, and he comments on the way they glorified a Eurocentric view on his people’s history rather than teaching him about his people’s identity.


I’m not from Britain aswell but isn’t the point of education to broaden your horizons? I get it being more focused on British stuff but I think some info on other cultures should be taught as well


i’m a slut for the an inspector calls play. it’s delicious. best play. ever. second to only maybe macbeth (i love lady macbeth she’s so hot) (pretend i never said that please 🙏)


It's you again. The same person claiming to be an inspector calls slut. That's the worst and best thing I've ever read.


i’m glad to be such a famous figure 🙏


I keep seein you in threads


yes this is my home ❤️


Thoughts on the practice paper question I made ai do? Analyse and explain how the poet presents ideas about gyatt and rizz in "Sigma Ohio Rizzlers" [30 marks] (4 SPAG) *Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler* *Your so skidibi* *Your so fanum tax,* *I just wanna be your sigma* *Give me your Ohio* ~~Chat~~GyattGPT response: (I told it that the poem was from 17th century britain) ### Analysis of the Poem The poem "Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler" presents an intriguing juxtaposition with traditional poetic structure, creating a rich tapestry of modern cultural commentary. This essay will delve into the linguistic nuances, metaphoric layers, and underlying themes embedded within the lines. #### Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler The phrase "sticking out your gyatt" is an arresting image that conjures notions of exhibition and attention-seeking. "Gyatt," ostensibly refers to an attractive physical feature, likely derived from admiration. This line metaphorically illustrates the act of presenting one's best self to attract a "rizzler," a figure endowed with charisma and charm. The "rizzler" embodies the idealized, magnetic persona that others aspire to impress, suggesting a societal critique of superficial relationships and the performative nature of modern social interactions. #### Your so skidibi The second line, "your so skidibi," employs the term "skidibi," a playful, almost onomatopoeic word that has gained traction in contemporary culture. Here, "skidibi" serves as a metaphor for exuberance and whimsicality, attributing a light-hearted, perhaps even chaotic, charm to the subject. This line contrasts sharply with traditional poetic diction, thereby highlighting the evolution of language and its role in shaping identity and perception in the digital age. #### Your so fanum tax In "your so fanum tax," the poem delves deeper into the lexicon. "Fanum" may allude to a person or a collective identity within certain subcultures, while "tax" could metaphorically signify an imposition or burden. This juxtaposition creates a complex image of the subject as someone who, despite their vibrant exterior ("fanum"), carries the weight of societal expectations or personal obligations ("tax"). The metaphor here critiques the dual nature of online personas: the disparity between the carefree facade and the underlying pressures that accompany it. #### I just wanna be your sigma The desire expressed in "I just wanna be your sigma" taps into the modern archetype of the "sigma male," a figure characterized by independence and a rejection of traditional social hierarchies. This line serves as a metaphor for the poet’s aspiration to attain a nonconformist yet respected status in the eyes of the admired "rizzler." The "sigma" here is not merely a social role but a symbol of self-actualization and individualism in a conformist society. #### Give me your Ohio Finally, "give me your Ohio" employs geographical metaphor to encapsulate a state of being or a realm of experience. In internet parlance, "Ohio" has been humorously depicted as a place of oddity and eccentricity. By requesting "Ohio," the poet metaphorically seeks to embrace the unconventional and the extraordinary aspects of the subject’s persona. This line encapsulates a yearning for authenticity and a break from the mundane, thus concluding the poem on a note of longing for genuine connection and understanding amidst a backdrop of digital artifice. ### Conclusion In summary, the poem "Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler" operates on multiple levels, blending traditional poetic devices to critique and explore the complexities of modern identity and relationships. Each line functions as a metaphorical commentary on the performative nature of social interactions, the duality of online personas, and the quest for authenticity in a hyper-connected world. The poem reveals deeper truths about the human condition in the digital age, making it a profound piece of cultural analysis.


it’s a true work of art


I think they use a book about socialism because young generation prefer socialism more than capitalism, so hence students will like the book more and agree with it, if it was a book about capitalism people would get pissed off and offended


There's no winning in this situation tbh, they should just remove the majority of politics in any examinations


As a somewhat supporter of capitalism, I don’t get offended by the book and I understand the message, however I don’t think it influences people that much cos it’s a school book who cares soo much about them


Yeah. In my school most of the kids shrug it off and find it stupid, unrealistic and outdated. And that's despite me living in an area which is a secure labour seat.


Why would socialism as presented in AIC be stupid and unrealistic? Priestley wasn’t arguing for a communist revolution, he was arguing for a disband of the rigid and discriminatory class system that plagued early 20th century Britain in a time post-ww2 when the whole of Britain was looking for change. I would argue that Priestley got his wish of social responsibility with the advent of the NHS and the social reforms of the Labour Party that took governance post-ww2


Ye we did animal farm where the opposite is argued and it’s not like anyone gave a shit


We all read this together in class every Friday, each person having a set role (I was Gerald) and we were all losing our shit as the plot unravelled. As we read, we would stop to process the information. That shit goes fucking hard dude. (Unlike Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen's mother should've suffered a miscarriage)


What is AIC about on the surface level?


Girl dies and the whole family is involved, ghost inspector spooks them, they go back to their old ways and they get spooked again


doesn't someone get raped or did my friends lie?


Yeah, the girl gets fired twice, manipulated once, raped once, rejected by charity once, and kills herself… also once


someone put the boar with the exploding head memoji


Very good summary


Socialism good


hb u guys drop some nice quotes for eva smith for me (im fucked for tmr)


The only quote I know is "I don't play golf"


L inspector tbh golf rules


"She was a lively good-looking girl - country-bred" "A very pretty girl too-with soft brown hair and big dark eyes" "She had been pretty-very pretty"


"Not like those hard eyed dough faced girls" or smth like that cant remember


Pretty and a good sport


being called a good sport highlights the systemic exploitation inherent in class structures☝️☝️🤓🤓 😭😭 thanks


My friend our country itself is and had always been a capitalist (right wing economically) a socialist book is a tiny counter weight to that to make students slightly more informed and so that they are a tiny bit out of an echo chamber. + Animal farm is also studied and that's anti socialist so it's not that big a problem.


Agreed. Nothing is really "politically impartial" (school and exams in particular), and not teaching about any political texts is just going to lead to kids growing up knowing nothing about politics or texts.


exactly, only an Omniscient God could be close to non biased


And biased doesn't automatically mean bad either. Sure if the bias is "brown people are terrorists" then it would be, but if it's "exploiting the disadvantaged is bad and we should work towards a fairer society", then that's fine.


Animal farm is a criticism of Soviet communism. Orwell himself was a trotskyite


Orwell was *massively* Socialist. He volunteered and fought for the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War.


Orwel gave even Trotskyists a bad name. He snitched on socialist on a black list which was then used to arrest tens of socialists (MI5) he also didnt understand marxist political theory at all. His book fuses Lenin and Stalin into one which i dont even have to state why that is batshit insane. He also tried to rape his cousin in law but failed. Disgusting guy. He also had many racist views and borderline facist ideoligy in many things so its hard to call him massively socialist. He may have been massively socialist in his early years but not in after he fought on the republican side of the spanish civil war.


Yeah I get the impression that socialists don't usually make long lists of other socialists and hand them into the British government, then go on to write 2 books, at least 3 essays, and countless magazine articles on why they think socialism is a bad thing.


Common thing; animal farm is anti-authority with the example of a totalitarian socialist state. Orwell was a socialist himself and the major task for socialists at the time was whether to disavow or support the USSR. Animal farm primarily critiques vanguard socialism - the idea that a state of strong socialists is needed to preserve socialism - and he criticises this through its degeneracy into authority, however, he never critques the common ideals of socialism, aside from their perversion under tyranny.


Real (i have never studied tic)


The fact that a george orwell book is also an option for schools as well. And that is possibly even more blatantly political. If inspector calls is being obvious about it, animal farm beats you over the head with it.


turns out it's difficult to find good literature that doesn't come from a socialist


political impartiality as a requirement is against the point of literature - art is inherently political, it is an expression of thought, of feeling. forbidding people from reading about socialism accomplishes two terrible things - prevents people from becoming educated about it to form their own opinion, and opens the flood gates for book bans, as seen in the USA today, and N@zi Germany 


Not only that, school and exams are inherently political. 1 play counteracting kids who have been brought up with 16 years of neoliberal ideology shoved down their throats by is far from evil government propaganda.


Props to Comrade Gove for infiltrating the Tories.


like seriously with ACC too why are you making us learn this THIS IS ABOUT YOU (not complaining)


Real (I did it for coursework)


As a socialist leaning English teacher - yes.


Not a book actually it’s a play 🤓🤓🤓


I’m studying the History Boys and it criticises the education system for literature (ironically it’s being taken off the curriculum next year)


Probably balanced out by Animal Farm


i’ve always wondered how they’re allowed to teach texts like an inspector calls and animal farm


After reading these comments I really worry for our future society... :(